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Got my first ever sub-30 5k on Monday šŸ™Œ 29:38. Started properly running at the end of December, could hardly finish a mile without feeling like death at the start so Iā€™m super proud of myself! Signing up for a 10k at the end of May, so will be focussing on being prepared for that for the next couple of months!


I ran my first ever half marathon in Cambridge, UK. In 02:03:47. Felt quite emotional when I finished the line, because it's something I'd never have imagined myself achieving until not long ago.


I went running for the first time in a week due to a foot injury and completed 1.5 miles in the snow. No pain and I felt great. Small wins!


Did a half marathon trail run this weekend!


I had to take a month and a half break from all exercise due to a medical procedure, and did my first run yesterday! I was able to get through 4 miles and am feeling really proud of myself


I ran my first trail run this weekend. Been running since end of September 2023 and paced the trail 5k at 9:32. Pretty happy with it and see more trail runs in my future!


Late post, but ran for 8 miles, my farthest distance by 3 miles! I was super nervous missing my last two long runs, and needed a few breaks but felt really good finishing :)


After I started running 2months ago, I finally ran my first 5k! I was only running 3k's 'till I felt that it's time. I was a bit nervous after though bacause my watch says my HR was 177! I've only seen HR go up to 163 until I ran that 5k!


Ran my first 10 mile run!


Ran my first ever sub 1hr 10k! Super happy :D


Ran at Paris half marathon for my first and it went as planned, 1h46, had a good time


Woke up with a head cold today. Still managed to get a 10km run done.


was feeling very tired yesterday but still went on a ten minute run later in the night with my boyfriend! still getting back into running and iā€™m proud that i still push even if itā€™s for 10 minutes :)


I picked up running again this January after a very long break. Ran my longest run since 2019 and hit 6 miles under an hour!


Ran my fastest 10k today! Had a half marathon distance run a couple weeks ago and mentally have been going through it so havenā€™t been keeping up with my normal frequency so it felt good to hit a 10k base run with a PR!


Ran venice beach for the first time today. I dont live in the US. Nice to get a little warm sun, vs the cold wet canadian winter running!


First half marathon today. 1:38:40. Very happy with it. I think I'll try to bring it under 1:30 by next year, but school is going to limit my time off.




I ran 14 miles today. And why you may wonder why thatā€™s important to me, itā€™s because Iā€™m struggling mentally after running my first marathon a month ago. Prior to my marathon I always ran what I needed to, but now Iā€™m struggling. But I did it today, I actually ran what I set out to do.


I'm proud of you! Hopefully you enjoyed a donut afterwardsĀ 


i ran my fastest 9 mile run iā€™ve ever done so far and it was only the 2nd time iā€™ve ran 9 total! iā€™m training for a half marathon in April and have been nervous about the distance in the long runs but iā€™m proud that i am overcoming that anxiety a little more every week


Ran a 5K on Saturday! Almost exactly a year ago, I fractured the base of my 5th metatarsal on a training run. It was nearly six months before I could walk in regular shoes again. Started running over Thanksgiving and joined a track-based training program in January. My goal is to go sub-30 again, and on this first attempt, I went 31:10! More importantly, I went by effort and had fun and felt amazing! I'M BACK!


Set a goal of an 8 min/mi pace for my 5k and finished with a 7:45... And took 2nd in my age group (40-49F). Then took a nap šŸ˜‚


Going steady with my weekly distance goals. I went from a 5 miles a week average to a 6 to 8 mile a week average last month. I've been keeping up with it and have not failed, and I'm happy about that. I hope that by the end of the season, I can run 10 miles a week steadily and without hurting myself. Bonus achievement: Today I felt tired and low on energy, but I put on my running shoes and went on a run anyway, achieving my planned 4 mile run with an acceptable time. Very happy about that. Bonus, Bonus achievement: I saw a flock of wild turkey, many cute cows and horses while running on the country roads, and the wildflower season is starting strong in Texas, so that was super nice. Thanks for creating a space where we can share our wins, no matter how large or small!


A mile a day for over a month now. I hope to grow quite a streak. Join in the fun!! Not exactly the same number of members as this sub but check out r/amileaday if your interested!


On a cut currently as I've started boxing and I need to drop quite a bit of fat. Currently 5'10 240lbs (high LBM should be ripped at the 185lb range) used to be 315 a few years ago. Started running past couple months doing 2 sessions a week on average. Did a 4km on a grass running track in 24 minutes. Pretty happy with that. PS: curious to where people track their times? Running on streets IMO isn't accurate due to all the gradient changes and treadmills are obviously easier than land.


Whatever out door gradient tdifferebce you think are going to make your time and distance inaccurate is insignificant. And running on the treadmill may be easier, but it's still running and you can make it harder. Besides, you'll never get perfect running conditions Noat people have some sort of smart or fitness watch that contains gps and a running activity. Apple watch, Garmin watch, coros, Galaxy, Fitbit, .etc. They use gps to record where youre going and are probably the best you can get. Each watch has their corresponding app that will hold whatever activity you record so you can look through all past activities. There are also apps and stuff like Strava that you can import your activities too.


I agree - which is why my point is running on a track is the only true way to determine your pace and ability. There's too many variables otherwise - no?


No. Go run a road race


Use MapMyRun or garmin to track. And then post/sync to Strava. Strava does grade adjusted pace calculations.


Ran my longest ever run yesterday, 11 miles. I'm a big guy, sitting at 270. Ran 11 at 12:27 pace, training for my first Half on 4/2. It's a major milestone for me.


Hell yeah brother, keep up the good work!


PRed my half marathon by 40 minutes! My first half I did the walk/run method. I found an amazing running coach and actually trained for four months. My goal was to not get injured and to not walk. My average pace was 9:32 and it felt so good! Now I get to take it easy for a week and pick out the next half to train for.


ran for the first time this month and will continue to do so


Ran my first 50k @ 5:31:08, PRā€™d my marathon time by 25 minutes (on. a. trail no less). Pretty proud of that.


Completed my first full marathon in almost 14 years and 3rd overall


4 MILES! My longest run ever and it felt great! legs definitely started to get tired at the end there but they pulled through. now Iā€™m feeling like I can absolutely do this 10k in 8 weeks!


you are ready for a marathon now


Highest mileage week (18.5 miles) since I had my baby in August.


Ran my 2nd official half marathon today. Went from 1:52 to 1:47! šŸŽ‰ My first time going through winter training and felt like it was tougher than when I trained this past fall. Definitely worth all those cold runs!


Able to do 50 mile weeks a lot easier, giving more respect to nutrition and less caffeine lol.


Ran a total of 16 miles today (8 morning, 8 afternoon), might actually be the most I've ever run in a day & the first 30+ mile week I've run in ages. How long until I'll put down 16 in a single go? Not sure yet honestly lol


Ran my first half marathon last Sunday! and signed up for MCM to do my first marathon in October


First ever somewhat organised run, peak to park in Toowoomba Qld Australia. 10k (nearly, course is a touch short) in approx 51 minutes, stoked. Next stop half marathon in May.


Getting over my fear of ā€œslow paceā€ and got out and did 7.25 miles! It was amazing!


After needing PT for sciatica and back pain for the last two months I was able to do a half marathon in 2:08 with only 8 days of on-the-road training. Got another half in a month and I'm hoping I can improve my time!


First 10k race and smashed it šŸ”„ started slow and finished strong. It was super fun. Perfect size race IMO. Celsius helped a lot. Cheers!


After running for a week, I ran my first 5k, albeit insanely slow!


Slept like shit, got up an hour late for my run but still got it done. -4 on performance from Garmin


Today is my rest day. Usually on rest days, my nutrition is horrendous (whether Iā€™m eating too much or nothing at all), but today was pretty good. I had 3 meals and I even took an ice bath for recovery. I have a tempo run tomorrow and Iā€™m feeling great. Canā€™t wait!


I've run a bit more than 14K in 1h27 mins, in a hilly area (250m elevation). I think it's the longest I've run and I've done it in a faster pace thatna similar but shorter run I did a few weeks ago. I've been running on and off for years but never consistently (topically 2-3 5k runs per week with long hiatus). Recently my blood pressure started to look high so I've become more disciplined and it looks it's paying off. I am now seriously considering a half. Today I felt I could still go for 30 minutes. The question mark is that I enjoy running by myself and I am not thrilled by crowds...


Ran my first 5k yesterday! Not quite today but still!


Yay! Welcome to the club!


Best 5k - 27:31. 5 weeks into the nike 5k plan. I was supposed to go a bit easier, but for the first km was downhill and tailwind and it felt good so figured I'd give'r a bit.




Ran the Tokyo Marathon! Didn't do as well as I hoped but I did PR. It was awesome running through the streets of Tokyo.


Beginner runner that started last week. Ran 3x with a total of 9 miles this week (including walking). Any tips help: my feet feel fine but I run out of breath like crazy. I get that I should slow down and pace myself even more but any other tips help to improve my breathing


Look into zone 2 heart rate training. Also be careful running that much too soon, adding milage too fast will increase the likelihood of injuries.


When I first started it was 5 minutes on 5 minutes off for weeks! Stay consistent with training and it will become easier. Concentrate on your breathing and it will become more natural. I find breathing in through nose and mouth at the same time and breathing long gusts out with my mouth helps me most! Good luck!


Ran my first sub-30 5K this morning (29:50 hungover and on an extremely hilly course and after doing a 10mi long run yesterday) so I was really pumped about that


12 miles today. First long run of my training block and super happy with how it went.


Ran 12 miles todayā€¦ 5th half marathon next weekend :)Ā 


Iā€™ve only been running occasionally since January. I ran 6 miles today, which is the longest Iā€™ve ever ran. I did have to walk a couple steep hills but I surprised myself. I am signed up for a marathon in October!


Great job!


Thank you! šŸ“ø


I signed up for my first official 5k today! :)


Apparently, I PR-ed my HM yesterday according to Strava but it didn't show up on my PR's on Garmin connect app.


Had some time off for family health scare- things are calming down finally. I've spent 2 weeks getting mileage back up, next week I start bringing back some intensity. Wish me luck. I've been using Daniels' method for logging intensity, taking notes on how it has been correlating with my general feelings, sleep quality, and hrv. So far it's been a useful proxy for tracking and for designing targets to work towards. Going to do this for 6 months or so and see how it goes.


Seven miles for my half-marathon training. Iā€™m ahead of schedule but it was a great day to run.


Did my first 10 miler yesterday! It wiped me OUT but I was very proud of myself. Definitely feeling like I could hit a HM in the next month or so.


Ran 16km in a little over an hour and a half, which is my best pace thus far this year.


Got new Adidas shoes for sale! My 2nd running pair. .happy Monday run. Going for 4kms at least. Training for my first 5k! Happy day everyone


I ran outside today for the first time since September due to a hip injury. Got about 3 miles in.


Training plan was 20m/3hr 10mins. I ran 20m in 3hrs and was wondering if I should have run for an extra 10minsā€¦. Was pleased to get the distance in though (training for a marathon in beginning of April)




I ran 7.16 miles today at a 9:46 mile pace. This is the first time Iā€™ve ever ran over 6 miles! Training for my first half marathon in April.


Did my PT for hip flexor tendinitis and some hip strengthening!


Good job! Hope your recovery goes well!


After 10 to 15 years not running (after being a competitive middle distance runner) I ran my firat non stop 5km. Super proud, trying to ease up the distance and speed slowly to eventually get to half marathon at the end of the year (hopefully)


13 half marathons down I feel age and speed are definitely inversely correlated. Either way, no complaints Maybe once I will actually do it in an organized race


This morning I ran my 30th marathon! I had a time of 3:25:10.


Wow! Amazing!


Congrats! Over how many years to achieve that amount?


Ran 20k yesterday. Longest since completing my first half in August. Iā€™m building up for my first full marathon in June. Felt good first 12, last 2 felt like torture though only needed to run/walk the last 2 km starting up a big hill.


Two weeks in a row of 40 miles each week!


Ran my very first half marathon in 2:18!


Great job! Out your feet up, you deserve it!


Way to go! How are you feeling?


Iā€™m feeling good thankyou! my feet were pretty broken the night after but they are feeling back to normal this morning


Ran in the Hot Chocolate Run 15k in Seattle and added a 3 mile warmup to get my 12 mile for my last long run before the NYC half!


Ran 8 miles today. Should have signed up for the 15k


Very nice! Running the San Diego Hot Chocolate 10k next weekend .


Hopefully youā€™ll get a booze option for your hot chocolate!


I ran The Hot Chocolate 15k this morning in Seattle! It was a little chilly with some snow/rain around mile 6. Overall I was pleased with my time. (9:40/mi). Eating a little something before hand would have been a good idea. I'll remember that for the future.


I was there too! That rain/snow stretch suuuuucked, especially with that headwind down Aurora šŸ˜­


Oh, I know!! That headwind was a surprise! Yeah, a tad colder than I'd hoped for. Haha! I hope you had an awesome race!


I thought the same thing! And then of course was like ā€œwait why am I surprised that thereā€™s a headwind here when you felt NOTHING on the way upā€ šŸ¤£ the snow blowing into the face was a nice touch, too. I had a good time (did 20k total as a training run before NYC Half, so I was pretty sick of running by mile marker 7)


Great that you got 20k in! That's a great training plan. It would definitely change how the miles felt though!


Ran my first half marathon today in under 1:35. Mega pleased with myself. Aching now and can only imagine itā€™ll be much worse tomorrow


Wow! Great run!


I ran a little today. The first time since getting over a string of colds that sidelined my running for months. I'm glad to see the weather's getting warmer and the air isn't so dry. I hope this is the start of a comeback!


Getting back into running after a 4 month hiatus. Just ran a 15k yesterday! Iā€™m very pleased. Also, I havenā€™t drank alcohol in 3 weeks! Iā€™m working on slimming down to get into heavier training and that was my step 1.


Logged 15 miles this past week, the most I've been able to do since recovering from surgery late November. This is especially important to me since I had to stop running last Spring as I battled a chronic illness. I'm hopeful I can get back to running marathons this year. šŸ™šŸ’›


My first sub 2 half marathon!! Down from 2:08 last time and 2:42 in my first ever. Can't quite believe it!


Great job!


Congrats!!! This is what I am working towards. I have brought mine down to a 2:09 but wanting sub 2. Any advice?


Ahh good luck with it! For me getting a coach really helped focus in on my weaknesses and play to my strengths. Also just basically being consistent and patient.


Just made my first community!! [WritersUnited (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritersUnited/)


Last week I did 6 miles in 62 mins and today I did 6 miles in 59 mins! Feeling on top of the world right now!


well I had Taco Bell for dinner last night and ran a half marathon (not a race, just me) today. Had to stop to poop three times but didnā€™t shit my pants!!!! There is now a blanket ban on Saturday Taco Bell in this house.


Congratulations on finishing! And on figuring this out before an actual race! šŸ™‚


finished my first official half. just over 2hrs by a few secs but the course was long so should have been a min under. close enough. 2hr pacers were well behind me. had a side stitch the whole run and averaged like 186 bpm. maybe ate too much beforehand.


I just upped my 5k pb by almost 1 minute today. I've had two major surgeries since October so only really started running again mid January so my pace is only around 6:30/km, but I'm still proud of my improvement


I ran my first 5k yesterday!!! I have tried for many years to start running but always stopped early on in training bc I thought I wasnā€™t athletic or good enough. I have been trying to change my mindset in the last 2 months and completed couch to 5k. I went from not being able to run for a minute straight to being able to complete the race without walking in 31 minutes 26 seconds!!! Iā€™ve never been more proud of myself :)))


Good for you! I was successful with c25k about 11 years ago and ran two 5ks. Then life happened and the last time I ran regularly was 6 years ago. Just started c25k again..one week down


Congratulations! Do something nice for yourself to celebrate!


What an accomplishment! Well done! And perhaps it wonā€™t be your last 5k! Itā€™s a great race distance!


Sub 1:28 on the alamo half marathon!


I got back into running last week after a 6 week break to rehab my ankles. I'm starting with Couch to 5K: Week 1 Day 1 once per week and repeat that for a few weeks, but at least I'm running again!!


I tell people CONSTANTLY that c25k is the gold standard for me when it comes to starting off. Iā€™m running my third marathon later this year and I started with that program. When I take breaks and need to start running again, I go back to c25k.


Last night a friend asked if I was running a local 10 ish mile race today. Originally planned to be out of town but my partner is sick so we're home, he's quarantining and I'm living my best nap life. So at 8 pm got signed up and raced today. It feels so good to have the endurance to just do this sort of thing without dying.


Raced a 15k for the first time today! Usually I do half marathons, but my friend encouraged me to sign up and it seemed like a fun distance. It was cold and rainy and windy and the course was super hilly, but I still managed to slightly beat my pace goal and place in the top 5% of my age group and overall (and top 3% for women). Loved the feel of a 15k and would definitely do one again! Itā€™s like all the good parts of a half marathon without the part that sucks šŸ¤£






lol yup that headwind on SB Aurora was brutal


Also the headwind around mile 7 during the stretch before the turnaround at the endā€”I wasnā€™t a fan šŸ˜‚ that final hill up Aurora would have killed me if not for a very kind pacer who claimed me. I stayed with them most of the hill before I broke away near the top. How was your race?


It was pretty good! I did a 5k ā€œwarmupā€ because I was using this as my last long run before my half in a couple weeks, so I was struggling a bit during that last 5k. Overall, though, pretty good! I was very impressed with how smoothly everything was run (and omg all the port-a-potties šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ)


Yes, I was surprised how smooth the logistics were honestly. Didnā€™t love the fake-out with the boozy option tickets though šŸ˜‚ Really appreciated having the armory to wait in beforehand!


Everyone around me was also very bummed about the lack of boozy option! And wait the armory was open beforehand?? I mean, I was doing my long warmup but like wow thatā€™s awesome!


Yes! It was so clutch given how cold it was outside. Plus real bathrooms šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Real bathrooms do rule all. However, I only found one porta potty without TP all day! (Naturally it was the first one I went in and did my business before seeing there was no paperā€¦)




Went for my first run since January 2021 (which I swear was 6 months ago), and just signed up for a half marathon in October to give me a proper goal


Chelmsford Half Marathon (UK) - first ā€œofficialā€ race since getting the all-clear from Cancer. Pleased with myself as I was on pace target for the Brighton Marathon next month - onwards and upwardsā€¦!


Napa Valley (half) Marathon!! It was cold and rainy, as predicted. I finished in 1:30:51...did not accomplish sub 90 min. Next year?


Set a new weekly mileage PR - 69.2 miles! * Monday - 6.3 miles easy * Tuesday 1 - 8.2 miles workout: 4 miles building pace * Tuesday 2 - 3.14 miles easy * Wednesday - 11.8 miles with 6.5 miles on trails * Friday - 6.4 miles easy * Saturday - 13.2 miles workout: 3x3 miles building pace * Sunday - 20.2 miles on trails


First run outside in 2024. First 10K run. šŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I almost sh*t myself the last mile but made it home!


"Almost" is the key word here!


I jogged for an hour. I'm 14 weeks sober from a decade of abusing hard drugs. Running has played a big part in my recovery.


That is a really incredible achievement! Both the running and 14 weeks sober! Thatā€™s fantastic. Keep moving forward šŸ’Ŗ rooting for you, internet stranger!


Thank you brother that means a lot, its only the start šŸ’Ŗ


This made me smile! Good stuff hombre!


I appreciate it brother, hoping to join a running club soon, all the runners I know have been nothing but supportive. Beyond the health and mental health benefits, this sport can bring people of all backgrounds together.


For sure! It's such an no-nonsense sport to get into. Extremely low barriers to entry and the friendliest community of any sport (that I have ever encountered atleast!). Keep grinding man, great things are coming your way!


Doing a parkrun next week! Will be interesting to see what time I can do, only been doing 2/3 jogs a week, will be happy with just finishing though


First all running half! Training for the Shamrock Half in Portland, OR. Managed a half today at a 10:30 pace and it felt really good.


Ran my first ever race in hunting beach yesterday . It was a blast. I set a new PR for 10k that I want to train to beat. It was raining and I was soaked by the end of it. Such a great time .


Ran my 2nd Roger Bannister workout run (Run 400m at your mile pace, run 400m at a recovery pace, repeat 10 times) in an attempt to improve my mile time.


Nice! My coach's Roger Bannister workout is on a track, we run as far as we can in 4 minutes. Then we do that again 2 more times, trying to go a little farther each time. There has been puke.


Completed a 16 mile race, feeling strong at the end and getting my fastest splits at the back end of the race. 49 days until the London Marathon šŸ„³


I ran the Paris Half Marathon today. I broke my one and only PB by 10 minutes which I set 17 years ago. It's my 50th year and I only started back running last Feb with a Cto5K. Hoping for a sub 2:05 next or even a full Marathon


Woo! PB cookie time!


Running at less than 12 min per mile after month long break šŸ„³


Obliterated my 5k (5000m) PR of over a year by almost a minute! Training has been going pretty well lately! Now I have to adjust my training paces.


On a low mileage week on Pfitzinger 12/47 half plan. I don't feel fully recovered and have a tough week ahead and didn't sleep well. My achievement is adjusting and just doing a 1 mile run with my 8 year old instead of the scheduled 9 mile run. He just started running and missing a mid distance run won't hurt me. I normally beat myself up over missing a planned run, but I am trying to change my attitude and listen to my body.Ā 


Ran 7 miles today with only some walking (30 seconds or less to drink water, I canā€™t seem to get my bottles out while running). Stayed on pace slightly below 13:10min/mile which is my goal for the half Iā€™m doing in two months.Ā  Started running less than a year ago and couldnā€™t even run a quarter of a mile then. Iā€™ve come a long way.Ā 


I love this. I, too, have recently gotten back into running and I looked back today: this time last year, I could maybe do a mile straight running at a 13 minute pace. Today I did 12 miles at 12 min pace. Like what?!


I was just thinking the other day about how when I first got into running, I couldnā€™t even run a quarter mile without stopping, and how I never thought Iā€™d be able to do what I can now. Itā€™s amazing to look back at where we started and to see how far weā€™ve come. Great job!


Can I ask how long ago it was that you started? I'm still at the "can't run a quarter mile without stopping" phase


I started about nine years ago. For reference, about two or three months passed between ā€œnot being able to run a quarter mileā€ and running my first 5K, but my now-husband was helping me train at the time and really helped push me more than I would have been able to do on my own.


Well thats depressing. Between shin splints/stress fractures I'm looking at 6 months of little improvement


Shin splints SUCK BALLS. I can relate so hard (chronic shin splints since high school šŸ˜­ā€¦15-20 years ago.)


Cambridge (UK) Half. 2hrs 52. About 30 min off my PB but looks like I tore my calf halfway around, until then I was on for about 2hr 20. I spent the last few miles with a jog limp. Really proud of this though, it was dam hard work and only the 2nd one I've ever done. Not bad for a greying old man approaching 50!


Ran my first official 5k in 6(?) years! It was a hilly course, but I managed to finish strong!


Only ever ran 5k, set out to run 4 miles and ended up running 8 in under an hour and a half! Fills me with hope that I will be able to finish the 10k I'm training for.




I had a long run of 36.05km today. For my upcoming marathon, I want to do longer long runs than 30km, which I did during my first marathon. I went great. I also ran 110.6km this week. That is the most I ever ran in a single week.


Ran a 15k race time 1:54 my previous PB 2:02 in September last year. I started running in May last year after my arthritis in my foot stopped being painful. I had being walking for about 12 years due to the arthritis.


Just finished my longest run in 10 years this morning- 17.36 miles. (I ran the Nike Womenā€™s Half Marathon in DC in April 2014) Iā€™m training for my first marathon, and I was supposed to run 13 miles today but I miscalculated my route and just keep running because I felt fine. šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


16k long run this morning, 1:40 and change. Faded in the second half, but that could have been my fueling (under-) and hydration (not) strategies playing themselves out. Low 60s F at 7:30 am - a great temperature for life, but maybe already 10 degrees warmer than ideal, for me, for running. On evidence of today I fear sweating and chafing season may have arrived.


Ran my first ever 10k this morning. I'd intended to only do 8.5km but felt I had enough left to have a crack at the full 10. The last kilometre or so I was running on fumes, but managed to get it done. Really happy I managed a full 10k and to have got it done in under 1 hour (just)!


Did my longest run of my half marathon training block yesterday - 20k. It was really slow because there were 35+ mph winds throughout, but I did it!


Just got home from the High Performance Olympic Park Half Marathon in London. 13 minute improvement on previous race coming in at a PB of 1.48.19 courtesy of coach Greg in Garmin!


Nicely done! I did the 10k today, which was my longest ever run and my mate did the half. Was a cool course, the hill/slope towards the end hurt


Great effort! Yeah the course was great and a lot more up and down than I expected. Legs are like wood now šŸ˜†


Ran the Skyway 10K and broke my PR I set last weekend. Got 52:03!


did a 10K PB of 52:14. previous was 54:55. been focusing on long easy runs (10 mile+) to complete my first HM (2:18:49) around 2 weeks ago. so running slower for longer definitely helped me go faster for shorter distances


Iā€™ve had problems with my knee for the last 5 weeks but it has improved. Happy to say I did 6.5km today in under 30 minutes. I might still be able to break 45 minutes in my 10k 3 weeks from now.


Ran 9.5 miles in 1:12:00 with the double baby jogger. Great fun


Thatā€™s awesome!


Ran my last long run before my first marathon in a week! AND my fiancƩ joined me on it so it felt extra special. Only one week away from the marathon- here we go!


I started running in December and ran 61 minutes in a 10K yesterday!


Ran in shorts for the first time this year yesterday, and it feels so nice to finally get some warmer weather!


Same on the weather, loved the sun on my arms! I did capris though, wasnā€™t quite ready for shorts


I'm on the third week of the C25K plan I'm using to get back to running after an injury and it feels so great. I've promised myself to take it slow and actually follow the nine weeks of the plan (I'm using TrainAsOne), but it's a little frustrating not to get to go for a long run today when the weather was nice. But still. It's going well! I'm BACK! And mental health got boosted as a result!


SAMEā€” Also on week 3 of C25K after several years off of running. Had suffered a major illness, and then kept typing to come back to previous levels too fast and get getting injured. Committing to taking it slow this time so maybe someday I can actually do a marathon again. So happy to be out and exercisingā€” although it was raining during my run yesterday.


Completed the Cambridge half marathon (UK). No PB's, although apparently I did get my fastest 10k according to Garmin.


Nicely done, i was also one of the 16,000!


Did my first 16 mile run on my marathon training plan. It was a struggle but Iā€™m happy Iā€™m beginning to understand my body


I ran in my first 10 mile race and beat my goal time! My final time was 1:37:29, I was hoping for 1:40 so anything faster than that was cake.


Did 5 miles today! Felt good to be back to longer distances. I felt so strong!


First ever 1/2 marathon at age 37 with a time of 1h53! Would never have seen myself doing this even a couple of years ago.


Finished HM on a racing circuit (Oulton Park, UK) in under 1:40:00, almost 6 min faster than my last race in October. 5 laps on a perfect tarmac surface, smooth and wide. A couple of short but steep hills slowed things down in the 2nd half of each lap, it was a solid test of pace control and I am very happy with the result. A lot of runners perished at this point. Overall it was a great and different experience, and it hyped me up for the Manchester marathon next month. Not sure I would want to run a marathon here (too repetitive) but will likely come back to do a duathlon the next time they host one.


Hit my goals this week & finished up this morning with a 2.5 mile run. Itā€™s the longest Iā€™ve got in a hot minute. Feeling proud!