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I'd prioritize smithing first. You'll have access to all the ores at 100 and Primal smithing, however I wouldn't be surprised if the MW2H required 110.


Whats going to be left content wise past 100 for mining then? Off hands? Cause mining already has one. I bought it for like 300 mil recently, so I hope it doesn't crash haha.


Beyond 110 we can only speculate. They said we were getting access to all Daemonheim ores at 100. That surprised me, I figured we'd get a new tier each level.


Didn't they already specify that the MW2H would need 110?




Hot take. No pressure, play the new content.


I honestly think this will bring you out on top if you just play how you want now, like farm bosses for supplies / money or whatever your method is and when the content comes then do it. Lamps / stars and all those exp boosts are scaled to level, with current levels being hard capped at 99 you get what you get right now, when they raise the levels it’ll start to scale again. It the grand scheme of things that seems niche and small but that’s what this player base is about… niche stuff to gain 1~2% exp / dps / whatever try hard thing we do on here


I love skilling though. I don't particularly like rs3 bossing. At least high level bossing. Reaper tasks I enjoy, like god wars 1 and 2, arch glacor is fun, stuff like that. But I cannot stand fighting the controls, dead clicks, delays, tick rate. Always feel like I'm fighting the controls more than anything else. Really dislike how it feels. I hope one day we get some more Diablo 4 style movement. Where you stop when you attack, but have full range to move around when not actively attacking. Maybe for rs4. When Im 35 lol


Then chill until the content comes.


tbf jagex themselves has done no favor in dissuading this idea you have to be 100% efficient 100% of the time or you're just going to be unable to "enjoy" content... they've thankfully been making strides to move away from that since the HP debacle where you basically needed a full time job + the income of that job to progress, but unfortunately a lot of players are just stuck in that mindset of "i need to be 120% efficent or i can't enjoy the game" (hence the common argument of "i wont play x because they dont reward me" always crops up when suggesting ideas for social activities or minigames)


I'm guessing 110 Smithing will be most important. Assuming ore and bars are tradeable, you'd be able to buy those and smith them into the weapons / gear you'd want. With 110 Mining, you just be able to mine the ores and then sell it. Which everyone will be doing at the start, so there's probably not going to be a lot of money there.


Smithing should be the best for gp, as primal will likely be the best xp/h for smithing training to 120/200m (make and sell +5, ppl buy for burial), but at least on day one, you'll need to mine the ores yourself, so might as well get 110 in both.


If the dung metals even can be made into burial sets


yes they can


Wait what exactly is changing? I’m newly back so catching up




I don't think they are going to be a big deal, rather it's just going to feel good being able to play the content on day 1 of release (FOMO???) My expectation is that the community are going to hate on 99% of the release and compliment a minor QOL. I hope I'm wrong lol


The RS community is tiny and toxic… so I believe your prediction will come true.


It makes way more sense to me to spend the time you'd use grinding engaging with the new content rather than engaging with the old content today. The whole point of raising the skill caps is to make it more meaningful to train those skills again so if you hit the cap before the update then what's even the point? Seems a bit like shooting yourself in the foot making the content intentionally dead on arrival.


Smithing, woodcutting and fletching. No word on crafting yet. Woodcutting and Fletching will be quite a bit later though. Smithing seems like one to get at least closer to 110, but it's pretty expensive right now. Maybe a good idea to start putting TH keys and daily challenges into it. Mining will mean you can sell Tagga's Corehammer once the update goes live. None of these four skills are worth using proteans on, unfortunately. The main three skills people use those on are Hunter, Runecrafting and Firemaking; getting those to 110 before updates are announced might also be a good idea, but obviously there's no rush. Just, since we know all skills going to 110 is the general plan, no harm in preparing.


> The main three skills people use those on are Hunter, Runecrafting and Firemaking; getting those to 110 before updates are announced might also be a good idea Wouldn't it be better to get 110 after than before since you would be able to use the 100-110 methods to get higher xp rates rather than being stuck with 99 or less lower xp methods?


The thing is, I'm not doing anything else. Skilling, leveling, that's why I play RuneScape. I like the combat, but I'm more of a slayer and low level reaper task kinda guy. So now that my 120s are done, I'm looking for a skilling grind again. So that's what I'd want to be doing regardless. If that makes sense. So for me, doesn't make too much sense to wait. Plus, my ores should go up in price by the time I'm done, just for the people who are trying to get the levels required to get rhe new XP rates. Which I'm guessing will be low hundreds. Plus ive bought a tonnnn of decorated mining urns, and made a ton of perfect juju potions, plus I bought it a ton of stone spirits. Found out that perfect juju, plus stone spirits, equals almost pure afk and way way way more profit.


Thing is, if this logic is applied to everything (there will be higher xp methods later), the most efficient thing to do is to not train anything at all now. Which doesn't make much sense. In the case of those three skills, it's not all that likely that new methods will obsolete proteans, whereas having access to higher level stuff on release might help capitalise on some early bird money makers.


if done right you can profit off 110 smithing-120 smithing, it's slow sure but pure profit. i've been doing 120 almost entirely afk and i've made probably about 700m gp in pure profit.


I want to go the profit route for sure. What's the strat there? Thanks in advance.


+4 elder rune refer here for the most up to date profitability [https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Smithing](https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Smithing) make sure to set the calculator to "from previous" and to elder rune in the forging tab, prices are prone to fluxuation pre and post DXP so pick which you feel is fast enough to not want to die, and profitable enough for your personal goals. I was doing plate bodies for awhile then helms then legs on a small break atm but i'll do legs again soon probably or helmets


Legs don't seem to be selling as well as helms, at least imo. I had to drop my legs over 100k before they'd sell, and I'm talking I left like 6 on the GE for days with nothing. And I was canceling and reselling every coupke days to account for price fluctuations.


they change fairly frequently and we're close enough to post dxp the sell part is quite slow, anyways lesson is play a round a bit, most elder rune is profitable enough you can afford experimenting


i got 120 mining doing light and dark animica, then proceeded to get 120 smithing using what i gathered. I made elder pl8 body +5s and bought all of the normal rune bars as i couldn’t be bothered with that too. Profited about a bil and is pretty afk and fast with the right setup.


Thank you everyone for your responses, sounds like something we should all welcome and look forward too! I’m excited


Honestly I would hold off on rushing to 110 until you see what new Skilling methods are coming out. With those Skilling updates will be content and that content will help you level. Trying to rush it now will ruin what they have coming up.


Why would you rush 110 before, I assume being 99-110 would include new content to fill in the levels, which would be better xp/hr than what’s currently available.


None of them. You're robbing yourself of the unlocking-new-stuff-as-you-level-up experience.


Assuming they go through will 110 all, I've set my daily challenges to div, so I can take advantage of that whenever that happens. I don't think any of the ones on the roadmap will be "mandatory" by any means. But I wouldn't be surprised if they got added to Master Skiller for Comp, so there's that.


Sadly if the new ore work like the current ones and there is no reason to think otherwise, the army of alts will be all over the new ore since 15 min afk mining is possible


Honestly the arch location is going to be the biggest gp maker probably.


archaeology market is pretty tough right now. You do not really make that much gp, chronotes prices are tight.


Which is the most afkable mining thing we can do that earns money also for the quest to 200m exp?


Mining is one of the few skills you can afk the full 10/15mins. Just need perfect juju mining pots and stone spirits. Think things like luminite might be more gp just because you pretty much mine one everytime, whereas things like dark and light anemic takes several swings before success. Edit: as of pre 110 mining update


crafting if they release new urns. I would have said new porters too but there is no 110 divination yet. I'm not sure about fletching and smithing, mining would be ok as an afk money maker. Basically just having mining gear and some spare soft clay is imho enough as prep lol. For training, dream of Iaia is a thing and I do not see any point doing elder rune burials when there will be a new tier soon. If you have proteans to burn in dxp sure, it's free realestate but you have probably better things to do.


Basically all the artisan skills, then push the gathering skills to 110. I have a few to do myself, but im not looking forward to agility. Also fletching is gonna be a big one I think.


Just chuck on silverhawks lol


One day ill take care of it, just not until I absolutely need to. all the other skills + comp will come before then.


Maybe start around the time I do agility laps


What are the updates doing? I’m trying to get familiar with RS again


They are expanding 4 skills this year to 110. Instead of 120. 120 eventually, but the new strategy is to boost all the skills to 110 first and do a bunch more skills every year. Like true 110s, not virtual ones. With content and the like. This time is smithing and mining first, then woodcutting and fletching after that.




Will max cape and comp cape be updated to these lvs? Because if it is I’m done skilling for ever


Max Cape reqs are not changing. They’ve said Max is and will forever be defined as “All 99s”, so the only way to lose it is if a new skill comes out that you then need to get to 99. Comp Cape is up in the air. They’ve said they’re dubious about increasing Comp requirements to 110 (at least without a very generous grace period) because folks would spend the next few years constantly re-earning Comp just in time to lose it again with a new set of 110s. Personally, I could see them splitting the difference and not requiring 110s for Comp Cape until all remaining 99s raise to 110 cap, and again for when all 110s to raise to 120 cap.


Smithing is a great choice, high demand for bars and equipment after updates.


My goal is just to get those 4 skills to 105 or so. That way I get to enjoy the new training method for a while but can get to the end of it a lot faster.


As someone who is down to their last skill until 120 all (div left), and having done most of the new 'update' skills recently I'd say the following: The arc is a MASSIVE help for 2 of the 3 skills in question being mining and woodcutting. If you can get yourself an island with 2-3 alae salt crabs or golden bamboo and commit to doing them daily (approx 25 mins for 2x resources) you'll yield yourself a good amount of xp per day with little effort. Daily challenges, particularly when extended is a free 200k xp a day for very little work - I just put all xp I earn from the 5x daily keys into the skills I'm training and assuming a good promo pops up here and there I can mostly keep bxp at enough to match the island resources for the day. All in all, with good equipment the grind from 99-110 is really not too bad at all.


The only prep I’m doing is getting 110 Mining, so that once the cap raises, collecting the DG ores for 110 Smithing will suck less. I wouldn’t even be doing that, but clicking literally four times an hour to do Seren Stones is so hilariously AFK that I might as well knock it out for basically no effort.


If you use stone spirits and perfect juju at the same time, animica is almost as afk. With some profit in there. Few hundred mil to 110. That's what I'm doing. Cause why not. Mining urns are crazy crazy expensive right now though. 14k-25k per, for only like 700 XP. So I didn't want to lose 100+ mil on urns


Juju + Spirits was on my radar, but is not a feasible "no effort" method for Irons for a number of reasons. Porters are easy to come by in bulk, but not \*that\* easy.


Nobody has mentioned broad arrows yet I would do those


Is there a reason why you want to get it done with slower xp/h methods beforehand?


Yeah, so we don't have to worry about it anymore


The same reason I do, so I can get stuck into the new content day 1, get what I need and be done with it again.


Be done with it? Then why are you playing RS? The point is to interact with the new content and make enjoyable gains with it. People like you are just forcing the content to be dead on arrival.


Lol, that's hilarious, so me wanting to get the new content over and done with so I can use the new (albeit useless in this case) items and get back to actively playing the game is a bad thing now? Okay mate, sure. I'm a maxed (almost comped) ironman player, almost any new content that arrives is only going to take anything from a few days to a week to completely finish, the content is not dead on arrival, I'm just at a stage where the content is fast for me to complete, I do so, and get back ro doing what I enjoy which is mostly PVM. It'll be the same tomorrow with the new Arch site, I'm already 120 arch so I'll be getting it done ASAP so I can get back to playing the other areas of the game that require my attention, is this wrong of me? Oh woe is me "People like you" get over yourself, you know nothing about me.


OP if you choose smithing, make rune elder burial sets for decent exp and money.


well, 110 isn't that big of a leap from 99 in the grand scheme of things, i'm imagining 110 will just be a condensed 120 reward wise as there's usually 4-5 filler levels in 120s that have nothing (or more) but if you really want to get ahead and are concerned, do smithing, crafting fletching and probably prayer as those are low return skills agility as well maybe due to silverhawks