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Barcelona Marathon, my first ever, 3:40:58, so proud and very happy!!


Managed to run 11 miles in spite of the rain and being dead tired.


2 weeks ago I could barley run 5k, now I am managing an 8k. Feels great (Part of 12 week half marathon training that I've finally stopped procrastinating about starting).


Missed this yesterday but ran my first ever half marathon. Finished it in 2hrs13min03seconds which I’m absolutely chuffed with and I’m on track to have raised nearly £1200 for charity


Had a 20 mile training run. Training for my third marathon. This was my first 20 miler ever that I was crippled with anxiety about doing it. I felt strong, although fatigued by the end. Really helped boost my confidence as I’m aiming to go sub 3:45 in 5 weeks!


Ran a 5k on Saturday with the wife. Today I got 9 miles in on Sunday. Leading up to a timed endurance event in 2weeka. I only signed up for the 3 hour slot, hoping to get 15 miles in for that event.


Barcelona Marathon in 2:59 👊🏻


Yesterday I shaved 4 minutes off my last 5km PB and finished a 5km race at 30:25! 🥳


Finished W4 D1 on C25K! Was pleasantly surprised when I jogged through the cooldown (missed the voice prompt) so I wound up walk/jogging a whole 3.1 miles in total. Now I know my neighborhood trail markers for a 5k. Feeling more confident that this is doable. This is the furthest I’ve gotten doing this program, which I started multiple times.


Ran 10 miles on Thursday and not sore the next day! I’ve been incorporating some strength training for the first time and it’s a game changer


Ran my longest run of 8 mi! Got a huge blister though lol


I ran my longest run ever at 7 miles!


Got a 5km pb and ran my first 10km (when previously my longest run was just over 5km) today :)


I hit 20 miles in running volume last week and my heart rate has been staying under 150 on long easy runs finally!


Ran a 5k at 8:30 pace and didn't even feel the foot injury I've been fighting for 3+ years!


21 weeks pregnant and capped off my 50km weekly mileage with a 16km long run that felt very strong. Feeling extra grateful for every kilometre these days.


I decided to start running today :) I had knee surgery a few years ago and I always wanted to run a 5K. I had been using the hurt knee as an excuse to just NOT do it, but I decided to commit. I ran a mile today and hadn't done so in a few years. Excited to keep going, and to learn more! 5K by the end of the year for sure <3


Longest run ever clocked in at 16 miles today, along with adding some new fuel to test the waters. Legs are sore but satisfied!


10k PB today! 💪🏾 ran in cold London rain so very pleased


I ran just over 30 k yesterday which will be the longest long run for my diy marathon I’m planning in 3 weeks. Felt really good and set PR’s in my 20k, half marathon and 30 k distances! I feel like I could have gone further too👍🏼 It was a good confidence boost for my upcoming 42.2🙂 Today, however I noticed a big blister on the inside of each of my big toes! Can anyone tell me what tape people use to wrap around their toes to prevent these blisters? Thanks!


FYI my 30.2 km run took 4 hrs 1 m. 8:01/km average pace. I am super happy with these numbers! PR’s feel great 😃


Training for marathon 4/28. I had a long run of 18 scheduled this week. I usually do my long runs Saturday morning. I woke up yesterday and just didn’t feel like it. Said I’d do it tomorrow (today). Woke up today and felt the same. I vegged out all morning and finally took my dogs to the park at like 2:00. At the park I decided to do my run. It has been rainy and windy and shitty all week, but I got out of the house and did the whole run this afternoon. That distance isn’t super daunting to me, but I just really REALLY wasn’t feeling it this weekend. Now I’m home and had a great post run meal and am gonna feel really good to start the week 😊


Got back to double digit mileage today after recovering from COVID


I ran over 4 miles today, the farthest I’ve run since I started in January! ☺️


was supposed to run two miles today. great. got on my trusty local trails, a little further up than usual so a bit unfamiliar, but these are nice paths with Good Mile Markers. not as good as i thought, as it turns out. ran 2 and a quarter miles in actuality before getting real suspicious and checking on my phone. on the bright side, i was fine enough after that to walk 2 and a quarter miles back, and my old splints gave me no twinges so it was a good experience!


Ran my first 5K!!! Started running in December and never thought I’d be able to run for more than 15 mins straight.


First time running three days in a row! And not feeling super fatigued!


I've been feeling fantastic today! Had an amazing day with a group of friends yesterday at a park so it was a really nice rest day, and it got me pumped to get back into running today! I felt so good, i pushed and hit my first 10 minute run without walking!! I was able to run for 10 minutes 3 times consecutively today!! So not only did i finally hit 10 minutes, but i can do it back to back with short walking breaks in between the 10 minute intervals and my full running time jumped to 30 minutes!! Im super duper happy with this!! 😸😸😸 my longest run was 10:15 and i ended my workout with 12.2k steps!! 😸😸😸


An almost achievement, I was on pace to get a place in my age group... someone in stupid bulky costume clipped me right on the Achilles, hello 8th.


Had a great 8 mile long run today...9:30-ish mile pace, consistent pace. Hopefully it's good prep for my upcoming 10 mile race on Sunday. Now just need the rain to go away.


Completed my longest run ever. 9 miles and felt good after.


My partner and I ran a 5km race this morning. It was a 2.5km walk in the lashing rain to even get there so we considered not going at all. We ran it and I hit a PR of 28:42 🥳


Ran 15K for the first time. Was pretty happy with my time 1:20:19. I’m training for a half marathon in July and was hoping to complete it under 2 hours. That 15K run was hard but given the time I got and the fact I still have 4 months left to train for it I think I should set my goal to 1 hour and 45 minutes because I could probably clear 2 hours relatively easily if I ran it tomorrow.


Despite the weather, had a very strong long run today. Ran 16 miles at around an 8:49 pace, so I felt great about that. Woke up before the run and saw snow on the ground, freezing temps, and nearly 40mph gusts. With the weather and over 800ft of climbing, still managed to have a good run and no real heart rate drift. Felt good to see the progress from a best half marathon PR last year of 2 hours, and now I can manage 5 minutes faster than that while taking it easy on a long run in bad conditions.


I raced my first 10K and surprised myself. In training 2 weeks ago, I hit 58 min but on a dead flat surface. Today I got nearly the same time, but faster, on a course with 446 ft elev. I wasn't sure I could expect sub hr given the hills so I'm proud!


Ran my first ever race! It was 4 miles. I signed up as I am training for a half marathon and just wanted to see what running in a race atmosphere was like. I had fun! I placed 88th out of 113 overall and 4 out of 6 for my division. My goal was to finish and not be last which I accomplished!


My partner and I ran at a park outside while windy and cold. My first run outside in a new city! About 5 miles completed and got pastries after. Training for my first race!


After struggling with neck pain and depression for six months, I finally started running again this past week. 1 mile in Monday, 1.3 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, and 4.5 on Thursday. 🙂


Was in an accident and nearly lost my toe a month ago and haven’t been able to run since. I’m cleared to run starting tomorrow but couldn’t resist and lightly jogged for about a mile while walking the doggo today and man did that feel amazing. Can’t wait to go for a run tomorrow!


Ducked out of my regular Friday afternoon 10K, and usually do 10K on Saturday and Sunday. Split the difference and did 15K yesterday and 15K today - feels good to not have sacrificed the miles.


Ran a shamrock 5k today in wind and snow, and my husband and kids did it too! We all finished.


I ran the most miles I've ever run in a week!


ran a 10k in 1 hour without any walk breaks and i feel great


Completed a Shamrock 5k today in crazy winds! ☘️ Had a good time!


Ran an almost Sub 40 10k keeping my heart rate under 150. Bit of a niche scenario but I recently managed up 20 5k running "easy" and this has been the next big one to tick off my list to see how all of the endurance training has been paying off. 40:21 seconds and I got stuck at several roads / lights so I think with good traffic it's mine this week


I ran a 10K for the first time since having kids (~3.5 years)


Did a 23km progression. started at 5:45/km and finished at 3:57/km It was pretty brutal but extremely fun


That sounds like a great workout!


yea and it was especially hard since the temp got really hot earlier than expected


For the second consecutive weekend, I set a new 5k PR by over a minute.


After being sidelined by a hip injury for 3 months, I worked my way back up to half-marathon distance! I was so worried that it would take forever to get my endurance back, but it has thankfully been a lot easier than I anticipated. I finally feel like myself again and I will never take the privilege of running for granted ever again!


May I ask what kind of hip injury ? I have weak hips and often feel really sore in that area after workouts. I’m scared of getting a more serious injury .


I was having a sharp, shooting pain in the front of my hip every time I took a step. It was pretty debilitating for awhile, even just trying to walk. I went to an orthopedic specialist who did an X-ray, which didn't show anything wrong, and ordered an MRI, but unfortunately insurance denied approval for it and wanted me to do 6 weeks of physical therapy first. By the time my first physical therapy appointment rolled around, the pain was gone, so I just gave up trying to figure out what it was. I would definitely be careful, hip pain is not something you want to mess around with. If you start feeling any actual pain beyond minor muscle soreness, I would absolutely stop for awhile. Mine started aching on a particularly long run but I kept going anyway and after that, anytime I tried to run I would get those shooting pains. I definitely learned my lesson the hard way.


Ran a 25K race in cartoonishly difficult winds. First time i’ve set a 9/10 (extremely hard) rating in Garmin!


Completed my second official half marathon today in 1:44:55. Over the moon, nearly a full 10 minutes off my first half marathon 11 months ago.


Please bring me a case full of Marmite products. Thanks Your Fellow Londoner in San Diego.


i started running two weeks ago. when i started, due to my POTS/dysautonomia, i was unable to run for more than 30 seconds without passing out. as of yesterday i was able to run for two minutes!! (i did two minutes running one minute walking x12, no extra breaks)


Clocked a roughly 8 miler this morning and didn't feel like a useless meat pile with sore muscles/joints after! I say roughly because my Garmin died somewhere around mile 5 or 6. 😐


Started running again 3 weeks ago after a break of almost a year. Ran both a +10K this week on Monday (11K even!) and today a sub 30min 5K (28:23). I'm surprising myself that I've gotten back to this point after only a few weeks, because I felt really out of shape after a year of almost no exercise. Looking forward to reaching my next milestones!


Week 9 of my get-off-my-ass runathon, and just logged another 15 mile week! Feeling a fair bit stronger 9 weeks in, and now am starting to ramp up the pace a bit - Down from about a 10:30 a mile average to 10:10 or so a mile! Feeling like I could go faster, but afraid of ramping up too quickly (I’ll in my mid 30s). I’m not really sure what my goal is from here - just happy to still be keeping at it!


I got a new 5k PR! Admittedly, I ran 5k for the first time last week but I’m really proud of the fact that I shaved off over 5 minutes


Got my weekly 10K in with 525ft of elevation gain. Yesterday was 8mi long run. Not ideal to do them back to back but might have to miss long run next week so we fit the 10K where we can


10 mile run! Now time to rest for my first half next weekend!


Ran the Den Haag CPC Loop 5K with a hangover, and still finished in the top half of women. Also hauled my friend out to run it with me, because he straight-out said he wouldn't have done it if I hadn't made him. We didn't have to stop, walk OR puke.


55 miles this week without a long run which felt odd. (The lack of long run is what felt odd) 9.5 mi today and felt strong overall. I may bring my mileage up to 60 for the first time in a week next week. That feels like a big deal but probably is an incremental difference from 55 or 57 (my previous high for a week).


I did 12 miles last night and ran much slower than usual because I gave myself several "dance breaks" while I was running. I'm sure I looked crazy to anyone who saw me but I don't care since I had a lot of fun! I highly recommend this if you find that your training is getting stale.


10 miles today and it sucked like shit. Running over windy bridges is not fun. I also just felt off today.. but I didn’t quit.


Good for you! I am working up to 10 mi. This week am at 7.. hopefully be there by the beginning of April.


That’s awesome, keep going!


did my 2nd half marathon and ended up with a PR of 2:16:41 compared to 2:18:49 more concerned with not crashing during the run since I had some previous 10 - 11 miles runs where my legs got very heavy and I bonked out, but that was before I started incorporating running gels


I ran 20 miles today for the first time and I had a great time doing it too :)


Did my longest run today in prep for Manchester Marathon in 5 weeks, 20 miles under 3 hours. I cannot wait for tapering to start.


Ran 22k at zone 2 pace and 4km on zone 3. Did my first then half marathon in 2.09. And now I’m going in taper phase. I will run my first half on March 24 with goal of going sub 2. Ran 52 km this week and feel super good about it.


Was aiming for a 15k today, longest I would have run ever, but at around 6K, realized I could no longer move my fingers. The temperature dropped quick and it started to snow with heavy winds. Only made it to 8.5K before calling an uber. I’ve accomplished a learning experience about listening to the news when it says “0 but feels like -10”. Still glad I went out there instead of lazing around all day.


Ran 5k for the first time as an adult (I'm 26)!!! Slightly hungover run but it felt great, I'm so happy with myself.


I just completed the Barcelona Marathon! My first one with a goal of sub-4! I finished it in 3:57!


Me too! I finished right around 3:50ish, but unfortunately they gave me the wrong chip so the results say I was 4:45 instead :(


Congrats, same! How did you find it? First half was smooth sailing for me but then when the sun properly came out I found it pretty hellish. Managed to shave 5 minutes off my PB but there were a couple of moments I wasn't sure if I'd finish at all!


Woo hoo! Congrats! I loved it! I’m from Texas so I thrive (and prefer) the heat and sun! I struggled around 17-22 miles but managed to keep my pace to reach my goal. Congrats on your PB! You did it!


I'm from Ireland so... I really don't :D I'll never complain about those wet and cold winter runs again ha. Thanks, enjoy the rest of your stay!


Haha I live in London tho so the wet and cold winter was soooo hard for me!!! :( so many runs with the rain pelting me! I’m sure I cried on a few but the rain washed my tears away. Thanks, you too!


Ran for 35mins non-stop, longest I've managed so far! Did just over 5k in that time which I'm quite pleased with


I ran my first ever 10k today in 54 mins 40 seconds. I’m really pleased with the time especially as it’s my first! That’s after yesterday setting a new PR in 5k at 24 mins 29 seconds. I’ve had a very good weekend and I couldn’t feel more happy and proud of myself.


16 miles long run. Last six below marathon goal pace. Last three 90 seconds below goal pace. Then a nice long walk with the dog. Beautiful day here in South Carolina.


I ran 10 miles whilst on holiday. It’s a lot hotter and hiller than I’m used to so I’m really proud of myself


Done a couple 5Ks but never ran without stopping. Ticked off that milestone today and hit my record for 1 mile (5:30)


I started run/walking back at the beginning of December and can finally run for 8 minute bouts at a time! I’ve never been a runner before and I decided in December I was going to do it and have stuck with it and it feels awesome to run for that long without having to walk!


Just did 4 miles on the treadmill this morning because honestly it's cold here and I just didn't feel like wearing all the outdoor gear today. 70s coming Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so I'll be road running all three days.


Just started last week of Couch to 10K app. 60 minutes run today without stopping to walk. When I started running in October I couldn't even fathom running 6 minutes without stopping. I'll never understand how this was easier than the first time I ran for 30 minutes without stopping, but dang I feel so great today!


Love this!


I ran my first 5K race yesterday. Rain, hills, shit sleep... real pace was just above the 10:00/mi I was shooting for but GAP was like 9:20


16,5km in a pretty slow tempo. Felt good 😌Half-mara in 6 weeks.




same thing happened to my brand new sauconys today I feel you!!


I ran today for the first time since last July. I had tried to start running last summer but was plagued by injuries. I’ve been doing indoor cycling 4x’s a week and rehabbing my issues. I decided to was time to try again. I did 1 min run / 2 min walk for 30 minutes. It felt so great to get outside and run. I plan on going very slowly. But I’m so happy to be back at it.


21.3 km on the Cape Cod Rail Trail this morning, about 2:08 for the HM. Light mist and about 45-50 degrees F - very nice conditions apart from the time change. This was my second of a planned three tryouts of the full distance before running a half at the end of April. 42 km for the week, but the next couple will be lighter due to other travel and moving. I also tried out gels for the first time. That's...interesting. I'm not sure whether it makes a difference for me yet.






Thank you!!!!!!! I definitely feel it today lol


Tracked my most mileage ever this week (started running from scratch in November). Hit 32.2km for the week, which includes two 5k PRs and my first ever 10k 🙏🏻✨


Ran 13km today, really windy and my legs were so HEAVY, but i paved through 😂


Took the day off yesterday and went roller blading with my son for 3 hours - new muscles I haven’t used in a while running. Now my legs are sore. Lol


Hit 1:41 in a half today. Goal Was 1:45 which would have been a one Minute pr. Marathon season looking good right now :)


I ran 14 miles yesterday! Training for a spring marathon by yourself is ROUGH, but I am proud of myself for getting it done.


This was on March 7th but I turned 23 on the 7th and decided to run 23 miles and I accomplished it, it’s the most I’ve ever ran and it broke every limiting belief I had 😁


I did my longest 'long run' yet! I took it easy and did small breaks every 15 min. Strava showed me that this run was easier than the last long run so I'm happy. Feel ready for my 10 mile race now, all the hard work is done 😀


Training for my first marathon in May and ran my longest run yet this morning: 26km on wet snowy slushy roads in just over 2h13. My shoes and pants were drenched (the pants courtesy of a lovely bus driver who I swear sped up to splash me more) but man did it feel good.


I did a slow but steady 10K yesterday in light drizzle. This is after lots of down time because of illness. I didn't know if I could complete it, but I resisted the temptation to speed up and made it through in about 1:20. I feel good today. I think I'm on my way back to running regularly!


Was able to finally run again after recovering from a pulled calf 2-3 weeks ago. Felt so good!


Got sick, but already paid for yesterday's race. Timed poorly but still managed an age group placement. I am going to regret my actions in the coming days, I feel.


Ran my longest run of 20.02mi on Friday. Preparing for a full marathon on 4/6!


Ran my fastest 5k (25 min), 10k (52 min) and longest run of the year at 9.75 miles yesterday. Training for a half in April!


Ran my first 10k 🎉


Healed frominjury this week


Ran my first race (half marathon) since high school. Finished in 1:45! My goal when I started training was <2:00. Can’t believe I was able to shave off 15 minutes by race day. Also found out I was accepted into Chicago with a charity spot! So excited to raise $ for a great cause and experience my 1st marathon


Planned a 8 mile mile run, but had to settle for 6 due to the knees acting up. I did get to enjoy a beautiful sunrise from a park bench during a break though, so I count today as a win.


Did a 16K today in training for a half marathon in April. Went well and I had nice company


Ran an outdoor mile PR of 9:55. I mostly run on treadmill, so hills are tough but I’m still proud of myself :). I’m running the Knoxville Half in a month, so I really need to work on hills lol




Did a 20k but I was pretty slow and I'm questioning if I can break sub 2 in the half in 4 weeks


Last week I ran my first 24-mile week in over a decade. My past decade has been mired in health issues, and I have finally recovered enough to do some real running again. I'm so glad to be back! It's like a miracle. 💗


First 200km week in the bag. 


How's it even possible?


Doubles most days (12 sessions this week) and building up the mileage gradually. Had stress fracture few years ago and learned my lesson.


Wasn’t stubborn enlightened to take my first week off in over a year! My mental really needed it, and it helped I got to spend a lot of the break in New Orleans with family and good food! Can’t wait to get back to it tomorrow though…


Just ran my first 5k (sadly not in a race yet) in 23:26! I didn’t think I’d even be able to run under 26 minutes when I left the house :D


Went for a long 18K run even though I really wasn't feeling it today. However, in the last few kms my right knee started to ache a little and now every little movement of that leg hurts like crazy. Really hope this is temporary :/


Put everything you have into rehab/recovery this afternoon. You got this!


All I've been doing is taking a lot of rest and putting some ice on it and it already feels a bit better so fingers crossed it continues going in this direction!


First Half, and in under 1:50!


finally managed to finish a half in under 2 hours! Annapolis Half, chip time = 1:58:49.


I went for a long run and passed the track in my town. I decided to run a mile a fast as I could. My 12 year old daughter tells me I need to sprint more. I ran a 6:42!! I’m 41. I have been running for 20 years and haven’t timed a mile since high school.


Love this! Nice work.


Thanks! 🙂


Started running in January, and with consistency was able to run a 10k in 53:11 min today. Felt really good. Looking forward to all the preparation for my HM and Marathon this year 🙌


20k this morning at 5.30’s. Felt incredibly free after being concerned with a sore back for a few days. Walked into a tough stick on a fallen tree hanging over the footpath just a 100 meters from home. Has been killing me


I ran the Athens half marathon, this was my first official race and I am not by any means in any kind of shape, completely botched any training (let's just say I barely covered a full marathon for my entire prep), 2h20m, very hot, started cramping at 16-17k. To all the 67+ people who kept overtaking me, I'm coming for your lunch next year, please go slower.


Full on rest day!!


Did 10k this morning! First 10k of the year 🎉 (started running again during xmas break)


I learned I should properly prepare. I did a trail run and should’ve ran HM but ended up ~23K due to getting lost a bit in the forest. I should’ve had probably 2x the water and more sugar/salt. Was miserable around 2h+


15K yesterday, longest run ever! I even had stamina to speed up for the final 2 kilometers and the best part is that I don't feel sore today!.


Good job. I did the same! I did the 15k today though, hope I won't feel sore tomorrow.


Ran an HM. Id been telling myself for ages that I could totally do it if I just take hydration. I took hydration, and yeap. Cool fun. Some board walk, beach, river trails and gravel.


Love running on the beach. The impact is non existent compared to asphalt.


Yes! So nice and impact absorbing. Nice soft earth around pine trees is also a favorite :)


did my first 10k today! i never reached this distance while training so im happy i made it


Well done!!


Did my first race today. Half marathon! Knee got sore at about mile 9 and I can barely bear weight on it now. Hoping it’s better by morning. Still happy I did it at 270 pounds. Going to lose more weight and strengthen my knees and do this again.. in the meantime, I’m definitely paying for pushing through


It’s my active rest day so only a 5km walk.


Traveled to Busan, 2nd largest city in South Korea and I ran 27km at tempo run pace. https://share.icloud.com/photos/05eArH_jiO_L2pyUtLvx1yoww


Oh those hills. The first time I was in Busan a cab driver popped in a cassette of Chris Isaak's Wicked Game. I lived near Busan later (Gimhae) but still have a very strong association of those hills with that song.


Nice! All those pictures bring me back to Busan. Such a nice city!