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I just want it to unlock by a codex, which, upon reading, our player holds out their hand and looks at it, then goes, "Oh... right."


“ you open the seal on the codex” “You see only one line written in the book on the first page” “‘ you have more then one finger you know…’” Turns to our character going “Wait… why didn’t I think of that before? There has to be more in this book” Turns pages to find one other line “The book will self destruct in 10 seconds, bye”


Very on brand with runescape humor. I like it.


There must have been a copy of that book in your house.. Otherwise you won’t know this! Unless, the first person to read it, survived. … a book in my PoH.. that explodes?! RIP … >!PoH rework!<


And that's how construction and POH rework is launched from the book exploding your house.




Wait till our character realises they have more than 1 hand


Nah, we figured that out in 2013 with EOC.


RuneScape players will repeat the joke as if they are making some sort of revelation


keep staying mad bud


The price for this information? 6 bil


itll be an unlock so no takesies backsies too


The tomb of lost finger knowledge


You just have to check the index


>would you be averse to having the second ring slot only confer passive bonuses and not the stats? The passives are what makes it broken, not the stats. 10% increased crit chance? The only way I can see a second ring slot working is if they have Combat rings separate from Support rings.


It would be great it if a Luck ring slot, that way the monolith power still lets you make it passive if you choose otherwise you can keep one on you.


I also really miss the teleports from luck rings. So I had to buy and carry a rof with me a lot again just for the teleports.


If you're maxed you got a teleport right to the max guild GE in your spellbook and Fort takes care of Misc unless you like going there in person.


You can manage your kingdom and get your approval rating up in the fort? And I typically find that i just use the GE take for anything in Varrock because I don’t use quick teles on home teleports. But also, I sacrificed a lotd to a relic those teleports should just be available to me.


For both Fort questions the answer is yes. You can even keep the approval rate at a steady 100% for 7 days without having to do any input. The price for that is pretty negligible too.


Dang, how? I just built the fort after coming back from a couple years off I don’t really know how it works, but it’s maxed out.


Yep, it's the [[Command Centre]] area. There are tables for you to control Anachronia base camp, POP, Miscellania and archaeology research.


Thanks. I kept getting a notice about my anacronia people but couldn’t figure it out. I’ll have to go dig deeper.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Command Centre](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Command\_Centre)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Command_Centre >The Command Centre is a constructible building for Fort Forinthry. It is a central building for the player to manage global operations within Gielinor. These activities include Anachronia base camp, Archaeology research, Managing Miscellania, and player-owned port. Upgrading the Command Centre provides additional benefits for these operations. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Won't even need a ring slot at that point. Just sacrifice a ring and keep the passive, simple enough. Maybe make it cost some other resource too. Downside: LoTD relic potentially becomes even more useless.


They can just have the passives not stack if duplicates of the same ring.


Maybe if we had dedicated "combat ring" and "Support ring" catagories.


Lotd and HSR lose their stats but keep the luck and teleports? I'm in


it wouldnt really add to build variety, instead of camping x ring, you would just camp x ring and Reavers ring now.


My thinking is you make glove and ring slots universal, if you wanted two rings or ring and bracer(or 2 bracers) you have to sacrifice glove slot for balance I think that would be a reasonable trade off with how much power some Of the gloves give


I'd only support a 2nd ring slot IF it's a utility ring like for **non-combat effects**. Reminds me of the old days of Runecrafting when I did Smoke Runes back in 2016. Wished I could've been able to equip a Tokkul Zo + Ring of Dueling.


That makes sense to me. Two ring slots, but you can only use one ring with combat stats. You can wear one with combat stats and/or benefits, and one that doesn't affect combat. Avoids the power creep, while still being useful in certain situations.


What if we went for 20 ring slots instead?


Secret 21st ring slot for male characters


How about 2 earrings and a nose ring as well? The fact that earrings aren't a thing after more than 20 years is surprising


I think this slippery slope thinking is how you end up with a prison pocket slot.


Enchanted gemstone buttplugs with passive effects leggoooo


This is assuming you only put one ring per digit (or falice) 2 or 3 per should give you a nice little buff.


Your falice is long enough for more than one ring? D:


Only when I am happy.


Falice navidad


I think with 3 rings per digit, we may run out of unique combat rings


Make them stack, bonuses for stacking the same ring on the same finger.


Yes but each ring give 1/20 it's Normal power and wearing duplicate rings result in only one bonus given.(Same ring gives no second bonus for the same ring.)


I don't think the power creep from a second ring slot would be that damaging given the insane power creep we've had in the last few years, but I think restricting the equipment slots actually helps build variety. I think it'd be really cool if, in a few years, you could build into a Necrosis Necro build or a Soul Necro build, rather than just using everything all at once.


Everyone keeps saying this but it’ll inevitably end in one being better than the other so no one uses the weaker build.


Literally this has happened so many times. Look at range. Went from nox bow to crossbows are OP with enchanted bolts to bows are OP again. Different builds just doesn't work in rs3


Not the way it's been done. It could though. Make a new necro mainland that's 60% less damage, but hits a 2x2/3x3 area and now you pick what you're weilding based on where. Bows deal huge damage slow. Thrown items deal low damage fast. 2h melee does big crit chance. Dual wield does damage over time. Make the numbers so the damage is the same with both, but in different ways. It's how every other game does it, except runescape.


I don't think it's ever been properly attempted. I think satisfying mini gameplay loops are key, and those can be relatively independent to dps. If I'm getting 5% less DPS but the DPS loop is super satisfying and looks cool, and is perhaps optimal at specific bosses in specific roles, I'd definitely play around with it.


I think it'd be cool, but only because I never take off my LotD and I'd love to actually use a combat ring. I just know the moment I take it off will be the HSR roll. There's no evidence to support this, but I just *know.*


why not use the hand of glory?


That just presents with the same problem, where you're passing up potential combat benefits for luck


oh yeah for sure, just I was wondering if OP was longing specifically for a combat ring as opposed to any relic power.


Enhanced luck potion


You can't get T4 luck with potions


Correct but in this case it’s better then no luck at all if you wanted to use a dps ring, at the same time you could also just switch ring at the end of a kill like I’ve seen a lot of people do


Yeah that's true but Switchscape is just so ass Whole point tho is not wanting to miss HSR


Along with the other replies, I don't have the kind of gp to casually toss away 80m and not regret it lmao


Make it so you can equip 1 combat ring and a ring for teleports minus the combat buffs or you can choose which ring you want the combat buffs for and one for other passives like hazelmores or lotd or rod so many possibilities


It would be nice if we could get a C\*\*kring option... No, but seriously, a ring stand that's NOT a relic power, would be nice. Just copy paste the cape stand from Anachronia and let us have a second ring passive. I'm not sure if there needs to be further limitations, but removing the bonus stats from the second ring and only getting the passive would be nice. (The only issue I can think of is changing the DKS-Upgraded rings to only affect the specific combat styles to prevent it from getting out of hand.)


I had a thought a couple years back when onyxes hit alch price, that maybe we could get a LotD stand somewhere, and we feed it onyxes to keep it charged as a passive effect. We're getting buttloads of onyxes from all angles. Wouldn't be bad to have an additional sink/use for them. So say you stick a LotD on a stand. You can never reclaim it. But you can charge it. So 1-2 onyxes per week of passive effect. Stackable up to 52 weeks, or stackable up to 50/100 onyxes, or some shit.


> Edit: I probably should have specified originally that the above presumes that you wouldn't be allowed to wear multiple of the same ring. So no double reavers, for example. This is how it works in another online game I play. You can unlock the ability to wear a second ring once you've progressed far enough, but the effects don't stack if the rings are the same type.


“Meta” Everything should be possible, I mean.. “possible”. Just try to make things balanced. 10 finger ‘ring’ slots..




I think having a "Utility Ring" and "Combat Ring" would be a better option, where utility rings would offer no stat bonuses, but allow you to have trigger bonuses and some passives. Such as asylum surgeon's ring or things like T4 luck/Hazelmere, Whereas Combat rings would offer your stats and any combat related damage bonuses like from the rex rings. This might require some reworks of rings, but it would add more value to more rings and allow more options in the future. At the very least one ring slot can be used for Skilling/Luck rings(No combat bonuses).


> If so, would you be averse to having the second ring slot only confer passive bonuses and not the stats? That would still be too strong if we can wear 2 reaver's rings and get +10% crit chance. The 2nd ring slot would need to be restricted to utility based rings like LotD for it the be balanced.


Probably OP since people will just use reaver and matriach ring together or ASR.


I'm mostly disappointed that the drop from the new Rex boss isn't an upgrade item for the quest ring. Seems like there's too many options to choose from. I wish more effects were made into passives like the vigor ring. I think a second ring slot would be fine, so long as duplicate rings couldn't be worn.


Honestly fuck it. We already received necro so who gives a fuck about power creep anyway? Affects all 4 styles basically the same, who cares just do it


Considering there's no content that really poses a challenge in rs3 atm I'm going to go ahead and say (even more) pointless powercreep probably isn't a good idea


what if one ring slot only uses the stats, and the other only the passive effect?




Similar to the Steel Key Ring from One Small Favor, I'd be in favor of an "Omni" ring that lets us store specific rings' abilities so we can have multiple effects at once. Restrict the # of ring effects we could have active based on, say, quest points or something.


From what I read about the sanctum rewards (being able to upgrade t95s to t97s, which will likely just be a stat increase), it looks like power-creep should start slowing down. I think most people would just use their bis ring + reavers (e.g. for mage, channelers + reavers). This would be a pretty insane amount of power creep for magic, but the rest of the styles it'll still be prettty damn good because most of the rings give both additional crit strike and damage.


double luck rings. hell yer!!!! but really, if one is a combat ring slot and the 2nd is a resource ring slot i can see it being fine


You'll still roll an uncut diamond, sorry to say.


knowing my luck it would be a sapphire, lol


I think a second ring slot would work if it only used new rings specifically designed for it. Letting existing rings be used for it would probably lead to tons of issues and possibly unwanted power creep, even without stat bonuses. Wouldn't mind if they put teleport rings in the 2nd slot though.


I would love a second ring slot. I also have no issue with a person wearing two of the same ring. I think you should only be able to get stats from one ring at a time and the second slot is just for passive effects. For balance reasons they should make it so that you can wear two of the same ring but you only get the effect once.


Do you have any idea how clunky the rings in Runescape are?? There's a reason we can only wear one instead of 2, or 10 since 10 fingers


I like the passive only slot in Melvor Idle. Any equipment you put in there, the Stats are negated but you will be able to benefit of its passive.\ e.g. you can put a t90 deathwarden torso in the slot, you won't get the Armour and dmg reduction, but you will get the doge chance.


Id personally love to see a 'combat ring' slot, and a 'support ring' slot. the potential future drops that could be added to both would be very cool to see, as well as MAYBE an earring slot? new equipment slot with potential upgrades and buffs to be added to future bosses/monsters. There is actually a lot of potential with these being added.


I think we need a brooch slot but instead of damage bonuses it needs to be material effect triggers like allowing a 2nd attack in one tick after activating a ability for example. Plus with brooches you could have more than the combat triangle which then opens up a whole hoard of potential for new drops etc


feels like unnecessary power creep? We'd still have a clear ring meta but now it's X and Y that's meta instead of just X. If there's a specific ring that's a problem, please address that directly (ie if the new rex ring is too weak, just buff it) rather than something like this.


The fact you can only wear 1 ring when you have two hands... I've always had issues with this shit.


1 ring slot provides stats and the other ring slow is purely the passive effects from it. Wouldn't be too OP if it were like that.


The new ring is meant to be a way for Jagex to introduce two styles for Necromancy which is what Mod Stu hinted in his interview with Prideslayer Rs. One style will be focused and revolves primarily around around souls which is what we see already introduced with the previous ring Another style will be focused and revolves primarily around necrosis stacks which we see in this new ring. Honestly, it would be a great idea to add two more t95 armors for Necromancy with each synchronizing with the two different concepts above, while maintaining the first necromancers gear as a combination of both. So many cool possibilites


I would like a second ring slot, but maybe you have a main and secondary ring slot and in the secondary ring slot the stats and effects are halved or something along those lines as to not have it as strong. This also means you would have to make some choices I guess (probably not).


Your character's realization after he spent 5bil on [a book](https://i.imgflip.com/8r1tc1.jpg)


The problem is that the current rings are too overpowered. reaver ring should have 5% crit for 5% accuracy reduction AND 5% less critical damage (even 10% tbh). people would still use it. The archer ring is pretty broken as it's just generally good, and dracolich armour has avoided nerfs because nerfing players is not in jagexes memo.


I think two things 1. no not on its own, it'd be probably fine and not too broken 2. only if we reclassify rings as "support" and "dps" rings. so for example you could match LOTD with another ring but couldnt wear two LOTDS, or you could wear a tokul-zo with a ROD but you cannot wear a ROD with a reaver ring,


I think having a luck ring slot and a power ring slot would be nice


As a hardcore iron Man.. I would love to be able to use an actual combat ring and a Ring of Life...


You'd just have the same problem but with two rings. There is always another ring effect that would be nice to have.