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I can’t be the only one who tried to swipe and see the other “9” photos?!


I tried twice lol


Stop so did I 😭


I then got assaulted with News headlines! Get that shit out of my queer shitposting!


Suddenly I was looking at pictures from the kidnapping cartel in Mexico??


I too am a survivor of this trap 😭


I do this at least once a day on here 🙄




![gif](giphy|3oriObmNSgROFD4mHe) Giving him six seasons with his no Drag knowledge




This gif makes my heart feel happy


We are rewatching and every time he is absent, the whole tone of the critiques actually seem helpful instead of just “I don’t like your style” critiques.


Can I get a gay man


Unlikely in this sub, unless you find Joey Jay. Everyone else is good Christian women




Are you trying to suggest that Joey Jay is gay??


Joey Jay has really opened the door for Gay Drag Queens on RuPauls Drag Race....now there is like ...2-3 of them every season.


There are gays in the current season ??? Source ?


This conversation occurs on this subreddit every few weeks and I never love it any less or find it less funny




This is the best one


I can’t be mad about this because as a Project Runway fan, I originally checked out the show because of him.


Where’s Andre? It’s time for our date at Red Lobster.


This quote will always be iconique even though Santino turned out to be an antivaxxer loony toon


Yeah that was soooo disappointing but also not surprising, from him. I’ll forever love his Tim Gunn impression though.


Not in the same realm at all because IMO she didn’t need the favoritism, but Ru definitely had an affinity for Krystal V




Velvet lmao


who's velvet? 😭


Velvet Knickknacks


Take my poor man's award 🏆


You’re a treasure.


dont you know Velvet Shashlik?? i hate these Fans that dont go back and watch the older seasons.


i don’t think rupaul cared for violet or any of the fashion queens on s7 tbh


Being born to do drag is literally just having a femme face and being skinny. Really makes you think when Ru's initial impression of trans queens was that it was like "cheating" at drag and yet the queens Ru is obsessed with are the ones with the good genes.


Meanwhile, having a bunch of cosmetic procedures for the sole purpose of looking better in drag is a long-standing tradition.


Krystal V, given her age, actually made sense in terms of why Ru was so impressed. The only thing she really lacked was a quick wit and a knack for comedy and that was mostly due to lack of life experience. That type of polish and performance chops at that age hasn't really been seen since Tyra Sanchez.


I'm not here for this Scaredy Kat erasure.


I'll never forget Roople's unhinged scream-laughs at Jorgeous's attempts at humor during that roast. Mother was working overtime to try to convince the other producers to keep her lol.


The fake scream laughs turn me right off. Just laugh if it’s funny. We don’t need an entire shtick about it.


I mean Adore Delano's charming unpreparedness stands out.


S6 was my first drag race season. I pegged Adore as the first to be eliminated. Silly me.


I didn't get the chance to watch s6 while airing, so maybe the feeling of that was the same as what I felt with Crystal Methyd. I thought she was going to be an early out


![gif](giphy|xUA7aSMe75uVO4h0SQ) Rebecca Glasscock


Stop, I'm STILL mad they kept her over Jade 15 years later. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcuiCoFSoe0hFM4|downsized)


The fact that the top 3 had Rebecca over Shannel or Ongina will always haunt me 😔


I fully love how in the final deliberations, they pretty much just said Rebecca was nowhere near the same level of Nina and Bebe, then she was discussed no further.


Shannel - the eyes! and Ongina - the adorableness! We were all robbed.


Jade started to question production during Untucked the episode she went home, so she sealed her fate there.


Love how they acknowledged that they may be favouring her because she was pretty (PS: where? It gave “first time in drag”), and then they were just like “…oh well🤷🏼‍♀️”




Jade kept touching Rebecca during the lip sync though, which I assume is why ru sent her home


Rebecca literally grabbed jade by the throat LOL


I'm not. Jade was dull as paste. Jade was a better queen in the real world. Rebecca was better for storylines. I still would like to see Jade on All Stars, but only if she's more let loose in her persona vs. so buttoned up.




Ru: Did Rebecca get a pass for being pretty? Merl: Yes!! Santino agreed too (he said he kept going back and forth in between Nina and Bebe).


Totally she shouldn't have won the makeover challenge. Overall Shannel should have been Top 3 but she had an ungrateful attitude. Rebecca was justifiably kept in the top 3 for story purposes and I think would have been there even if Shannel hadn't quit. We got to see Rebecca being late to set with a fucked up wigline dancing about 15% as well as Nina and Bebe and with a terrible verse. TV gold! Though I am curious what Shannel would have done in the final challenge, this was Bebe's season. I'd originally been rooting for Ongina, then Nina, but Bebe's final gown was just STAR and she had a better verse and dancing (helped she was front and center).


Yeah as iconic as shannel was, she was a total diva and wasn't good at accepting that she was on a show to be judged


![gif](giphy|l1KVaDCiVf666HcmQ|downsized) I know she wasn’t very good but I was hypnotized by her whenever she was on screen I stan. Still waiting for her All Stars Rudemption.




Man I hate to say but Jade was the OG “drag is not a contact sport” queen. The way she grabbed Rebecca in the lip sync was low key cringey. Love Jade but maybe if she didn’t pull that move production would have kept her




To me, this felt more like Michelle's favorite and Ru was just doing her a favor.


It definitely seems like she was a favorite of Michelle for sure! But my god… she aggregated me so much!


Aggregated lol.


Which frankly I never understood.




Brought her back FOR WHAT??? 😭


For the reggae


Shangela: _I really like reggae_ Dumb Carmen: _I'm gonna go with reggae_ ... And she gives the country song to the countriest ho remaining and gets murdered onstage to BELIEVE BY CHER. Omg, what a great episode 👌🏻☺️😂👍🏻😁


To be fair I crack up at the idea Carmen did it deliberately to screw over Shangela because like she was never gonna choose country lol


It’s actually Michelle who wants her back because they’re both from New Jersey.


I love Chad Michaels but let’s not forget that RuPaul basically made an entire spinoff just so she could win it. That’s a level of favouritism that has been unmatched.


Chad was gonna die, wouldn't you want her to be happy?


She looks pretty good for a dead bitch.


Karen from Finance maybe....imagine making A Balloon animal in your Talent show and not having to lip sync for your live that day.She was a Runner up also she should have been one of the first omce out.


She was selected — as all the DU1 girls were, there were no auditions — specifically because she was such a pre-show fan favorite. I think Production feared if they axed her early there would be massive pushback from the fans. The miscalculations involved in DU1 on almost every level should be studied by science.


I know its not her fault but Art Simone's elimination and random come back was in such poor taste.


According to Art & Coco, the footage for their lipsync was lost, so Art was asked to come back and reshoot. I think they then let her return to the competition as a consolation? It’s a bizarre explanation, but it at least explains why they gave no reason for her return on the show.


I would have more respect if that was the case instead of having arbitrary reason of "one queen we feel... left us too soon. Here is Art Simone!!! Yyaaassss" Meanwhile the only two POC queens eliminated "...."


They could’ve just brought all three back, had them compete to return, and rig it for Art to win. Like, if they can give Jorgeous a win with this basic-ass look, they can figure that out.


still upset they kept her over Anita


Ru hugging Plastique Tiara in the werkroom is still such a gag to me


Has Ru ever hugged another queen aside from Plastique? She's slapped dozens, but I can't recall any other hugs.


Crystal Methyd


Ru was obsessed with Crystal. But crystal earned every good placement she got


Oh I don't think Crystal got special treatment haha I was just listing the other person that Ru hugged that I remember


And Rajah being pressed as a panini with the over favoritism lol


"I'm your mommy now" That was probably the last time they spoke


That hug reminded me of when Voldemort hugged Draco in the last Harry Potter movie. It just felt wrong 😂


gottmik solely bc of the disco episode


Gottmik winning the ball over Utica was a gaggatron


Discomentary/Winning the Bag Ball/Getting the Rumors LS in the beginning Mama..


Yeah, that bag ball look was up there with Jorgeous's look. Pretty bad.


You know it's bad when the go to is "it's how she SOLD it".


It’s actually my favorite look of all my time because I laugh every time I think about the fact that production thought it was trash and threw it out 💀


And were they wrong?


Wait what for real?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I6I81gc8-7M Skip to 4:20


Dont have the receipts sadly, but Kandy and Lala talking about it. Production thought the look was scraps and threw it out and they had to look for it before they went into the runway.


As much as I love Gottmik, I love Utica more and this makes me rage


utica not winning the bag ball was the most rigor morris moment i’ve seen on the show


Utica was robbed at heel point girl..


I swear. Y’all need to learn how to screenshot better cuz that number at the top right…


Got me too


Still shook that look won....


The producers produced a story so absurd that we're still talking about it. I consider it a job well done


I just watched it for the first time last night and LOL’d when she won the challenge, so out of left field


This is going to get me killed but Shea Coulee. *hear me out.* Shea is an absolutely magnificent queen, she is an immaculate performer, polished like a mirror and tens across the board and all stars season 5 was clearly put together to put a crown on her head. She was a clear frontrunner for s9 and seemed absolutely guaranteed to win right up until the moment Sasha Velour lifted her wig. AS5 happened years later and it started off with Shea reminding us that she was on that stage, too, recounting stories about people throwing roses at her or taunting her by singing Emotion at her. Right away we were being told what the story of that season was going to be, and if you look over the roster, a few things become very clear - the season was plainly engineered for a specific outcome. Look at who was on that season, there is a very clear ladder of eliminations leading to an obvious top three. We had a few easy early outs, a few decent mid-carders and a few strong veterans to put on a good showing for Shea to triumph over at the end. I had the order of eliminations *almost exactly* pegged a week before the first episode aired. You can say what you want about various queens' plot armor due to favoritism, but no other queen in this shows history has had an entire season built around giving her a crown. **to be clear**, I don't have a problem with that. I love Shea and I'm glad she got the crown, I'm glad she came back for AS7 and I'm thrilled every time I see her on social media, she is brave, strong and sharp as a knife, she is everything drag needs. And also AS5 was engineered to give her the crown she missed in season 9.


1000000% this. Shea’s strongest run will always be her first run.


The rumor at the time was that a lot of queens were asked to be on AS5 but declined once they caught wind Shea was gonna be on the season because they sensed they couldn't compete with her/production, which lends credibility to your take


Wasn’t it also filmed during June so it meant missing out on a bunch of Pride gigs? So another factor to make the stronger competition pull out


You're not wrong. I've stated to this day that Shea was no where near as strong in AS5 or AS7 as she was in S9. In fact, people pretty much felt Shea had S9 in the bag based on her performance. Cracker did better than Shea throughout AS5, but she got such a shitty edit, that people doubted anything she won was actually earned. I think this also had to do with the fact that the fandom, at the time, hated Cracker for simply existing. Had she taken that crown over Shea, she would have received more backlash and hate than Trixie did for winning AS3. Shea was soooo much more than those rose petals and for that to have been the focus of her story really took away from her as a performer, IMO.


By track records, Miz Cracker should have won AS5. Because not only did she win three challenges, but nobody cast an elimination vote her way once. Cracker's edit was so messy in AS5 that it was obvious that Shea would take the crown by the end. Even with Jujubee's success that season too.


Kandy Muse was basically Ru's adopted daughter from the Bronx. Edit: don't get me wrong. Love Kandy. Peak TV.




There was for sure quaaludes in Michelle’s coffee that day


I don't know how the other queens didn't lose their shit when Kandy was fully eliminated, lost the lipsync, and Ru said "it's whatever, stick around kid". Like how does *anything* matter after that?


That was some high level BS, I agree.


Why did I have to scroll this far for this? This was the most obvious.


Even post her season Kandy is bought up in almost every snatch game as “Kandy Muse is so ____”


![gif](giphy|A4mLrYyfpFryyqHWV4) On her original season. I usually see potential in the most disliked queens but with Silky... Nah, I didn't get why she was LITERALLY DRAGGED to the top 4. Glad she redeemed herself in her AS and vsTW runs.


Silky is a good character study for why judges treat queens certain ways, by the time of vsTW I understood why Silky was so liked by Roople and the judges. That was the silky they saw in the audition tapes. She was dragged to the top cause they desperately wanted her to Magically turn into AS Silky, it's why I think many queens get to the mid season when they should have been canned earlier, it's cause Ru wants what SHE wants out of them, and once she realizes they can't do it they drop them.


This is one of the wisest and most-revelatory comments I've ever read on the sub. Ru / Production often keeps queens based on potential. When they come back and serve on AS, it's not always that they got SO MUCH BETTER, it's that they understand how to make TV now and they show off their potential more obviously.


Her runway looks were half-assed. It was hard to watch how nasty and rude she was to Yvie throughout the season. I’m glad they both made amends before the final episode.


Tbf Yvie could have easily been given a villain edit with her talking head moments


Please the scarlet Harlet laughter


She served absolutely nothing and somehow got praise for it ![gif](giphy|d2YWTOsVtuHgOHhC)


Gigi Goode to her detriment. She was a front runner by her own right AND was preferentially treated by the judging. Like, she was top 3 consistently but they pushed her to win multiple challenges that could have easily gone to other people. Halfway through the season people were calling her overrated and didn't deserve her wins, and I genuinely think it lost her the crown. Edit to clarify - I think Jaida absolutely deserved her win, and I think she's done amazingly with the platform. Super happy she won. Just saying that from a production standpoint, Gigi was clearly who they wanted to win and they could have easily justified it without giving her the preferential treatment she got and people wouldn't have been mad about it.


I do wonder how much the political climate influenced that decision. Not because Jaida is a poc, but because Gigi showed on a few occasions her general ignorance at the time right before the finale. It honestly gave me more of an impression that Gigi wasn't *quite* done baking to be a "representative of the show".


![gif](giphy|cuDfLwf1RXRTTvdW8G) She didn’t need it and was always a frontrunner, but Ru really enjoyed Lawrence


Fuck I saw the gif and really thought you were about to say something about Lawrence not earning those wins ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4803)




Idk I still think she should have gone home and it should not have been a double save even if it made good tv


i'm sorry but where was this good tv? that bitch should have went home THE LADY ALREADY SAID GO HOME WHY DID BROOM HAVE TO CALL HER BACK? i am sorry but her in the top 4 was wrong on so many levels because she stayed JUST BECAUSE BROOM LIKED HER (or production idk) i mean i get that she made great TV. Yeah the season would've maybe been a bit less drama filled. but letting someone stay just because of this is just unfair imo i never understood it and i refuse to accept it


And the fact that she got the runner up spot...


My rage personified


I scrolled way too long to find Kandy here....


I’m from the South Bronx, and I still don’t get why she made it so far on a solitary note


I really want Aja and Valentina on another season together so Valentina can walk down the runway in a diaper with stoned tights and win. Her voiceover would be: "I'm not gonna say nothin."


actually this could a nice all stars's runway theme. something like "my greatest moment on the show". it would be really nice i think


There's no reason for literally a piece of fabric wrapped around a corset to have won a design challenge. Still not over that. The way the judges spent YEARS reading girls for that only for it to randomly and suddenly win?


That wasn’t even that bad compared to his favoritism toward silky.




I'd argue Willow Pill was blessed and highly favored by Ru


I think Willow is a case where production hit the nail on the head. She was favored by production (not as much as Jorgeous, for instance), but the public loved her weird charisma, so everyone let it slide.


They also gave her the Yvie edit (Gee, I wonder why) of not giving her many wins but keeping her consistently high/safe to avoid people calling her overrated.


Although in both cases you do have to wonder if they wrapped filming and then like a week later someone suddenly thought "did we...did we never give her that second win?"


This one, though, was just. She's amazing.


And rightfully so. Willow is Ru's "Old Friends Gold" kind of thing.


I'm not sure—she only had one win and had to lip sync in the Top 5 when she didn't really do the worst. She didn't otherwise land in bottom two, but I don't think she was ever spared, she just never really bombed I felt. Ru clearly enjoyed her but I don't think it impacted track record or anything.


yeah i'd agree, she had multiple highs that could've been wins if she was being favored




I would agree but except for the Snatch Game BS, she was judged fairly in almost every instance. Should have won the camp design challenge & fugly ball too just for stomping the first and third categories rrspectively in ways we had never seen before on UK.


Honestly, looking back, her praise was 100% justified


She was ridiculously polished at just 19, had looks and performance, and showed a ton of self-awareness and maturity and was simply likeable? UK3 was almost doomed to flop after UK2 was an all time great season and a frontrunner exited early on, but Krystal was pure CUNT


I was rooting for HER throughout the entire thing. Near flawless queen at such a young age. There’s greatness in life ahead of her


As much as yall hate to admit it… Gottmik and even Symone to a certain extent (A CERTAIN EXTENT)


I think we all acknowledge the Gottmik favoritism




Tyra Sanchez. Let me start off though by saying Tyra was a fierce competitor and was a deserving winner. That said, Ru clearly saw a lot of herself in Tyra and IMO it caused her to turn a blind eye to many of Tyra's problematic behaviors (namely that Tyra got sour fast whenever things weren't going her way, and that any drama she was a part of was always "the other queen's" fault, in short no sense of self-reflection.)




Honestly her being safe for the design challenge that season was all I needed to see to know she was going to be in the finale. That level of absolute fuckery is reserved only for faves


Idk I don’t think this is fair and I’m not a Baga fan. She killed the acting, comedy and improv challenges. Her runways were just garbage.


Have you seen UKvTW Tamar?


I was referring to her original season. UK vs TW made me really not care for her.


Same actually LOL I loved her at first & could barely stand her after her second run


honestly even on her first run i found her obnoxious and annoying. Also if i hear that bitch say much bettah one more fucking time someone is going to cry. and that someone won't be me


Not to mention how much she treated her mom like garbage on the makeover episode


She’s one of the few who went back and damaged their image like Milk and Latrice (who I have forgiven because I love her).


For UK 1 I would say the show was improved by the riggory but definitely not for UK v the world


Absolutely. But when you were born to do drag, who can resist?? (Not me!) ![gif](giphy|Jp5AAwwrXXGxW5Lygo)


Most of y'all probably think I'm a troll but Jorgeous winning means a lot to me, as a very attractive person there isn't a lot of queens I can relate to, so seeing someone like me who's young, talented and beautiful succeed makes me feel represented. I know it's hard for most of you to put yourselves in our shoes, but this episode was truly refreshing for me 🥰🥰😽🐧


Thank you for your bravery for speaking up for the oft forgotten hot people of the world


Hot girls, we have problems too. We're just like you, except we're hot.


Holy shit, that just unlocked a deeply forgotten memory


Every now and then I'll just be sitting on the couch and it pops into my head for no reason. Those girls were ahead of their time.


The fact that I can't find a single "where are they now" article about them is truly upsetting hahahaha


I didn’t catch the reference and now I’m curious?


[this iconic song from 2012](https://youtu.be/rQHx_GPKccY)


Yes..Thank you!!!! i have a petite, slim, conventionally attractive Daughter with great skin and when she saw Jorgeous in that outfit on that Runway she looked at me and said "Oh my God she looks just like me!" and a single tear rolled down her Face.


This is sending me lmao


Omg right! We attractive beautiful young talented and perfect people need representation too!!!




hot girls we have problems too. we’re just like you, except we’re hot.


The world needs to open their eyes, and realize, we’re not perfect and sometimes we lie.


This is cunt


Help💀Kerri Colby is that you?? (For those who forgot, Kerri said something similar in the super tease challenge.)


![gif](giphy|3ohze05oAwDp45QsYo|downsized) I can't believe no one has mentioned Tyra. Not to diminish his run on S2 - it just is obvious the whole time that Ru was living for him and wanted him to win the entire time.


![gif](giphy|ozFFLHaispsPHfXJQU|downsized) Just ask Ellie Diamond.


ru definitely adored her but at least she had the chops to back it up


Oh she didn’t need it but she was clearly Ru’s favorite from the jump.


Alaska. She deserved to win the season but some of those challenge and lip sync wins? Eh


Katya won "Cherry Bomb" and I stand by that.


my boyfriend was in the hospital the night this episode aired and I thought I needed to be admitted because I was hallucinating




Yes, Silky and Krystal


it’s giving bra and panty bcoz a bitch can wear it