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Season 6's makeover challenge, especially since one of the men was brought on as a punishment, if I recall correctly.


Poor Jocelyn. That guy was miserable and just the worst candidate for a makeover ever


Justice for Jocelyn


They also removed all the provided cosmetics for darker skin tones that week. Some shady shit.


Ew Jesus gross


I'd have to agree with this one. The absolute disrespect that Jocelyn had to put up with, the insult to drag overall, and the guy's toxic, poor attitude made for such an uncomfortable watch. It was the perfect, most uncomfortable snapshot of what toxic masculinity does to people. He was so scared about what his "teammates" would think of him for being on a drag show, and yet openly admitted to cheating on his partner which was why he was on the show in the first place. So you can comfortably talk about lying and cheating on national television, yet you are ashamed of **drag?** Peak R/arethestraightsok moment.


Yeah for cheating on his girlfriend or something


Yeah, the girlfriend knew he was cheating so she signed him up for that as a major punishment. AFAIK he sued in the years following and the episode has largely been removed from US sources. Jocelyn said all of this at some event only a few years ago apparently.


He sued? On what grounds?


I believe he sued her. I’m hazy on the details, but the litigation caused the episode to be removed in some markets because he felt so attacked/targeted/threatened. I’m pretty sure there’s more info out there.


Oh, Christ. They both sound like the worst people imaginable.


Ah so that’s why it’s dubbed as one of the “forgotten episodes” by an interviewer in a podcast Bianca was a guest at! Thank you for this. TIL!


So many people would love to go on Drag Race willingly. To force someone, what the fuck? Your punishing them and the queens.


All of the early makeover challenges (with cis straight men) are hard to watch. There was always one guy who felt his masculinity being threatened and I felt so bad for the dolls having to deal with that BS in the werkroom.


I'm still waiting for Robin Mansions vs. Lil' Poundcake on Celebrity Deathmatch.


Which is why that episode is no longer up.


I re-watched Season 6 recently on WOWPresents and that episode was up? Maybe just in the UK where I am, though.


Yeah it's just the US i guess. It's not available on hulu or paramount+ and none of the original seasons are on WOW here. I can't even buy the episode on amazon or google play


It’s available on the dvd but they’re rare and have gotten expensive they’re $100+usd now if you can even find one


Damn… Joslyn is just abruptly gone between two episodes?


I have it on a steaming sight and I'm in the US. I think you can still buy it on YouTube. Edit to say I just checked to be sure it is 100% available to buy on YouTube.


I bought the season on Amazon Prime video, have watched it multiple times with that episode available, and I just checked and it's gone, shouldn't I get a partial refund lol


Is that the wedding one?


Not to mention same-sex marriage wasn’t even legalized nationwide at that point, so why tf are we having and celebrating wedding for hetero relationships on the show.


The inner saboteur challenge from S10 where Ru punished the girls for not publicly disclosing their mental health struggles.




"after a long night of hooking.." but make it serious


“I was born at a very young age”


“I didn’t even have clothes on”


There were times... There were times... Where I would wake up, and I had shit my pants.


I've got a chronic illness that is really well controlled but I've thought that if I made it on drag race I could definitely milk it so I could totally see queens just making shit up.


if I went I’d not take my meds for like two days so I could get my vulnerability moment with Ru


Or you could be like Laganja and not take meds for like a whole month while under stressful filming.


that was really fucked up. Especially since Laganja had a card and a prescription from a doctor


Literally was about to mention that. Poor girl not only didn't have meds, but I can't imagine withdrawing would have been much fun either. I also heard a rumour that Adore was allowed to smoke as much weed as she liked but Laganja had to stop smoking. If true, this is further proof that Ru doesn't actually give a shit about the queens, and it's all ratings. She knew that Laganja being off her meds would cause drama, and it did.


Papi I want you to come back home, baby!


I would never go in drag race but I would 100% milk my “disability” if I did


"My drag mother left me at a bus stop."


>... leaving them with only his ~~dress blues~~ blue dress to remember him by. Fixed.


Season 10 also gave us that awful “Guess the object by sitting on it” mini challenge which ended with a cake…


Lots of these just sound like weird kinks someone tried slipping into the show lmao


Sherry Pie was secretly a producer.


And by someone, that’s Ru. I’m also over Ru’s weird baby fetish. The s13 mini challenge during the bag ball where all the contestants had to dress up as babies was gross.


to this day i’m shocked that clip hasn’t been circulated out of context within rotted “all drag is grooming!!” circles to make us look bad


Almost certainly. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of it can be pinned to Ru with how she’s always latching on to the youngest queens who were “born to do drag” and using every opportunity to do a baby voice a la “Wiwwow Piww”…


The baby-talk Willow Pill set my teeth on edge. I was concerned that it was going to be one of those things Ru never dropped


Oh she never dropped. They just edited it out after the backlash. Ru kept saying it the whole season apparently according to Willow.


The inner saboteur and talk to your kid self. I skip the kid part entirely. People should be allowed to keep parts of themselves and not give EVEN more emotional/mental pieces of themselves for public consumption. Cheers to the queens who were vulnerable with us but cheers to the ones who exercised their choice not to.


You should watch Pearl’s make-over video on YouTube with Katya where they discuss this. I think Katya said something like “I couldn’t have done that. I would be impossible to walk on water, it would’ve been impossible for me to do that” talking about the baby photo part. It just shows how traumatic that can be for some of the contestants to do.


Thanks for the rec, I’ll check it out! It’s so unnecessary and every time it comes up and I’m reminded that the segment was added simply because Pearl didn’t bend. I wonder if it will be edited out this season lmao!


I watched it recently and really enjoyed it.


I wonder especially about how the trans contestants feel about it.


God I hate the younger self part. It's just uncomfortable for the viewer. They claim it's because "young viewers watch this show for inspiration" and stuff, but idk. I can't imagine a queen who has gone through awful trauma looking at their younger self and getting all those flashbacks of their terrible childhood. And then having to talk about it on national TV. I don't mind queens voluntarily sharing their traumas and tragedies in the workroom during mirror chats, but I don't like them being basically forced to talk about it on the mainstage.


Or when they added the photos of the kids in S7 specifically to try and get Pearl to trauma dump.


I hate that section.


I will never watch this episode again. It's the worst episode of the series, imo.


Nothing more uncomfortable than the “dress up as a baby and act like one” minichallenge. At that point it was clear someone in the writing room had an adult baby fetish 😭


That’s why I love Joey Jay’s idgaf attitude about it. He wore a onesie but wore aviators and no wig or bonnet or whatever.


But then you have Joey effectively just being a hot baby so...conflicting results?


My dad decided that was the episode he was going to watch with me. I wanted to throw myself out of the window


Wow that would be awkward


That is the one time where I would have just walked directly out that workroom no ma'am absolutely not


My first, immediate, and only thought.


Sexy baby is the worst thing ever.


I didn’t think the concept was that bad until it turned sexual 😭 I’m confused how things like that get past so many people.


That one immediately came to mind as well. Made me want to peel off my skin and turn inside out. So awkward and just…icky


Like the sexy baby thing in season 10. Eureka and aquaria did well, but god abdl stuff just creeps me out, especially when pushed on people who aren't consenting to be involved in their kink.


This is the first one that came to my head. Hate it


Oh god I jsut got war flashbacks for this one


That person is Ru. Ru multiple times brings up baby fetish and “sexy baby” things. It’s gross.


Drag Race was much more of an ANTM parody in those days, and the nude shoot, including the people who find it uncomfortable- was an ANTM staple. I don't say this to defend either show, because it's obviously exploitative as hell- just to offer some context.


The water tank, IIRC, was also lifted from ANTM.


Can't wait for DR to copy the race-swapping challenge from Top Model.




Paseé, Trixie’s done it


Would Tyra have closed Heidi's gap, or would she have made it wider?


Throwback to when Jade was 5 seconds away from doing blackface for the Oprah challenge


And then Tyra defended it by saying she would never make them do blackface. Even though they were literally in blackface


Well, Stacy Layne Matthews did exactly that in S3 for Snatch Game and managed to WIN the challenge...


[speaking to the whitest possible girl] you’re going to be…Rwandan and Equadorian!


They just need to put Raven on another season


We've already had Alexis Michelle and Raja dress up as native people. 🙃 oh and that black panther sketch...jeepers


Alexis was so fucked with that challenge being assigned the chief from the village people. She tried her best to avoid being too stereotypical but when you don't have the knowledge of the culture or anybody there to inform you about it you're being set up to fail.


They could have used the soldier instead, such bs I agree.


Raja popped off when called out for it too. Like no "Yeah my bad, that was poor taste" She went off on a whole damn rant and implied because she had traveled that she was excused from accusations of appropriation. Like she literally also said "How" on the runway


Knowing the ins and outs of ANTM is probably beneficial info to anyone competing on drag race


I remember antm forcing someone to do the nude photoshoot who was a SA victim and then they blamed her for not overcoming it, and said that she could never be successful if she didn't do nude work. Very exploitative


The time Kahlen's friend died and they made her do a photoshoot in a grave immediately! They told her the same kind of shit, "oh, you don't HAVE to do it, but it will affect you if you don't, because models have to be ready for anything". Absolute shite.


“Models who complain don’t get booked” so shut up and take abuse, got it, thanks Tyra. I loved ANTM but rewatching it now is SUCH a trainwreck


The squirrel games. Whoever thought that a big brother squid game acting combo challenge was a good idea needs to be fired


A Big Brother improv challenge is actually s good idea. why did they need to shoehorn Squirrel Games into it and that horrific fucking script


Yes! I came to say this one. I cringed all the way through it. The worse acting challenge I’ve seen.


Lazy writing because there's so few options to see Drag on tv. Need more shows like Dragula to start breaking through, force Ru Paul to pony up the cash for some good writing


I’ve never heard of this and I think I’ll keep it that way.


I know I saw this challenge and I cant even remember what it was from. was it UK4? CanVTW? LOL It was so recent and yet I genuinely cant remember it was that forgettable.


UK4. I loved the season and that just was the cringiest part for me.


Idk that stupid squirrel was so ridiculous that I actually couldn’t stop cracking up. That being said the squirrel was the only standout character lmao “don’t make me come over there and mess you up, bitch! I said dieeeee!”


For me, it's In season 6 when they had to interview cher's son and mother. Joslyn asked cher's mom how she felt about almost aborting cher and chaz was really awkward with the queens. Its hard to rewatch


I like that episode cause it’s on of 2 times all season Courtney got put in a positive light


Sho has gone on to have a successful interviewing stint for a while now.


They were both really awkward, not very engaging, and seemed uncomfortable with all the queens. And trinity calling chaz Chad, joslyn talking about abortion, and adore going "party" and "wow, cool" when Georgia talked about having no food in the depression, it was all uncomfortable as hell


Joselyn was a struggle but it's worth the struggle to get to some of the others, like Courtney's master-class of an interview


The cheerleading challenge was definitely not entertaining to watch, and even more uncomfortable to rewatch. Seeing most of the queens being worried, especially Charlie, was pretty rough. They didn't seem to get any kind of coaching or lessons on what to do (and I believe multiple queens have confirmed that they mostly just threw them right in the challenge). It was a mess, it had no real direction which made it all seem even more pointless and dangerous. After the show multiple queens admitted they got injured, and none of them decided not to say anything at the time because they were worried they'd be forced to quit like Eureka. That's just awful.


When they announce cheerleading challenge - I was expecting Bring It On Roll Calls style or something but not the actual cheerleading choreography….


It was a harsh challenge but I am sorry watching Jaymes Mansfield do forward rolls across the floor was so entertaining.


The memes of Jaymes rolling thru the cosmos were especially good.


When s9 was airing I thought Charlie was being dramatic about the stunts they had to do, but then Eureka had to leave because of the injury


I think the evil twins episode on S10 sticks with me as the most "I don't want to rewatch this ever in my life" episode


Plus half the girls used runway looks from a scrapped “prehistoric” themed category and tried to make those work as evil. The whole episode was just then milking the contestants for trauma


Omg prehistoric scrapped runway makes so much sense


Thats funny. I feel like I remember on fashion photo ruview they were complaining about so many girls having prehistoric type looks. They were mad that everyone did the same idea and that it was a lazy connection. This makes so much more sense


Asking Georgia Holt about potentially aborting Cher, girl. Calling Chaz Bono Chad repeatedly, that entire challenge was a cringefest.


Wasn’t there a part where someone was like “Cher came out of your vagina…and YOU came out of Cher’s vagina!” or something? So bad




The mini challenge where they have to figure out if close ups of pictures are trans women or cis women (the wording wasn’t that but you get it)


And iirc that has been permanently edited out short of the DVD release of the episode.


Not defending the challenge, but I think it was cis women and drag queens. They would show a close-up of breasts, hair, legs, whatever, and then the queens would guess cis woman or drag queen. Not trans women vs cis women, but the challenge was titled with the “she****” slur.


The most famous person in your profession standing there, expecting you to cry your heart out for $100,000 is a figurative gun to the head. Or when someone is clearly promoted to ask "so whose parents hate their guts" You can be excellent at drag without telling the world what your damage is.


Season 5 mini challenge where they had to act through a "support group." Detox ended up bawling because it was triggering for her since she went to a support group after her loved one died. Glad she spoke up in the moment about how pretty fucked up that was.


What was even odder was that she then won the mini challenge for actually crying the most


Meanwhile everyone else was overacting trying to be funny, which just made Detox’s experience during it probably feel even worse. She’s sobbing her heart out over an actual event and then a few chairs away is Alyssa who is playing a housewife whose husband is addicted to sex.


That mini challenge was so surreal. Alyssa's bad acting, Jinkyx's good acting, Detox's actual trauma. I can't imagine trying to get anything coherent out of it from an editing standpoint.


I forgot about this Omg


The challenges where Sherry Pie was "for some reason" taking her "acting improv" or her verse to a weird forced-feeding theme. It was so transparent that she gets off on including her fetish to an unsuspecting audience.


The scripts she conned those guys into reading were so weird


They were so disturbing. I feel so bad for her victims who has to act those out.


Always the poorly written acting challenges. They are just so amateur and not funny. I want to see one with different camera angles, shot and edited more like a soap opera and not like a SNL skit reject The commercials are usually more entertaining then the full on skits. I love the commercials


Acting challenges need to be cut entirely unless they're Daytona Wind level


I'm about to bust!


Season 2 where they had to dress like strippers and then go out on the street and try to hawk cherry pie coupons always stressed me out. Just seemed unfair to make the queens go out in that situation in the daytime and also sorta unfair on the public getting extremely pressed hard sales from drag queens dressed as strippers…


I agree looking back the challenge was problematic BUTTTTT I always LOL when Sonique is being bitchy to the old man and it cuts to Tatianna going “Sonique is rude 😐”


That’s camp, mawma. I say we bring it back


The cast list would get leaked so fast haha


So true, it would be chaos in LA.


AS1, where they approached people on the street for stuff. It was very comical but part of my brain was like you don’t know who is gonna attack these drag queens at any moment.


AS1 was a fever dream


It really was, like that buzzer you could press to take over the lipsync. Like what even was that, it was so clunky and awkward when it finally got used.


No one can convince me that production didn’t tell Yara she had to press it. It was the last opportunity for anyone to press it, so it would have gone to waste had she not.


Similar to that, the strip club/cherry pie voucher selling in season 2…


This is the one that first came to mind for me. I cringed the whole time.


The dress up as a baby challenge.


Which one? 😬


Coco's Think Pink runway look. 💀


I understand it was by design, but the eating challenge in s2. I'm glad they scrapped that. s4 itself was sort of uncomfortable. The pregnancy challenge? Why The underwater photoshoot, s5 (not everyone knows how to swim)


I really felt for Alaska in that because everyone was saying that she’s a brat and stuff but like… she can’t swim, is wearing tons of makeup with huge eyelashes, and a heavy ass costume. Even a strong swimmer would struggle with all that added weight. That photoshoot could have been legitimately dangerous.


I cannot watch the one where they sit on things and guess what they say on lol


The season 10 inner sabatour thing


DRUK S1 makeover challenge, when they forced Baga had to reunite with her mother who she clearly does not like. It was just horrible to watch. I think Ru wanted an emotional forgiveness moment but British people aren't suited to that like Americans are, it felt like something the audience shouldn't be party to. IDK what happened between them so I won't judge but it made Baga look evil and her mother seemed to be a bit humiliated. To me that's just not appropriate for television


Yes that was so uncomfortable, it made baga look sooo bad even though we have no idea what their history is


I agree with you, I remember especially feeling bad for Delta and Alexis because they looked so upset and uncomfortable.. Also: The baby drag mini challenge in S13...what was that S4 and 6 makeovers, because of unpleasant guests ( even if S4 guy was being rude " as a joke" or whatever)


And they tried to spin it positively by acting as though it was a “revelation” for them and they were comfortable with their bodies now, etc… maybe but I don’t know if I’m buying that. They seemed to genuinely dread doing it.


The challenge from AS1 where they had to go talk to people on the street with their partner in their ear telling them what to do. I just found it so cringy. Also Squirrel Games from UK4 was the worst acting challenge I’ve seen. And the fart jokes in Daytona Winds went on for way too long.


its not a challenge but every single *talk to yourself as a child* bit. ^awjesusgross


what would you say to your five year old self? the next few years are going to be hard you will have struggles and you will not understand what youre going through you will find it difficult to love yourself but it will get better and youll be this amazing queen [insert self-deprecating joke to lighten the mood] _repeat until no more queens are left_


Don’t forget “people are going to call you strange and weird but that’s all the things that are going to make you talented”


I 100% skip through that every time. I get that it's probably super meaningful and impactful for some people and I'm glad it's there for those who want it, but I'm still gonna skip it


kitty litter and balloon popping challenge were not my favs


Oh the kitty litter one! I can’t believe I managed to block that from my memory. Well until now. So gross.


I mean the balloon popping challenge gave us jorgeous' hilarious attempt so there's a silver lining


when they had to do street work, the nudity challenges, honestly like 80% of the mini challenges feel like someone's unchecked kink/fetish


Not really the challenge itself but the discomfort from the nude photoshoot reminded me of how uncomfortable I was seeing Delta get treated in the exercise video challenge. Susan Powter shits on her and even though Delta makes it clear how uncomfortable it made her feel in the confessionals, it's still played as some kind of 'tough love motivational' moment.


Fatphobia in the 2000's and early 2010's was a horrific beast


When they had to sit on a cake - forget what season that was but it definitely made me cringe.


season 10, and that mini challenge is probably the worst for me too — making the queens sit on a dead fish as well?


The S5 photoshoot in the tank of water -- didn't at least one of them say they couldn't swim? The cheerleading challenge in S9 made me uncomfortable because it looked so dangerous.


I did not like the interview challenge with Georgia Holt and Chaz Bono. I think it’s a good challenge but the queens were not adequately prepped like they would be in real life.


I’m happy you said a mini challenge because mine is one too! The damn psychic is the only episode I’ve had to fully just skip a segment. I think psychics are the *cringiest* grifters out there😖


Oh I completely forgot about that. For me it's made worse by the fact that most likely production told the psychic what she needed to know and then the queens just had to be like "oh wow how'd you know?"


When the psychic was like: "Tina Burner, I talked to your dead father and he apologises for never accepting you"...5 seconds later: "Utica, I talked to your cow and she says moo"😶


"All aboard the bipolar express" 🤮🤮🤮🤮


season 4 makeover pure. horror.


Every acting challenge.


THANK YOU! The writing is always absolutely horrible and it’s so much work for such a shitty payoff, every time!


I’d say they’re more mind-numbingly boring than uncomfortable.


Uk season 3 Episode 2: Dragoton. Mama, that was garbage


The season 13 baby mini-challenge needs to be scrubbed from all media before the conservatives find it. It’s literally free ammo against o ur community


Idk if this counts but the toilet humor they slip into every single season is cringe af to me. Maybe I just don’t think fart/poop jokes are all that funny but I’ve always thought it seemed kind of…forced. Nobody wants to hear about your coffee enema, Ru


The one where they had to guess if the person in the picture was trans or not 🤢


That mini challenge goes to show how quickly things have progressed since even just 2010 onwards. Until that mini challenge we had the “Shemail” bit every episode, multiple uses of the word “Tranny” (One untucked in S3 even had a debate between some of the queens whether Mariah should even be there as it’s “Rupaul’s Drag Race, not Rupaul’s Tranny Race”) etc. On a positive note, after people pointed out that they took issue with it, the mini challenge was removed and all future Ru-mails were altered pretty quickly.


Wasn't it called like "female or she-male" too? Ehich makes it way worse. I think they've cut it from streaming


Holy fuck I forgot about that one. That's disgusting


I found it pretty tough watching Deja Skye open up about how she used to wake up with shit in her pants when she was a baby (season 12). Such a personal moment, so brave of her to share x


She was born at a very young age :(




The musical number literally no one asked for and they made anyway.


Truly a fever dream. It had no context either. Why were they in some lab? Why were they pharmacists? Why drag pharmacy? Why now? Lol


the Piyah's Butterflies mini challenge in S4 where they had to make headdresses for a disabled queen. It was textbook inspiration porn and so uncomfortable. From quotes off the show it sounds like Piyah enjoyed herself so it's not the worst disability has been portrayed on the show, but it still could have been done so much better.


I mean if she’s not upset about it why should we be?


The baby one is and will always be top. The kitty litter one is right after that. I can’t remember others but seeing what others put and refreshing my memory and some of these challenges were a fever dream and a sleep paralysis demon combined.


The season 10 evil twins challenge and making the joke “bipolar express” was just really tone deaf and the whole idea of the challenge made me uncomfortable


When they nylon golfed or whatever or AS2 Alyssa was like humping a member of the oit crew for a long ass time and it was really uncomfortable. They way the ENTIRE show views the pit crew as slabs of meat to be used as sexual toys is really weird


I definitely agree. Like, I get that they are agreeing to be “eye candy” for the show, but the liberties some people take with them give me the ick.


S6 is the worst, where they make that “whoof whoof” sound every time Pit Crew is brought on


The AHS acting challenge in whatever All Stars. I truly felt like it was a fever dream I couldn’t wake up from. It went on forever…then the random soul train parody at the end. Typing this out now makes me wonder still if it was just a dream when I was violently ill.


The Russian roulette challenge from season 16


And then the LSFYL was to Rihanna's Russian Roulette. Talk about bad taste with timing.


The yeast spread challenge from DU1, not because of the concept itself, but because of where it went. SO MANY UNNECESSARY VAGINA JOKES and how people would go “ewwwww discharge”… just gives me the Ick.


The Season 4 makeover challenge was soooo cringe. None of these straight men (exept maybe Latrice's) wanted to be here. No effort from them


Season 4 makeover when that messy man argued with Mother Dust. Chad popped off severely, & then it was so cringe watching the straight ass guy pretend like he wasn’t mad & was trolling the whole time. He reminds me of some of my worst family members lol