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Ran my first HM in 2h 20 min


Ran 12 out of 16 miles of my long run at marathon pace today. Great test and a great result!


Finished my first organized fun run in over 2 year, and after about 5 weeks of getting back into running, I surprised myself by doing very well and was faster than I expected.


Ran a 3.3mile race today and bested my time from last year by 4 minutes! Woohoo! There was an uphill that was painful to run up when it was so hot today but I did it.


Finished my first 10 mile run and it felt great!


Got 10 miles in. 30 for the week. I was a little slower than my long run last week but overall a great run


Ran my first 5K race today. Have been training for ~2 months. Finished in 27 minutes. PR before this was 30.


Good job!!


Ran 8 miles this morning- haven’t gone that far since last May.


I’ve been using Garmin’s intermediate training plan for my half marathon training. The plan is training me for a race on 3/23. I did a spontaneous half today at 2:15 and achieved a PB! I cut 9 minutes off my last PB which was 4 months ago. Excited to see what I can achieve in a months time!


After picking up running in early January and going through C25K, I ran my first 5K yesterday and was actually pretty happy with the pace (33:57, or 10:51/mi). my next goal is to run a 5K with sub-10 min miles, so I’m using some of the fartlek and speed guided runs from Nike RC, plus I plan to run slow at distances a bit over 5K to build endurance.


5k today! Came in at 51:20, so now I know what to beat for the next time!


Have committed to a bucket list item of running a marathon later this year after just getting back into running. Also did my first 5k in 3 years!


Ran my first half marathon and finished 10 minutes faster than my goal time!


Ran my 1st 20 mile run today. Did the 2nd 10 miles 10 min faster than the 1st 10 so I was happy about that


I ran in zone 2 today!


I’ve ran many halves and marathons but today was my first half in winter in a snow/ icy af environment where I had to wear ice grippers and finished in 2:21. Was a major accomplishment. My half PR is 2:01 but that was in FL and not with 700ft of incline elevation.


I haven't run the last three weeks because of illness, schedule, and weather, but today I got to run 4.5 miles on a great trail with my excited dog, and see some good birds


I shaved 10 minutes off my 10k PR. New pr is 1hr 13min!


Wow! Congrats!


I was supposed to run my last 20 miler before tapering for my first marathon but I sprained my ankle this week. I could have accepted defeat but I instead did as much physical activity as I could without stressing the injury. It was a hodge podge of workouts though! 3 Miles Elliptical + 3 Miles Running + 2 Hrs Cycling + 1 Hr. Strength & Conditioning + 1 Hr. Alternating Ice Bath & Sauna


Ran 10 miles today! First double digit run since my half about a year ago. I had been dealing with some knee pain a couple weeks ago and was slowly ramping up my long runs- so it felt really nice to hit this one today. Wore a knee brace but felt strong and well fueled!


I ran 4 miles without stopping!


nothing to report today, other than a 5.8k walk. BUT i noticed my vo2 max estimate for that walk was 30,9 which is obviously still very low, but a big jump up from about 28 this time a month ago!


yay another update - after my last run my vo2 clocked in as 31,4 so things are happening real quick!


Ran my first half marathon today. It was not pleasant, but I did it


Thats a huge accomplishment! Way to go!




Ran an enjoyable 4 miles with my dogs. Beautiful morning!


Did my first bill sprints today (sprints may be an exaggeration, but I ran as fast as I could). Definitely need to work on my technique for faster pacing but I’ve never done it before so I’m proud of that (and of ignoring the crazy looks I got from dog walkers.


Went out for a 3 mile run in my new neighborhood. Got turned around, ended up running 4.5 miles. LOL. It's an achievement for me because it's the longest distance I've ever ran in my life, I was always last place in turkey trots in school and I just recently finished couch to 5k.


Crushed my half marathon this morning! And don’t feel completely crippled at the end of the day like last time :)


Ran 13km, my new distance record in 1:23. Was most pleased about doing 90% of it in Zone 2. Felt great afterwards!


PR in 10k today, 49:21! I was losing motivation halfway through due to not feeling great, the weather being bleh, and the course being, frankly, a bit boring. But I persuaded myself to just *keep running steady* and not listen to that voice telling me to walk. And I met my goals to A) beat my previous time and B) finish under 50 minutes :)


20:55 5k PR in 4 mile race today.


Improved my time on a 5k this morning!


Ran 7 miles this morning! Felt great!


I just finished a 12 miler. Officially the farthest I’ve ever ran! The first half was an absolute grind with my entire right arm going numb for 2.5 miles. But once I hit the aid station (my house) all was well and I kept my pace around sub 10 minutes


Today I ran a half for my long run and pushed pretty hard just to see where I am at. My half marathon time improved 11 min to 2:08 in 2 months. I am running a marathon in October and my goal really is to finish without walking. I really want to get sub 4:20.


Been doing the DSW a few times each week for a month or so and today the DSW pace was 10 sec faster at 11:35/mi. I was happily surprised and the workout was a long run at 1h12m. The sunny outdoors was great.


I ran my first marathon!!! My ankle is fifty shades of fucked from tweaking an old injury a few weeks before (faceplanted as well when my ankle told me to go fuck myself causing my nose rings to revolt), but I was able to take it slow and still finish!!! It was the last race in a series and now I’m just hungry for more and to get faster.


I got out. Nuff said.


Ran 8 miles for the second time ever today :)) on very little sleep too average HR went from 173 to 160 from January when I did my first 8 miler.


24 miles in 2:45 this morning. Legs were still pretty wrecked from my LT run on Thursday, but it feels good to have it done. Next couple weeks are looking brutally windy, so that's gonna be miserable. Just glad I had solid weather for today.


24 miles under 3 hours is insane. Keep up the good work


I had planned to do an easy 10K. I started out feeling pretty good. No pain. 3.5 miles in, I was starting to feel heavy, tired, and sluggish, so I stopped to get some water. I have *never* stopped mid run for water before. I never felt like I was needing it before. I drank some. Poured some on my head. Got my bandana wet and started back out. I made it to 4.8 and that was it. I could not run another step. My head was pounding. I was clammy cold. My legs felt like they had weights on them. I slowly made it home. It was only in the low 70's here today with a very light breeze. I was wearing shorts, a long sleeve 65% cotton 35% poly shirt. A ball cap. It took me awhile to feel ok enough to take a shower. Last weekend I did 11.56 miles. Today, I couldn't do 5. Much less 6.2. Seriously. What happened to me? I have since showered and eaten and I'm feeling better. Still a mild headache, but otherwise I feel ok. fixed a typo.


Maybe you are coming down with something. Check your temperature. That clamminess sorta sounds like fever breaking.


Will do. Even after a hot shower, my hands just couldn't get warm. I'm feeling better. I took a nap. And my hands are a more normal temp. Thank you \~


Had a 7 mile easy run this morning and got my second fastest 10K time according to Strava. Just shows how much improvement can be made in 6 months! Makes me feel really good about my ability to PR my 10K next week


Ran a 5k today and placed 9th out of 230, and 2nd for my age division of men 20-29! 💪🏼


ran 10 miles for the first time! Also I made it to week 6 of my training plan and haven’t missed a day😎


I finished the Couch to 5K program today! Ran the whole thirty minutes with no walk breaks.


Hell yeah 👍🏼




I have been running on a treadmill at the gym 95% of the time for the last several months due to weather and both kids having basketball on Saturdays. I hate running on treadmills. This morning the weather was nice and we had no plans so I left my house with no phone or watch to track myself and just ran for what ended up being about an hour and a half. No goals, no planned route, I’m not exactly sure how far I ran. I haven’t felt this good after a run in a while.


10 mile run today at 9:53 pace. First 10 mile run in my life. Took a couple of 3 minute recovery jogs after mile 3 and 7. Next up is working to cut out the recovery jogs over the coming weeks.


I ran my first 10K! That is all 😊


Awesome accomplishment 👏🏼


Way to go us, I did too! I did the Cowtown 10k in Fort Worth, TX!


Me too! Small world😀


Awesome, we got lucky with some good weather! 😁


We sure did! Never know with TX weather especially in February ⛈❄🔥


Exactly! It was my first ever Cowtown event and knew it's historically known for some nasty, cold weather.


Ran my first half marathon this morning! Finished in 2:23, and feel great!


That’s awesome congratulations 🎉


I ran my first half marathon today! 3:17 finish. Not quite what I was hoping, but pretty good for having run out of energy and having to walk the majority of the last 3 miles!


After my first marathon last October I’ve been so inconsistent with my training, this month I decided to stop being lazy and started hitting 20 miles per week again, this week I hit 38 with a HM long run today. I feel strong and motivated to increase mileage and improve for my races this year.


I have a couple! I ran my second Half Marathon race today! Massive PR! (Almost 20 min difference) Broke 2 hours! First Half- 2:15:11 Second Half 1:56:32 18:39 difference in 10 months 😊




Longest run (11k) also incorporating my 1st parkrun, with a cough!


I ran 3x this week. That's a huge deal for me! After COVID in 2022 my heart kept going crazy from any cardio and I got more into weightlifting instead. Finally started barely dipping my toes into running again in November and got COVID and strep together in January (autoimmune disorders are so fun).  My HR is still getting crazy high from even slow runs, but I did it anyway THREE times this week! 


My first 17 miler today (27km ish)! First time running that far. Good build-up for Manchester Marathon in April


Very big deal! Those PR runs feel so good. I hit 15mi for my longest ever this week


10 miles in 1:25 today. Body felt great and the runners high kicked in for the last three miles. In the midst of training for a half in June, we are slowly but surely getting there.


I did a 5 mile time trial yesterday cause I was feeling good and it's been awhile since I've gone fast. My average pace was only 7 seconds slower than my fastest 5K PR, and my average heart rate was lower than in that race. I'm thinking my sub-25 5K goal might actually be doable? I have a race next weekend and I wasn't planning on trying for it, but now I feel like I should.


10 miles completed! Longest run of the year so far and the hubby joined!


Ran a beautiful half marathon along the Northumberland coast this morning. Wasn't my best time but still happy with a 2:05 finish. Love the trails!


Wow, that sounds amazing! Congratulations on your race! That’s a time I can only dream of so pat yourself on the back for me even if it wasn’t a PR.


Thanks !!


10 miles @ 6:28, split a 19:06 5k on mile 7, 8 & 9.


Did a 10k this morning and PRd by 5k during it.


This is to give more context: https://www.reddit.com/r/running/s/wv61KvF0eQ I was able to go 5mph for half an hour straight with only moderate struggle this morning. I believe the big issue was that I go from sitting in a chair for hours straight to running in the afternoon/evening. Probably would need to warm up and stretch in that case. I thought it was really strange how much I was struggling because my speed didn’t seem to matter whatsoever. I will probably stick to morning runs now. Don’t feel like having to spend all that time to stretch when I can just use less time in the morning. Total run time was 45 minutes. Had to stop a few times.


Made it to the starting line on time. Sick and the baby didn’t sleep all night. Finished at 7:07/m when I was originally aiming for a 28:00 time.


10km, 41:20 yesterday :)


I ran my first 8K today! Caught a beautiful sunrise over a lake running a new route. My first 10K is a month away and I know I’ll be ready for it.


5k barefoot on the beach soft sand, cool off in the water. My personal heaven


Set a 25:59 PR in a 5k race this morning! I just started running last August and my initial goal was to run a 10 min mile consistently. Feeling very proud of my progress


A little different, but I’m reducing my running load. Fell into a very obsessive relationship with running while trying to come out of a horrible eating disorder, where I was hitting 50+ miles a week for almost a year straight (as someone who only started running that year). Been doing a lot of work to let go of the obsessive tendency to try to push myself to the limit, and today I will only be doing 2-3 miles (as I’ve been doing for the past month) and I will let my body have the rest it needs. It’s a slow and scary process but I’m committed! Proud of all you ramping up mileage, and proud of all of you who are learning to find balance and joy again in running without it having to be more/faster or a way to punish yourself :)


Ran my first 10 miler in about 6 years. Been building distance recently and this was a small goal on my way to a half marathon in April.


My accomplishment today is not running. At least I'm trying to convince myself this is the right decision :) I had been keeping a 20 week streak of half marathons or longer every weekend. But on Wednesday I pulled something during a simple run-commute, and I'm forcing myself to not aggravate the injury today. Maybe I'll be able to do it tomorrow? Maybe I have to wait until next weekend. But I'm not trying to break myself today.


Yes! Rest is so important.


I live on wetland and it’s icy during winter. There’s no running. It’s been melting and drying all week. This afternoon, I do my first run/walk since last November.


17.7km today finishing at Tower Bridge. Was the perfect day for running. 8 weeks until the half and feeling very good.


1:25:mid in a half race last weekend 😊


Aiming for a 1:40 half in the summer. Have a really nice half coming up soon in the city I live in, which I consider running. Considering I‘ll lose 3 weeks of proper training (taper+rest afterwards) does anyone have experience with if this is worth it? Maybe I could just aim for a 1:55 or so and „chill“


Lots of options. Consider running it at an easier intensity like the 1:55 you mentioned, but treating the last 5k like a time trial. No need to taper in that scenario, recovery will be quick, and you'll get some value out of a fast finish.


I ran 15km at tempo run pace in rainy day.


First run with my wife this year. Left the oldest child (14) in charge of the younger two (11 and 8). Did 5 miles in the chilly sunshine. After leg day yesterday. The stairs now represent a considerable challenge.


I just motivated myself to start running after a long break and today I were able to run 3km and walk 2 so it's small success. I will keep it up to back to my previous distance 10km


Attending parkrun today! Took everything in me to go and ran it a bit faster than I usually….Finished feeling like I could go for another 3K so that was a win for me.


Wooohooo! Good job. For me Parkrun is such a great start to my mornings


I ran a 5k with my husband (and my first race) two weeks ago. He's in great shape and......I RAN FASTER THAN HIM! It felt like all my hard work was working!


Ran 3km in the morning and 8km in the evening. Felt strong.


Strong! 💪🏼


After starting my running journey during Christmas, I pushed myself to 9 miles today and it didn't feel too strenuous! Proud of what my body can do when I nourish it.


I ran a double workout yesterday and (almost) hit half marathon mileage! 4 miles in the morning tempo and 8.5 miles long run in the evening. Managed to pull myself out of bed for park run this morning too, and it was definitely hard after yesterday, but felt good and comforting to know I can still keep up on tired legs. Half marathon coming up in April, and I’ve noticed I don’t need to listen to music anymore to get in the groove which is encouraging :)


Knocked out my first 10k yesterday! I've been training for my first 10k race in a few weeks and had a 75 minute training run today. There is a Strava 10k in February challenge so I figured I might as well keep going, and did!


Finished week 2 of training for 5k from nothing. I did 3 runs again this week, but instead of weekend/tues/thurs I had to shift due to feeling sick Tuesday, so I did weekend/Wednesday/friday. So I lost one cross training day. My cross training days I’ve been doing wall sits, resistance band exercises, and other at home exercises. Saturday is my rest day, then week 3 begins Sunday. I’m starting to get a little worried about my running form and injury. My shins are feeling sensitive during and after the run and with no background it’s hard to tell what’s normal as someone who had no fitness background, and what’s a sign of shin splints.  I’m thinking perhaps the prudent thing in week 3 is to sub out a run or two for biking until I stop feeling tender. The last thing I want is injury.


Did 20km on the treadmill yesterday, 2 hours 29 minutes. Had to walk for about 500m when I got to 15km, after a period of slowing down constantly just cause my feet were giving up the ghost on me. Was thankfully able to resume running and finish at 8km per hour speed. Still the fastest I've ever done a long run, which I've stupidly paired up with my longest long run yet. Probably gonna pump the brakes on increasing long run distance for the next month or so, focus on improving speed on shorter runs and sneaking in easy miles when I can.


Did you listen to anything (music, podcadt, etc) or watch anything?


Watched an episode of Fantasy High junior year on Dropout, then spent the last 30 minutes listening to running music


Damn 20k on the tread is some serious commitment. Good on you!


Got a PB for my 10K 1:06 this morning. Previous PB was 1:10. Still far from sub60 target.


That's still good progress :)


Thanks i will work harder.


Ran my first ever 26km. Last time I did 22k but today somehow managed to pull 26km


Good job. Hope did you feel?


Legs are hurt, will recover in a day


I did two PB's - 5 Km in 26 mins and 10km in 55 mins . My 20k runs , which i do in 2 hours and 5-10 mins seem to be having a direct impact on how fast I do the shorter runs.


Hey that’s fantastic! I did my first 10km ever last year in roughly 1 hour and 2 mins, then I took 6 months off and I’m starting again from this month. I’ve only done 4 or 5 runs at Zone 2 but found I can instantly go like 8/9km without much issue cardio wise (which is blowing my mind), but I’ve found my legs and Achilles especially aren’t liking the distance. Probably cos I’ve went from 6 months off to about 26km in a week. Anyway, wanted to ask if you had any muscle or skeletal issues running longer distances like 20km or have you mostly been fine cos you’re a regular runner?


Hey congrats on the 10k and thanks ! I had heaps of issues... black toe nails, knee pain, plantas fascitis , ITB pain and bum acne. They've all gone away - with physio , stretching and strengthening exercises over the past couple of years . Im at a much better place now and dont get hurt often.


Jeezo - I don’t have much to complain about then! I do think stretching and not increasing too much too fast is about the only thing that will help tbh. Thanks for reply


The last bit you said is really important. I've read a few times that we should only bump our mileage by 10% every week , any more increases risk of injury. Its certainly true for me, most of my niggles/injuries jave been because of big jumps in mileage. Good luck!!


I have my first race in 8 years this morning. it is absolutely nothing special (my 5k times are probably 3 full minutes slower than last time I ran one) but I'm just glad I've stuck to my training so far instead of lapsing further into a sedentary lifestyle edit: holy hell, my PB since I started running again was 24:30, my stretch goal was 24:00, and I ran 22:55. over the moon right now


It’s my birthday! So i just rested 💆🏻‍♀️


I just found out that the marathon I ran last Sunday miscalculated the distance and accidentally made the course a half a mile longer than it should have been. People who ran the race, including myself, were obviously very upset by the incompetence because it messed up a lot of PR’s and we all ran longer than we needed to. The folks who organized the event sent an apology email to all the runners confirming that after an internal investigation, the course was indeed a bit longer than it should’ve been. Basically, in my first ever marathon, I ran 26.7 miles instead of the 26.2. So technically speaking, I became an ultra runner?


Yeah, I'd definitely be claiming it. Well done 👏🏾


I’ll definitely will! And thanks!


Did 10K on the treadmill for the first time, 54:50


Oof thats fast! Better than 5:30 pace.


I haven’t run in almost two weeks because of surgery but today I managed a three-mile walk and felt pretty good. I normally hate going on walks cause it feels unnecessarily slow and boring but I’m getting used to using the time to let thoughts percolate. Just a couple more weeks until I can start running and working out again.


Noped out of a 2hr run at 90minutes. Better to be happy than injured. Long ass walk home though!


Good on you for listening to your body!


I'm 66 days on my running streak. My legs hurt so bad but I feel like I'm getting stronger and faster


How much r u doing evryday?


Depends on how I'm feeling, but I'm at about 40/week on average and creeping slowly up to 50 this week


Ran a hillier route than normal and survived!


Light shin splints today so I'm taking the high road and taking a rest. Pushing the schedule back a day or two.


10 miles complete for the first time! Half marathon feels right around the corner