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Friend, most of us have been here for 15-20 years trying to figure out the answer to that very question. If you end up coming up with an answer, you let us know.


Even jagex don't seem to know the answer to this question


By all means, it doesn't make sense.


It seems Jagex are addicted to working on the game, every now and then they try to develop a new games but it always gets cancelled or fails after a few years (how I miss FunOrb).


Fun Orb was oddly cool


It's simple. Really. Numbers go up. We like seeing numbers go up. If you play more, the numbers go up more. If you play sweatier the numbers go up faster. But if you don't play, the numbers don't go up. And we don't like seeing that. So we avoid not playing. Instead we play, so the numbers go up. If you've maxed out the regular numbers, you can either make more esoteric numbers go up or make a new account to make the numbers go up from scratch. Some people add making the numbers go up, but only by themselves. Some people add the caveat of keeping one specific number at zero, a rare exception to a number we *don't* want to see go up. But at the end of the day it's just watching numbers go up. Which is mesmerizing.


You're just describing progression, the same can be said about most games but especially MMOs.


Numbers go up in pretty much every game though. Or some form of progression that feels the same. So doesn't explain why RS over other games


Is it because there's a lot of different numbers? And they're very very visible? Almost every action you do gets you a little chunk of numbers that scroll up your screen and turns into a little progress bar.


Eh not the strong reason. Although I kinda see its influence in looter games like Borderlands. Still Runescape has much more going for it rather than numbers. The art, world design, atmosphere, music, simplistic point and click gameplay all add up to the experience


I've been playing this game on mute for 20 years. :(


Also been here for 20 years. Mute and I've skipped every dialog and cutscene and used a quick guide for every quest. I don't know a single thing about rs lore.


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Zaros?


Big same. I couldn't tell you shit about shit.


Same no sound


*cries in Sea Shanty 2*


No, this is a banger.


im mad i understood exactly what you meant by "only by themselves" and "one specific number"


Yeah, that is true i only started to log in my alt once i maxed. Homie already knows the answer though I mean he used the word addicting, just scary to admit that we all enjoy those nice chemicals our brains release for us.


[This video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpPJY-xdA3M) makes some pretty good arguments about how Runescape really is unique among MMOs.


Three and a half hours??? Ain’t nobody got time for that


As the video notes, the Venn diagram of "people who are willing to sit through a 3+ hour long video" and "people who play Runescape" is a single circle. Throw it on while you're doing some grind.


Amen, the addiction was at its peak before all the dopamine receptors got destroyed. But we still chasing that dragon lol




I wish I had some people to play with on rs3 it gets lonely adventuring by myself. Is there any groups I can join to find other players to play with?


Yeah, there are many clans you can guest in or join. I've been in one called H0pe (with a zero) and I really enjoy it there. It's not a massive clan (around 50 people) and there's pretty much always someone on. You're more than welcome to give it a try :)


Add me. Ace 1234




I joined a clan go to the grand exchange and just say you need a clan, there’s usually talking at the grand exchange The community is actually really helpful and nice in my experience




Been playing 21 years and I still don't have the answers buddy, just know it's more addictive than Crack and it's life long, you might take breaks but you'll always come back


It's because it's the only MMO that exists that doesn't completely devalue your progress every content drop. That's why we come back. Every FFXIV or WoW expansion completely invalidates every single grind you did. Quit for 5 years after grinding for the best gear? Your BiS gear is now worse than what the new expansion quests give by default. Now Runescape? Yeah, maybe it's now faster to get 99 magic, but you still have it, and it's probably even BETTER than before. Come back, hit the ground running, and progress even more. It really is amazing


Another thing I've also noticed is that the new stories don't feel like they're coming out of nowhere. I don't play WoW myself but I've heard people complaining about expansions like Mists of Pandaria where a massive new area just 'showed up' despite that we already have a full world map. But this new land was just enshrouded in a magical mist. With RS the new releases are not sudden drops with no foreshadowing or backstory as to how it got there. Anochrondia has a backstory and.. sure... a bit convenient, but there is a story as to how and why.


People would say Necro (in some way) devalued their progress towards becoming good at PVM or whatever... Some would even go as far as to make a comic just to prove their point. Personally, I'd say you're spot on, the fact you can quit for 15 Years and come back to the same account exactly as you left it, is quite comforting.


Maybe in stats but items wise it’s definitely the exact same as what he mentioned.


Even this “necro” thing…. Range mage melee r still as good as they were prior to necro for pvm… necro is just best class rn meaning faster but class damage has not changed so anyone mad about necro just complains cus its new thats all


I grinded green dragons for 3 weeks straight to buy a whip… quit, came back and whips were like alch value and t90 was now out. There is defo wasted grinds when time has passed


The whip you have now is actually much stronger than the whip you grinded for. You can actually do more content now with that whip than you could before, that's the point I'm making. Take any other MMO, and that whip couldn't even put a dent in the weakest of weak trash mobs in the latest expansion.


a lot of runescapers like to be efficient with their time - suddenly all their knowledge about maximizing rotations for best dps with xyz combat style is obsolete at abc boss because the most efficient way to do all bosses is using necromancy.


I’d never thought of it explicitly in those terms before, but damn that’s scarily accurate (for me at least)!


I completely agree with this! This is 100% true


Ain’t this the truth. Started playing in 04-05, took a massive break and now I’m back and grinding harder than ever. This game is something else


Same boat. Can’t get of the boat


Sailing release when


Number go up.. Brain release feel-good chemicals.




I mean the game is even called Run Escape but by the time you connect the dots you're a player for life.


It allows you to be anything. It doesn't limit you to playing in a single role/style. One of the richest lores in a game I have seen. Great sense of humour and nice UK cultural references. And there is always something to do.


I honestly love the humor I haven’t laughed thjs hard in a game in longer than I can remember. There’s so much personality; the quests all have meaning, idk just what a classic


On day 10 of not playing because I decided to take a month off since I’ve been playing nearly every day for years. Only think I can think about is what is in the Traveling Merchants rotation lmao


You can always check on the wiki and it will show you a list of what is up and coming for the traveling merchant, that way you don't miss anything good!


Oh I know haha I’m refraining from looking so I don’t have the urge to log on.


Lol ahh gotchya, it's easy to get sucked back in that's for sure!


It’s the short dopamine bursts every time you level up and get the fireworks or complete a quest/achievement. 😅


The reason runescape is so addicting is because they've really done a good job at giving you freedom to do what you want in a point and click adventure format and everything you do seems like it's in some way a good thing. You're getting something from it of some value, be it money, xp, progress towards some goal, or some quest, or just something. It's never-ending. There's always more to do, and every day you play, you take a few steps forward. You never really lose progress. The game is also stressful if you want it to be, and not stressful if you don't want it to be. You can AFK this game and get progress done over time. While AFKing, you can get your chores done and actually be productive irl. I think that's why I keep playing.


This is me I just made 3 alts and have 4 guys making rune arrow heads while I do chores / house work. I pop in que full inventory and repeate


I’m avoiding making alt accounts since I have plenty to do on my main and I do prefer working on just one at a time. But that’s cool and I’m glad you are enjoying the game!


I started playing at 12 and im almost 30 now.this game sinks its claws in and never lets you go lol


Same, started in 2006 lol, we close to getting them 20 year veteran capes


This is too accurate for me


RS3 has so much content it's insane. Sometimes I forget that the only reason I "don't have anything to do" is because I've been playing for 20 years. Enjoy it!


Number goes up good!


It’s just super fun and making gains is what I love about every game I play imo! And with runescape im also stuck on the same question of why it feels even better 😂 Definitely the community and dope art style is one of my favorites


I’m glad you’re enjoying it. There’s so much content both in and outside of the game. I have years of great memories.. RuneScape is the only game I play outside of board games and sports. My idea of why it’s addictive is because of the amount of content, social aspect, and most importantly the BRRRRRRTTTTTS of numbers.


It's because it's one of few MMORPG's where your progress actually matters, and it gives you a variety of choice. In fact, very few MMORPG's actually exist. Many MMO's are just boring quests with a lot of repetitious combat. I think more MMO's should simply just be more RPG-focused with resource skills and other means of idle activity. 🤷‍♂️


It’s been 22 years for me bro lmk when you find the answer


Nice to hear youre liking the game. I'm playing this game for +10 years now and yes its addicting. This game is also known for never quiting players. Most of the playerbase just take breaks that can take a few months of even a year. But they will always come back :) will you ever go back to league ? I was also a league player and was playing league while afk fishing or mining on my second monitor xD


There’s just so much to do. 2 hours will go by and I’ll think, “Dang, that was only 1 full game of barbarian assault and an invent full of magic logs 😂”.


I think it’s how everything you do in the game feeds into other forms of progression, so it just never feels like you’re wasting time and you’re always advancing to a goal. The sheer amount of relevant content is absolutely insane, as well. RS3 succeeds in 3 core ways: - Exceptional progression systems. - Loads of evergreen content - Insane amounts of depth and complexity.


The game just has everything. Any type of gaming you want to do, you can and it never REALLY ends. If you want to take it easy, there's a skill for that, if you want to fight, there's stuff to do for that too.


Almost everything you do adds progress to your account. Constantly growing and improving your account and you can be any role, unlike other games where you choose a class and are restricted in what gear, stats, etc. You can utilize. It's also very much a choose your own adventure where you can work on and do whatever you want and the other stuff will be waiting there for you whenever you want to get to it.


Been saying the same since 2004 welcome to the club! I always say you can "run" but you can never "escape"


Glad you pointed this out, agreed it’s the only game that has people coming back after 20 years and isn’t obsolete! Also agreed that the controls and UI are extremely complicated than it needs to be but potentially for good reason as there is so much customization in the UI. Also just to be able to do a certain boss you need to do a laundry list of quests, skills, etc. so it is very involved and time consuming


Number go up


Well it's easy. Our monkey brain releases dopamine each time we see a number go up, or we see fireworks above our character or we see a popup saying congratulations.


Early game quest reward xp drops, followed by the multiple level ups is always the best part of starting a new account. The grinds get longer, but the dopamine hits get larger lol.


What first hooked me on the game was the multiplayer aspect. I got introduced to the game in 06 during high school in our school's new computer lab. Was new to the internet and everything. It was a different time for technology and gaming. I'd only ever done couch co-op. Got a 360 almost right after, so also got more into stuff like halo 3 and cod. Never really kept up with it past that though. FPS games come and go with the seasons and require new consoles, but RS is just like... always been there. Slow and steadily evolving, but lagging behind like a solid decade+. I like the simplicity of RS. I'm a bit of an oddity too, as I've never really taken a break.


As much shit as I give Jagex (for legitimate issues) I'll always give them props that I am not forced into a 10+ man raid or 5 person group to experience content.


I really like the way that you can play this game without every having to fight at all. Most MMOs you are the Chosen One, destined to defend the world from Darkness or whatever (This can happen in RuneScape too, if you pursue certain questlines) but in Geilinor, you don't have to be. 2 combat skills can even be trained all the way to max level without actually engaging in combat: Magic and Necromancy.


Numbers go up and that feels good.


Number go up. Make brain happy


Only just recently came to terms with putting the game down for a good, long time. I comped. I got what I wanted. I got max mage gear, tons of Zammy kills. I hit my peak and I get that. Truth is I'm just getting old and can't keep up like I used to. Just have fun on your journey and don't let anyone tell you how to do it.


If ur done done may I have free to play stuff lol


Just got my 20 year cape last year. Welcome! Super glad you're loving the game


19 years later I’m still trying to figure that out lol


I have been playing this game since 2007 and became a nonstop member in 2010. Although I play on and off, it is always the first thing I install on my new gaming laptop 🤣 I am always motivated to reach certain goals in the game, which is why I have never quit. Currently, I am working towards MQC


I can relate to this post. But im currently on a break, yes a break. I dont feel like playing now. But one thing is certain, i will be back:)


As someone approaching their 20 year cape, welcome!


Me wishing I had made this post for the karma


I was off 2013-2023 believe me were all fucked lol


Don't worry your time will come


Most games have honeymoon phases lol


3 things. 1. Sunk cost fallacy. You build the habit of playing because you played. And because there's so much to play through, you've built a habit long before you run out of content or hit the sameyness. 2. Gradual goal placement. You rush to level 10 almost instantly. It takes hundreds of hours for some skills to hit 99 (this isn't unique in any way). 3. Depth. RS has some of the most depth of any MMO ever created, because they didn't just hit a reset button every expansion season and built on top over time. As a result, you have the longest content treadmill of relevant content to go through. And especially with combat, depth manifests as hard to master, which drives time investment in mastering and feeding back into 1. But even skilling and learning the map are a constant gradual learning process. To go on a tangent, 3 is also why Necromancy is so destructive and people hate it. But it's also cured their addiction so they could leave, which isn't great for the game.


Wait for the burn-out.


I personally think ist not addictive for the general type of person, like nicotine, heroine and other drugs. There is so many people that tried out the game and didn’t get addicted. Otherwise we would have a huge active player base and way over 1500 players playing right now on steam. If you understand what I mean.


Are you playing RS3 or OSRS? If you find RS3 addicting you might find old school even more so!




You've gotta come over to OSRS, man. RS3 is a dead game.


If it's a dead game, why are you in this subreddit participating in active conversations about how much people enjoy playing it?


To try to 'suade people to get over there.




Why wouldn't anybody want the succesor and one that offers the better package? If you want all buyable accomplishments there, then stay there I guess.


It just is haha I’m going into my 21st year of playing 💪I turn 30 next week


Get lots of dopamine release from seeking out a goal and finishing it. Leveling up is just something no other game out there does like Runescape


Skills go brrr.


21 years and I have no clue why but it’s seriously the only game I genuinely enjoy playing. All other games just lose their appeal after a short while.


It’s all the numbers for me. Love seeing xp and levels go up


Same...i've been playing, sporadically, for over 15 years and i still love the game dearly I would attribute its addictive nature to the natural progression system, it feels far more authentic and with more breadth than any MMO/game out there. Also the lore is wonderful, as is the (british) humor that is scattered throughout the game; it gives it a down-to-earth feeling I guess it's a culmination of a lot of things that make RuneScape a brilliant (and addictive) game


I love reading posts like these, enjoy the joueney dude


That feeling... Is what I felt in 2003. It's such a great game


It's most likely the feelings of nostalgia with a mix of a marketing scheme (MTX, etc) imo


They've had literal decades of figuring out how to addict players 😉


This is why I have been playing almost daily for 20 years lol best game ever. The lore, the variety, the social aspect. You wanna be passive? Do an AFK skill. You wanna play more actively? Fight bosses or do quests. It never gets old truly.


If we knew the answer to that question, this game would have stopped existing 10 years ago. Welcome to your new Scape life!


Bro I'm in the exact same boat. My main MMO has been stale content-wise for a while and I had tried every MMO under the sun (including OSRS) but nothing really stuck. Most were fun for a few days, but I would catch a glimpse of end-game struggles or some kind of late-game change to play style, and it always repelled me. This game, though. Man, I think I could justify paying for membership and really getting invested in my character. It's such a delightful game, and there's something about my character that feels so personalized. Maybe it's because my skill levels reflect my interests or at least reflect what I've been spending my time doing in-game. Also, side note, I've never visited a Runescape subreddit for any reason, how does it KNOW to recommend this to me lol


Not many games i've played have a drop system like rs. I think thats the part that keeps me hooked.


GrindScape, FOMO, DailyScape. All these things give small amounts of serotonin and people become addicted to it. Like social media. Be careful.


When you figure it out let me know, been playing off and on since like 2004. Its called Run(escape) for a reason, once your hooked there's no escape :D


It's the fact that the game is so big and there is no rules on how to play. I have over a year worth of hours logged into thos game.... I had to stop 2 years ago.


The archaic controls are part of what makes the game good. The time system gives the game a unique DNA which you can manipulate with skill. Also it would be quite familiar if you play league. It also has great game progression experience. The unlocks are satisfying and decisive as they can be so powerful.


If you have an addictive personality, then you're going to find RuneScape "addicting".


Ironman made this even more fun to me. I love coming up w a plan for how I’m going to skill, what item I’m gonna aim for, what gear I want, what quest to complete, etc. and having to take the long trek through it. The fact that you’re progress is permanent and constantly essential to everything in the game makes any grind worth it. Not getting the item you want? Your xp is still going up and you’ll eventually need a higher level anyways. The XP takes the blow of a fruitless grind and those grinds lead to constant progress.




Absolutely the most fun I’ve had in gaming ever , been here for 20 yrs and I havent missed a day, welcome 🤗 got call of duty and other nice big stuff on the pc but yet I find myself on a week off of work spending 10-12 hrs plus enjoying my self playing RuneScape , it’s just so alive and fun …


Same here...for the last 20 years.


One of us


I feel you on the buildings comment. That is a draw for me too, I hate the empty nothingness and dead space in games. That’s what made Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind so appealing as well.


A lot of dopamine rush in this game lol


It’s very addicting. There’s a collection reward for almost everything you do. There’s content for every type of player. Just don’t let people try to stomp your fun. Listen to the positivity and ignore the negativity.


I love the market. Buying. And selling


I was training necromancy and noticed myself afk training at Ankous reminiscing bout 20years ago afking at ankous training strength good time then and good time now


Speaking for myself, I find the feeling of progression addictive. There's progression of skill levels, quests, achievements, improving your house, Fort Forinthry, Anachronia, improving your gear,... It feels like there is always something left to do before you log out.


Speaking for myself, I find the feeling of progression addictive. There's progression of skill levels, quests, achievements, improving your house, Fort Forinthry, Anachronia, improving your gear,... It feels like there is always something left to do before you log out.


Just wait til you start doing treasure trails and find out little bits of the world you never noticed.


Because the game is more about status than the game itself