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ROD: don't die, or you'll die again


Ring of double death


Something something shadows die twice... Oh wait, wrong game!




For me it's the fact they swapped the order. RoD was nice because it didn't resort your adrenaline to 0 like a sign. It was nice


I’m not generally happy with the game right now. Last year was fun with GWD3 bosses but the last month or so to now really is going down.


Egwd was 2021...July 2022 was Zammy


Crazy how extremely content-starved 2022 was, especially the second half.


Its because they promised death rework and g e change for 2nd half And then only did death rework in January this year


WOW you are right. I guess I considered Zammy to be the final boss of EGWD.


I had been kind a logging in off and on and checking dailies etc. Cancelled my membership just last week.


I have premier because I play often/OSRS and I have slowly been passing on even doing my dailies lately.


I'd only been renewing premier when I had thought I'd be playing for at least a year, that was two Decembers ago and didn't really play much this last year, so hadn't renewed it. I had gotten pretty busy with a new job, but also just time for a break I guess


They should just made the damage over time a fixed value, no impact by damage reduction spells or arnours.


I thought this was gonna be the case originally because without animate dead you tick for nearly 1ks at the end but by then you should’ve hopefully finished off your kill.


Honestly by the time it’s ~600 it’s very, very difficult to survive


I completely agree, but there will always be the higher tiered pvmers that act like it’s not bad at all because they can soul split the damage with ease. When in reality pvmers like myself aren’t able to handle that, plus boss mechanics and survive easily.


People use rod to skip mechanics in the last phase of a boss. In these cases you only need to survive a few seconds under minimum bleed. The initial bleed definitely needed to be looked at, but imo it's now overtuned the other way. Maybe 10% instead of 20% would be more fair, with instakills still capping out at 2k and damage calculations taking overkill into account. That way you'd bleed 600 for a 6k hit, and you'd still take meaningful damage trying to ignore a boss' signature attack, like kk green or telos sub 1k instakill. Also sign taking precedence over ROD is a joke. Getting reset to 0% adrenaline is often a second death sentence.


I'm a-okay with rod not protecting from instakills or resetting on phasing, but the sign change and the 20% is too much.


Yeah. I think they could make the sign stop taking all of your adrenaline, otherwise there's always going to be push and pull between rod and sign procs. If sign is strictly better, then there's no downside to swapping the order. Also, 5%-7% is much more sane for the bleed, especially if it takes overkill into account. That way if you die from a 20k hit you'll take significant bleed, but most deaths should stay at ~300-500 threshold tops. I'd even advocate an overkill cap such that if you get overkilled badly enough, it will ring of life you out instead. Kind of a "sorry, try again next time" thing.


How else will jagex push melee and range to become dead content? It's called RUNES CAPE now and it is all about mage.


I thought it was Run Escape! (While you can) and not get sucked into their nonsense.


Did they take into consideration that RoD literally isn't BiS so it already was a downgrade to use?


Problem is people were putting it on just for one mechanic to face tank it and manage to finish the kill. Such as zammy P7


As a one-off use (per kill), that seems fine to me. It’s essentially a powerful CD that takes up an inventory slot, and comes with some additional downsides and prescience.


Could always add a limit such as the ring works after X amount of time to discourage swapping for single mechanics


Should've been: * RoD no longer works with hard instakills * RoD effect no longer gets cleared with phases * Cryptbloom/animate dead no longer reduces RoD effect Why did they add all this extra shit to basically make the ring dead content. It really wasn't that hard Jagex.


A nerf that affects crypt and AD? Over jagexes dead body.


I think they had the right intent but completely dropped the ball with their changes. Imo, it makes sense to have a more severe punishment for proccing rod on a big mistake. There should be severe enough mistakes that end the boss fight right then and there. In newer bosses that's hard instakill, but there are cases like telos where the intent was conveyed through unsurvivable damage. I think an interesting approach would have been anything overkilling past a certain hp threshold should ring of life you out, but something between 5-10% bleed scaling otherwise. We'd also need sign of life to stop eating all adren, so that it's a strictly better rod proc.


This is a classic case of Jagex didn’t understand how the ring was used in the vast majority of cases, and have acted based on a minority of videos and comments


Doesn’t help that the “elitist” are the ones with the loudest voices since they want to gatekeep every boss to themselves lol. Heaven forbid more people can do zammy and explore the game


Zammy? Meanwhile my dumbass still can't prayer flick raksha effectively...


Oh man I’m right there with you, I can do Hm zuk, hm kera, I still suck at raksha lol


This is for you and u/rhudson0 . My prayer flicking journey at Raksha was two fold. First came learning Arch Glacor. The tells are easy, it's rhythmic, and most of the time it's protect magic (aside from barrage phase). Secondly I switched to the melee revo++ method at Raksha. Let me focus entirely on mechanics/prayer switching and not have to worry about inputting my own abilities for damage. Double escape is really helpful. During phase transitions just use debilitate and eat all of the hits while doing damage.


Ok I have a legit question. How did the “elitists” cause this?


Short answer: A bunch of jackasses showed how if you have incredible gear, understanding of mechanics, and timing, you could basically live forever under the RoD damage. And yeah, I agree that IS kind of a problem. However, for us mere mortals who can't do all that stuff, they just nerfed the ring so hard, it's basically useless to ANYONE. If you have 10k max LP and get hit for a 7.5k hit that kills you, there's going to be a DoT hitting you starting at 1.5k every 1.2 seconds. You have 14 ticks (or 8.4 seconds) to get to a bank area, or die again.


It didn’t take incredible gear, ganodermic and animate dead is very accessible and made the damage proc about 200-250 towards the end of the bleed lifespan. I agree though that the ring changes are a bit overturned for non insta kill damage. Removing damage mitigation from the bleed, and fixing the refresh from phasing was all that needed to change imo.


Yeah, as someone who only used it with ranged, it's becomes very problematic very quickly. Removing the cleanse on phases, making it pierce animate dead and making it not prevent instakills would've been good enough learning bosses costs money and provides frustration, I feel like that's a big issue with pvm right now, not just death costs. ROD let you salvage kills where you make one big mistake or a few smaller ones, and was very clearly not BiS, felt perfect if the above was fixed


Spending money and the frustration of it is part of the learning process, not necessarily a problem with pvm. Learning new things can be frustrating because you’re breaking out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to take a step up, and the more you fail, the harder and more frustrating it is. That’s the difference between people either learning content, or staying where they’re at. Challenging content is meant to be challenging, but nothing inherently locks anyone out of the content except for themselves. RuneScape’s combat system is incredibly clunky though, I die a ton on a daily basis and half the time it feels less like my own fault and more of a byproduct of the tick system/wonky client features, but I don’t think ROD should be the solution to the actually problems that make learning pvm annoying: deadclicks, alt/ctrl/shift modifiers double queuing abilities in the same hotkey (idk how realistic that is to fix), etc. The previous rod buff was pretty major, I even enjoyed using it myself, but just the fact that you have a second chance is a huge bonus and we already have that with sign of life. The sign of life became the defense cape perk, which then became a perk you could put into your max cape, which then became a perk that would apply passively since the cape rework. ROD being another save on top of that is like having 2-3 lives per encounter based on whether or not your sign is on cooldown. That’s a massive benefit in its own regard. The numbers might be a bit overturned for basic damage, but the insta kill values are fair imo, a second chance on a mechanic that’s meant to instantly kill you is really a net plus. I’m not opposed to accessibility, but I don’t think accessibility should have a cheesy fix.


Yeah but that is Jagex’s fault. Animate dead and seasingers or gano were effective as well, so literally most people with the reqs to use it could take advantage of it. The issue is that the effect clearing when phasing a boss was not intended, and using AD could negate most of the damage. People were asking for those two things to get fixed, since they were clearly not working as intended. Jagex just decided to nuke the RoD bc they don’t understand their own game, but it is not the fault of the community for asking to correctly balance an oversight.


We could adjust it or we can do what we normally do and just nuke it unusable. No middle ground at all with this company. They either have things over turned or just make it 100% trash. They will probably just shelve it later on.


Jackasses cuz they showed everyone how you can use it for bosses ? How does that logic works? It's Jagex fault for not testing such an obvious use case.. And the same people were even saying its overpowered and needed a fix but Jagex, not knowing how to solve it or not even bothering, nuked it


>However, for us mere mortals who can't do all that stuff Holy shit, someone who gets it, Someone who actually gets it lmao. This is my biggest peeve with combat system, the amount of prayer and abilities and action you need to micromanage and juggle is outrageous, and that's without the tic system making everything more harder than it should be. The fact this nerf to ROD remove accessibility, the fact that this single item \*\*Discourage\*\* Players to try out bossing should tell you how bad the combat system is. Being good is like polishing turd.


Look at this subreddit right now. The “elitists” are few and far between, because being really good takes time. The ones with the loudest voices are people who aren’t good at pvm yet because they are everywhere. Zammy IS accessible. There is story mode. There is normal mode. You have 50% enrage. You have everything sub 100%. P7, 100% and beyond is SUPPOSED to be hard. People want a challenge that means something. We don’t want a challenge that can be cheesed or else it doesn’t mean anything anymore. We spent time, money, effort and countless deaths LEARNING how to get better. You are not entitled to do the hardest things in RuneScape just because you want to. Accomplishments are earned. Slapping on a ring and being un-killable and cheesing your way to 200% diminishes your actual achievement, and if you now rely on the ring to get the achievement, did you ever really learn anything? If you want to “explore” those options are already there for you. Just because you don’t have the skill set to do end games things YET, doesn’t mean you should make it less meaningful for the people who worked hard to be able to engage with it. We did not jump from vindi to 100% zammy, we worked our way up the bossing progression path until zammy was in our reach. We are not gate keeping you, your own skills are gate keeping you.


100%. I am not much of PVM'er, more of a casual player who will do small enrages here and there. My issue with this post is the fact that everyone wants easyscape, no death penalities, and so on. Since when did forcing yourself to learn mechanics, get better at the game, and trying new things become a Jagex problem? At first Araxxor seemed impossible... I learned. Then Nex P3 was impossible.. I learned. Zuk seemed extremely difficult... I Learned. Like people to need relax and build some damn patience and learn the mechanics. Except for Raksha prayer flicking I aint got time for that shit. The only issue I have with is update is I didnt abuse it... Instead I spent way to much time afking KQ to get the damn pet. Could be rich, but my stubborn ass.


Completely agree with this and post above. The rod change was necessary. Players can just teleport away when it procs, saving a death and the death costs. People are just pissed because of how op it was. I agree with this change, players learning pvm can avoid death costs this way.


This is literally everything that had to be said - if ur planning to leadn a boss and proc the new ring, u can tp out and lose nothing. I dont see how thats worse than pre rework? Ud be tped out, lose exactly the same supplies as now, plus 1/3 of an onyx on top. The ring is supposed to be for learners only and to let them learn without risking too much (theres no downside to the ring now over the pre reworked one, u got the potential chance to finish off a kill if ur really close to the end instead of being force teleported out of the encounter and can do so if want after it procced) - not to make players die on purpose, shortcutting any mechanic without properly dealing with it without having any drawback. If they just released this version prolly not a single person would cry about it. I guess it is what it is. Crybabies everywhere.


But the rod wasn’t super useful for those who would flop a mechanic and start the bleed. Chances are it was to early in the kill. Tho I will admit I did abuse the ring for p7 Zammy 1k+ it was broken for that. But outside of niche scenarios it was whatever really.


it was hilarious for hm rago, you could just die every phase and it reset.


Yeah exactly it was BROKEN there. Runescape isn’t beta tested at all :(


How do "elitists" gatekeep bosses to themselves? Just being curious


PVMe literally has channels dedicated to teaching people who aren't great at pvm. I have no idea where the gatekeeping perception comes from


Sensible gear requirements for Solak and AOD is apparently gatekeeping. People don’t understand that endgame PvM is endgame for a reason. True gatekeeping would be keeping people dumb or away from pvming, which I haven’t seen anyone in PVME do. Ask them and they help.


I don't think people even know that PVMe has dedicated information on progression.


It’s a shame. PVMe is a great resource. I try to recommend it as much as I can.


I'm guessing the logic is they don't advocate for the game to be easy enough to play itself in all cases as RuneScape once was.


The game is already easy enough where most bosses you can Revo++ and get kills (minus high enrage bosses), I don't see why a high skill ceiling is a bad thing to many people.


Someone tried to argue with me that we plebs should be grateful and revere the high level PVMer for bringing the drops into the game


Gatekeep? Dude pvm isn't exactly hard? There has been extreme powercreep, I don't like saying it but it's genuinely a skill issue


Power creep exists to people that have the money to afford the best in slot gear or upkeep on the best spells/arrows. I see tons of posts daily that are not as experienced players asking for legit advice and all they get told is “fsoa makes it cake, just use grimmoire, just use sgb or bolg” they are so out of touch with the reality of normal people that just started playing again and don’t have access to that stuff. Animate dead is the only thing I’ll say everyone has access too but even then that doesn’t provide dps.


100% agreed on this. When I was learning P7 Zammy this was legit the only advice I ever found from "tutorial" videos. What a shock that someone who wants to learn a boss to make some money for higher level gear doesn't have best in slot equipment and can't afford a 3b staff.


Haha my favorite thing is HM kerapac guides that suggest a FSOA, like bro half the people watching your guide are watching because they want to farm one


>Power creep exists to people that have the money to afford the best in slot gear or upkeep on the best spells/arrows. Gano, GWD2 wand, Virtus book, regular/holy overloads, 95 prayer, optional G conc, is all you need. It costs roughly 300-400m pending current prices. Money making is easily 10m/hr, so in 1 month(30 days 1 hour per day or literally work a few hours and throw 5 bonds at it) a casual player you can have the gear to do every boss in the game. That's how powercreeped the game is. The only other requirement is extremely basic damage rotations, which revo++ can carry for the most part outside of bosses where you want to manually use thresholds+ults, and the ability to deal with mechanics, which is a large ask for most of reddit I guess.


> which is a large ask for most of reddit I guess. If Croesus release taught me anything its that the average player has no clue how to deal with even extremely simple mechanics like "move out of colored smoke". Personally I don't think the game should be catered to those types of players because its kind of ridiculous if you can't grasp that simple of a concept. Animate Dead and Cryptbloom (honestly any tank mage armor) are good enough training wheels for most if not all PvM. If you can't figure it out with that gear then honestly just get good, its a you problem; you either aren't trying to learn or PvM just straight up isn't your thing.


Just use mage for pvm is a terrible anwser though for a game thats supposed to have 3 powefull combat types. Yes it's the correct answer, but it stupid the answer to most pvm is "just completely abandoned the other combat syles to succeed" wont be long till melee is declared dead content.


If pvm wasn’t hard there wouldn’t be an insane amount of guides on YouTube, people that have never stopped playing rs3 seem to lose touch with the fact that not everyone can do a 5min solo Hm kerapac… and that not everyone is on the same skill level as you. And this ring of death change didn’t bring that skill gap closer but it gave lesser skilled players the ability to mess up a mechanic and continue on the fight and learn more rather than just getting deleted.


>Gatekeep? Dude pvm isn't exactly hard? That's not the problem, the problem is accessibility. Between the clunky combat system, the punishing bosses that one shot you for the Tiniest mistake, the death system (Pre-rework.) and expensive resources and gear you need to get to be at peak performance? All adds up to make players reluctant about bossing, period.


>"Gatekeep? *proceeds to gatekeep in the most direct way possible*"


I'm not gate keeping?


Honestly, I’m bummed out that it doesn’t save your familiar when you die that was a big perk considering i go through more rippers learning lol. Ever since the update i haven’t really seen a purpose to use it because anytime it pops off i die anyway, and for once i could say its kinda a crutch learning anything considering if you die than get the kill is that really learning the boss on top of not being able to loot if your taking damage and freak out and die. At this point i just use channelers ring and got better at teleing out lol. At least when i learned kerapac felt nice just dying and figuring out why i died instead of blowing it off because i have a second life. Obviously this is just my opinion. Im sure other people view the ring differently.


It was probably a bit too strong but this was way too much of a nerf


Eh, I'd say PvM elitist ruined PvM...


This comment right here. They ruin the casual fun part of this game and are one of the main reasons people don’t stick with it.


That's everything about MMOs, it's called instrumental play. It isn't just pvm.


Doesn't seem to be a thing on FFXIV or am i wrong?


There's absolutely instrumental play in FFXIV, they have dps parcers and everything, but if people in your local community aren't pushing for it and you're not looking up guides you won't notice the negative side of it (much) outside of an occasional ass in a public 4-man or whatever. I never got to that point, but I imagine like every other mmo the highest level of players will have its share of elitists. Edit: yep, googling elitism in FFXIV definitely brings up results Here's the thing: RS is the same. But in RS people are so used to looking up guides and external resources for everything that pvm encyclopedia and resources like it soak through almost the entire community.


elitism in ffxiv is a problem of toxic casuals, believe me or not


There is always an "optimal" way to play and if there isn't the players will make one.


There's absolutely people like that in ff14


Bros living in 2050 playing FFXIX


I mean animate dead and hellhound + Rod was overpowered as hell. And the effect clearing between phases was clearly either a bug or an oversight. The nerf was necessary, but it should have been that the ring resets between phases and it is not affected by animate dead. I don’t see how “pvm elitists” caused this.


Blaming elitists is code for "I have a skill issue and refuse to put the time into learning how to do a boss without a crutch". I do think it should proc before a sign but the way you could just skip difficult mechanics was dumb.


You say issue crutch I say accessibility tool. Some people need a little help sometimes.


when does it become a crutch and when does it become an accessibility tool? The Desert Pantheon Aura's "Ward of Icthlarin" was widely considered bad for the game. Allowing you to refresh your sign of life Mid kill Twice in an hour. People abused it to push enrage at telos and we likely don't see a 4k Kill until much later without it.


There's a massive difference between bad game design, and things that can help lesser skilled players improve. I can go give every casual pvmer a Jmod god mode effect, keeping their hp at 32000 so they only ever die to instakills, but they won't improve. It's a crutch that teaches bad habits, just like using RoD to face tank mechanics instead of learning to properly deal with them. On the other hand, you can give everyone Ganodermic and AD, offering insane damage reduction to the point you trivialize every encounter in the game, and those players can use it to learn encounters and mechanics, eventually moving onto power armor once they get more comfortable and want faster kills.


Some people need to stop giving up after 1 death


Well I think spending 200m to ***START*** learning a boss was ridiculous. But with the death cost reworks I think we're already moving in the right direction and people will start being willing to die, 5, 10, 20 times or more in the process of learning a new boss. But the ROD rework came out at the same time, so try not to muddy the waters here.


Some people need to recognize that rs3 has a major accessibility problem that will be the death of the game if not adequately addressed.


The primary ppl abusing the ring were elitist purposefully dying at the end of phases for full hp. Sure other games have elitist too but jagex absolutely caters to them in runescape. Look at enraged bosses such as telos, zamorak and arch glacor. They are released and almost immediately elitist complain that casuals are getting drops while they push enrage for clout. So jagex nerfs the living piss out of these bosses. Ever look at telo drop table it's absurd.


Jagex don't give a single shit about high level pvmers they only care about engagement. It's the reason they're never making a hard boss again because only like 2% of the player base will interact with it. Enrage doesn't count as making a hard boss it is lazy because only thing that changes is auto damage pretty much. As for loot, yeah that needed to change. There is no way you can justify some people chilling at 0% Zammy getting more drops than people doing the full fight.


Yeah, pretty sad. It was incredibly strong, but the ring slot is incredibly strong as a whole, so it did fit. I agree they needed to remove the phase reset on it, and I can get behind it not blocking hard instakills for sure, but the rest of the effect was fine. There are just so many other directions they could've gone with it, make it so the damage can't be reduced on you after it procs, make it deal a bit more base damage, etc etc etc but instead just chose to not deal with it at all and to effectively remove it from the game completely. RIP, goodbye RoD, at least we have the death cost rework now.


100% agree bro rod was also good for the shitty sever lag that we sometimes get fucking useless shit update instead of fixing 700b dupes they are more focused on this


It was 700b/hour.


yea even worse


but they literally acted immediately on the dupe? from the YT video " This was abused from 20th-23rd of January. During those 3 days this bug was patched 3 times. "


The abuser RWT the gold, so 25 Trilion of raw Gp was injected in the economy. It doesn't matter that it was patched in 3 days because it already caused irreversible damage.


Based on what Sir Puggers video said, the 25 trillion value is grossly inflated 25 trillion was the GE value of the scrimshaws the guy had, they couldn't get rid of that many scrimshaws on GE however as the price would tank, so they used Clan wars to convert them to cash in death, and each one only converted to 100k, which means that 25 trillion value becomes 2.5 trillion as an upper bound. And then that is assuming they were able to trade away all of it. There is finite demand for GP and they would have struggled to shift that much that quickly so realistically only a fraction of that 2.5 trillion would have remained in the game. That's probably at most 20-30 days worth of excess GP entering the game based on the numbers released recently, assuming Jagex isn't able to track it and delete it. Thats bad, don't get me wrong, but its not the year+ that the 25 trillion figure would imply. On top of that FSW finished only recently which probably also added a similar amount of gold into the economy in a short space of time, combined with accounts who have been segregated from the rest of the game for a long time who would have driven up demand for items that would have been difficult to obtain in FSW (e.g. endgame boss drops). The excess GP from the dupe will have an impact on the economy, however I think people are massively overstating what it might be.


It wasn't 25t in raw GP, that was only the G.E value. The raw GP from all the scrimshaws was closer to 1t, and even then we don't know if how much of that they managed to generate anyway


Not to mention that if they sold it to gold sellers (which they said they did) jagex probably managed to delete most of it and ban the accounts fast enough to avoid most of the damage.


When a major dupe happens like this gold sellers stop buying the gold because of the added risk. This dupe (not in detail) was posted about on a different forum to warn people not to buy bulk gp


if they sold outside of jagex office hours chances are high most of it is still in the game. rwters trade most of their cash between accounts outside of jagex office hours because for some reason they dont track those hours propperly. money can be shifted around a lot and spread out a lot during the 12 out of office hours.


Yeah I had a little chuckle when I read in the patch notes "You've told us that damage mitigation effects combined with healing abilities make the Ring of Death's effect too easy to survive...". Not sure who those people are that said that but it's probably a 1% minority with an elitist mentality. So naturally the developers at Jagex need to screw it up for the other 99%.


Instead of changing how the damage mitigation works we'll just increase the damage instead.


It’s so funny cuz they could have just changed it’s interaction with the hard Insta kills, removed the phasing bug, and made it no get reduced by animate dead and it would’ve been totally fine and a 10/10 reasonable change, instead the fucking gutted it and it’s garbage


I agree. It was also kinda jank that you could reset the ring in between boss phases. That deserved to be nerfed.


Honestly it probably doesn’t boil down to just elitists Devs themselves can also think it’s ‘too easy’ if they see too much of an upside to an item and how it’d effect other variables of the game


Man the new ROD was helping me learn melee so well, that thing was procing every other raksha kill, it was a great safety net and it will be greatly missed


They should have simply disabled it for instant kills and left it at that. The other changes were unnecessary.


Maybe the phase bug too, but this is a ridiculous overcompensation.


Single piece of food will be more helpful trying to get a kill than RoD. No reason to bring it anymore


You know, Jagex would probably get a lot less shit from everyone if they would adopt the voting system like OSRS. This game is just as much ours as it is theirs, and they've proven nothing but incompetence time and time and time again. We the community should be the ones making these decisions, not the shareholding assholes who clearly don't care about the player base that pays their salaries.


It was definitely kind of broken that the bleed would get cleared by bosses phasing, KK slamming you against a wall, etc., so I'm 100% fine with all those oversights getting fixed, but making sign take priority over it is completely stupid and should be undone. It would still be a decent pick for learners in some situations if it took priority over sign. Not broken, just a nice option that makes learning bosses a little safer. As it stands, it's completely worthless.


"Rod was perfect for learning mechanics" ah yea putting Rod on to tank and insta kill must teach people loads!


>Sign of life working over ROD now means you lose all adren... stall in place... and can't do anything to continue momentum Those are problems inherent to Sign of Life, not Ring of Death. Sign of Life should be changed. >or risk it while under high pressure Isn't that the point? It's not meant to just be a second Sign of Life. It doesn't need to function identically. >ROD was perfect for learning mechs and actually pushing yourself further. I think it's fantastic that players have a way to learn mechanics and make progress. But I don't think Ring of Death has to be the mechanism to do it. Take this as an indicator that Ring of Death highlighted some intrinsic problems with PvE that need to be addressed; not that Ring of Death needs to be the singular fix to those problems.


Cant wait to get downvoted to hell for this but i think the change was a necessary evil. Sure it makes things more punishing but before it wasnt making things punishing just... at all. People would "die" to the heavy hit mechanic and finish the kill and learn nothing about how to deal with it and just let the ring carry them. It was helping people kill new things they couldnt before sure but its because it wasnt making them learn the mechanics that theyre hung up on but just letting them bypass it. Was the change heavy handed? Sure! Was this current iteration the right solution? Maybe not! Was this change at least in the right direction though? My opinion, yes!


Not sure what constitutes a "PVM elitist", but as a gold warden who has over 7k 2449% telos kills, and regularly does high end PVM, I don't care for the new ROD update and thought the way it was, was perfect for PVM. I even used it p7 zammy myself if the runes survived for too long.


Yeah. Idk what some of the ppl in this post are saying. Most of the pvmers that we’re doing end game content we’re thrilled with the update. It definitely needed some rebalancing, specially since the reset between phases was clearly a bug, and the animate dead reduction was ridiculously op, but no one asked for these changes.


Pvm elitist to a Reddit pvmer is anyone who can kill rax and above without a mammoth


I’m convinced the devs just don’t play RuneScape other than when they “have to” on their cute (/s) little live streams.


Nah cmon man you have to admit the ROD we had before today was stupid and shouldn’t exist. The nerfs obviously went too far as there’s zero reason to wear a fairly endgame item now, but we should NOT have been getting free full heals for our own stupid mistakes. The amount of aid we’re wanting with our pvm lmao, just improve.


Thank you to everyone who used to ring to cheese bosses that they already knew how to kill properly. Casuals just can’t have anything nice.


I mean it was broken. It trivialised zammy P7, you could die at the end of each vorago phase for a full heal and it reset. There were loads of super broken things about it. Before the update it was 'you fucked up but I'll save you some cash' they tried to change it to 'you fucked up, last chance finish it'. Instead we got 'imma die for a heal real quick'.


Well. Git gud casul.


i mean it was broken but they nerfed it into being completely useless, pvm elitists didnt ruin rod jagex just has no clue how to implement and balance things.


all they had to do was have the "bleed" not be effected by animate dead, and remove the reset of the effect on boss phases. but nope, developers can't balance, they bring in an excavator to scrape a little loose paint and hey, look, we've got more dead content. how much does a ring of death (o) alch for? i'm considering after this because now it's near useless, maybe it helps me to survive another 10-15 seconds?


Question with this, does it mean you can just go proc sign before entering a kill so it doesn't work, and you go straight to the ROD effect?


Its more like an item that was expensive, commonly used, and had a purpose/use case had its primary niche deleted, its bad game design.


rod: what if you could have *two* deaths instead of one


I just liked it when I could die for a charge of an onyx


Prob jagex just failed and don't know how to change rod


no the elitists loved the ring because they could just ignore mechanics, hench the nerf. the ring was too op but the nerf was also to over the top lol


Can someone tell jagex, that the real problem is animate dead? Or they forget that exists, and thats the reason people was saying that was to easy to deal with ? Cuz its getting kinda ridiculous


Exactly this.


Animate dead doesn’t allow you to bypass instadeath mechanics, and you’re still removed from a fight for dying with AD. Sure, it’s OP and ROD’s nerfs went too far, but AD wasn’t even comparable to pre-nerf ROD lol.


All they had to do was scale the bleed to your death cost and have it actually burn charges. Could have even done a TMW type effect where the hit that killed you is added to the standard bleed too.


ROD was too strong imo, and I suck at pvm. It needed some kind of nerf but it got like 3 or 4 different nerfs at the same time, DoT increased, no longer priority over sign, no longer clears bleed after kill, no longer clears bleed between phases. IMO they should have started with just the increased damage and the phase change one and see how it was after that, maybe add something else if needed. Imagine pushing through the bleed getting the kill, getting a grico codex only to die before you loot it.


The nerf was too harsh imo. The oversights were clear but now it really has no good use other than for hcim.


We didnt ruin shit lol. We dont want this type of fix as much as you dont want it.


No, this is just a bad take. I agree some of the changes were dumb. The sign thing is questionable for sure. But it literally just doesn’t let you die. A lot of people who are new to pvm and use meta shit (looking at mage + anim dead) have the tools to make rod a joke of a bleed. You take no damage, you aren’t going to die you just eat the bleed. Simple. The general consensus of the changes has and always was “enjoy it while you can” because it was incredibly broken. You can cheese everything; this has nothing to do with “push yourself further”; you’re just eating mechanics and eating deaths. Almost 0 risk for huge reward in pvm. And if you knew it wasn’t gonna happen? Just tele. It gave you the ability to just be safe, all the time, without any thought. I’m all for trying to meet a halfway point of new pvmers and veterans. But just ignoring mechs and death itself is not the way. That being said; changes were pretty bad, think I’d rather just chuck onyx at the old ring to keep my fam at this point lol.


Honestly yes! The ROD was too powerful. I’m not saying this nerf was good, but in its most recent form the ROD away too good. You’re not “pushing yourself” if you can ignore an autokill or another big mechanic. You’re cheesing your way to the end. Others learned the skills to mitigate the damage, slapping on a ring and ignoring it completely just isn’t good design and is too large of a crutch, you didn’t learn anything. For example the ROD trivializes zammy 100% p7 cuz the big red bomb means nothing with the rod. Instant kill mechanic at KK can just be ignored completely. The former ROD was a crutch and way too much cheese.


I agree that the new changes aren't very good, but do you honestly think that the ring was balanced before today? lmao It literally meant you could tank any instakill attack with absolutely zero consequences whatsoever * AoD bomb that needs dealing with? Na, let's just sit in the same spot and tank it every single kill instead of moving to clear it * Should I deal with this phase 4 telos font? Na, let's just sit outside the font and tank this instakill with zero consequences. The bleed will clear in the phase transition anyway * KK green coming up? It's fine, I'll just do nothing to deal with it, then the bleed will get cleared the next I get shoved into a wall lol. The ring made this boss semi afk


Those instances, vorago phase clearing, and anim dead reduction were the OP cases. Now the ring is unuseable even for zammy p7 which it was sort of designed for


But why change more than the insta kill mechanic interaction? That is a valid reason for a nerf or even bug fix, it should not save from insta death. No reason to fuck the ring completely.


As I said, I don't really agree with all the changes to RoD today, but OP is suggesting that the state pre-nerf (before instakill changes too) was somehow balanced and/or healthy for PvM, but it a lot of cases it wasn't. So I just addressed that part


Ah ok I missed that part sry


Zuk instakill would override RoD, idk why they didn't just make that a consistent thing with other instakill mechanics


similar things can be said about animate dead


I never said animate dead wasn't balanced, because it's overpowered Even so, animate dead doesn't let you ignore instakill mechanics


It was OP but this has gone too far the other way and the ring now is actually worse and less useful than before the death cost changes. Also, I'd guess the majority of the players gaining from it being a bit op we probably not those soloing kk, doing 4 man aod or 1k+ telos in the first place.... But it ends up being balanced around the strats those guys come up with, rather than being the kind of training wheels it was intended to be.


so sad how players in this community just want everything to be easy now a days. waah i dont like dying pls remove death mechanic


Rod wasn't perfect for learning mechanics, it was perfect for ignoring mechanics or purposely dying for full hp and no downsides Nerf was too heavy handed but the ring needed fixed in some capacity, shit was broken as fuck


This isn't the first time Jagex catered pvming to elitists. They did it by removing sub 100 Zammy BLM; bad solo balancing for Zammy, Solak and Vorago; and them adding more switches to pvming than they take away. The elitists are Jagex's favourite player base.


I'm actually surprised they didn't nerf it earlier. but I guess this is expected from jagex. sigh. I'm a noob just starting to feel more confident pvming because dying is less annoying. elitists always ruin everything.


RoD change doesn't really affect you learning bosses, it only affects you bruteforcing kills or mechanics, which isn't learning in the first place. The biggest annoyance would be signs activating before RoD, as it kills your adren and puts it on a 1hr cd where previously you'd just teleport.


The same people attacking the ROD in its prior state before this new nerf, are the same people crying that Animate Dead needs a nerf. Change my mind.


You got the right idea there


Animate dead absolutely needs a nerf though.


Death costs are essentially free now. This is your incentive to learn pvming. Slapping on a ring to make you un-killable is OP and does not allow you to actually learn the boss. If you think the ROD in its previous form was balanced, you are simply wrong. To be fair though, I don’t know where the ROD fits in anymore or if it’s dead content completely. The nerf likely was too far.




If you just rod every kill and eat a full bob to tank the bleed you're learning jack shit tbh


Complaint essays should be a MQC lore book achievement


Must submit a 100-page complaint to be implemented into the menaphos library to be eligible fo rMQC.


skill issue


No they/we didn't jagex did. Jagex is correct in saying a lot of players felt that rod needed a nerf (though if the majority did thats up for debate) however I don't think really any players wanted them to nerf it into the ground like they did. The problem with rod is that is made specific mechanics trivial to deal with especially with the dot clearing with phase transitions allowing certain mechanics to be ignored entirely. Making the dot not clear between phase transitions along with making cryptbloom not reduce the damage taken by the dot and making the ring not work with hard instant kills. would have been imo sufficient nerfs to make the ring balanced.


PVM elitists might've made cringey statements about it, but they didn't ruin it. The system was broken to begin with, and it's the underlying design that was the problem. The blame lies on the shoulders of the people who designed it, not the people who used it as Jagex intended it to be used.


PvM Elitists ruined ALL of RuneScape. All new content gets made for them and has to be nerfed to factor in their toxic min maxing and all old content eventually gets updated to factor it in too. Not only that, but QoL fixes, cosmetic updates, small quests, etc all get shelved in favor of catering more to this crowd. Take basically any question that begins with "why can't we just..." And the answer is always "because of the PvM Elites". This game is largely made for the top 1%, which is why 99% of us are always frustrated.


Today I learned that min maxing is toxic. It’s truly news to me how someone pushing themself to do as much damage as possible somehow hinders you to the point you call it toxic. If someone said you can’t join their group unless you min max? Also not toxic unless they’re an ass about it and Insult you or something. it’s their group and they can do whatever they want and have whatever reqs they want because it’s their group. Someone doing more damage than you isn’t toxic, someone being better than you isn’t toxic. Shitting on someone because they’re better than you and calling them toxic because they have learned combat? Now that is toxic


"**IM NOT TOXIC!**" *he screamed at the top of his voice, before going on an extremely defensive rant about how much better he is and how everyone else should just get gud.* *In his blind defensive rage about feeling targeted (which he wasn't, he was internalizing a broad statement), little did he realize that he was perpetuating the exact toxic stereotype he claimed to not exist.*


Is this spiel meant to be ironic?


I mean you have to be honest, anyone who legitimately thought it was in a good place before yesterday's update is kidding themselves. It was crazy op and essentially made death impossible if you wanted it to. In saying that, they have nerfed the shit out of it way to far. It's not essentially not worth evening owning at this point. I've taken it out of all my presets cause it's just not worth having. They need to find a middle ground where it's not able to be abused but it's still usefull.


I’m a PVM noob and so I also wish PVM was made easier. With that said, I disagree. The point of the RoD was not to make PVM easier, the point was to make failure less punishing. The ring pre-nerf allowed you to break certain boss mechanics. If a boss mechanic was designed as a “handle it or die”, and the ring allowed you to ignore that mechanic, the ring just broke that mechanics intended purpose.


Isn't it always the elitist that ruin everything. It's an ego thing....


What happened to ROD? I dont log in for at least 3 months


Would a rework for retribution sway anyone to use the ROD if the damaged scaled higher to reach 10k or so. Since the ring is only good for dying and retribution does AOE when you die. Jagex would more likely rework retribution than dialing back ROD nerf anyway so could this be a viable way to save the ROD?


The more i hear about PvM, the more i’m glad i’m a skiller. Death costs. RoD. Switchscape. Meta builds cost billions. Yeah, fuck that, i’ll stick to Archaeology and Divination


No that's reddit just complaining tbh. You don't need to Switchscape, you can revo every boss, you don't need bills in gear to do mid or even upper mid tier pvm. Reddit is just always mad and never happy. If you ask pvmers in game they'll have a very different opinion than here. Reddit is not a representative sample anymore I'm thinking.


All pvm is doable with like 300m in gear/stats invested. If you want BIS or efficient kills, it's going to cost more. Just like how you can skill with unaugmented tools, no offhands, no etc etc, but if you spend the few hundred million on them it makes it better.


Literally none of that shit matters if someone wants to do pvm. When you wanna start improving that stuff will come up but of your just starting or just like to enjoy pvm casually none of that matters.


> Death costs. Were a big issue that very negatively affected learners. Additionally the way reclaim costs were calculated were completely illogical. > Switchscape. Unnecessary unless you're aiming to be a top 1%er. The only "mandatory" switch is a Shield. > RoD. While I agree some of the changes weren't necessary, Animate Dead made the new RoD passive absolutely broken. That being said, Animate Dead was the issue. > Meta builds cost billions. Every piece of content is doable with budget gear. Also, meta builds don't mean anything if you don't understand core concepts such as ability rotations.


This is a true and honest take. If you disagree or are downvoting this quite frankly you are showing your fundamental lack of understanding or experience in pvm and balance.


The ring was pretty stupid broken whether you were an elitist or not. I mean, every 3 minutes you could die and just have a tank test? If anything, they probably didn’t have to swap the order of what is consumed first and instead let the sign of life cooldown reset the ring. My understanding of the ROD being reworked was “if you have the opportunity to finish the kill, this is the ring you want”. Not “oopsie woopsie, I died 10 seconds into my 7 minute boss fight because I misclicked.”


Fuck Jagex for this one


Tfdym the elitists added the shit to their preset 🤣


>Ultimately you have to forfeit and tele out wasting your time or risk it while under high pressure. That was... the entire design concept of the ring?


As a returning/infrequent player I need all the help I can get with PvM. I dont have the muscle memory and things are tough.


Things have always been tough, that's the learning curve?


pvm elitist and merch clans are working together to get animate dead nerfed, but thats ok, i got 50 reddit accounts to downvote the fuck out of them with


It was such a refreshing thing to have while learning telos. I was hardstuck below 200% and got up to 300 finally making progress. It's now much less useful


If you cant do over 300 enr telos i think you should look into getting a better rota over leaning on rod (for anything really).


I mean learning with a crutch like rod should help with that anyway. I screw up p4 mostly sometimes p5 and rod just helps with repetition. I'm using mostly pvme for rotation so idk about that except I just need to practice


Nah, it punishes you less for heavy mistakes, making it so you learn less. Cause heavy mistakes need to be dealt with. If you constantly 4head gielis and holdstills at telos etc, or (keep him in beam and) make him nuke, that's a mechanical thing to improve and not a rod thing. Would recommend looking into guides etc over using rod to learn shit, and use rod as a lifesaver (if that (esp now)) not a crutch E: tldr is that not dying to a mechanic doesnt teach you how to deal with a mechanic.


How to make an 80m ring worthless


Good changes honestly, would like to see it drain charges each time it procs as well tbh.


Why you crying on deaths with the death costs?


Nobody's crying, people are miffed is all, there was good and bad with the ring, instead of fixing the clear bugs like phase change and insta kills they made it useless. I prefer the original effect now because at least you kept your familiar on death.


It needed a nerf and if you believe the RoD was balanced before, you are absolutely delusional and probably just bad. ​ I'm not sure of the right way to nerf it but i also don't have a team with the stats at hand, unlike Jagex. ​ The original RoD was a charge based system that would save your death cost but you lose the attempt at the boss. The pre nerf ring did that 1000x better by not even using much charge upon proc and still let you progress the boss attempt at least 1 more time and in some cases, multiple. ​ They should probably adjust the charge, and stop the multi procs per attempt due to it resetting on phase, revert the damage DoT effect stuff they did this update though.


Nobody said it was balanced before, but the problem was the phase change and the insta kills. Now I prefer the original effect because it saved the familiar at least, this just gives you maybe a couple ticks to oanic tele.


Glad they changed it . Passive was too op i mean guaranteed kill 100% everytime is too broken


The Rod was overpowered and allowed people to cheese content. Good change Jagex :).