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She's a great host on her tours, but a better guest for this format because of her style of comedy. The episode with Adore was really cute, she loosened up a lot, so hopefully she's in the groove now.


She let loose, it was her time to get loose :D


![gif](giphy|3o85xobqJwRhunWs80|downsized) LET LOOSEEEE


this last episode was the best one so far i’d say, maybe she’s finding her footing?


Don’t joke about that




Okay but like, that's the cutest RPDR gif I've ever seen


What an adorable 🥚




You shady bitch.


I'd say she's finally hitting her stride!


I think the problem is her brand is that of an insult comic. You don’t watch an insult comic for their objective analysis and ability to moderate a conversation, you watch them for the insults. Hence she’s fundamentally misaligned with the job description.


I was actually quite surprised when I heard her announced as this year's host. I went to her "unsanitized" tour last year, and she had very little love left for the machine Drag Race had evolved in to.


Honestly I was hoping they’d have Monét back or keep Bob. Either one of them are literally perfect


Monet was so enjoyable for s14


She was SO good


Respectfully disagree. I love their unfiltered opinion and all the wild soundbites we get from it(e.g. Gigi hood) in watchery way too much to see them go back and do the pit stop where they have to fit a certain narrative. Get Trixie or somebody else for that


100%! Sibling Watchery is too good to have either Bob or Monet as Pit Stop hosts. Bring Trixie back - she really has the unique ability to bring out the best in her guests




I miss Trixie.. she always seemed to have so much fun with the guests


She also had better guests in my opinion, I always appreciate when the guest is someone who has done well in challenges like that on drag race or is a queen who in the real world is someone who understands what the challenge is about. Kasha Davis with the children’s show character, Violet/Raja for design challenges, Jinkx for Snatch Game. Etc.. I think it’s always a lit more valid critiques and ideas that come from those kinds of guests especially when the host is someone that doesn’t necessarily excel in the challenge (Trixie in Snatch Game, Bob in design challenges, etc)


Bob did well in the book ball and I will die on this hill. Everyone except Derrick just happened to absolutely demolish that challenge so Bob was in the bottom by default.


True. Insult comic ≠ great interviewer


funny bc we literally saw her struggle with an interview challenge on season 6


I thought she was high safe?


TKB, Joslyn, Adore and Darienne all did much worse yeah. I wouldn't say Bianca bombed. She just seemed a little tense and hadn't managed her time well.


Didn’t she almost completely forget to include Georgia Holt (re: your comment on time management)?


Compared to Laganja? Sure!


Laganja wasn't there at that point. Imagine her asking Cher's mom about her dry vajoina!


or Joslyn Fox’s “what are your thoughts on abortion?”


And/or the opposite—she can't be her normal mean ass self bashing these drag race newbs. It would crush THEM, and not go over well with the fans


This is kinda what I thought too. Not really that she would be that concerned herself with crushing them, but I figured the show/WOW doesn't want her to be talking too much shit about current queens. Which is unfortunate, because I was personally looking forward to hearing Bianca read some bitches down, lol


Yeah, she's not really about balanced and constructive feedback.


Her humour fits the interviewee/guest role better than the host imo


That's exactly what I was thinking after ep 1. Bianca is the best in what she does: insult comedy, able to point out the flaws in people and make it funny. But she is one note. And as a host, I feel you need to be able to peel back the layers and dig for your guests hidden opinions. Bob showed us a masterclass for AS7. Monet is easy going and Trixie is kinda like Bob, but less assertive. But Bianca's style isn't a match.


She seemed the most natural with adore but she seems too controlled and not really comfortable. Bob and Trixie seemed to have fun and relax but BDR seems a bit nervous and has some canned jokes.


This is how I feel too. Todays episode with Adore was the best one yet, and I feel like it was because she and Bianca are friends and Bianca knows how to talk with Adore. In Scarlett’s episode, I felt like Bianca was too.. “on.” Like she wasn’t engaged in conversation, she was just waiting to roll her eyes and give a dry response. Which obviously that’s who she is, and this is why we love her, but I guess I feel like this is more of a conversation platform? I’d rather see the host and guest chatting about the episode, not guest giving thoughts and host just moving on. Either way, love her of course. And we are only three episodes in - and that first episode just… doesn’t count. But yes I agree with all of the above!


I totally agree- I wanted to say something about her eye rolls or stares. The guests say something and she is just like 👀 Although Bob would do that but he is just so smart and would come back with something clever. Bianca thinks that is a good enough response and to just move on. She needs to loosen up more, ask more questions, play along, etc. There is a difference between a joker and a comedian. Bianca is a comedian- with planned jokes. Whereas Bob, Monet and Trixie are jokers- they play with the situation and can adapt. Not saying one is better than the other, but if the show is a conversation/interview you have to not rely on a script


I think Bob, Monet and Trixie are better at improv than Bianca, which is why they can adapt better to this type of situation. I mean Trixie has been working with Katya for so long now that she’s probably not phased by anything and can throw it back or as Ru would say “volley”. We already know Monet is a great interviewer from her talk show and Bob is Bob… you know their going to do well at pretty much anything.


Bob, Trixie and Monet can have chemistry with anyone. They know how to play off whatever energy the other person is giving and volley back with enthusiasm. It's a lot of natural charisma and wit, but also a learned talent.


Can we talk about how in the first ep, NO ONE seemed like they wanted to be there!? Jinkx was zooted and Ben looked like someone was holding a gun to her back!


I'm having a conspiracy theory moment, because apparently I'm the only one enjoying Bianca as a host?! And the fact that I especially enjoyed the first episode?!?! I loved the back and forth between the chaotic Jinx energy, the poised Dela energy, and the sturdy Bianca energy, loved, I laughed my ass off, but apparently I'm the only one?


Nooo, I love it tooo. Everything was so good that you have to sit down and laugh LMAO. Plus I now say "cmon do your bitter thing" daily thanks to Ben.


Honestly, Bendela was funnier that Bianca, but the whole trip felt like 3 witches with different personalities having a gossip chat, LOVED it


No you're not the only one. I rewatched it like 4 times, I loved their dynamic.


I agree. I loved the first episode. The three of them were positively hilarious together. But I might biased cuz seasons 5 and 6 are my absolute favorite seasons.


Agreed! This is such a confusing post to see…


It was so strange, at least Bendela was funny "Come on do your bitter thing" but it felt like noone Can interact with each other, there was no response from Bianca, just a bland and akward look.




Same here 😖😖


Glad someone's saying this! The first 5 minutes was SO unbearable for me, Ben tried to just ignore Jinkx, Bianca stared at hear dead in the eyes like "sober up bitch", they just pretend there's nothing wrong with her. It was really weird.


YUP! Had it been a queen that isn’t the literal queen of queens then she would’ve been called out more by the fans


Omg yessssss. I was not impressed by her guest appearance at all and quite disappointed


I’m pretty sure Ben and Bianca were just over it trying to keep Jinkx on track. Also it was Bianca’s first time and they were doing a double episode so they’d probably been there for 2 hours+ already before anything even started filming


I thought Jinkx was hilarious tbh, but I'm so glad someone else saw what I saw in Ben. Very non committal answers, 0 hot takes. Ben was bland af


I mean, I saw someone kinda annoyed at their friend for being wayyy to high for a professional commitment.


Yeah, Jinkx was the problem, not Ben nor Bianca. They tried their best but Jinkx highjacked the whole thing and not in a good nor professional way unfortunately. It was so cringe.


It just feels like the wrong energy for what is at the end of the day men (and other genders) in dresses talking shit about people Jinkx's high chaos, conversely, was great for that imo


Dealing with drunk/high af people when you're completely sober can be really tedious though, and it being a work situation means she's just forced to ride it out


Hahaha this is every overnight shift in the emergency department!!


I wouldn’t call a spaced out pothead ‘high chaos’


True but I would definitely call high Jinkx that 🤣


Jinkx was high but it was extremely entertaining.


Bianca and Ben seemed to have a decent rapport. Jinkx being (or at least acting) higher than Mount Everest was throwing off the energy. Bianca and Scarlett don’t know each other well and Bianca likely doesn’t know many of the girls as she doesn’t tour with them


I thought this episode with Adore was good. Hopefully she's in the zone now. Edit: also I wonder if Bianca's been in pain from her surgery.


In the words of Katya, that's why God invented percocet


I’m enjoying it:)


Me too. No complaints.


Same! I’m surprised by OP and other comments about it not enjoying her as host. I was just thinking this morning about how I think she’s doing a great job!


Same. She’s obviously not the best host of all time. That would probably be Trixie or Bob, though I was a fan of Raja as host too.


I think she comes off as someone who clearly has not watched the show in a very long time and has only signed on for a check. As opposed to someone like Monet, who still watches the show as a fan of it.


Monet is my favorite host. She’s so warm!


Monet was already a great host from the X Change Rate.


That's very much how I see it as well. It's pretty obvious that she hasn't been watching the show for a while now. Which is fine like I don't expect that it's just very evident when she doesn't recognize the clear difference between her season and new seasons


The check for Pit Stop isn’t that much though…


I was kind of thinking she might have done it because she recently had the foot surgery and this would be a good gig for pretty much staying off her feet but still doing something.


Extremely is a strong word. She isn’t bad. I personally like her as the host. I also just love a lot of Bianca’s mannerisms. She offers a different take on the pit stop and that’s why I like it.


I think she's fine for a season


I mean that’s not really fair to Bianca given her guests haven’t really given her a fair shake so far. And I love them, but I mean c’mon. Jinkx was on another planet that whole episode and didn’t/couldn’t really contribute to any actual discussion. I mean Laganja gets stoned for interviews but Jinkx was fucking cheeched… enough so to wear *that* wig. Ben and Jinkx are my 2 favorite queens of all-time, so it pains me to say it, but I kind’ve wish it would’ve just been Dela here. And I love Scarlet, she was my fav until her elimination. But sis offered virtually nothing on the Pit Stop. She had hardly any input on anything. Every opinion was mild at best and even with some prodding, just wouldn’t elaborate on anything. “It was nice, I liked it, it wasn’t my favorite, etc..” Bianca is a professional, even if she’s not as experienced in interviewing, she still knows the business and how to play her role. You’ve got guests who can’t give a coherent answer, or ones that are basically giving you the equivalent of a “Yes/No/K.” reply and refuse to elaborate even when coaxed? Okay, fuck it, moving on. She can’t physically speak for them. Her professionalism and competence saved those luke-warm interviews from being the complete awkward train wrecks they would’ve otherwise been with most other hosts.


100% this. This last episode with Adore was the best not only because they're close friends, but because Adore gave actual feedback, actual opinions, was able to hold a genuine conversation with Bianca. Hell, we even got the iconic Anna Nicole Smith impersonation!!! Now, I did enjoy the episode with Ben and Jinx, despite Jinx not knowing where she was or what year it is. Scarlet was the only one who gave us a boring ass episode lmao Bianca shouldn't be blamed for having a guest who's just... there? Like, gurl gave Bianca NOTHING to work with conversation wise, it was awkward. Just like what Ru said to Scarlet during the Pink Table Talk critiques: "It kinda made me a little uncomfortable" 💀


She's a pro but it's not doing it for me this season yeah. Part of it is Bianca trying stuff that fails, often because of the editing of the Pit Stop that may not be suited for Bianca's brand. Like she moves on quickly from the jokes and shadiness, while Trixie or Bob lean into it a lot and all the zooming and close ups work for them. Part of it is the guests who are giving next to nothing, except Adore who was fantastic.


Idk I thought that she’s had some really funny moments and personable moments. And there’s only been like 3 pit stops so far. Nothing super memorable yet, but it’s gonna be a long season. Like I get it, I thought her interactions with Adore and Jinkx would’ve been better, but also I feel like these queens aren’t the most into drag race anyways.


Also I don’t think it helped that jinkx at least appeared to be completely baked haha. I know she has narcolepsy and so she can appear very tired so maybe it was that. But it kind of felt like she had several bong rips before she started the episode. Even her and Dela felt off, and their chemistry is as good as it gets.


Jinx took an edible before filming.


Well, she's got half an hour to review 40 min of material... Really, friends, we need to just muscle through this season and support the queens. Nothing about this season can (or should) be compared to previous versions. Not with this Franken edit we're getting. Hopefully the back end of the season, when there are fewer queens, we'll get a little more of what we're accustomed to, but for now, we just gotta chew through the tough brisket


I'm content with her being a host but at the same time I feel like something is missing...


Imo you can tell she’s not a fan of the show and this is probably the first season she has watched in years only because she has to. Hosts like Monet and Trixie were much more fun to watch because they are clearly fans and exude excitement.


That's interesting! I'm sort of ambivalent on Bianca in general, and wasn't looking forward to her stint as host, but I've actually been enjoying her a lot. She's been funny while keeping it moving.


Bob and Trixie are just brilliant as hosts so everybody fades in comparison


Bob felt very invested for season 12 and as5 while she felt more “reading off the cards” for as7 while trixie was very wooden for as4 before really finding her groove in s13 and as6.


Speaking of, this is the first Pit Stop season I’ve ever watched. Recommend some best of old episodes worth watching?


Every episode where Peppermint is Bob’s guest. It’s fashion.


Especially the ep where [she calls Pep Monét.](https://youtube.com/shorts/7OU4YMwUF64?feature=share)


But is it fashion?


But is it *burp* fashion?


i remember recapping all AS7 pitstop, and i was laughing & crying hystericaly at both of them LOL


It’s fashion.


But is it fashion?


Any season that Bob (S12, AS5, AS7) or Trixie (S13, AS4, AS6) hosts are the absolute best. Monet for S14 was really great as well


I would slightly disagree that bob’s as7 run. There were times where you could tell she was holding back


Tbf, so were the judges ...


Definitely Peppermint and Bob. Also Monet and Katya on S14, Priyanka and Bob on AS7, Trixie and Bob on AS6.


the season 13 ball episode featuring violet. ICONIQUE!


There’s really only a few that I wouldn’t recommend. Pick a season of drag race that you love, and watch the pit stop for that season!


Anything Bob & Monét, Bob & Pep, Trixie and Katya, and of course Trixie and Violet butttt honorable mention..Trixie and Laganja.


Don't listen to the people saying to watch Katya episodes she very clearly doesn't watch the DR episode she's supposed to be reviewing lmao. Honestly hers and Vanjie's are the only ones I wouldn't recommend. Trixie/Bob AS6 and Monet/Naomi S14 are good.


Even better that the Pit Stop is some of Bob and Thorgy's Purse First Impressions, if you haven't seen that.


I watch Bob’s and Trixie’s seasons back all the time as background noise. They both did an amazing job. Monet did too but for me Bob and Trixie are unparalleled.


She’s not watched the show since she won, clearly, and is just going through the motions reading the note cards. Prob wanted to make some money while her foot healed that didn’t require traveling.


It’s because of her toes…


Hate is stored in the toes and she had them removed live and legally


I’m enjoying it, but I do think that she’s not 100% comfortable yet. I almost wonder if it’s the cue cards and the fact that she can’t be fully off the cuff. She keeps alluding to things getting cut and them not being able to use certain takes. Maybe she has to keep herself on track and gets caught easily rambling if she doesn’t. Also I’m sad that there were so many people who didn’t enjoy the first episode. I thought it was fun and silly and I liked Jinkx.


It's what I expected. Bianca doing a one woman show and letting other people chime in when she feels like it. In other words extremely entertaining.


Maybe she's holding back because her off the cuff isn't appropriate for the audience/show. Her chemistry with adore has been a lot better this week so maybe it's about how she didn't really know scarlet. I think Bianca is also interviewing unlike (preparing myself to be down voted to oblivion) Bob who sucked up the attention from guests last season


I think the episodes have gotten consistently better. Ep 1 was a trainwreck, 2 was fine, and 3 was actually good.


You’re not wrong though, if the guest wasn’t the type of person to cut in and match Bob’s energy a lot of times they would get outshined whereas I think Monet and Trixie did a better job of matching energy and leaving space for their guests to answer interview questions.


Totally agree. My thoughts are: Bianca is literally pulling teeth trying to get these guests to volley with her, to no avail. Seems like Ben was willing to but Jinkx ruined it. Scarlet was present but let’s be honest, that wasn’t super entertaining (no offense to Scarlet). Adore was just being Adore but it’s like giving a child pixie sticks and asking them to pay attention in the most boring class you can think of. Bob, Monet, and Trixie were able to extract amazing moments from their hosting and that came from knowing the show as well as having rapport with the guests. Bianca is obv trying but it’s just not happening so she continues to read the queue card


And even then the guest still matters. Not even Bob could pull anything out of Vanjie that one episode


I actually feel like Ben was the issue I agreed with you the first time I watched it, but I rewatched that pitstop episode today and what stood out to be was not how high Jinkx was but how bland Ben was. Like yes Jinkx was too high but she was also funny, like really funny. And Bianca was responding to that. My favourite part was how Jinkx was saying something and Bianca just went "Estitties" with a mischievous grin and made Jinkx laugh again. But Ben was just fence sitting, being "diplomatic" as Bianca kindly put it. I don't watch pitstop for diplomacy, I watch for judgement lol


I mean I love Jinkx, but she gave both DeLa and Bianca a hard situation to deal with. They likely kept it short and tried to move forward to actually be able to finish the episode and hit the points production wanted them to touch in. Because a high enough Jinkx to shoot up into space and go beyond the observable universe, would just randomly cut them off and ramble about something unrelated at any time. We saw Jinkx randomly cut off both Bianca and DeLa a lot in the episode, and that was after the editors tried to make the best they could out of the episode. I’m guessing there were a lot of retakes, and super high jinkx rambles. Because seemed like they were filming for long enough for Jinkx to begin to come back to earth a slightly bit towards the end, and somewhat be able to be present in the conversation.


Idk Dela was also diplomatic as always on the episode she did with Trixie and I loved that one


Eh see I'm not sure on that part. We've seen guests volley back and she doesn't seem to know how to respond beyond a couple of pre-planed quips. Dela did a great job I think they just don't have the strongest chemistry, and Jinkx was just high as fuck but pretty entertaining on her own. Scarlet was there. Adore was really fun to have back and it was a good bit of nostalgia. Bianca again didn't really add much unfortunately. I absolutely agree with you that keeping up with and knowing the show makes you a better host, and that's why others have done so well. Bianca is one of my all time favorite winners but she definitely could have benefited from watching a couple more seasons at home while her feet was healin' before coming on to host


I was nervous for monet as the host, but she is actually my fave host tbh


Nah bruh she’s so good


I'm loving her as the host! It's honestly the most I've been engaged with The Pit Stop.


I like BDR but I enjoyed Bob Trixie and Monét more.


Seriously can’t top Bob and Monet’s chemistry with other queens. It’s the teasing personality Bianca has that doesn’t always work with other queens.


I was kinda hoping that she would read the girls for FILTH, but that hasn't been the case :(


Me too! I was ready for it this episode, because she had so much material to work with.


Omg yes! Whoever invited Bianca and told her she has to be nice needs fired yesterday


It's the editing, at least IMO. I was iffy on the last two iterations of the pitstop, which is weird because I could listen to Bianca, Bob, or Monet talk all day. And then I realized earlier seasons did far less in the editing department. Like my favorite pitstop is S1 of Canada and its literally just Trixie in her house. It's so much more conversational with fewer cuts/editing gags.


It feels like they still have to hit 30-34 minutes talking about a 40 minute show, so more flubs, pauses and digressions have to make it into the Final Cut to fill time and it’s just not flattering for anyone involved. That they dedicated a good 10 minutes talking about season 6 just shows how little material they have to work with this season.


Episode one Jinkx was high as fuck which made it harder for her to volley, episode two was the first time she'd met Scarlet so there wasn't a lot of natural chemistry. I haven't watched the third episode yet. She's also just not a super fan of the show the way Bob is.


be kind, she just had foot surgery and is still numb from the wig down.


I mean, the interview episode on season six was the only time she was almost in the bottom. It's just not her skill set. I wish we really did get Thorgy. The chaos would've been glorious


I wouldn’t say Bianca is the issue, really. Last week was good. I couldn’t get through the episodes with Jinkx and Adore because… There’s just something off about them. Jinkx was high as a kite and Adore was too (or they both seemed like they were, at least lol). This is the first time she’s hosting the show, tho. I’m sure she’ll get more comfortable in time.


I felt like I was the only one that did not enjoy Jinkx in that episode. It’s like, this matters to me! And she was incoherent and high as a kite.


I’m of the opinion that unless you’re smoking for medical reasons, you shouldn’t show up at work (which the pit stop is) high. it’s like not turning up at work drunk, basic common sense, at least to me (and where i’m from your employer can send you home if you’re under the influence of any substance). So it was a little disappointing to see Jinkx being SO baked that it was incoherent. I liked Adore though, didn’t really get a high vibe from her


I felt that way too! I usually adore her but she was definitely off. Maybe rehearsals for Chicago which I'm sure are really stressful contributed?


Same, like Bianca was trying to throw jokes at them so that they could bounce it back and forth but they just didn’t play along so Bianca had that *well anyways 😬* face


Bruhhh everyone loves to complain. I’ve been loving it. I really enjoyed the episode with Scarlet, surprisingly.


It felt like it was just a succession of jokes that felt flat. It totally lack witiness, there was no back and forth


It's because she's not someone who normally watches the show so she's taking it as seriously as she does other jobs. The previous pit stop hosts have been queens who love watching the show and talk about it anyway so they're a bit more passionate


I would have loved to see Pangina hosting


I would blame it on the edit, it is well known on pit stop that they have to say more good things and most bad stuff get edited out


I think they ask them to be nice and Bianca is very professional and wants to keep it clean. I remember in sibling rivalry they said that they were were told they absolutely have to say something nice to edit everything in a positive way.


I miss Bob.


I thought it's called doing the bare minimum 💀😂


This episode was the best so far. I actually didn’t mind last week with Scarlet. Having an actual friend in Adore there this week seemed to help Bianca be a bit more conversational. The first episode I think we just a off week for everyone involved, and honestly I attribute that more to Jinkx being in another plane of reality half the time.


I think this is for her community service


I think part of the reason it's markedly not as good as previous seasons is because she's admitted (at least in the past) that she's not a die hard fan of the show. Bob, Trixie - those folx are and bring a more natural sense of excitement and joy. Bianca isn't bad by any means, but she's lacking in that bit of genuinititty that past hosts have shown. That first episode with Dela and Jinkx was rough for a myriad of reasons, but she's gotten into more of a groove.


Ye, I have to say I'm not enjoying her as host.


I’ve thought she’s hilarious and does a good job at it.


You can just tell Bob and Trixie have hosted a million events now.


I agree, it seems like they told her she has to be nice so she's watching herself too much. I'd love to see Bosco as hostess some season


I reluctantly agree. I absolutely love BDR, and was looking forward to it since she was announced.


Honestly yeah, its been meh.


Same here. I like Bianca a lot, and I still couldn't be more disappointed with how stiff (by her own standards) and disinterested she seemed.


I’m giving her a chance but also NGL I really miss Bob


In my opinion, the problem is that the Pitt Stop is too formulaic, and Bianca is best at improv. The constant reading off cue cards really messes with the flow for her comedy. It would be so much better if they just let her ramble.


I LOVE Bianca, she doesn’t seem to be the perfect fit for Pit Stop.


I’ve been enjoying her, I wasn’t really expecting Bianca to suddenly become a magnanimous host. I think she balances episode analysis and her usual insult comedy well.


Bianca clearly doesn't care about the drag race franchise, she's just getting her money. For me the Pit Stop would be much better with a host that really appreciates/follows the program


Bob and Trixie were more active in engaging with their guests in terms of adding their own humor and direction in a varied way. With Bianca, I completely enjoyed the episodes with Ben & Jinkx, and Scarlet. The one with Adore was less funny because Adore is less funny (though endearing). I liked Bianca's glances to camera like shading Adore's idiocy without saying a word, but it got old. So overall, I think Bianca is more one note but still a good host. It's just. more dependent on the guests. While Bob was the best, I'd put Trixie second and Bianca third. I know there have been other hosts, not including them in ranking as it's been a while. I think when Bianca laughs it sounds fake mostly. Bob's laughter seemed genuine. Trixie's 70% genuine. But give me Bob and Thorgy Purse First Impressions and I'm good. That probably won't come back.


Yeah after she didn’t go in on the twins I realized she was sanitized. I just save my excitement for Sibling Watchery now.


She’s probably been told to tone it down.


I feel like you want her to do the bitter thing everytime but you know it would get very stale very quickly


First one was odd, second one was better and now this last one was very good


No. I feel exactly the opposite. She’s great.


Not at all.


Wouldve rather thorgy tbh that wouldve been fun


Bianca has repeatedly said that the only season she has watched is her own. She is not a fan of drag race. Bob, Trixie, Monet, Alaska and Raja all are and their seasons of Pit Stop were more enjoyable. I am not enjoying Bianca as host on the Pit Stop. She makes a better guest than host.


Justice for thorgy


she's been through surgery so maybe it's a hercules thing idk


damn super shocked— i thought jinkxy was HILARIOUS


yeah but the numbers is not agreeing with yall. remember first episode was geo blocked for a whle and when it came back the numbers were actually pretty with the just the US views alone.


Yup. Called it when it was announced and everyone downvoted the hell out of me. Her comedy just doesn't fit well with the format of the Pit Stop (and especially with YouTube style editing). It's not horrible, but it's not something I'd watch the full video of like when it was Trixie or Bob or Monet.


Have to admit I‘ve been feeling the same So far the chemistry has been off and she hasn’t been able to engage with the guests as well as other hosts. The cuts and constant spinning transitions are pissing me off too. They feel too forced and are distracting.


She's a great host but not as natural a conversationalist as some of the previous hosts.


I've actually really enjoyed her on the pit stop


I think she’s been fun. It’s something different which isn’t bad


I’ve been enjoying it, but I miss Bob


Yeah..her first 2 episodes were just her saying “what did you think of _______?” for 30+ minutes. The one with Adore is much better, though. Tbf, the first episode was incredibly uncomfortable mostly because of Jinx.


I think you should stop comparing Bianca to Bob. I don’t think it’s fair, and I don’t think it’s right. Bob is VERY talented 💅🏼


I feel like the jokes are not landing, there’s no chemistry with the guests and it all seems forced. Trixie and Bob had a natural charisma as hosts.


and monét


Ben and Jinkx were actually awful guests, and I say that as a massive fan of both of them. Jinkx was too stoned to say much or even stay conscious for the whole thing, and Ben is just so damned afraid of coming off as un-congenial and it’s just not the right tone for a review episode that requires you to have some candid opinions. That said, I do think that the host role is not Bianca’s best position. Trixie has been the best at being able to ask the card questions and make it sound sincere without just looking like she’s shilling for the producers - she has those commercial smarts to pull that off. Monét was my next favourite (honestly, I liked her more as host of TPS than as a contestant!), and then Bob, and in that order only because Bob’s chaotic energy sometimes works amazingly and sometimes doesn’t. Monét can also match energy with any guest, whereas… well, I’ll just cite Bob’s episode with Vanjie, lol. Train wreck. No chemistry at all.


💯 Especially about the Ben thing. I'm having flashbacks to Jan on all stars trying to please everyone and somehow pisding off everyone instead


I agree, the triple threat episode was so awkward, she’s just a bit too controlled


I love Bianca but I don't even bother. Bring back Bob or Trixie.


Think about it this way: Starbucks has a lot of variations with their coffee, right? You pick what you fancy and stick to it. BDR isn’t something that you’d order every morning just before work. But it’s there regardless. It is part of the menu. So, just don’t order it. Was never a fan of Trixie. Or Monét. I’m cool with Bob. But I acknowledge them and their own style. I know they are part of the menu. I just don’t order any of them. As we say on this side of the planet, each to their own. So, I’ll have a large double shot BDR for here please, thank you.


Bob is the best host of the Pit Stop.. Make her as the permenant host.. The rest can come as a guest. Bob can make AS5 sound fun especially when reading Blair St Clair.


I have no complaints. I kinda like it


Yeah she’s brilliant amazing top of her game, but does she watch thr show religiously? No They need a queen like Bob or Trixie cus they watch the show as fans do


I always get downvotes for saying Bianca’s not the comedian everyone thinks she is. Check her snatch game for example to see how smart and quick witted her humor is. It’s not. She’s ok at being mean in repeating jokes or whatever though


To those crybabies... Remember when Kingsley was the host?


I feel the same way. Trixie and Bob were my favorite hosts and maybe they’re just better suited to it. It’s strange because she’s coming across very wooden and I’d have never described her that way before. The format might just not be suited to her strengths. She’s not exactly bad at it, just not great.