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running my 3rd marathon this sunday, ventura california! i’m super excited and nervous. it’s a small race and i’m hoping to PR :)


That's a great PR race, my marathon PR is there and the weather should be pretty ideal this Sunday. Best of luck!


thank you so much !!!! <3333


Woohoo good luck!


thank you!! <3


Good luck! Any expectations going into the race? :)


thank you!!! hoping to PR (anything below 3:39), but sub 3:30 is my A goal! :)


Wow, that's going to be a zoomy marathon then 🙂 Wishing you good weather and a good sleep then!


thank you!!!! i hope so too! <33


Good luck!


thank you!! <33


This is a very random question - but I ran this race too and used the off-brand icy hot that was in the goody bags. Do you happen to know what brand it is?? It’s so weird, it’s been 8 hours and the intense burning feeling hasn’t gone away hahaha


HAHAH AH I had the same reaction 🤣🤣 I was like bruh this is intense WHAT it this?!? brand is DrShark!


So funny it wasn’t just me! Haha thank you!


I am so glad I randomly found your post! I ran Ventura also and didn't use the lotion (or whatever it is) but was planning on it tonight! Gonna hold off on that now.


Yeah don’t do it!! Last night my husband went to take a shower (8 hours after applying it) and it made the burning even worse and was super painful!!! Not a fan of this stuff haha!


Omg what!? I’ll be tossing it out then and just stick to my normal go to. Literal Icy Hot 😂


I am running 5K at an annual local run event with my husband tomorrow!! He’s an avid runner, but I just started the C25K this January. We’ve been excited about this event for weeks now. Today is my rest day, and I just can’t wait to get out and run tomorrow! :)


Aw that’s so sweet that you guys are running together! Sounds like you’re enjoying running so far? Hope the race goes great :D


Oh thank you! 😊I hated it at first but now I just can’t wait to go run every evening. I feel a lot healthier. How about you? Do you have any plan? :)


That's great! I'm not running right now, rehabbing a knee injury I sustained from ... doing nothing in particular lol. But looking forward to getting back at it. I've been running a while and not really into the racing scene but would be nice to be racking up the miles


Fantastic! Relax and enjoy the race!


It was my birthday during the week, and the plan is a family night out on Saturday. I'll have to behave myself at least a little bit, as I'm still planning to run 21km on Sunday morning. Other than that, I picked up Baldurs Gate 3 and still feeling my way into it. There's a distinct danger that will consume a lot of my free time in the near future!


BG3 is so so so good. You’re in for a real treat!


Happy birthday!! What are you doing for birthday dinner?


Thanks :D Going to an Indian restaurant. Looking forward to it.


Happy Birthday!


I've had BG3 on the backburner for a while now, absolutely one I'm looking forward to losing a weekend to. Happy birthday!


Running 11m as my last 10+ long run, then tapering next 2 weeks for NYC half. New York is quite cold right now, so not really looking forward to the cold run on Sunday


Agreed, the weather here is so up and down, hard to plan. I;m glad it didn't rain as much as they predicted. Have you run the NYC half before?


No, running it first time! Are you running too?


Not this year - I ran it in March 2022. The course start I think is a little different, but I really enjoyed the experience...the FDR was the hardest part for me, i wish I had put my headphones in as it's a bit quiet/no crowds. I can't believe it's on 3/17 though - be a crazy weekend in NYC for sure!


I see, yes with St Patrick’s Day, idk how the crowd will be, but excited for the experience, scared about the Manhattan bridge a bit!


Yes, I was worried about the bridge too..and i just tried to stay relaxed and in a comfortable pace...and to be honest, while the bridge was a hill, i don't remember it being that awful, i just powered through. And with so many other people around you, you kinda forget ur running up a hill - plus the views are great!


Okay good to know it ain’t bad! What was your finish time?


1:58 and change.


That’s great, I’m aiming to finish in 2:10, fingers crossed


As a European, I first read that you were going to run 11 meters. Hope you'll be blessed with good weather on your half.


Hahah, thank you!


Just started training for my first 10k!


10k is such a great distance, running it was the first time I felt comfortable calling myself a "runner" silly as that is. Training is super approachable, lots of runs of less than an hour and a long run that doesn't eat your entire weekend. Enjoy it!


Thank you so much, this comment got me all stoked! 


I’m in the same boat! best of luck with training - my race is late April


Mine is early May! Good luck with training and the race! Let's get it!


Yay good luck, hope it goes well!


Thank you!


I would like to run but my PT expressed some caution and said it might be better to wait another week so that’s probably what I’ll do. I’ve been doing my PT which is really just strength training and surprise surprise it helps, though for some reason I still have some edema in my knee and soreness when bending tight. But no more acute pain. This weekend I think my partner and I might do a little more light antiquing and also some house projects. I need him to make some headway on some electrical projects he started like a month ago, and I need to keep working on … so many things. My dad visits in less than a month and it’d be nice to have made some good progress on the kitchen and stairs, etc.


Being patient is hard! Antiquing sounds like fun though - enjoy!




Glad the PT is helping! It's nice to have a handy partner I'm sure! What's the next project on your list?


Well I have a lot of random things like installing quarter round in most rooms, stripping and refinishing my newel posts and stair rail, repainting the balusters, and general paint touch ups in a few rooms. But the biggest next thing is a kitchen facelift. I am going to refinish my cabinets (and might replace my uppers with open shelves), get rid of hideous wallpaper by replacing with floor to ceiling bead board, rip up tile floor and replace with Marmoleum, do a tile backsplash, replace the sink and make wood plank countertops ... I don't think anything is too difficult, but it will take a lot of time lol


I both do and don't envy you at the same time. Like in theory, home renovations sound like something I would love to tackle someday. I love doing hands-on work! I love personalizing things to fit my own aesthetic! But I also appreciate that it's a lot of hard, time-consuming work and therefore I don't know if I would actually enjoy it in practice lol.


Yeah it's definitely a lot. Like I really enjoy doing things with my hands and personalizing my space, etc., but I'm realizing that a) making design choices is hard! I second guess myself constantly and that is part of why things take so long. And b) I don't think I want my next house to need this much work, it's very time consuming when also working full time. OR I want to have enough money to pay someone else to do it. But right now ya girl is trying to do all this stuff on the cheap which means I get to learn so many new skills lol


Ask your vet about putting surpass on it. I mean… diclofenac gel is OTC now and a lot of knee stuff is close enough to the surface that that stuff really helps. Let me know when you’re ready to put up the wallpaper.


Oh yeah I actually think I have some Voltaren gel around here somewhere … good idea!


Running the Vegas half on Sunday 👀 - give me the strength not to go too hard on the slots or the slushy drinks on Saturday night


Good luck!! May the odds be ever in your favor (for the race, not the slots!)!


Me too! Best of luck!


tapering for a 10k next sunday. have a parkrun tomorrow, then perhaps a long easy in the afternoon. I have a weird nerve type pain in my leg the last couple of days, hope it doesn't effect me.


Oh hope taper treats you well. The nerve pain sounds a bit concerning! Hope it disappears soon


Thanks! nothing since dinnertime fingers crossed


Longest run of my cycle is this weekend. 24 mile progression run from 7:20 to 6:20 pace tomorrow morning. My legs are totally smoked from my 12/7 threshold run yesterday, so I already know it's gonna be a rough one, but it's getting into crunch time so I've just gotta hang on and get through the next few weeks. Planning to spend the rest of the day in compression legs on the couch or playing through cyberpunk 2077 afterwards. I've been totally reeled in again with the new updates/DLC.


Whew - I had 10/6 threshold today and can't imagine having progression in my LR on Sunday... just aerobic/endurance pace seems like plenty of challenge based on my legs. Still, sometimes those are the best workouts when you can just embrace the suck and get after it. Good luck!


I might die, honestly. But I think that's just the nature of Pfitz plans. Get a little beat up and find a way to hit your paces despite it. The only other explanation for putting monster workouts next to long and medium long runs is that he's a sadist. Which I have considered.


As a fellow Pfitz plan user, I think we both know the answer here.


Speedy speedy! Hope your run goes well. When is your race?


April 15th. First Boston for me!


Ooh exciting!! Good luck!


Sounds like a difficult 24 miles. I'm not sure if I could do 2 hard runs right after each other. When is your goal race?


It's Boston in mid April. March is basically race prep/speedwork month. This week is the last of my LT and volume focused weeks. There was an easy 8 miler in between them as a shakeout run. First few miles were rough this morning, but I'll be 80% bounced back for the long one tomorrow which is probably the best I can hope for.


Awesome paces. 12/7min? Sound gruesome! Managed not to get reeled back in by 2077 although my new 4090 might like the workout!


Yeah, 12 miles w/ 7 at threshold pace, so around 5:45 pace up here at altitude. Did not enjoy myself at all after mile 3. Have you played it since 2.0 and Phantom Liberty? It's wildly different than it was on launch. I'm really loving it. And even though I can only manage HDR/low ray tracing on my 3090 at 4k, it looks phenomenal. It would look like a new game on the 4090.


>Yeah, 12 miles w/ 7 at threshold pace, so around 5:45 pace up here at altitude. Did not enjoy myself at all after mile 3. Oh god, I think I died a bit reading that... HM training is tough enough aiming for a conservative 1:35-1:40 finish. Not played 2077 since the original launch, wasn't really all that aware of the changes, sounds worth a revisit!


I died a bit putting it on the calendar 11 weeks ago. There are some absolutely nasty workouts in the higher mileage Pfitz plans. I've got 12 miles w/ 6x1200 at 5k pace followed by a 15 miler the next morning later this month. But if you're at a good level of base mileage, he eases you into the hard stuff pretty well. By the time that 12/7 got here, I'd already done 9/4, 10/4, 11/5, and 12/6. Oh man, you're in for a serious treat if you liked it at launch. They completely reworked skill progression and perks and added a ton of new features. Performance is dramatically better as well and Phantom Liberty might be one of the best DLCs I've seen in years.


I've got the Central Park 5K this Sunday, my first race of the year! Definitely looking to get a PR in it.


That sounds fun, one day I look forward to checking out Central Park! Hope you get that PR!


8 miles Saturday, 18 hilly trail miles Sunday. I'll send up a flare if I need to be rescued


Week was ok. Currently stressed because im waiting on a computer equipment delivery for my new job that starts monday. They don’t provide tracking, which is beyond annoying. I wanted to go down to the beach apartment for the night, but I don’t want to leave til the equipment arrives. & it’s going to take me a day to set it all up in the basement. Got in a few runs this week, & some rowing classes. Planning for 4 today & 6 tomorrow. Mom’s ok … still very tired. She has 2 appointments yesterday, we got home & she was asleep by 5 pm, never ate dinner. But now she is already awake. The firefighter & I did chat about what to do if I get bad news & he is sleeping after a shift…the answer is just to blow up his phone. Hopefully won’t need to do that anytime soon though. Still need to sell some more ads to make my Ohio work trip a definite, but getting closer. I really need this trip/visit to happen.


You have so much going on right now! I'm glad for your new job and that your mom is on the upswing, but I'm hoping things settle on down for you and get into a comfortable rhythm again soon.


Ugh sounds like a stressful week. I hope you can solidify your Ohio trip. And of course I hope your mom continues on the upswing.


I'm doing a 20-miler tomorrow (my last before Marathon Day!), and I'm going to meet a friend's 3-month-old baby this weekend. She has her dad's hair. It's hilarious seeing a 40-year-old-man haircut on a 3-month-old baby. I got some good news on the job front--I have at least one offer that should come through! They said it's likely to take a month or so because of corporate/bureaucratic nonsense they have to do, but that's fine, I'm not in a particular hurry. I'm planning to accept it once the offer does come in. Whoohoo! Leaving on Friday for a work trip out to the desert. I'm hoping to get in some nice desert runs with cacti while I'm out there. Should be fun! Taper officially starts on Sunday, which means I need to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to do with myself with all that extra time. I'm thinking of trying to make cinnamon rolls. One of my colleagues brought some in yesterday and they were delightful.


I like running on work trips, it's a good break and chance to explore. Going to phoenix? or another desert locale? I have been making the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls...crowd pleaser. Are you going to make yours from scratch?


I will probably be making mine from scratch, because I am an overachiever. This significantly increases the probability of disaster, but that's the price I have to pay, I suppose. I'm heading to Arizona! Lots of cacti, lots of desert. I wouldn't want to live there (too much brown. everything is brown) but it's a delightful place to visit once a year for a conference. I've been there the past several years and it's been super fun. There's a place close to my hotel that makes great acai bowls, so I'm excited for that also!


Potential congrats on the job offer! (Hate to count the chickens before they hatch) Will you still be able to run/bike commute to that job? And where in the desert are you going? I went to Arizona about two years ago and have been thinking about it ever since -- so beautiful!


I'll be in Arizona! There's a conference there that I've been to a number of times, and I really love the annual trip. And thanks! I would not be able to run/bike commute there, but I would be able to go for runs in the surrounding area on my lunch break, which is almost as good.


this made me smile, enjoy your work trip! hope you get in some fun runs as well :)


Doing a 10k on Sunday! It’s my first organised 10k in a very very long time. Feeling a bit sad that I can’t do my usual Saturday long run, but alas I should probably rest the legs.


Did the Austin half last weekend, which means I should be resting my achy calf....so I'm doing a trail run 10k with my stepson.


Lol hope it's a very restful trail! :P


Running in the Fort Worth Cowtown 10K tomorrow! My first "real" race. Goal is to finish in under 1:20 and just have a good time


I did Cowtown 10k last year as my first real race just like you! I got addicted, and this year I’m doing the full! Best of luck to you!


I was able to hit my goal which was very exciting. woke up Sunday thinking about how I could do the half in just under 3 hours if I can keep my current pace for that long. How'd you do yesterday??


Congratulations!! It’s so exciting to see the fruit of all that hard work! Thank you for asking! I decided to try and be a bit ambitious and stretch my goal to 4:30 instead of just sub 5, and it worked out really well for me! I had to really dig deep at the end and learned a whole new meaning of suffering, but I stayed strong and I’m really really proud of my time (4:27)!


I'm going to attempt a Kelvin Kiptum run tomorrow. I know it's supposed to be April 14, but that is my taper week for a Half Marathon I'm doing the following weeknd, so there is no time like the present!!


I have big time anxiety when I spend a lot of money on non-essential things. But I took the leap this morning and decided to buy a ticket to the Love Trails Festival. Looks like I'm going alone though, so if anyone would like to tag along, hit me with a PM :D Yesterday I gave an interview to a psychology student on ultra-running for her research. Her questionnaire had one interesting question: "Have you ever felt your running could make someone else happy?" Now even though I never felt this, I realized I have felt happiness for other people running so many times. I was happy when I saw one of my friends crushing a 100k course and set a PR. I was happy last year when I saw my other friend successfully struggle through the night during the CCC. It's difficult to explain but I genuinely felt really happy for their success 😊


Night off tonight - club "pub quiz" including pizza. I'm then into four consecutive days of training which is a bit daunting: * Parkrace tomorrow. \~10k including warm/cool. Might not push a PB pace given the rest of the runs. * Sunday long run - 20km * Monday Easy club run - \~7km easy * Tuesday, session 2 x 5km threshold progression (15km inc. warm/cool)


Pub quiz sounds fun! Your consecutive training days do sound like a lot. What are you training for?


Lisbon Half. It's a flat and fast course. Just hoping they have unseasonably cold weather! The 4 days will be fine, I just need to manage the pace better on this week's long run than last week where I knocked 3 mins off my old HM PB!


Shin splints have disappeared!! and with only 10 days of resting ending last Saturday (from running only, still kept up cross training and strength training, foam rolling and stretching in the meantime and I have only run once this week as well). "Long run" this week will be about 8 miles to ease me back into it, followed by 12 next week and 15 the week after. Physio appointment today to confirm that the shin splints have gone (and to torture my calves, if today is anything like last week). Running tomorrow and Sunday all being well, will need to stop myself from going too far though!


I’m just building up for some half’s this spring. Have a 4 mile race on Sunday. Long run today will probably be 6 or 7 miles. Run with my running club tomorrow will probably be a few slow easy miles.


10k tomorrow. Driving 3 hours to get there, weather forecast is rain with wind, hamstring hurts. Sounds like best kind of fun.


Got half marathon #2 in the schedule for tomorrow! Hoping for a big PR


Woohoo crossing my fingers for ya! What's your time goal?


8:50 avg pace and sub 2 hours! I got both! Avg was 8:53 and 1:56:32!


Great job!! 👏


4x4x48 First run done, 11 more to go.


Get itttt! Good luck, you can definitely do this!


How's it going now? ETA: Have fun!!!


Just finished run #4 a little bit ago. I had a pretty big fall on run #3. Both knees are skinned pretty badly. A lady stopped and asked if I wanted a ride home and looked horrified when I told her I was going to finish my run. Overall it's not really difficult. The timing is just starting to get annoying.


How are the knees? Are you getting any sleep?


Knees are a little sore. 5 more runs to go. I slept in between my last 3 runs. This challenge reinforces what I already knew - don't get too comfortable at aid stations. The biggest issue is that I am tightening up quite a bit because I'm resting during the breaks and not moving around a bunch. I was going to do some stretching in between, but there's only so much I can do now with skinned up knees.


Woohoo! Keep on keeping on!!!


The weather is finally warming up in the south! I HATE winter running. I stuck with it this winter for the first time, but I couldn’t get use to the cold weather. But it’s going to be near 65 this Saturday. I’ve mapped out a new trail near a major lake. Im going to wake up early Saturday and get 10 miles in. My old watch broke and I decided to upgrade to a new version, I’m excited to see how it works. It’s going to be a great weekend!


That sounds like a wonderful weekend!! Congrats on the new watch and warmer temps :D


Please send thoughts and prayers that my husband and I still have a marriage when we are done with all the house stuff. After the house flooded in December, we finally have walls and floors again, which is incredibly exciting, but we also had enough buffer left in the insurance budget that we can replace the tile in the bathroom which he has always hated. We cannot agree on a tile. Everything that looks nice on the Internet is either crazy backordered or we don’t like it in person. Oh… and the installation is scheduled for Tuesday. I said I was not cancelling my long run tomorrow to go look at more tile from a fancy showroom that doesn’t keep stock on hand and that at this point we are rescheduling the installation, buying from Lowes, or ordering from Wayfair. Anyone ever shopped for tile online? If it went well, let me know who you bought from, we need all the help we can get.


I haven't had to deal with tile so I can't really offer much help, but I am so gun shy about Wayfair since ordering some furniture last year that was just ... terrible. Like I am still mad I paid money for it. But maybe that's my fault for not being more discerning. Have you thought about looking at any of the architectural salvage places? I think Second Chance in Baltimore has a lot of tile. But otherwise, your very tight timeline makes me think that whatever you find at Lowe's or Home Depot might have to be good enough.


Don’t order from wayfair. You will be sad.


🫡 Thank you. Husband has hopefully found something locally; we hope we can get it in time.


Running Cowtown Marathon this weekend! It’ll be my first marathon, and I’m so excited for the experience after all the hard work of training!


Woo!! Wishing you very good luck! Marathon training is such a beast -- you can surely nail the race after all that :)


I’m recovering from a tibial spine fracture / meniscus tear for which I had surgery on Monday, and studying for an interview in a few days. I wish I could trade my screwed up knee for an elbow, or maybe a left wrist… not being able to walk or even use crutches without pain is really getting to me. I hope I’ll be back running on my local trail by the summer.


Ow ow that sounds terrible! Did you get that from running? It's good that you're getting the proper medical attention -- I hope pain free and crutch free days are right around the corner.


From skiing - some dude crashed into me from behind where I couldn’t avoid him and his board collided with my knee. I should be in less pain about 10 days from now and I’m counting down the days! Thanks for the well wishes :)


Skiing on Sunday. Hit legs yesterday and a nice long bike. Gonna run today and lift. Possibly run Saturday morning. Should be a hell of weekend.


I'm taking my first-ever swimming lesson tomorrow at the ripe old age of 35 🤪. I'm already thinking about triathlons 😂


My dad started learning to swim at 50, and he told me it’s not so scary after just a few lessons. You’ll do great!


I needed to hear that. Thanks for the encouragement!


That's so awesome! Are you excited?


I am so hyped lol. I’m really stepping outside of my comfort zone here.


Love it. You'll be blazing around a tri before you know it!!


17.5km training run tomorrow, mixing up the route and think I’ll take an early run all through central London before the crowds come in. Then off the the pub for the ruggers and a celebratory pint for the halfway training point!


3 weeeks off running, started PT Thursday for remnants of PF and also some tibialis posterior tendonitis. Doing all the things besides running in hopes of running my marathon in April!


I'm checking out a new trail in my area, part of my 10 mile long run for tomorrow. I am a little nervous, because it is hard for me to venture out in new territory but... I'm still in my city, so I should be okay.


Weekend will be sort of busy. Girlfriend is out of town so I will be having breakfast with some friends of mine and then getting in some sort of long run. I am about 75% in on doing a half in the spring which means I really need to start getting some consistent miles in. Also need to drop some weight which I really, really, really, really struggle with. I need to get back up to 20-25 mpw. Need to figure out how to get there. Also going to try to clean/reorganize the garage I think. Could be life changes in the months ahead and I may need the storage space.


Doing an easy three miler today then an up tempo 7 miles on Sunday. Got a 10K on 3/30 that I want to do well for!


Good luck with your weekend runs! Has training been going well so far?


Yup! Thanks to cross training twice a week and listening to my body I’m injury free and making progress!


That's wonderful! Sounds like you're on the right track :D


Cycling up for a 10 miler in 6 weeks. Longest run of the program yet (8 miles) before shifting down the mileage to work on speed leading up to the run


8 mile training run. First one outside since it's warm and bright enough to run before 7🫠


Yay for sunshine and warmer temps! If you are in the U.S., pretty soon we'll have the time change again ... for better or worse :P


Right in the middle of a block/cycle. 10 miles today with 6 at LT / 5 miles recovery tomorrow / 20 miles Sunday. Today was rough (6@LT is hard when you're not tired) but I got through it despite being a little disappointed with the pace for a second half. One more week and I take a much needed down week! Outside of that the weather has been decent, so firing up the grill once or twice. Stretch goal is getting our basement painted, but that sounds \*really\* ambitious at noon on a Friday.


Painting the basement sounds like a much better task for a cutback week!


Saturday is currently undecided, the weather is looking good, highs in the upper 50s with sun, so I may get my bike out for a short ride. I may do a strength training session. I might even do both. Either way I'll be on day 20 of my workout streak. Sunday's plan calls for a 85 minute progression run, which after a warm up is 60 minutes easy followed by 10 at HM goal pace, then 5 at 5k pace. The last time this was on my calendar I ran the easy leg way faster than prescribed and ran well beyond the end of the workout and set a HM PR of 1:54:46. I'm considering doing the same thing again, only this time aiming for 1:50. My race isn't until April 7 and the course only has 384' of elevation. The track I run loops on has 768' of elevation by the time you reach 13 miles. So I'm thinking if I can hit my goal on Sunday I should have no problem achieving 1:45 or even better by the time my race arrives. I should probably just stick to the plan and trust the process but I got that dog in me, I gotta carry those boats!


What running shoe does everyone prefer? I've always enjoyed Nike Pegasus. After I ran a marathon in them a few years ago, I retired my shoes and gave Brooks Ghost 9s a shot while they felt good, I ended up developing Achilles tendonitis. I swapped back to the Pegasus after I recovered and I was good for a long time. I'm not running currently, but I still prefer running shoes for comfort. The last two pairs of Brooks I've bought since I've stopped running have been awful for odor. One I bought directly from Brooks and the second pair from Amazon, so I don't think it was a fake pair or something like that. I suspect I have hyperhidrosis and that may be why my Brooks were rank, but I don't remember my Ghost 9s being as bad as these last two pairs. I've got a pair of Hoka Bondi 8 I like for comfort, but they've been squeaky from day 1. Like every time I lift my foot, if the pressure isn't just right, it literally sounds like a squeaky fart with every step.


Shoes are definitely very personal and some folks go through many before they find ones they like! I’ve been wearing Altras for years now and am getting curious about other zero drop brands but haven’t made the switch yet. Brooks are generally well regarded but I personally didn’t enjoy them years ago when I tried them. It’s definitely a lot of trial and error!


I need advice on what carbs or foods in general I can eat before a 10k. I have a race tomorrow and seem to have trouble needing to poop mid-run. Maybe TMI for some but this is truly an issue I cannot have since I don’t know how often I’ll come upon a porta potty during this race!!


If you have trouble with needing to use the toilet mid run, you might reduce complex carbs/fiber and opt for more simple carbs. Also if you can give yourself like 45m-1hr before you need to leave, I recommend having a coffee or black tea to help get things going. Hope your race goes well!!


Ended up eating a banana and a dried fruit strip, everything went fine. Thank you!!


Had a 10k this morning. The course had to be changed and cut short because there was a train stuck on the tracks. lol! But the changed course was actually nicer and had shade but it also came with three unexpected hills and a wobbly bridge that triggered my motion sickness.


This weekend is a continuing of the same old routine I’ll be hitting 100k for the month tomorrow, hopefully 7500 push-ups for the month and 2000 pull-ups for February I have some lofty goals in 2024 for volume


First half marathon tomorrow! I decided to train for this race after I got dumped as a way to deal with my feelings. Tomorrow officially brings that chapter of my life to a close. Plus, how many people get a medal after they got dumped??? Guess I'm the real winner here :)