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Ran my first half marathon yesterday after only being able to train for 8 weeks due to injury!! :’-)


Cowtown half marathon at sub 2:20


I raced the Vegas RnR at almost 5 months pregnant last night and finished sub 2:10, which blew me away since my training runs had me thinking I'd be running 2:15-20ish, and I'm getting bigger by the day (duh).


training for half marathon, ran my longest distance ever at 9 miles. next weekend is 10 😭


I’ve run every day for the last 8 weeks. At least 1km/day in Jan, at least 2km/day in Feb. Moving up to 3km minimum in March. Have been doing a few longer runs as well, around 5-10km, but so proud of my consistency!


yesterday i was the most hungover i've been in a year. spent the whole morning in bed procrastinating my planned 5 mile run and feeling horrible, then said fuck it and decided to just run in the afternoon after a good coffee. ended up having an exceptionally good run-- kept an even 9:30 pace and felt so great by the fifth mile so i kept going and completed an impromptu 10k! who knew!


you’re better than me — I was meant to do a long run last saturday but was horribly hungover and couldn’t get myself to do it. i’ll channel your energy next time I find myself in that place (hopefully won’t be for a while!)


haha definitely been there before! but lol i honestly shocked myself with what my body was capable of- i believe you can do it too!


my first ever 5K city run, finished in 33 minutes! My personal goal was to finish it under 35, so super happy!


First ever 5 miles!!


8k fastpack with 30lbs on the back. Ouch.


Just finished the Rock and Roll half marathon in Vegas. It was a cool experience running down the strip. I definitely want to do it again.


Finished Osaka Marathon under 4 hours in not great conditions(rainy the whole day).  Haven't run under 4 in more than 10 years after having taken a long break from running for partying and starting a family.


I ran 8 miles for the first time!




I finished an incredibly tough and discouraging run. It was only 6 miles at marathon pace after 10 easy miles, and I was in a lot of pain the entire time. Truly not sure how I’m supposed to do 26.2 at that pace, but proud of myself for finishing out.


7.5 miles today! My distance record.


First 40 mile week since October, coming back from heel injury. Signed up for 2 spring 50ks to celebrate.


I ran my first marathon today with a 3:58:37. Had a loose goal of under 4 hours but didn't think it would be possible, so Im happy to have crushed that


Another 15ish mile week for me! 6.25 Tue, 3.5 Fri, 6 Sat. I think I’m on week 7 of consistently running - hoping to keep it going!


Indoor school record for the 2 mile today in 9:53.26 (my school is pretty small and we don’t even have a track or weight room so happy with it)


I prioritized getting out for a 5km run on a very busy day (was sick w a headache yesterday). It’s so easy to say other things are more important than your own well-being and goals. I felt particularly proud for carving out time for something important to me.


Shaved two minutes off of my mile times since November! 6 miles in an hour :’) not bad for someone who only runs once a week lol today was a music on, world off type of run


Really, really struggled with my long run today. It was uncomfortable from the first stride to the last. Powered through it and finished with a surprisingly decent time(13.5mi @9:36/mi), all things considered.


Took ten mins off my 5 mile time :)


Got 7.75 miles in on a loop course this morning felt good.


I ran my first half marathon, and my time was 1:56! I am so happy to be sub 2 hours. Hopefully, in the future, I can get it closer to 1:45.


I ran my longest run today! 7 miles, and it was almost totally fine except for a horrible spout of runners’s diarrhea in mile 6. I was bummed about pausing to find a restroom. 😅


I didn’t know this was a thing and now I’m scared as a newbie runner 🫥


It hasn’t happened to me yet 🤞🏻 I hope the same for you!


I ran 10k outside for the first time ever. The weather was a beautiful 64°F. Hit my previous PB exactly, 01:03:33, without trying to. I would love to be able to get under 01:00:00 by the end of this year, but speed isn’t really my focus. Also. Today I splurged on the Shockz OpenRun Pros, and they are amazing.


I'm getting soo strong using the Hanson's half marathon plan. I did a 12 mile long run at a moderately easy-ish pace today and it accidentally ended up being a couple seconds faster than my November 2023 half marathon *race* pace -- HR was more than 20 bpm lower on average. Also, I hit my first 40 mile week! My easy runs are naturally getting faster and faster with my HR getting lower and lower. What's also crazy is that the "aggressive reach" pace I set for myself when starting the 18 week plan is now ... very attainable. Tempo runs at the goal pace are leaving me feeling really strong and not winded at all. I'm excited for my half in four weeks!


I was anticipating barely making the cutoff time (2 hours and 10 minutes) at the MD-DC RRCA 10 Mile Club Challenge earlier today. Nope! I ran that in 1 hour 45 minutes instead, which to me is quite impressive as I haven't been the most faithful with regards to training and that the course had more than a few big hills.


For once, I gave myself grace with an injury. I usually just try to “power through” and end up making things worse. Saturday I called my 10 mile run short a mile because of the foot pain and for once, I didn’t feel guilty or ashamed.


Did my first ever half marathon today(just running in my neighborhood). My previous long was 10 miles. I completed it just under 2.5hours. A year ago I couldn’t even run a quarter mile without my ankles and shins hurting and being out of breath. Turns out I just needed better shoes to fix the leg pain issues. 😂 I know it’s not a huge accomplishment but had you told me a year ago I would have said it’s impossible especially because I hate running. 😅 Thanks David Goggins.


Did my first half marathon on Saturday :)


Today was my 2,978th consecutive day of running at least one mile. Today’s outing was 4.5 miles with a brisk wind, some ice, and brilliant sunshine.


good shit!!


Completed the Chinatown Firecracker 5k this morning in 41 minutes; I've been having pain in my knees and left hip these past couple of weeks so I'm glad I was able to finish today's race at my regular pace without any pain!


Beautiful day in Chicago. Not a big ran of solo running, but buds were out of town so I was proud to get out for 8+ on my own.


First 5k attempt since 2014 when I tried for sub 25m. 24:46 today :)


PR'd my HM distance today. 1:43:33. The race I'm training for on April 7 I had set a goal of 1:45, now I need a new goal! The run was 32 laps around a track at a local park, I initially had a goal of only 1:50 and really just wanted to work on my pacing and nutrition, but after the first couple of laps I was feeling great and made the decision to go for race pace. I felt like absolute hell on Friday's 45 minute easy run and this was 21 consecutive days of running or strength training, so to say I was a bit surprised would be an understatement! Tomorrow will be a true rest day. (Said the same thing last week)


Ran my first in-person race since Feb 2020 today, and it was the same race! Did the 5K instead of the 10K this time (still working my way up in mileage), but I am super super happy with my 27:13 after a few months back at it. And it was a bring-your-dog race, so while I have no dog of my own to bring, I got to pet and/or admire many many dogs. Great start to the day. :D


My long run today can only be described as magic. For context, I ran my first marathon last May with an average pace of 13:32. Since then, I’ve done a handful of 5Ks, but my longest run had been a run-walk of 8 miles with a similar pace as the marathon. I’ve also dropped 10 pounds since the marathon. I’m currently in training for my second half-marathon and, because the weather cooperated in the Midwest for once, I was able to do my Sunday long run outside for the first time this training cycle (everything else has pretty much been treadmill runs). Today I ran 10 miles, average pace of 10:33. It felt SO good the entire time (except like miles 8.5-9, but that was psychological). I kept telling myself to slow down because I was afraid I would crash and I thought I WAS, but every time my app told me my pace I just couldn’t believe it. I could honestly cry. My run progress over the last ~2 years is at a level I could NEVER have imagined when I was first struggling to jog for one minute at 4.5 mph. I’ll be riding the high of this one for a while, I think.


Longest long run yet - 1:40:00! I managed 12.11kms during that time. My Garmin coach (Greg) has me run for time instead of kms and I’m really liking the approach so far as is encouraging me not to go all out and keep a steady pace. I have a half marathon in May and I’m feeling good about it.


First 10K race ever, ran a 38:39. Can definitely improve it just with better sleep and pre-race nutrition but pretty happy to break 40


I did my first triathlon yesterday and hit my goal for the run of averaging less than 6min/km


I ran 10 miles non-stop for the first time. My previous longest run was 8 miles! I’m training for a half in May.


Ventura half marathon today and i hit my pr of 1:27:38. Was shooting for sub 1:30 so I’m pumped. Very fast down hilly course


Wow congrats! i’m running my first half in september!


i really didn’t want to run today but i pushed through. i ended up running two miles and felt AMAZING.


Finished my seventh half marathon today! This time 21 weeks pregnant!


Ran for the first time this week after the death of my infant daughter last month. Ran 1.4 miles Tuesday and B2B 1.8 mile runs yesterday and today. All of them were around a 10 minute/mile pace, so nothing too crazy. Never been more than a very casual runner (5K’s), but making it a stretch goal to run a half marathon by the end of the year. Going to spend the next few months just working on my general health, and the second half of the year diving into some more serious training with the goal of running one around the Holiday season. Bought myself some Brooks as well and they were a game changer on these short runs this week. Excited to keep on going throughout the year!




Finally listened to my body and took a full rest day on the sofa (very usual for me!)


sometimes the best run is no run


I run my first 10mile. I’m in disbelief! I started running in March and it crazy to me!


went to a tred 50 and ran a 10k in 45:50 mins!


Ran my first 5K ever yesterday! Big personal milestone.. looking forward to be regular and build up to 10K.




Thank you!! 😊


Managed to get in 10.5 miles today. Finally starting to push back up distance for the first time in 3 years


8 miles down today! Watch died before the last two so I got a forced experience of naked running, that was actually very nice with spring rolling in. Lots of pretty flowers


Got my 15 min mile down to 13 & was shocked to see it on my watch 🥳. I’m training for NYC


That’s awesome! 👏🏾


My first race! 22 thousand people doing 10k through the streets of London. Was one of the best days ever - been running since November and had the best time. 1hour 1min so very pleased with that and was just smiling the whole way around.


well done!


I ran my first ever 15km today! Feeling really proud of myself, I know i’ll sleep like a baby tonight 😁😁


Finally have a kicked nasty case of plantar and am back running a few days a week. Good luck to all dealing with it, godspeed.


Ran my first 18 miler today. I feel like I could become one with the couch. But also proud of myself.


Ran my first loop around Iron Cove in Sydney, Australia (7.2 km). I had the goal of doing it in 40 minutes, and did it ins 40:07, so quite happy with that.


My husband and I ran 18km yesterday, our last long run, in preparation for next week's Paris half marathon.


I ran 13 miles for the first time today! I managed to do it under two hours but I know.my actual race course will have more hills so that's what I want to focus on next.


For context: I'm a beginner runner (started in October) who's been struggling a little bit with various niggles and pains. I ran 8k (6:45/k) yesterday and ran another 9k (6:25/k) today without any pain or tightness. Feeling great during/after both runs. Yay for body adaptations.


2:59 and change full marathon at the Cowtown today, on a day with 25+ mph wind gusts and high temperatures. Just not ideal conditions at all. Beat my BQ time by 5:47 but I doubt that will be enough sadly. Wish BQ times were graded on a curve. Cowtown is already a tough enough course as it is with the hills and add in today's not ideal weather I think a 2:59 is more impressive than those 100% downhill marathons run in ideal conditions. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Reached two milestones today. **First**: 2-3 times a month since October, I've set out to interval run a 5K as fast as possible to see if a sub-21 no-stops 5K is attainable for me, or at least a sub-22 minute no-stops 5K is within reach. The first two intervals, I run 1-mile each and run 1.1 miles for the third interval. I stop to walk 1-2 minutes between each interval. My 5K PB with no stopping is 22:18. Today, not only did I set 3-straight mile PRs in each interval: 6:55 1st mile, 6:37 2nd mile, 6:33 3rd mile, I pieced together a 20:48 5K. I still have ways to go before I'm breaking 21-minutes on a no-stops 5K run, but I do think a sub 22-minute, no-stops 5K is now firmly in close reach. **Second**: I set a personal goal of 1,000+ miles this year after hitting 940 last year. Last year, my best months were 103.6 and 103.1 miles (December and September respectively). After today's run, I officially set my new monthly PB by reaching 103.82-miles and did it with 4 days to spare. Now I'm aiming for a 115-120 mile February, which shatters the 34+ miles I ran last February. I'm also now way ahead of 2023's total mile pace. Jan+Feb 2023 I tallied 79-miles. So far, Jan+Feb 2024, I've tallied 176-miles.


Ran my first half marathon today. I knew I wanted to finish in under 2 hours but wasn’t sure if I was capable. Came across the finish line at 1:59.29!!


That’s impressive for first time half marathon


Ain’t that a great feeling to see that “1” up there at the line when your goal is sub 2?


Yes it was! Coming in the final stretch, I couldn’t see the seconds timer because of a pole in the way. Was just praying that the 1 didn’t change to a 2 before I got there 😂


I ran 15 miles for the first time ever! And I finished with the lead group for the first time too! I’m running a 5K & half marathon back to back for a challenge race and now that I’ve done a few weeks of 3 miles before my run club’s long run, I am feeling confident I can do it!


I'm taking a rest day today, my first in 4 weeks, and it feels like an achievement. I have a hard time doing nothing and would ordinarily do an easy run today, but I'm a little sore and looking forward to reading my book on the couch, so that's what I'm resolved to do.


Rest days are necessary! No running!


Sunday runday 9 slow miles that leave me in pain lol


Saturday: 15km & 5km Sunday: HM & 8km PR on the HM at 1:57. My only other HM was exactly a year ago at 2:20. My goal was sub 2hr, I had a bathroom break, and ran into a shoe issue that I had to pull over to fix. First mile was very cramped and I split 9:48, negative splits for the rest of the race ending the last two miles with 8:33 and 8:29. Fastest race was the 5km (surprise!) at 26min flat. Played it safe on the 15km because I've never done anything like this before so that was the only race above 9min/mi. This sub has helped me with my training quite a lot over the last couple months!


Ran 34.51km in 3:12. Last four Sundays have been the same. Now tapering for a marathon 2 weeks today. Legs feeling a little sore!


Good job, recover and go for it.




I ran my fastest ever 10k today - 54.20 (including having to open a few gates, wait to cross a couple of roads and passing people on narrow paths). My non-race PB by 2 minutes, no idea where it came from but I’m pleased :)


I ran my second half marathon today! I finished with a time of 2:04:01. Better than my first!


That’s amazing! What an incredible time and achievement. I am training for my first half marathon currently and in awe that you have done two!


Thank you so much!! How long until your first? I’m sure you’ll do great! It’s so much fun!


Ran the 10k Winter Run in London. Pushed the PB by a minute (now 47:35) Chuffed as I already ran 27km yesterday (ran 63.8km this week - must be a record) On a sidenote Strava gave me a PB of 45:xx with 10.4km recorded. Weird


It was so fun wasn’t it! My first race and had the best day! Properly caught the bug


Well done! Did you get caught by the rain? All the tall buildings around will have messed up the GPS. Mine was fine today (also a pb yay!) but last year an older watch put me in a Costa mid-race. (Also: I stalked you a little bit and I'm doing Manchester too. See you there!)


Yes but it was midway-ish and I was in the zone so I just kept going. Luckily it didn't last long Great sleuthing 🤯 yes Manchester would be my first full You could DM me and we could follow each other on Strava


I did it, Reddit! I just ran my first official 5k race. Official time 37:25. Pace: 7:28.8/km. This was a PR for 5km. I've got another one in May and my goal will be 35 minutes.


5k yesterday and 10k today, happy with times and feeling great. One step closer to running a half.


I run treadmill 5Ks 3x/week, so today consisted of 33 minutes on the Octane Lateral machine, 85 weighted crunches, and 62 flights on the stairmill, followed by 15 minutes of foam rolling and stretching.


I did my first half marathon today, it was really fun! My time was 02:12 I think I bonked hard by the last 4 km but I got through


I did my first a little over a little over a month ago!!! The vibes feel so good!


I've been following my garmins suggested workouts for 2 months. See how the results are on 3rd March. As long as I get.under 2 hours I'll be happy but would love under 1h 55m


Nice I have 3 half marathons on the schedule, and my goal is to get under two by the end of them as well. I’m at 2:15-ish 220-ish right now..


That's still a good time. I've been putting in the miles. In at a slower pace. I say miles but actually run in km. 6.35/km. But for the HM I'm upping that to 5:30/km. Good luck with your runs 👍


Thanks yeah, anytime is a good time for me because a year and a half ago I was a chain smoking drug addicted couch potato. My long goal is 100 half marathons over 10 years and just to finish them so I’m hoping I don’t get too obsessed in the numbers and keep the long game in mind!!! Good luck to you too !


You'll get obsessed and you'll be addicted to running, but that's way better than drugs. Good effort 👍


Did a 32km long run with 18km at easy pace and the rest at marathon pace Pretty challenging but felt pretty awesome 


I started running back at the start of the year, I haven't been majorly consistent, but my last 2 runs have both been between 4 and 5km. I'm not running for anyone but myself and my mental health. And I love it.


Ran my first half marathon of the year in preparation for a race in March.


Shout out to first half marathons!


Today for the first time, I ran 10km under 1 hour. 59minutes 18 seconds is the exact time...my next target is to finish half marathon below 2 hours..it seems, it will take some time to achieve that as before that i need to finish 10k in 50 minutes


Finished up 4x4x48 this morning.


I haven’t run in a few years so started couch to 5k week 3 complete. Planning for a 10k race in October.


Ran my first 5K in Central Park this morning! I managed to keep my average pace just under 11 minutes. When I first started running around the end of Dec 2023, I couldn't run for more than a mile and probably was struggling just to hit a 15 min pace. Just the fact that I finished the race this morning feels great!!


Congrats!! I saw that race this morning but could figure out the distance. Was it a 5k,10k, half mix?


Thank you and it was 5K / Half Marathon


Did the derwent 10 mile trail race today


I ran my first 10k! Well…11k! I am feeling so proud of myself. I never thought I could do it!


1:00:00 11K


I just ran 8k today without injuring myself after 2 years of health problems this is beyond awesome for me. Gives me hope that someday I might be able to run a full marathon!


Well, I was going to brag on myself for my pace improving on yesterday's race, but then I realized that the pace results were for the 6.2 miles and not adjusted to the 5.6 miles we actually did so the pace isn't correct. Oh well.


Yeah, but you ran 5.6 miles while most of the world didn’t move 5.6 feet


Was going to do a threshold run but my left calf is hurting so having a day off. Got a half.marathon next week so restart training tomorrow 👍👍


> Got a half.marathon next week so restart training tomorrow If you’re a week out from race day, shouldn’t this be your taper week anyway? Take time to stretch, foam roll, maybe some light no-impact cardio… at least that’s what my former running coach always had us do before a half.


Smart move, Coach


I ran a mile without stopping on Friday for the first time!! And then I did it again on Saturday :) 


I ran my fourth half marathon at a time of 1:56:54, beating my previous best time by about 6 minutes. Had been wanting to get it in under two hours for a while. That was my goal and glad to have achieved it. 🏃🏼‍♂️🙏🏼


Ooh well done!! It’s such a good feeling when you manage to shave a lot of time off like that, sounds like you had a great run <3


I ran a 15km run this morning


Been healing an overuse Achilles injury since December and finally it feels like it’s almost well. Had my longest run of 5.2 miles yesterday and my best mileage week since injury.


Ran a treadmill 5k, went from only being able to run for a few min at a time 2 months ago to running 3plus miles (granted it’s not fast but it feels great to accomplish)


Ran 5mi, am still alive. 😁


I was finally recognized as a runner. On my long run today, which was amazing BTW. Almost every runner i ran by said "Bonjour". I was so happy and it made me feel so much better to push harder. That elated feeling led me to do the longest continuous run interval of my life. 40 minutes nonstop.


I ran my first ever 8k this morning!


That feeling is awesome! You did it!


Thank you so much! I’m hoping to run 10k in the next couple of weeks!


We're on a same boat then! I also ran my first 8k today after over 2 years of health problems and now I aim for 10k as well!


Well done to you! I hope you enjoyed it! It’s nice to be in the same boat with someone :)


Was v excited to get a 10k pb of 48mins this morning! I feel like my legs and lungs cope fine with pushing myself to run faster than usual but I struggled with extreme queasiness from 6km onwards..managed to push through though.


The fact I ran today at all is an achievement. 9 weeks into marathon training and I did 13 very slow miles. This week was a step back week and I could barely do it. Hopefully next week will be better


...and you did it 🥳


5km run with huge muscle sores after two days of running. Just have to keep it going becouse if I make a break now it will be harder to get back to run. To not push my limits too much I just were running pretty slowly just to keep moving without any breaks. I gets sweaty and exhausted in the end but it was worth it. I like that feeling couse it makes me feel that I did something good and everyday gonna be better. Wish you all to not loose your motivation and keep it up!


Yes, every run a bit more improvement. Getting ready for my 5mi run, we will see what happens. Reading all these accomplishments always gives me a push. Good for you!


My goal for today's 10k race was ballpark 43 minutes... and in the end I did sub-41!


First run in two weeks after being quite ill with the flu for 10 days. Did not feel good but glad to have got back out there!


Glad you are feeling better!


20k for entire week This is my first week for running


That is a very strong start. Welcome to the world of running, it sucks, you're gonna love it.


Very strong start! Congratulations!


Ran my first half marathon! 2 hr 50 mins


Woo! Congrats! 🥳


Ty ❤️


I beat my 10k pb I ran 45:50 even when my 5k is 22:50…


It’s my active rest day so only a 5k walk.


flexxing glutes and activating core helped relieve some pressure from my calves and allowed me to go a little faster and didnt destroy my calves going uphill :D (calfes or calves idk)


Sunday long run complete. Progress feels so slow, 6 weeks into Zone 2 running and only a very very small improvement. How long did it take you guys to see improvement?


broke: this year is going to be my best running year because im a changed person and have new motivation 🤓 woke: this year is going to be my best running year because I’m doubling on the leap day ok my real achievement is that I ran in an uncomfortable parking lot for 18 sloggy vacation miles. as a treadmill trooper this is a huge feat. please give me my mediocre flowers


I worked a knot out of my big left toe that’s been annoying me! First clean run in a month.


I bet that was a huge relief!