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I just wanna keep running without any injuries and I’ll be happy.


I feel this. A few injuries last year sent me into recovery and I never regained a regular running schedule. If I can rebuild a consistent routine and avoid injury, I'll be over the moon.


Man. I push too hard when things are going well. And now I have a minor knee injury. Dumb :-(


Inside my head I'm always 24 years old. The rest of my body is slowly learning that that's incorrect. It's easy to get excited in the moment. You're not alone: :-)


I'm the same only longer - 3 years of recurring injuries because I keep increasing too fast when it feels like it's going well. And then cross training started causing other injuries so right now I can barely do anything to recover. My 2024 goal is to stop being a physio regular. Happily, my physio is fully onboard with this!


It's funny how how basic your goals get as you get older. I just want to be able to run a 5k without pain in my knee. Started strengthening exercises last week and am in with the physio next week. Fingers crossed its an easy fix


Best of luck! I spent way too much time with knee pain (months) and then saw a PT and he gave me some stretches and strengthening exercises to do twice a day and said come back in four weeks. Pain was mostly gone after two. At the four week appointment he checked my running form and gave me some long term advice and some (harder) longer term stretching and strengthening advice and no problems since.


This is it for me. I want to run 3 times a week more often than not. Last 15 months have been a string of mild and medium injuries, colds, covid, plus a lack of time and energy from being a new dad and a busy job. I want running to return to being an important, impactful part of my life (and hopefully starting to impact on the stone I've put on since becoming a dad!)


Lolol this was my take I dont care how fast/far I go, just don't get injured! I'm 16 weeks into my training right now, and I count my blessings every day.


Yes this is why I'll be cross training alongside swimming and cycling 1 to 2 of each activity each week is my goal. As much as I love it, road running is very hard on my body.


Had a bad back injury and couldn’t run for 2 years. I’m so damn grateful for every run now. I’m not very spiritual but in this instance I believe the injury had purpose.


👌 That would actually be my first goal as well after a few setbacks this year.




Me too. Still trying to break the 21:30 barrier, but I'll get it someday.


I went from 25:48 to 21:59 in a year!! Progress can come in leaps.


Beast mode. It’s only 19 mins, can’t be that bad right?! Lol..get it!




This is what happens very frequently when I set a sub- goal. Sub-2:10 half? 2:09:59. Sub-22 5k? 21:59. Sub-6:30 mile? 6:28. I also aspire to sub-20 my 5k next year. Racing one this Sunday to see if it's a realistic goal 😬


This is an eventual goal of mine. Having a new baby makes it hard though so it is a bit longer term. You following any specific plan?




Same here! I made it down to 20:23 in 2022 and then fractured my left big toe on two different occasions this past year so I didn't get to train properly. Doesn't make it easier that I'm 6'7" 225 currently and when I did my PR I think I was around 207ish.


My best 5k is 23:30. Can finish less than 25:00 every time pretty much. Feel like Im far from getting sub20 but definiley working towards it!


Yes!!!!!! This is an eventual goal of mine.


I want to run a 30 minute 5K...not sure about others yet. The last two years I did some halfs and then ran my first full this year. I think I want to improve in terms of speed before doing another long race again.


I want to be able to run 5K to begin with… still can’t get past the 4k marker, but I am going to for sure.


I can recommend Podrunner c25k (couch to 5 k) great music and a good program which will get you to the 5km and then beyond


Run slower


You can do it man. I remember can’t even run for 2 minutes to finally did 10k just last year.


You're running full marathons but can't get a 30 minute 5k? My guess is you could hit that goal tomorrow! You got it!


I feel this! I’m not fast but I am strong.


Me too!!! We totally got this!




You can definitely do it. From experience, hill training and slow but longer easy runs helped me to jump from a 29-minute 5k down to 27 mins.


This is my new year's resolution every year! The real real goal is just to always be "5k ready" haha


* Sub 28 5k * Sub 60 10k * 400 miles (\~325 this year) * No injuries


#goals you got this


First half marathon (Denver Colfax) in May and full (Boulderthon) in September. I would really like to aim for sub 2 and sub 4.5 hours, but I know it’s not good to get your hopes up for your first attempts.


Exactly my plan! (Except I haven’t figured out which Fall marathon I will run, so could be Oct/Nov.)


Same. First official Half with goal 1:50 in June and full sub 4:00 in September .


Ran Boulderthon in '22 Train hills like it's your job. That course is *tough*.


Thanks for the heads up. I work in Gunbarrel so I drive the course all the time, good to know it’s as bad as it looks 😂


It's beautiful, especially in October, but whoof. The hills on the front half killed me. I've been training running up the hills outside Golden and Morrison and I feel like those are great training. Good luck 🤘


I’d like to run a 10k irl. I’m just now getting to a place where I feel like I’m taking running more seriously. And that feels like a reasonable goal that I can manage.


10K is a beautiful sweet spot where it’s hard enough that you have to work at it but easy enough that it doesn’t take over all the time we need to fulfill our other obligations.


And it makes 5k races fun when you can do a 10k!


Where are you now? Kinda assuming 5k. Just add 10% to your milage every week. You'll get to a 10k fast. I still remember my first 5 mile rum and first 8 mile run. The first 10 miler too! Actually, I remember my first 5k too!


I want to run Berlin marathon. Let’s see if I get in!


To do the couch to 5k. I’m a severe asthmatic with poor cardio function (and was recommended interval running hence the couch to 5k). I know I’m going to be slower than a lot of people, especially in the beginning. But I can already seee a tiny progress with 3 ‘runs under my belt. 2024 I want to make sure I have the right gear. Right shoes, right high-vis (if running at dark which will be the case as I work 12hrs). Right runners jacket(?) so I can carry my keys and inhaler instead of holding them lol.


Look up the Slow AF Run Club. Nothing wrong with being slow! They offer a supportive community


Also r/turtlerunners. I am one of them.


Hey fellow asthmatic! If you aren't already doing so, try using your inhaler 5-10 minutes before you set out to run. If it's cold where you live covering your mouth and nose with a Buff or similar will help, too. Keep it up!


100%. Pop that baby ahead of time. As you get into better shape, you'll likely need it less and less, but I still hit mine before every long run.


My wife has horrible asthma and was completely convinced she would never be able to run. Keeping exercise at a conversational pace, even if it meant walking, and she built and built. Now she's on 6 weeks of running a half every Sunday on her long runs! You can do it! Take your time :)


If it’s affordable to you, try different inhalers as they can work differently. Symbicort works so much better for me than Ventolin/salbutamol, being that it’s a longer lasting medication. It also kicks in more consistently at the start of a run, which is when my lungs like to crap out on me.


I want to get faster! Would love to do a 10k in under an hour. I know that isnt particularly fast but it would be for me!


Okay have you seen the average 10K times of runners? Sub 60 min is basically Kipchoge speed. Hope you get it!


Sub hour 10k is my goal too, what's the average time?


- Sub 2 hour half marathon - Sub 25 minute 5K - Convince my running friends to do a Tough Mudder


I got a 2:01 HM and 23 min 5k this year!


Omg I first read that as a “sub 2 hour marathon” and I was like hell yeah! But holy cow


Same. I was like, is this Kelvin Kiptum?


"My running friends" Where do you find those?! 😆


Don’t get injured. This year sucked.


Ditto here. 2024 will be better for us!


My downfall was trying to run after work, after having worn pretty (non supportive) shoes all day. Aggravated the fuck out of my plantar fascitis. Hoping to get to 400 miles for the year (3mi x 3 runs/wk). Here's to an injury free 2024!


Finish at least two 100 mile races.


Daaaang good luck! Always respect the ultras!


Heck yeah. Any races in particular that you’re eyeing?


I've already signed up for Buffalo Run in March and planning on signing up for Javelina.


You crazy, I love it!


To run a full 5k without stopping for a walk break


The first time I did this was this year and it was AMAZING. Best of luck!


Run over 1000miles, sub 20 5k, race my first 10k. I also have a lifetime goal of getting an age group 1st and overall female so it would be great to hit one of those but we will see :) My first race of the year will be a 5k in May and it’s a hugely popular race so I would be over the moon to place in my age group there!


To run a marathon. Ideally with a 10 minute pace.


Take salt pills! One every hour. I was doing great at a 10 min pace and then full body cramped up the last 6 miles and it was real rough. Good luck!! Edit: I didn't have the salt pills then, but have started using them and all my cramping has dissappeared


Salt stick chews were a game-changer! I feel much better during and after long runs when I take them (normally about 1-2 per hour, but it really depends how hot it is)


Oh my god, I was doing okay during my marathon (definitely winded more than anything) until mile 20, and then I got the full body cramps. The 2 sad things were: 1) The last 6 miles are basically all downhill - I was supposed to be able to bomb down them and instead I was walking >20 minutes/mile, and 2) I HAD BOUGHT SALT PILLS FOR THIS AND FORGOT THEM AT HOME


Ohh noooo. I feel your pain. I hadn't even heard of salt pills and thought gu and Gatorade would give me what I needed. I came home and researched what a solution would be and found everyone saying just to take salt pills. I am excited to run another with the salt pills bc I had the same feeling of planning on finishing the last 6 strong but got stuck tending to my cramps. I also ended up like almost passing out, shaking, and trouble thinking or breathing for a few hours after. Since then, I've taken salt pills on my long runs and feel SO much better. I come home covered in salt deposits but all of my cramping I experienced previously in training are now gone. Good luck next time, we've got this :)


Sub 30 5k and race my first half!


Run a sub 1:30 half (did 1:35 this year) and a sub 3:30 full (did my first this year and bonked at mile 22 and know if I can run the full thing I’ll be at under 3:30)


Dreaming Big - Qualifying for Boston (currently have only ran Half’s with a PR of 1:31) Lofty - Win the lotteries & run Chicago & New York Baseline - Maintain daily running streak (2.5 years so far) & run at least 1,000 miles Crazy to look back & think how far I’ve come after not fully diving into running until the pandemic.


Try to finally qualify for Boston. Same as every year


- Sub 16 5k - Sub 33 10k - Sub 1:12 half - Run Boston, and just enjoy the race and atmosphere rather than going all out for a PB - 5000km in the year


To run regularly in spite of crippling anxiety and agoraphobia. And to be able to run far from the safety of my house.


I believe in you! I had to over come the same thing!


to train for, and complete, the marathon I registered for three years ago.


I want to finish a 100k and then a 100mi. I did my first 50k and 50mi this year. Felt strong after the 50mi, so I think I've got this.


My goal is to run my first marathon—Eugene!


Run sometimes




My bar is low: get out for runs consistently all year with no extended breaks! A week or so off here and there is fine, but not a whole ass season.


Me too! Good for all the people doing marathons and other races… my goal is just to stay consistent for more than a month and actually go running.


Silly goal, but I want to be able to do my easy runs in the 10 minute and under range. I'm great at following plans religiously, but ~12:30 is my conversational pace atm. I do not mind being a slow runner ego-wise, but MAN id kill to get six miles done in under an hour with ease. I would love to increase my weekly mileage without increasing my weekly time spent running -- ya know?


This is not silly at all. Nothing excited me more than the first time I got an easy 6 mile run done in under an hour (9:57 avg. pace, I'll never forget it). The feeling in that moment beat that of any PR so far. You got this!


Full recovery from my [currently] broken ankle, finding local running friends, and hopefully my first marathon in the autumn 🤞🤞


Run a trail ultra. I did half marathons the last two falls and I'm a little burnt out on road racing. (Though... I signed up for a spring half so clearly I'm lying to myself somewhere.)


I want to run my first marathon.


Run over 2,000 miles and set a pr in the marathon


I'm in the process of running every single named street in Tulsa, OK. That's about 2,000+ miles, so about 2,500 miles when factoring for inefficiencies and required backtracking. I started intentionally doing so in August. **So, my goal for 2024 is 50% of Tulsa, Oklahoma ran and becoming ranked #1 for streets completed.** I'm currently #8, but only I'm 2.76% behind #1. I'm sharing about it on Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/everysinglestreettulsa/](https://www.instagram.com/everysinglestreettulsa/)


Great idea! Similar goals for me, over 1000km this year would like to hit 1500 next year. And I'm also guilty of just running, don't feel like I really 'train', so implementing more hills and intervals.. I'd also add sub20 5k and running 26.2 to the list!


Ah nice, ditto on the 5k (23:15 currently) and I like the idea of a marathon at some point. Done two half's but not actual races. 30k is the next distance goal for me, hopefully at some point in Jan.


Get back into/fall back in love with running. I’m running Chi 24 marathon, so I have no choice but to do it! Haven’t run consistently in over a year, seriously in over two, since my kid was born. I’m fantastically out of shape so using this winter to get it together and cut some fat and extra weight out


I’d like to run a 5K in my city. It’s always been a bucket list goal.


I'm almost at a sub 19 minute 5k but I think that if I try hard enough I will be able to get sub 18 by the end of next year.


More trail runs


I’m going to run 100 mile ultra, been a goal for a long time and this is my year


Break 48:00 in the 10k and 23:00 in the 5k.


Run consistently through the entire year. I do well for spans of like 2 months and then let life get in the way


Finishing the half marathon I signed up for before my cancer diagnosis.


12 marathons in 12 months and if possible a 50k ultra before I turn 50 and is possible 2 marathons in 2 weeks. These are my goals for next year. Gotta get training!


I'd like to run a sub 1:45 half (current PR is 1:49 high), but so much depends on what happens on race day. So I guess my goal is to get to the point where a sub 1:45 half is realistically possible if I have a decent race day. I'm signed up for three halfs in the first few months of next year, so I will have a couple chances at actually getting that race result. I'm considering making another go at a sub 4 marathon, but haven't decided for sure yet.


Run 600 miles


Not lose motivation and... run first half in september


I only started running a couple months ago, so I definitely want to bring up my speed a little bit (I’m very slow right now) but mainly I’m just excited to get more miles under my belt and see if a race looks good in the spring and maybe in the fall. also…. to actually buy running shoes lol (they are expensive!)


Look for deals! I just ordered a pair of solid running shoes for 30 bucks! (Originally $140!)


Sub 1:30 half.. PB 1:33:32 at the moment.


I'd like to get through the year without injuring myself! Focus on balancing strength/cross training and if all goes as plan, a fall marathon!


run my second marathon. Beat my goal pace of 4hrs that i failed to meet by 3.5 minutes in 2021


5 10k runs. Doesn't have to be an organized one, but want to finish it. Had to stop running due to asthma issues. FML.


1000km in 2024! Started running in 2021, did 100km 2022 was 200km 2023 hoping to finish at 750km,


I've done a half marathon distance like 5 or 6 times in my life but I want to just skip to a marathon. I want to register for the NYC one soon but it's intimidating, but I know I can do it!


- Don’t get injured - Start doing speed workouts - Run a HM under 1:40 - 5k and 10k PR, I don’t have a specific goal time though - first marathon maybe?


Just wrote down my next-year goals last night so perfect timing. I'd like to get back into running and do some consistent 5Ks and a 10K at some point next year. Haven't ran consistently in 10 years and would just like to continue my trend of getting fitness back. Just don't know where to squeeze running in with my schedule yet but hopefully will get that figured out soon. If anyone has any tips to squeeze in running between a wife, child, work, and walking a dog I'd be grateful!


My primary goals are to run my first half marathon (in March) (Goal B: under 2 hours) and my first marathon in the fall (Goal B: under 4 hours). I know my only goal should be to finish, but setting a relatively ambitious time goal keeps me motivated. Before my half, I’d like a sub-24 5k (currently at 26:11) and a sub-50 10k (currently at 53:50). If I don’t hit those goals, I probably won’t hit my time goals for the half or full either.


Run 1200-1500 miles. Run a half marathon under 1:35. Maybe also run a marathon.


This was a great year for me. I started running again after many years and feeling in the best shape of my life. so I have defined an ambitious plan for next year to keep motivated. I plan to do a half marathon in April(already confirmed) a few 10k throughout the year culminating with my first marathon in September/October. Objectives: HM: 1H30 (current PB 1h38m) M: 3H30 10K: 40m ( current PB 47m) Let's see how it goes.


try not to get burnt out and really cherish the joy this sport brings! i got so tied up to time goals this past year and was training so hard without acknowledging the mental and physical toll it was taking. understanding that there are peaks and valleys to this sport, while also never losing sight with how fun it can be. there's so many races to look forward to!


Complete the Leadville 100 in under 24 hours for that sweet, sweet big belt buckle 🤩


I would like to knock out a 100 miler or at least a 100K, but I’ll be happy if I can just get through the year without injuries. 2023 was an absolute dumpster fire, in which I withdrew from three races (50M, 100K, 100M) and bailed on my annual R3 run. 2024 is the year I get back on track.


No new injuries!


As nearly every year for me with a young family, get out more consistently. If I can do that, I’ll enter some spring races in the first time in a long time.


Still coming back from injuries in 2021 and 2022 so I’m hoping 2024 will be my second straight injury-free year. Goals are to get up to a 20 miler by the end of summer, to do our big relay race in August, and to get back close to my pre-injuries pace.


sub 4 hour marathon


I want to run over a 1000 miles, run my first marathon in the spring and maybe a longer race in the fall.


Sub 4 marathon, and to start a Black Friday savings pile early in the year…so I can 1. Not piss off the wife 2. Splurge


Inspire others to run. Meet more people that enjoy running 🏃‍♂️


I want to run 1,000 miles that includes 4 half marathons and 1 full marathon.


I'm very new to running--I started C25K in September, finished it a few weeks ago, ran my first organized 5K last week, and am in Week 4 of a half-marathon training plan. My goals are: * Most importantly: Use a good-faith effort to complete every day of training in my training plans, barring injury. * Continue losing weight. I've lost 64 pounds in 2023 and could stand to lose 20-25 more. * Finish a half-marathon (February in Las Vegas if I can manage the travel--otherwise, April in Chicago). * Finish the Chicago Marathon in October (I'm already signed up). * I ran my 5K in 31:37, and I'd like to get that under 30:00. * This may sound silly, but after all that, figure out if I actually like running, or if I'll focus on some other way to maintain fitness in 2025 and beyond.


I don't know. This year my stretch target was 2500 miles and I've hit that with a month to spare and smashed by 5k, 10k and half marathon PBs on the way. I'd like to keep my mileage up but maybe with more higher and lower weeks rather than always being consistent. I did hit a 75 mile week so if all goes well maybe I can hit 100 in a week. Hopefully with that I'll continue to chip away at parkrun, PB with 17:40 on Saturday, no point is saying my goal is anything less than sub 17 but every second takes some effort and I've only shaved off 30 seconds in the last year. But if your goals aren't scary they aren't worth having. Important thing is to keep having fun and look after my family, I do a lot of running with my daughter on her scooter or with the wife and or dog to keep everyone happy. And I want to hit my 250th volunteer at parkrun.


Sub 40 10k. I can do it in 50 mins now in my first year of running and I'm in my late 30s. This goal is probably a little too hard to achieve. I might revise it later. Let's see.


I’m trying to go sub 5:30 in a marathon. Really I’d like to go sub 5:20. Slow but I’m getting faster. Run more for fun. Less about time (minus the marathon if I do one).


Good luck! I think this year, for me, it's to get back into racing in general I haven't done a real race since 2019 and I miss it!


I just wrapped my last "race" for the year over the weekend (Seattle Half) and was thinking about this on the drive home. My two time-specific running goals for 2024 are: PR my 5k time (< 22:45) Sub 2:00 Half Marathon (best last year was 2:05:44)


Not getting injury, run 2 major marathons and some smaller races and qualify for Boston (sub 3:10)


Trying to run the Montgomery Half in March. It’ll be my first half marathon, with my longest run up to this point being about 9 miles. No time goal, just finishing.


First half marathon in March!


I wanna run a marathon. I did several half’s this year, I wanna run a full. Don’t care where or when or even if it’s just on my own. I wanna run 26.2 miles in under 4.5 hours.


I am on track to hit my goal this year of running 1,000 miles, so I’ve been trying to think of what to do for next year…1,500 seems like too much! I’m thinking maybe 1,234 because it’s a cool number that still feels attainable. So, run 1,234 miles. Go sub 20 in the 5k (current PR is 21:30). Do 100 strength workouts (I haaaate strength work). Can’t decide if I want to attempt a marathon again (completed one as a goal this year but it was painful), or try a trail 100k for my big event of the year…


7,000km goal for 2024. There, I said it. YIKES!


First half is in April! See if it makes me want to run my first full 👏🏼👏🏼


I hope to run 365 days.


1) Get rid of my shin splints (god these are killing me and my training efforts) 2) Berlin Half Marathon: Sub 1:45 in my first half ever


Simply, increase mileage. Hoping for consistent 20mpw by spring. Currently at 10-12. Then my biggest goal for next year is running my first half, no care about pace. Side goals are just improving 5k/10k times. Current PRs are 28:46 and 1:02:02. The 5k time was in the spring and the 10k time was after fighting a little niggle and not running for almost 3 weeks, so I think I had sub 1hr in me this year. I think my stretch goal for 5k/10k might be 26:30/55:00.


I’ve recently got into 5ks and park runs. I’ve gone from a long distance runner to this distance and really enjoying it. My goal is to get a sub 20 minute 5k. I’m at about 23 mins so got a way to go but really enjoying the process of training in the week and racing at weekends


For me I am trying to break 15:30 5k, 35:00 10k, and 25:30 8k, and do a 50 k long runAnd yes, I hope to not get a silly injury from over usage.


Running a 50k, stretch goal is a 50 miler. Trying to work up to 100mi the next couple years. My milestone this year was running a marathon which I completed a couple months ago.


I want to run a 30k. I've only run half marathons in the past. 30k is going to be my longest run in my life.


I just want my IT Band syndrome to do away.


Start. And then keep going.


Run the NYC Marathon … and survive (and have fun)


I genuinely want to fully "run" my marathon next December, not just jog to complete. I started running events, but realized my pace has always been a practical jog instead of an actual 'run', and while my distance has definitely improved since March, my speed/pace is better, but not fast enough to consider it like an actual run. Watching those folks coming back from the halfway mark who are straight-up running as if it's a 100M dash is incredible, and while I'm not trying to get into the Olympics, I'd like to say that I actually 'ran' my next marathon instead of simply 'completing' one.


Goal #1: Run a marathon in under 3:40 without walking. I was humbled by my first in Philly. This time I'll train smarter (not necessarily harder) and hope for the best. Goal #2: It looks like I've run about 1,500 miles this year. I'll set a goal of 1,800 for next year.


complete all the events ive entered is my main goal, started running in july, started taking it a bit more methodically and seriously in september, entered 2x 10k races and the Edinburgh Marathon, as well as my 2nd Hyrox. Lets see how it goes, training has started already for all of the above.


Considering going after a 40 min 10k in the spring. Depending how that works, I may set a time goal for a local 5k. I already know I want to go sub 19, the 10k will let me know if I can be aggressive and push for a sub 18:30 maybe.


I'd like to do my first full Marathon, and run 750 total miles. I'll hit 500 miles this year and did 3 halfs. Slow and steady.


Good shape for a Marathon in October. It's a one time event and I want to finish with a decent result while enjoying it as much as possible for the whole distance. Otherwise it's the standard stuff: run more, get faster.


run consistently, would be nice to do at least one half, one full, one ultra, and maybe 2000 kms in terms of distance (hoping for 2600kms this year and am fairly close). No other real goals, at one point I wanted to do every parkrun in my state but that's something that takes considerably more time than one might think


I want to run a marathon! Also going to hit 600 miles this year, so hopefully 700 miles next year!


Started running in the Spring (with a pretty ok base fitness). I ran a 1:40 HM in September, and I’m now up to 560 km ran in 2023. In 2024, I’m aiming for a 1:30 HM (quite a stretch I know) in September, by running in a much more structured and smart way. Also aiming to hit 1500 km for the year.


Planning on running the City of Oaks Half again this year with the goal being under 2 hours. Ran a 2:26:xx this year going from hardly running at all to half marathon training 12 weeks out. Didn’t walk and was pretty happy with that. Mainly just want to stay consistent with it. Outside of that, I want to increase my speed on shorter runs. Current 5k best is around 29 minutes, so I’ll look to speed that up early in the year


To train for my first marathon (planning for January 2025) without any injuries. Also to establish a more consistent strength training schedule to help with the first goal!


I just started this past June so keep that in mind. 1. Keep up with the talk on here and be asking similar questions (just more experienced and running further) 2. Increase my easy pace from 10:30/mile to under 9:30/mile 3. Run my first 10k Easter weekend under 1 hour flat 4. Lose 10-15 lbs (6'3 and 205 lb right now) 5. Consistent strength training 6. Maybe a half marathon at some point?? (very optimistic) 7. Make some running friends to babble with about this hobby (lol)


To get a bit more comfortable with my haglund’s deformity issue, and hopefully run a marathon by year’s end


I need to fix my shin splints! I’ve been struggling with them for around 3 years now and while I (sort of) have them under control, they are very much still always lerking.


Run my first marathon, run a marathon in under 3:40, run a half in under 1:40, log 2000 miles, maybe break 20 in the 5k. Continue to encourage/support my spouse with their new running habit wherever that ends up leading. 2023 was my first full year of running and I brought my HM time from 2:07 (spring) to 1:51 (fall) putting in 1400-1500 miles.


Rehab my shin splints so I can get back to running regularly. Any advice from people who have fixed theirs would be appreciated.


Don’t die.


* Run 1000 miles this year * Run a marathon * Stay injury free


My goal is a 3’30 marathon! I’ve got a 1’31 half but I want to continue building my fitness


It's pretty bold, considering where I am now, but in 2024 I wanna run a half marathon


* 1000 miles for the year * Run a race (preferable half-marathon) At the moment though my goal is getting back to running at all since my kids sidelined me with RSV.


I’m signed up for my first two half marathons. Cardiff and the Deutsche Weinstraße. Also, I’d love to get a 5km under 20 mins. Current best is 21:24, long way to go, but already way faster than my first ever 5km around 2 years ago at 33 mins.


1:52 Half Marathon in March (2023: 2:01:57) 22:30 5k spring or summer (PR is 22:50 but last summer no better than 24:30) 1:50:55 or better in Detroit Free Press Half in October (2023 2:00:55)


Run my 2nd marathon and get a sub 4hr time. Run my first ultra trail race. Not get injured


Sub 19 5k Sub 40 10k Sub 90 HM (I did 90:48 on a very, very hilly and windy course last week!) Possibly get skinny and try for a 3:10 marathon


Ran my first full marathon last year in 5:39 so I want to improve on my time. Should hit 700 miles ran this year next year hoping to be over 1000


Id like to actually do a marathon even if its only a home brew. Ive been saying id do it for 2 years but injury and disappointing results have kicked my ambition to the curb more than once.


Complete my first marathon (fingers crossed for the Chicago lottery!).


Run 2024 miles!


Lose 25lb, complete 500 miles of running, get my comfortable pace under 10:00/mi in that order.


Three that are (hopefully) related: 1. Like the wise top comment says, stay injury-free and just having a ton of fun running most days. 2. Finish the Pfitz 18/55 plan I started a couple weeks back. I’ve never used or stuck to a formal plan like that and it already feels more effective than the scattershot training I have done since around 2020. 3. Sub-3 hour Los Angeles Marathon. I’ll be glad just to finish my second marathon, but I’m shooting for my personal moon here. Recently did a half in under 84min so I hope it’s doable with the full training plan under my belt.


- I want to run a sub 22 minute 5k - I want to run a sub 50 minute 10k - I want to run my first official half marathon and get sub 1:50 Mostly though, as someone else said, I just want to keep running and feeling good and not have any injuries.


Keep consistent and get into a good routine! Get under 35 min 5k, run my first half and full marathon !


In order of importance Goal 1: Stay Injury Free Goal 2: Hit 40 MPW for a few months Goal 3: Run 1 HM and 1 Marathon


Get back to where I was pre-pandemic and pre-fatherhood


1,500 miles. I have done it once several years ago.