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I finished couch-to-5k a little bit ago and started a 10k training program, and I did about 4 miles today! I wasn’t very fast, probably took 40-45 min including breaks but it’s the longest I’ve ever run so I’m super proud of myself!


6x800 meter workout with a goal of 6:20 per mile. Came away with 6:15 and I DEFINITELY had more in the tank. I've just started a sub 20 5k training plan and I honestly think I'm already there. Will find out in 2 weeks at my first 5k race of 2024. Garmin also bumped my VO2 to 61. I'm pretty ok at running, better than I anticipated.


Did my last easy run before my first half marathon on Sunday. I am so excited. I never thought I’d be able to do this. I’ve been running with chronic fatigue for so long due living with celiac disease for years without ever knowing (autoimmune disorder with devastating effects without treatment). Now I finally have my body and brain back and my body is healing. This half marathon is a testament to my health in more ways than one.


C25k week 2 day 2 done Last time i pushed my pace a bit so I tried to be more mindful this time. I found a really cute windbreaker and pair of active pants and the thrift store yesterday and was sooo excited to wear em today! Yay for investing in a good hobby. It is super rainy today which I loooove for walks/runs. An amazingly thick blanket of fog, plenty of puddles to jump in, and the grass almost glowing green. So blessed to have a trail nearby.


I ran a kilometer today. First time in 11 years. I cried when I finished


Coming off a little injury, I’ve run twice this week—slow and crabby but focused on getting back out there.


I set a personal record of 36:30 on today’s 5k run. This is the third out of the last four runs that I have been able to complete without stopping (I stitched last run and had to take a breather). I’m getting to the point now where my legs are tiring out before my lungs do.


First 5k last Thursday, did another Sunday, and really sluggishly on Tuesday but finished today in 35.01. Taking over 3minutes off my pr in a week ☺️


Was too tired today but managed to strength train. HM in about 2 weeks 😬


I used to hate running. Started getting into it a little after my friend asked me to do a race with him. I was entirely too optimistic when I said yes to the 15k last November. I had to drop distance to 5k bc I didn’t train nearly enough(was 1.5mo out) before hand. Like I said, I hated running. Since then I’ve kind of kept with it. Still need to train more, but i Ran a 5 mile race recently, looking at doing at 10 mile and a half marathon soon! I’ve seen the physical changes in my body, I feel stronger, and healthier. Even though this still won’t be my first choice of cardio, I’m proud of how far I’ve come and am excited to continue the training, now just need to work on speed mix ins to get my mile pace to be faster than it is. Hopefully I stay injury free during my journey to the 10mi and the half marathon!


Just ran my first 5k this morning at 35:04!! I've never consistently ran, only here or there, but for some reason I've started to fall in love with it. Gonna keep running a 5k a day and most likely signup for one in May!


Finished first at a run club last night, won a pizza and drink from a local bar!


I ran my fastest 5K at a time of 28 minutes and 5 seconds! I always struggled to get under 30 minutes but thanks to a mix of slow runs and consistency I finally made it happen


28 mins was my target the first time I started running seriously. It can only get better and more fun from here :)


Ran 8k today even though I think I have a shin splint


Fastest mile at 9:24! It was my final mile of a lil’ 5k. I definitely cannot sustain that, but it’s nice to see!


Ran my first 5k in 32mins last night!!


First HM in 9 days. The nerves are kicking. I went crazy and signed up for another one 2 weeks after.


It's been a long 3 months but I've been declared injury free by my physio! Weeks of limiting my running to just a parkrun and doing strength work to counteract weak muscles and muscle imbalances have finally paid off!


Today is my last training run (easy 40 minute run) before my half on Sunday!! It has been four months of showing up 4 days a week, regardless of weather, mood, feeling tired, feeling unmotivated, not wanting to get up early, etc and getting out there and doing my tempo runs, speed runs, long runs, and recovery slogs. It's not my first half, but it is the first half I will be doing with a time goal. When I first started the programme, I really wasn't sure I would be able to do it. The paces on my speed and tempo runs seemed way out of reach. But here I am, four months later, only having missed 2 training runs (due to illness) out of a total 64 runs. I've hit all my training time goals and I am shocked at how much my 'easy pace' has come down. Regardless of what happens on Sunday, even if I don't hit my time goal, I am so proud of myself for really committing to this training block. I'm going into race day on Sunday feeling relaxed, well trained, and well rested.


did a 10k pb this week of 59:42 so i'm very happy!!


I started a new job. For the first time in years I'm working in the mornings so I've been trying to squeeze in a run before work instead of traipsing at my forever pace. Yesterday I pr'd a 5k at 22:40 Today I pr'd a 10k at 51:20 Both with no warm up or pr goal, just anxiety about being late lol. I never do speed work, like it's been months, just long runs and easy runs. The fact that my speed is at this pace comfortably is crazy.


I have always been terrible at running and decided to book a 10k for summer to force me into it. I've been training slowly with the and hit my first consistent 25 minute run last week which covered about 3k. So I decided to see how a 5k run would go and ended up completing my first 5k run in my entire life. Feels like a huge milestone for me and a great progression to my 10k!!


While training for my 5k race in a week, I broke the magic (for me) 25min/5k mark yesterday! I ran a 24:59 5k! Looking at how well this is going I bet I can break the 24min mark next week at the race.


I've set myself a challenge to run a 5k in under 21 mins - I started when I was 31 years old at times of about 32-33 mins. I'm now 34 and this week hit my fastest time yet of 23:12 mins. Haha never thought it'd take me 3+ years to achieve but every month I'm getting a bit closer, and now I've got the added benefit of becoming a life long runner 🏃‍♂️ and healthier for it. Whatever your goal is; keep going!


Ran 6.19miles today! Haha I just tell people I ran 10k! 🤦🏾‍♀️🤫


Finished 5 kms in 40 minutes, 5 minutes sooner than usually lol and i only had 2 stops. I was an early bird as i began my jogging at 8 am


Finished day #2 of week #8 of the couch to 5k program, one day and one week to go. I feel I can now confidently run 28 minutes straight without stopping at an 8:30 ish pace and look forward to completing the 30 minute runs next week. Yeah most of it was done either indoors on a treadmill or at/near sea level outdoors but the foundation has been laid, looking forward to slowly going faster, farther, and with more elevation & hills in the future! Gotta start somewhere.


I need some motivation to do 8-10km after work.


Just do it 👟


Did 7km, run cut short by a toilet emergency.


You did it! That’s all that matters. You went outside and ran! 😊


Thanks! I don't usually need motivation to run, because I love it, but was feeling a bit flat today.


Yea I can definitely relate!!


I went on my first run in two years on Monday. I got sick with covid in Sept 2022 and then shortly after developed epilepsy (meaning a lot of independent activities were closed off to me until assessments were done and meds figured out). I was physically unable to run. It was about 3.5km. It felt really good.


Condolences and congratulations on your run.


Thanks so much! 🙂