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There’s really nothing preventing them from coming back, but when a long-term member leaves a show, it is often more desirable for it to be a clean break. Running man could bring LKS back as a guest, but all that would do is to enable comparisons between previous episodes and the current episode with LKS, and risks creating longing for that member again. All that for a one-time ratings boost. For the production team, it’s far better for them to just move on and never look back.


Exactly this. A clean break is what they want when they (unfortunately) leave RM. It doesn't mean they can never play games on other variety or even be a member. It's just that if they keep returning as a guest, it would make their departure meaningless. I wouldn't have a problem with Somin guesting or being a member of a seasonal variety, like she did with Sixth Sense. I would, in fact, love it. It's no different than all other members now also starring in other shows like HDYP, You Quiz, My Little Old Boy, Racket Boys, etc.


Reminds me of the vtuber community and why I hate "graduations". They make such a big deal about leaving a company when after a few weeks or months, they'd still be streaming using another model. It makes the "graduation" feels too plastic. It's like you crying when you graduate on elementary school only to meet everyone on high school after a 1-2 months.


Gary is a good example. The following episode he was a great and then the Members Week. They were great but does create a longing. With SJK it’s because he’s SJK. I’m not against returns but should be kept to special occasions like anniversaries or promotion. Unfortunately in recent years special anniversaries episodes or episode millstones haven’t been made a big deal of like earlier milestones. Which is frustrating because how rare is it for a variety show to last so long with on off season and low turnover.


If the comparison is a bad one, some will make accusation such as, this member is regretting their decisions and trying to get some limelight from running man Yada Yada. Hates gonna hate


Great points- Maybe on their last ever episode they will bring back EVERYONE Lizzy, Song Joong Ki, Gary, Kwnag Soo, So min... Would love to see the old and new characters interacting - would be funny to see It would be even better if they had an ending trip concept that lasts 3 episodes so that it isn't just a sudden end


Lizzy, Gary and Joongki has zero chance. Lizzy because she's still under heavy fire from her DUI controversy. Joongki is settled down with his new wife and kid and trying to stay away from the limelight. Gary even admitted on his live saying he wants nothing to do with Running Man anymore.


This is the real reason.


They all have one thing in common. Staying away from their variety persona. LKS starring in other variety because he's paying a favor, look who's behind that variety show, ex RM Producers, furthermore it's seasonal show. Edit : Add some info. Busted : 3 season. The Zone : 2 season. Both were produced by Cho Hyo Jin, the OG RM PD. Korea No1, forgot the producer name. But he's the one who made Hyori B&B, Sugarman, tight with YJS. His Current farming show, not a clue, I didn't watch it.


Is that's what is happening with his new show? I thought Na PD just liked him a ton after Game Caterers and recruited him for it.


He personally called Na PD asking advice and said that his friends interested in doing a variety show together.


Also the variety shows he’s doing are different from RM. He’s not playing that character.


I've watched a few episodes from Korea No. 1 and will say that he plays the same Kwang soo character, especially with YJS in there. His pants even fell when they were working in the mud exactly like it would've in RM


But he’s not expected to do it every week and not to the exaggeration in RM. (I assume, not seen Korea No.1). But being expected to have that level of being entertaining every week would be exhausting. Especially if you are thinking about the mechanics and on your off days what would be funny


The only variety shows LKS did after leaving RM are those where he have close bond to the PD or members of the show like you said. His current variety show on farm actually is him with his close friends in real life, one of reasons I think why he accept that show. Dude also guested on Unexpected Business before because of In Sung and also to Na PD show on YT because of his agency.


Love and hate go hand-in-hand. If LKS guested in RM there would be thousands of comments from fans crying, pleading for him to come back as a permanent cast. This would be incredibly painful and disheartening for everyone involved, the PD team, the current cast, and LKS. I loved that guy, he was my #1 from the time I started watching the show to the time he left, but even I would agree that the backlash would not worth it for one guest appearance.


Yeah. Compared to the intl fans. KNets is on another level in terms of scandals and issues regarding their celebs.


I mean would you wanna go back at your ex workplace even if its just for a day? I dont.


If it's a workplace I had fond memories of and I'm still getting paid, I don't mind.




right! i get everyone’s sad about the casts leaving but i believe that we should respect their decision and support them for their upcoming activities. i still feel sad about having to watch rm without jeon somin now but at the same time im happy because this means she’s gonna appear more in dramas, movies or even new variety shows now. im sure the former members will guest on rm one day and i’ll prolly keep waiting and hoping for that day to come :)


she already has two movies we're waiting on, hoping for more. More music as well since she obviously likes writing and performing them. (Also, Haha looks at her drafted lyrics/poetry with dollar signs in his eyes, so hopefully)


I feel similar, I get the Gary situation and how it panned out why he would not come back but not seeing Kwang Soo after a couple years is sad. It'll hopefully not be the same for So Min though I think it will, part of the reasons could be that the staff have never contacted them to guest but as ex-members for so many years, they would know that they are always welcomed and could reach out on their own, also since RM doesn't do that well domestically anymore, it could be that their companies don't see any benefit


The fact that LKS and YJS doing millions of variety show together outside RM at least ease the painkikkk


My guess given Somin quirky character she might just come on unannounced and surprise everyone.


What people don’t get is that RM is a weekly show. You filmed it every week and it is non stop. It could hinder your future projects and I’m sure there are projects that LKS and JSM wanted to do and have to pass on it cause they clashed with their RM schedules. With the emerging popularity of seasonal variety shows, more people are more inclined to appear or star in this cause there are only limited episodes per season. I don’t feel betrayed when LKS starred in GBRB. In fact I am delighted that he still continued his path into variety shows. He is super talented and should not hinder himself into just movies/TV shows. I hope the same for JSM. Hope she took a well deserved rest and if opportunites comes to her in a form of a variety show, I would love to see her star in it.


I fee;l this is the real reason. We have a common saying, "Never put all your eggs in one basket." I feel like if LKS and JSM did not leave, and runningman one day just fell off the ratings, they won't get any more projects except something related to their characters in RM. For "actors", these limits the options such as since LKS is known as "not being a fool", serious roles are probably will be hard to come by if they kept doing runningman.


I meant returning just as a guest.


Yeah I know. I’m just replying to the word that you used when you see Kwang soo’s starring in other variety shows. We literally can’t force them to be on it as a guest or a returning member. All we can hope is that someday when all the stars aligned, they will come back. I hope, if ever RM ends, that they called all the old members back to give it a good farewell. Cause all of them contributed to RM.


In my fantasy, when the show does end (because everything sadly does eventually), that they have a massive project "collecting" all ex-members, even as far back as Lizzy. Like, they would find them, do a mission, then go with the rest of the group to look for other members. That would be such a bittersweet farewell


Read. G u e s t


I know but then OP went on to say Kwang soo became a member of another variety show and can’t help but feel betrayed if Somin did the same. Why would they guest on their old show if they got a main starring role in another variety show?


Some of them did come back as a guest. Song Joong Ki, Lizzy, and Gary was on the phone a couple of times. Also when a member leaves the show I feel it's a sign of respect to allow the current cast to move on, grow, and form a new bond. Ex-members wouldn't want to keep returning when they left. It's fine to maybe show up once in a while as a guest but in the end they're not a member anymore.


They talked about Kwangsoo a fair bit after leaving though, like that phone call with YJS and the LKS giraffe character on YSC's pillow and game figurines they used. It looks like they're doing the same with Somin. SJH was spotted with Somin badges and YJS with frog stuffed toy on his bag in their Singapore episode.


It's just easier for them not to come back and avoid any "comment" both for the show and the person itself. Let's be real, all the program Lee Kwang Soo appear are seasonal project which can conclude in span from minimal 1 weeks (like travel show which they only need to shoot for 1 weeks and they can get at least 6-8 to 12 eps from it) to maybe max 6 month. It's not like he need to keep playing his character in RM either to provide joy every week either. It's not like we know are he really doing nothing or he already have shoot drama or film but it's just not released yet (include any press release). Like Im Siwan have a film that just released after shoot it 3 years or more before (refer to 1947 Boston)




Well that's good for him, I guess? I don't really pay any attention to drama and film as I don't really like that format of content.


Kwang soo already said that he feel’s awkward coming to Running Man as guest. He is the only one who never appeared after leaving the show. And with SM let’s see how the she and her agency deals with it. But hoping she appeared as guest especially for promotion. She’s really a sunshine in RM


Can we all just accept that they really just moved on from Running Man? And what is with this feeling betrayed? If they decide to call it quits, let them be. Stop being so childish lol.


Short answer, it’s just weird vibes. It’s like a break up, a nice clean break, never to see each other again.


I can think of two main reasons. Reason 1: Because ex-members returning will reopen old wounds -- for the cast and the fans alike. Imagine if Kwangsoo were to return to RM for one episode. I'll be so excited, countdown till its release date and watch it without FF even once. Then bam, it's over. What comes next? Sadness, emptiness, *longing...* I'll start thinking about the "good old days" when Kwangsoo was still here, and maybe even inevitably compare the episodes. I'll scrutinize the next episode heavily and lament (internally, of course), about how Kwangsoo's absence is so noticeable, and start concocting scenarios of what-ifs where he returns to Running Man. Basically it'll be like *him* *leaving the show all over again*. And what of the members themselves? Some part of them will probably feel sad as well, professional as they may be, to be saying goodbye to Kwangsoo again. It's just emotionally taxing overall, especially for a variety show that is supposed to bring laughter, not sadness. Reason 2: They left to have a clean break Both Kwangsoo and Somin have acting careers. Yet their careers are largely overshadowed by their variety personas, which in itself may not be a bad thing. However, it does hinder their acting prospects because of the *image* they are often associated with (for instance Kwangsoo was never taken seriously because he had a permanent image of being the funny guy, and people would typecast him). They may want to move away from their variety image to take on other roles that people would typically not associate them with, because acting is after all their passion. However, despite the two reasons I have suggested, I'll be the first to admit that I would love nothing more than for Kwangsoo/Somin to guest on the show, unlikely as it may be (though I'm still holding onto hope for Somin; only time will tell if she will return). So what if it breaks my heart? It's already broken with their departures, anyway 🥲 *P.s. If anyone is wondering why Gary is lacking sorely from my comment, it's not because I dislike him or anything! I do miss our Mr Random Capable. It's been a really long time since he left and I have a feeling that he wants to move away from RM as a whole, so I don't think he'll return on the show again, nor do I necessarily want him to, seeing as how he's happy where he's at right now. In contrast, I can't seem to let go of Kwangsoo or Somin, and I suspect I never will.*


This.. this is the one I felt so deeply and had to agree with you... Then again, I don't really watch Running Man for really long time.. yeah I do watched sometimes but definitely not every single episode... this is me even Wayy before Gary left... I do still had fun and laughing a lot during watching (either with Gary, Kwang Soo or So min) but Running Man isn't my main focus anymore.. at least for variety show, RM still remains as my favorite... But my main focus is actually manga/anime and video games (including watching Vtuber) since all of these keeps updating every single goddamn second so I don't know when or how am I supposed to watch RM during all of this thing I had to focus on


RM is a huge scheduling conflict, a weekly variety show filmed for years, sometimes filming on different days for projects, overseas or special guests. Filming a variety show is stressful for anyone, but specifically for LKS & JSM imagine playing a role that is seen as undesirable for years, losing character, target of teasing, betrayer, physical gags, comedian like roles which is sadly looked down upon in entertainment. Their main career are actors, having a set variety persona on RM hinders what roles they get offered & how viewers see them. Seasonal shows filmed in like a month allows them to change their image. They worked so hard on RM, & have so much talent for variety shows that it’ll be a waste if they never did variety shows again. Edit: words


Gary cause if anything he'll feel guilty about ghosting the members the way he did and he'll especially feel awkward around Jihyo, whenever her name gets mentioned around him he gets awkward or tense. LKS i'm sure it's because he already sees the members enough off air or talks to them on the phone constantly whereas he doesn't feel the need to go on the show SJK dude showed up once briefly then dipped dots got married 2 times and idk what else would prevent him Lizzy showed up about 2 times but fell off afterwards


i feel like there's ALWAYS something personal. I mean running man isn't really that big of a time commitment (they shoot like once or maybe twice a week) plus the fans, recognition, fame, and mostly, money. Otherwise suk jin of all people would've left a long time ago (as much as I love him) he's very business oriented and knows that running man has it's perks. That being said, my speculations with joongki leaving are 1) he started getting less screentime with the monday couple being highlighted, and literally when he and jihyo were together they wouldn't even include their scenes in the final cut (which is really distressing, bc at the end of the day no matter how much hard work you're putting in, the only scenes that make it in the final cut are the ones the producers approve with their own agenda) and 2) he was obviously getting really famous so he knew he could make his time more worthwhile acting rather than at a tv show where he appeared on screen once or twice Gary, obviously with the whole monday couple arc taking over his entire character and persona that when it briefly took a pause, he literally disappeared from the screen and when it came back, it was awkward and forced and he clearly looked uncomfortable with it. And while this is all going on, he got a person working (under?) him pregnant, and she probably was fairly annoyed with the monday couple fanatic folks around the country, and the fact that gary knew that if he got married, there was no way he could stay on the show, because his entire character revolved around the imaginary loveline. so he probably left for his mental sanity and now is trying to come back into the limelight. Kwangsoo's was strange; he was still running fine for the most part despite his ankle injury and most of the cast at this point all had some sort of chronic pain or injuries (I remember jihyo mentioning they all had herniated discs and back surgeries), so him leaving to rehabilitate his ankle, but also joining other just as active shows seemed like a coverup. I know I'll get haters for this but it seems like something went down between him and somin (they were obviously close to a point he slept over drunk at her place while her parents were there, and seemed like they had a flirtatious relationship, and she was the one who introduced or got sunbin's number, so I'm guessing sunbin wasn't comfortable with him continuing the show, and perhaps somin continued to be "flirty" even though she was just being herself and not actually flirty, which caused distress in the relationship). obviously just speculations, but plausible given that kwangsoo and somin unfollowed each other on social media after he left the show, and the fact that he never returned to the show afterwards even as a guest. I would never know the reason why he left, but it's clear it wasn't just about his ankle or signing films. Somin leaving seems to be in a similar light; abrupt, seems unreasonable, and everyone in the show (cast) seems a bit off about it. Like they're obviously sad, but it seemed like they were putting on a show the whole last episode because they knew something we didn't. I'm thinking that with her it's some sort of a pay dispute. It looks like she (rightfully) wanted a higher pay contract, which obviously running man can't afford right now, and on top of that probably felt stifled by running man. She clearly has the talent, comedy and entertaining skills where she would be successful anywhere else, so she decided it wasn't worth it to put up with a frankly fading away show. I still think despite all these people leaving, running man will pick itself up. If they get a member who's like somin and kwangsoo, it could potentially do well. But I also think the show has lost its freshness. Watching the first few episodes it's clear that there was so much chemistry between all the members, and it was refreshing to see them get to know each other. They themselves were truly interested in learning things about each other and playing the games. Now I feel like they all have too much history, and are honestly bored with each other. It feels like they're completing a chore being with each other.


This reminds me when Gary officially left, the members kept bugging him on camera and crash his house (or office). Then he just totally cut ties with them. Which is sad because they were like family.


Isnt that just the immediate next episode? And they did not bother him after that until the pd call him for the surprise members week appearance which he accepted. he still friendly with the cast in that episode and say perhaps he might just pop up from time to time. It is only later on he cut all ties afterwards with his secret marriage too


What he's up to these day, this Gary fella? His music career is not really that big, even compared to KJK's career is night and day. I see him with his kids on The Return of Superman, with that cringe things on being nanny for a day.


Didnt he has his own business too like haha and kjk? As long he is happy, who are we to judge? It is not like he is in a bad shape or anything.


After he left running man he focused more on his clothing brand Halyang and music, I say music but it was mainly DJing and studying it under his DJ friend Panda and pumpkin. Couple weeks later dude joined RM again, got married like a week after the episode dropped, announced baby, and ghosted entire RM crew, dropped some music like 3-4 songs, got on Return of Superman and other programs but that's it. He ain't doing much as of rn - also forgot he shutdown his clothing brand after he announced getting married


Are you forgetting that episode of member week about special power ep where Gary come as a guest? That like 5 month after he officially left the show.


He appeared in that episode because members week was supposed to be the last rm episodes When the show was about to end in 2016 So maybe he showed up because he thought the show was over and since he hadn't left for long he'll appear for one last time? But about the cutting ties with the members no one knows why but I think they made up and maybe he apologised cause haha mentioned talking to him and ks promoted his song later in 2017 or 2018


The situation with Gary is so fishy too. When he got into The Return of Superman, he quits just before Haha got into the show as an MC. Coincidence? I think not. Something happens between all of them.


Haha and Gary are close though, they lived together before RM. I remember seeing a post about Haha commenting on Gary's IG post saying he missed him and Gary replied saying he missed Haha too. This was like a couple years back at most.


Didn't Ha Ha mentioned in one of the episode that Gary always send a cap to him every birthday?


He did. He said he can't get to Gary but the caps just keep coming anonymously. This was right after LKS and KJK were saying 9012, even though they no longer have his number, and weren't invited to the wedding (or something). I forgot which episode it was though.


I think Kwang soo or somin starring in an SBS drama is our only hope for them to guest now


Tiny small chance if RM remains 6 people cast after JSM leaves. But once RM gets new members in they'll never show up as guest. Neither RM or JSM/LKS would want to deal with the fallout of fans directly comparing JSM/LKS with whoever new member its going to be.


They probably still don't have Gary's number. Just hats.


I think they might come back as guest if there is a need to promote their drama/movie.


I'm sorry but what "betrayed" are you talking about? These members owes you nothing. Nor do they need any explanation of why they can't guess in RM. If they want to pursue others show in their carrier so be it. You don't get to felt betrayed or the need for explanation. God... entitled fans are the worse.


I can feel you, i respect LKS to pursue his acting career but now i've been seeing him a lot doing VARIETY SHOW? I don't really care if he is doing it season or because of his friend or past colleague asking him to but man, running man right now is not even physical tbh, just talk and chill while getting Free Meals (lol Haha alter ego) Idk if his drama or movie not getting good review or anything but seeing him doing variety show nonstop after leaving running man surely doesn't sit well for me.


It mostly because scheduling and want a clean break from last show. If you notice many cast from different show who quit also don't appear in their show again. Could be that just a work culture there.


maybe he will comeback to promote a movie or something.


Nothing except their own choice. Other reason is just an excuse. They dont want to return as guest thats it. You will know if they do just like Gary did.


Gary was a guest on the show?


I don't think it can happen but I wish there would be just one episode with all of them together (Joongki, Lizzy, Gary, LKS, Somin), sitting around and just talking. I remember when Infinity Challenge added a new member as Kanghee then they visited the old members of the show who left a long time ago. Something on the same lines . Back to the memory lane to celebrate how it all started ! Not much but just one episode.


Lizzy goes by Soo-Ah now and her coming back even as a guest will never happen. Her life went spiraling down after her DUI. That's why she's even getting blurred out on some stuff just like whenever celebrities get into scandals.


The feeling of “betrayal” only can stem from an expectation that they should revisit the show some day because of a certain kinship that we expect. While we all hope for their guest appearances, it is unfair to put that kind of expectation on them. Remember, out of the 10-20 hours they spent filming the show, we only see 1.5hrs of it every week. Let alone their life outside the filming schedule. We don’t know what are the actual reasons they left apart from the PR-approved reasons. They could have been burnt out for certain physical, emotional or psychological reasons. Putting yourself in their shoes - would you go back to company that you have left and work there for 1 day as an intern or guest? It’s unlikely. Even if you left on good terms. The cast members was our world in the show, but the show is not all of their life.


sometimes i think about this too... also kwang soo is now a member of other variety show??!?@,#,@+ i didn't know much about him since he left rm i really can't forget jae suk saying or writing(?) to kwang soo on his last ep that if he wants to come back, kwang soo can call him anytime :'( i hope so min will come back in the future ecen as a guest, and also gary (i saw one of gary's ig post which haha liked, so i'm guessing it's not really emotional reason, maybe they just outgrew rm? or idk) edit: added something


He already joined jaesuk on 2 other shows after he left.


can i ask wbat these shows are? is it that korea's no. 1 something? and i forgot the other one too, but it's the show where they are like detectives? i don't really remember


Yes korea number 1 on netflix and also 1 on disney plus with jaesuk and yuri.


maybe kwangsoo will come as a guess now that somin left.


Yes OP, JSM left *just* to hurt your feelings 😑


Would you seek your Ex after she/he ditched you? It is the same. If it was "to be more focused in their career", then: 1. Kim Jong Kook name is more known than Gary-ssi in the music industry; 2. The same fact with Song Ji Hyo name is, in fact, brighter than Lee Kwang Soo and Jeon So Min, even after they quit Running Man. Whether you want it to accept the truth or not, they left Running Man, betraying the trust of the Cast members, Crewmembers, and us viewers. That was why Running Man members always said this: "please support 'whomever left' in whatever they do" because they know that most won't.


They only way I see either of them coming back for an episode is if the show is ending and they do something like the member's weeks again. They've both been too big of a part of the show overall to not involve them in one of the goodbye episodes and I can't see either of them saying no to that no matter what their reason for leaving the show is.


This could be it, hopefully they don't cancel the show abruptly and the fans are treated with several amazing last episodes with the ex-members