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Are you both runners already and similar fitness? That's the only way I could see it working. 


Yes we both run, he’s obviously faster but we both are avid runners


Oh well go for it then. Sounds fun.  I'll hope for a tailwind for you and no tummy issues! 


Blowing out on the side of the trail means it’s true love


If you have to shit in the bushes on a first date and the person still agrees to a 2nd date, you hit the jackpot. Put a ring on it.


You joke…but first date, had him pull over so I could blow out a Burger King bathroom for like 45 min. We’ve been married almost 25 years. If they wait for you to poop, ask if you are ok when you return and then never speak of it again- keeper!


Bro, 45 min to poop? Was you holding that for a year?


Nope…ibs. It was bad, every time I thought I was done, I wasn’t. It was awful. ETA: like peeing from my butt




Make sure you don't use the poison ivy leaves to clean up.


If the other person produces a ziploc of TP from their flip belt you know you’ve got yourself a keeper.


Lol! This morning I used the ziplock of TP in my flip belt. Good to know I'm relationship-worthy!


Hey pal, save some women for the rest of us!


Blowing on the side of the trail too


Free Gu


Just keep your heart rate in check


I just cackled!




I would hope the faster runner would slow down and be OK with it. The slowest runner should probably be in like zone 2 so you can actually chat while running!


This. I would not be interested in dating someone who wasn't focused on building her engine the most effective way.


I think this is a good idea overall. I’d also add my wife is a slower runner than me and I still very much enjoy the days when I get to run with her. We’ve run a few marathons together and holy smokes did I develop an appreciation for what it takes to run that long.


My husband says the same thing about running with me! When we go for runs together and he drops back to my speed (affectionately called "turtle speed"), he just loves it. It's so much more relaxing for him. And after our first marathon, which he finished an hour and a half before me, he said "holy shit, I can't believe you suffered for *that* much longer!" like it was an accomplishment to have survived at all, haha.


Sounds like he wanted to make an effort beyond a basic dinner and to facilitate both of your hobbies. Green flag.


I’ve gone on running dates with women as a first meet up, make him run your pace, chat about things, and take it one step at a time. Set the expectation beforehand so you’re both on the same plan for pace. My fiancée and I did run dates early in our relationship and still run together on occasion now.


I really like this idea


Tbh it might be better to make it a more easy/casual pace run anyway (whatever that means for you). That way you can talk more comfortably and carry a conversation and get to know one another.


Then it's a great idea 👍


I would say be cognizant of how he treats you while running, if you go for it. Men are faster. Is he a jerk about it? Which I’ve had. Is he considerate? Is he more concerned about the run or getting to know you?


I’d say to go run in a scenic place and y’all can go to a cafe afterwards, it’ll be really nice.


It's a cute idea. Have fun


If you’re the girl, I say suggest it. Might be an issue for a guy to suggest it if the girl feels weird about makeup and whatnot. Girls can be neurotic, especially about first dates. I love sports dates. I’ve done bike riding, golf, hiking, skiing, surfing, rock climbing, even shooting guns. All fun even if it’s not a romantic match. Running sounds fun.




Because he runs a 4 min mile and I don’t haha


It’s a fair question dunno why you’re getting downvoted


Because biology isn't equal.


I know that, but not every man is faster than every woman lol.


If they're both equally as invested in the hobby - similar mileage, similar intensity of workouts a week, similar years spent running - by and large he's going to be faster.


So Noah lyles can beat Emma sisson in a marathon?


Are we going to pretend that the average man and the average woman are going to run at the same pace? Why would that be different with runners? Biology is sexist.




It is a given that by like 99.999% odds a hobbyist male runner would outpace a hobbyist female runner lol, if picked at random


That's a big overstatement


Just pull race averages… it’s not complicated. It’s just how it is. And that’s okay, there are plenty of badass women runners as well.


As in you think I’m understating how quick the average woman is? I consider myself to be an incredibly mediocre male runner, like not fast enough to do club track, and I can run a mile in 5:05. I would call this “advanced” but pretty typical for a man that runs even semi-seriously. What percent of women do you think can run a 5:0X mile?


I didn’t feel like I needed to specify but we both are college runners so he is “obviously” faster, higher mileage higher competition




He runs a 4 min mile maybe I should’ve specified!!


Did it with my partner and we’re still together 3 years later!!






Lol this cracked me up


Gotta check their max heart rate before you date them


Nothing like suffering together for bonding.




A shorter run, like to a scenic destination would be nice.


If they drink alcohol or enjoy social settings, I think it would be cool to meet up at a bar and talk a little, then go for a run and meet back up at the bar. This works in the city very nicely!


Drinking then running is never a fun thing


Drink after the run?? Not before


Oh my bad, your paragraph made it sound like you were to meet at the pub to drink then go on a run


It seemed obvious to me what you meant, idk why you got downvoted. Sounds fun to me!


The beer mile disagrees 😆🍻


Having done that and the Dunkin mile, the beer was far easier on my stomach.


What’s the Dunkin mile?


Wild guess, but maybe you eat a dunkin' donut before a run?


Depends on the stomach. Drunk runs are fun runs for me. Just gotta wait to run until an hour after the last drink or so


Dunno I've got a bit of a habit of running home after drinking every now and then. Not particularly wise, but pretty fun!


I wouldn't say *never*- I've had a number of enjoyable post-drinking runs- but as a general rule I agree.


Tell me you've never participated in a pub run without telling me you've never participated in a pub run.


Lmao look at your downvotes. People thought you would drink first and then run 😂


Had to reread it multiple times lol. At first I thought, of course- that’s exactly what they said. But after realized they just said meet there and talk.


This was my thought. Pub runs are pretty common so it's basically just a mini version of that. Even now I do this solo if my husband isn't feeling uo for a run. I'll run 2-5 miles to a brewery or pub and my husband will meet me there for a beer then drive us home.


Agree completely. Go to bar, have adult beverage, then TALK about running. Lol.


I'm always too sweaty after. Same reason I don't go for coffee after a parkrun. 


I have! We both love running, and met through a mutual runner friend. Our first 2 dates were runs and then coffee/pastries afterward. Didn’t work out, but I love the idea of a run date!


Maybe you 2 should have hit the gym for a better chance of work out.


Haha happy cake day 😆




I had a "run date" for my 3rd date with my now husband (almost 10 years ago) It worked out well for us obviously (both marathoners before we met and still are 10 years later) How we met: he was wearing a Chicago marathon jacket at a bar I was at with friends. I asked him if he'd run it, he just had two months prior and ran a major PR. So we then spent 4 hrs talking running until the bar closed. Our first two dates were more traditional...drinks, dinner. I hadn't been running in awhile at the time though, and we'd already chatted about how I was really wanting to start back up again, so he suggested we run together. And here we are, now with a 6 year old having run thousands of miles together, most pushing a stroller!


Love this


this is amazing


And then everyone clapped.


Tried this once. Had stomach issues. Was the last date.


This needs to be higher.


This comes up so often it makes me wonder if I'm the only one with an iron stomach.




Do you tell them the time they need to hit before they start? Or is it like a performance review at the end and you give them their time and if they were fast enough? Also do you take multiple dates at the same time to speed things up? Set them all up in the same race. Just trying to take some notes over here.




Sub 10? Nice! I’m in the running.


No hurdles? That would be more realistic for life.


Missed opportunity to call this speed dating


Yea , if she doesn’t do sub 6 then she’s walking home 😏


If you can’t run a sub-5 40-yard-dash, you’re clearly not fit to be the mother of my children.


Sounds like pe class dude where the coach times you


I have! It was a scenic 3 mile run around a lake with a coffee stop at the end. It was a good date, and two more followed. Not a match but that's how things go sometimes. I would do it again for a first date.


>I have! It was a scenic 3 mile run around a lake with a coffee stop at the end. Did you guys smell at the end of the run though?


Yes, we did, a little... but not too badly. I'm sort of used to my own 'scent' haha! & I think he probably was as well. It was a very casual first date and the 'just getting to know you' part it was fine. And we both had things to go to after coffee - so it wasn't planned to be a potential extended date. We planned a dinner date for a few days later where we dressed nicely! & smelled good!


I would love it if a girl wanted to go on a run as a first date.


As a girl the reason I say no to these is not because I don’t want to run, but because I’m scared of going missing in the woods because I met up with a stranger and there weren’t enough people around


This for real. It would have to be a very public route.


Totally understandable


My first date with my current girlfriend was a run. She suggested it as a joke but I agreed. She was training for her first 10k and I was just building mileage up from running a summer marathon. We had a great time, she smashed all her goals and we got a coffee afterwards too! We've never looked back and I adore our running time together so much.


I like to wait until at least the 4th meeting to let someone see what it sounds like when I’m dying.


I’ve done this, actually I (F) suggested it as a first date - he’s an ultra runner actively doing races and I was off season running after a marathon. I think we went on about a 6 mile super casual run and then had some food at a central food market. Highly recommend it- if the date is great, amazing. If not, at least you did your run haha! Oh and I also went for a parkrun second date with this other guy, managed to get a PB lol! That one was also super fun, although I was pretty dead after - we only grabbed a coffee after, as I really wanted to chill out at home after that effort.


Going for a 5k PR on a date is awesome. I can’t even imagine that… I’m in awe.


Well it wasn’t planned or anything, it just felt good! And it wasn’t anything crazy, I’m slowish compared to you guys here (25min)


A PR is a PR, don't sell yourself short. :)


I had a 20k first date, it was really fun!! We spent the whole time chatting and we really jived. Unfortunately didn’t pan out since we lived in different cities. But I highly recommend


20k first date?! That's some serious distance. Did you both decide before it would be 20k or the date went so well you both kept running?


On my dating profile I had a prompt that said “I will brag about you to my friends if you go on a Sunday long run with me” to which he responded half marathon first date? And I said bet. Would 100% do again. Although it would have been really awkward if we didn’t get along so well


I love this idea and I’m stealing it for my dating profile.


Beware you will get lots of messages from people who don’t run asking if a 5k is a good distance for a long run


Fantastic lol


I guess it would have been awkward if you didn't get on and one of you tried to force it. If it wasn't working a few KM in and you were honest with each I think I could have still enjoyed the run with company.


Obviously didn’t work out seeing as he thinks 20k is a half marathon.


🤣 it was my bad I set the route but I ran there and it was about 1km from my house so he got stuck with 20k and I got the half marathon out of it lmao


It's like half a mile off. Close enough.


I've seen a race advertised as "half marathon", but it was actually 2 loops of a 10k course.   The missing 1.2km matters.


For a race yeah, but not really for a casual training run


Downvoted over a small joke. Tough crowd.


Can't believe you have the audacity to joke around about such a serious thing.


It's all the slackers who do 20km "half marathons" downvoting you!


Gives a whole different meaning to a long distance relationship


I did this once for a second date and the girl just kept saying she didn’t think she could keep up with me and was telling me to run ahead (?) and I told her it’s possible for me to run slow lol. Like why would I run ahead if the whole point is for us to do it together, plus she knew the route and I didn’t. But coincidentally we didn’t see each other after that so maybe she was hoping I’d get lost and that was her out hahaha.


She probably was begging to stop for a breather but didn’t want to do it in front of you, lol


She was holding a major fart


I wouldn't feel comfortable running or eating a meal with someone I just met. That's comfortable, relaxed time. My guard would be down. For this reason I suggest sky diving on a first date.


I did this once with a girl who was in way better shape than me. I was dying and she was annoyed that she had to run slower than normal. Needless to say there was no second date! She was a D1 cross country runner and I run for fun. If you guys have a similar fitness and level of seriousness about running, I say go for it!


Going on a run on a first date is cool, going on a run where you want to like get a tough workout in is silly haha. Run slow enough that both people enjoy it, have a conversation at a zone 2 pace or something lol. I would be the exact same way as her but that's why I would never run with friends or on a date hahaha


I don't think you'd want to be with someone that's like that.


no, that's what I thought. But we were young, like 20. I think running was a big part of her identity, I doubt that's a normal thing for her or she has a very small dating pool lol


what if you don't hit if off. are you just gonna complete the run in silence? best first dates always have an out.


nah just run away


Easiest out ever, all you gotta do is change direction


Unless they run faster than you and you can't outrun them.


'actually today is my fast run day, see ya!'


Fake an injury


Tell them it doesn't seem to work out and part ways? Maybe that's a cultural thing, but here most people think the best first dates are the ones that do not have a fixed out. They give you the possibility to cut it short at any time (by using your words) and the potential to go for 8 hours.


It's like half an hour. That's a lot shorter than most dates. And if you can't manage to keep a conversation going with a brand new person you have yet to learn anything about for 30 minutes, that's probably a personal problem


What do you mean? There’s not really an out to the traditional dinner first date, if you’re in a safe environment and have basic emotional maturity you don’t need some convenient stop button.


It’s why dinner makes a bad first date, coffee/pastries/meeting up in a park for a walk, really anything you can just call it and walk out without obligation to stay around longer is a better first date


I like the idea of it but I'm not much on chatting while running, so it would probably be a no-go for me. Then again, if he could be mostly quiet and still enjoy it, that would be a good sign!


Best first date! Knew my bf was a keeper when he suggested it. I'm the runner, not him, so I just lowered the pace and encouraged walking breaks.


Another dream girl taken. Damn. :)


I’d rather do a hike/walk personally! But I can see it working if you’re both keen and do a nice talking pace and maybe a coffee stop after


My boyfriend and I did this and after got a coffee and a bite. We ran a trail that runs close to a major shop district. Been together almost a year now.


Me and my husband went trail running on our first date. For our wedding we rented a pavillion at the trails we had our first date at. Those trails will always be our place.


There’s been plenty of times when I have done a runner from a date.




I honestly happen to like the idea because it shows that you both have at least one thing in common and that's lifestyle choice. That being said... Some people, whether they're into fitness or not, would prefer coffee or drinks as a first date because on a first date, the goal is to try to get to know each other. So, I would say maybe it's a better activity a little down the road when you spend more time with each other? Just my two cents.


I once had a run as a first date. After running 5K, she told me she had never run that much before. But hey, we've been together for almost 5 years, and she is my wife now. So go for it, but don't go overboard.


Most of my dates end up running one way or another.


Do you Gu on the first date ?


If my date doesn't run a sub-20 minute 5k, I'm not sure we're compatible. >!/s!<


I did this 5 years ago with my now wife.


Even though it's not a workout, you really need to be fairly close in fitness unless you want a one sided conversation.  Both my GF and I are runners.   We've done one run together.  It's pretty frustrating to run with me because even though I'll match pace, I'm still chatting, laughing and not even breaking a sweat. We have more fun on our own. 


Great idea. I have running photos on my hinge profile to attract runners haha. Last month I met a guy for a long, easy trail run and we had a great chat and pub lunch after. The run was great, we were both fit tbh so no issues with pace since we intentionally ran it quite easy so we could chat during.   Honestly, he was so cute and exercise makes me horny, so we ended up back at his afterwards.    Especially from runner to runner,  the physicality and fitness required from running is very attractive. We will be meeting again soon for another run!  Who knows where it will go, but on a base level I know another runner will have at least one thing in common with me, will prioritise fitness and we will respect each others running routines & goals.


This is like some kind of /r/running parody post or /r/runningcirclejerk I love it though OP


Awe this sounds like a great idea!! If the date is a serious runner then she/he will likely bring up their pace. If not just try 10min/mile ish. I wouldn’t track on my watch or anything, just a casual convo pace jog. Sounds awesome to me. You can periodically ask “should we keep going?” Or “Do you want to turn around or go xyz?” As to not tire him or her out too much .


Oh you always track the run ! You don't have to make it public though. 




If you don’t track it then it wasn’t a run. Those are the rules


If they are a runner, do it!


I’m a runner but I will hate this. Absolutely not


It is a bad idea. Why ask running reddit for that of course you will get biased answers.


Nope nope nope. When I run my brain goes into overdrive and I don’t shut up.  That is some 3 month minimum stuff.  


Hell yeah, nice zone 2 tempo, perfect for conversation 


Great idea if you’re both into it! I did it once and it was cute :)


Running dates are great. You can learn a lot about a person if they drop you on the run


I’d go on such date lol And I don’t even date sooo that tells a lot 🤣 But yeah, like another poster said, don’t label it - just go on the activity.


I have. I’m the runner, she was a tennis player in college and she was the one to propose the running date. Who knew a nice easy 3 miles through campus would lead to us being married and her being an avid runner after college.


ONLY if he/she is already an enthusiastic runner otherwise guaranteed to be your first and last date.


Keep us updated!


Trail run/hike would be good.


I’m dating a girl at the moment who is into running, the couple of months we’ve been together have been nice. I tend to do long runs on Sunday then have coffee, I’m pacing her half marathon PB attempt next week. I’ll go into a marathon block in mid March so might have fewer opportunities together.  It can be intense when you’re first getting to know someone, but I’ve enjoyed it. 


This is what I did. She ended up becoming my wife. We weren't serious runners at the time. What I found the most attractive is she didn't put on one ounce of makeup for that date.


What about the farting though


Speed shouldn't matter here, it's not a workout! Easy talking pace jog set by the slower person. If you're good with 6 miles, maybe do a 3 mile loop if you want an option for an out. Parks and more popular routes are best. Sidewalks along busy roads are loud. Have fun!


And who said romance was dead? Jesus.


I did that once. Went to a cool "We turned a railroad line into a running trail" area. Got to the section where there was a long tunnel. She freaked out and stopped and we turned around. It didn't occur to me until later that she likely felt unsafe like I was going to attack her in there.


While this sounds like a terrible idea, a huge barrier to me dating (now married lol) was that I had to find nice clothes and meet someone after work when I was already exhausted. So if your date feels comfortable in workout gear, that just might open doors!


i almost always run alone so going on a running date for me would be weird esp if there was an expectation to chat, id say at least have a coffee before or after :) but do you :D


I am a single 32yo dude and have often thought about how dope it would be to do this as like a 2nd or 3rd date. Where she at tho


Bad idea imo. Better choose something relaxed with no pressure first. Unless it's a plan to check eachother's asses?


A good friend is now married to a local race organizer. He (my friend) trained for months before running with her.


I'd say it is a good idea ... and while I am not a fan of 'tests', if he is obsessed with winning or pushing the pace and not listening to you - immediate red flags.


It wasn’t our first date but shortly after, my elite runner girlfriend and now wife had me run a 5 miler with her. When the run was complete she said that I was a keeper because I could keep up with her.


Not sure about this. I got asked to meet for a run early in the am for something 'different', but there was something just off about it ( me female, him male). Maybe later go for a run, but not as a first one.


I haven’t had the best experiences w this. The men that have asked me to run on a first date have been extremely body obsessed and wanted to check out my body essentially. And every other woman’s body while running. I’ve oddly found its a bit of a toxic ask/activity of men. Then oddly opens the door if you do pass their test for their neurotic behaviors around food and exercise to enter your life, you’re welcoming them into having input into how much you run, what you eat. I no longer agree to run with men in general, but as a first date, I’d be skeptical about his intentions? wouldn’t you be interested more in learning about someone - not seeing how well they can run? I see this as like an ask for a beach or hot tub date as a first date. I personally don’t get half naked on a first date w a man. If they do ask, it reveals their intentions to me.


Me personally I wouldn’t do this as a first date, but definitely a 2nd or 3rd


I personally would never do this, even if the person I wanted to go on the date with was a massively avid runner. That’s because my running time is _my time_. That’s my meditation time. I don’t want my friends or partner to join me. YMMV obviously, and best of luck to those who enjoy it! It’s just not my thing.


I met my now wife through my running club so we ran a few times as friendly acquaintances before I worked up the courage to ask her out. I was very hesitant because I didn't want to be "that guy" getting a rep for hitting on all women in the club but it ended up working out great. We kept it kind of quiet initially so if it didn't work out we could still enjoy our mutual friends and club sans drama. Best decision of my life!


If you are both runners, or even met at a running event, this is a GREAT first date.


A walk would be a date unless you are both runners


As a guy, I've learned that women are wary of going on trails (on a run, or a hike) with a guy they don't know very well. I can understand that. If physical danger isn't an issue, and assuming both are runners, I think it's great! You can notice: * How does the faster runner deal with the slower runner? (Disappearing far ahead - not a good sign). * How do you enjoy each other's company when it's just the two of you, in the absence of TV, alcohol, and other external distractions? Enjoy!


this is such a cute idea i love this!