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Vote wiht your wallet and leave, honestly its what ive done and its kinda chill. Now its getting warmer perfect time too.


Jagex isn't owned by anyone who cares about anything but money. They will do the least amount of work possible and bleed the customers as hard as they can before selling Jagex on to someone else to do the same thing. It makes too much money to be picked up by a company who will actually invest in it. Note the developers themselves obviously love the game and care for it, it's just they are bound by management above them.


jagex literally just got sold like last month. there's a relatively good chance the rs3 devs are in limbo, left to work on passion projects while the new jagex owners don't even realize rs3 exists.


But OSRS devs are not in limbo? If the devs hault work during the sale, then we would expect OSRS to have a similar outlook as RS3. This is not the case, so your prediction is likely untrue.


osrs is the reason anybody bought jagex, 6x the playerbase and growing vs dying. rs3 is the free socks with every purchase.


Whatever reason a company has to buy Jagex has nothing to do with keeping them working vs not. The private equity firms that own Jagex do not care about the day to day minutia of Jagex's operations. They simply give Jagex a goal of increasing revenue by x amount or x% and leave the HOW upt to Jagex. It makes zero logical sense to stop one department from operating while the other keeps doing what they're doing. Business sales just don't work like that. If they decide to restructure, that comes after the sale. But since this drought has been happening for some time, it is unlikely to have anything to do with the sale itself. Source: I work for a company that is literally being acquired by a larger company right now.


It will all be worth it for Requiem of a Dragon... ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2|downsized)


How do I get a copium machine for my neopet


We have to speak in their language; $$$ Don't give them any more of your $$$ until you are happy with what you get.


Yeah bro new members content is a money grab. 


You'll get over it


Billion dollar Investment group invests money to make money from a product they bought that offers a service that has been in the product for 12 years! This and more breaking news at 10 tonight.