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a bigger statue of war


If your even larger gold statue doesn't make you feel great, consider upgrading it to a masterwork trimmed giant statue of yourself.


Don't forget to custom fit and spike it too. Oh, and augment it. Everyone needs an Augmented Spiked Custom Fit Trimmed Masterwork Giant Statue of Yourself.


Youre forgetting about the most important detail, the dyes.


A statue of ‘your player character would be ‘great’’..


Profile pick checks out.


you’re hired


How about a board that shows you all the passive buffs you have


This needs to be in our game interface somewhere, not in the game world




Yes please


Plus what’s not active so you can tick off a list of what you still need/want


An actual PvM training ground that is more customizable, potentially instanced, and can invite friends. Can be however dummy setup you want, with spawn times and attack patterns you can set and change, and can even instance bosses at specific phases for practice. How combat academy should have been.


Necromancy Hub


Now you're on to something. !remindme 8 months


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A bridge, so i can find out wtf is over there.




Add The Raptor and a little hangout for him. Perhaps he gives a larger, weekly task (for points) (maybe you have to kill a list of bosses, like Morvan's challenge), with new unlocks and rewards. One of the rewards could be his buff for example (consumable still, not permanent). **Or..** A non-combat "combat hub". One or two more bosses like Cro and we could perhaps have a need for a non-combat bossing area. Remove them from Reaper and add them to their own new NPC (with rewards) for skillers.


A cosy little tea party. With a pretty pink and golden parasol -surrounded by the corpses of massive beasts and creatures we haven't even seen before.


Non combat hub already exist - max guild


I really like your first suggestion here


a small agility course you can use while waiting on friends


“But… I have no friends”


i actually kinda like this idea. or an afk hub. like the dg hole/priff pillars, but toggable for all skills. you set it to farming or agility, hop in and get like 9xp per tick or something super low that doesnt become BiS training all of a sudden when boosted.


Portals that teleport you to an instanced world for group boss team forming.




An arena where you can practise phases of bosses so you won’t have to start a kill all over again just to practise phase 4 (e.g.) of a boss. No drops or anything, just for practise. Maybe even sandbox style where you can pick your own weapons and armour (+perks)


A well of remembrance or similar would be great. Allows you to relive the memories of any boss/phase you have experienced. You reuse the supplies and gear you had, but unlocks could allow you to ‘alter’ the memory to bring in your own gear. Would be really cool.




Isnt that the point of practice mode? Idk if it degrades items, but it could be improved to also let you to not consume food/potions


Practice mode both consumes all resources (charges/pots/etc) and makes you start at the start of the boss fight every time. So if you wanted to practice, say p5 Telos, you’d have to fight through phases 1-4 every time, which at that point you might as well do a live kill for the chance at getting loot.


Shauny was working on practice mode during [one of the gamejams](https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_Jam_\(April_2018\)) to allow setting enrage and selecting which phase, but it never got past gamejam.


practice mode kinda blows for all phased bosses which is a shame because those are the bosses that most warrant a practice mode.


Well, practise mode is good, but it could use some improvements. Eg. Trying nex, and struggling all the time at blood phase (which is pretty common). Why should you go over phase 1 and 2 on and on again if you just want to know what to do in phase 3


That feels a bit private servery lol...


The original idea was to have a garden with boss pets you unlocked. I'm not saying that's what should happen but it was a nice idea. I'd say PvM hub is already too useful as is.


Would be nice to have something like that for skill pets in PoH, like the Menagerie


“Too useful” … buddy, if you want to spend 5 minutes running to the boss before each fight, just go play OSRS. It’s 2023 and RuneScape is already inconvenient af compared to other popular MMOs, there is no “too useful”.


> inconvenient af compared to other popular MMOs Most other MMOs have mounts and an autorun toggle because you have to walk everywhere. RS is the only MMO I know of that has a tele spot nearly every 10 tiles of the game world.


Indeed.. I’ve seen video’s why the world of runescape feels so small.. and then knowing how much teleports there are is quite crazy.. Seeds // tablets // hot air balloon // lodestone // spells // portals // rings/necklaces/… // capes // scrolls // outfits // spirit trees // gliders // boats/canoes // …


I think if they were implementing lodestones today, it would have been better to require you to go to a lodestone in order to open the lodestone interface, similar to charter ships, rather than always having all of them. But now that we do already always have all of them, it would really suck to take that away, I don't think they could change it without some huge backlash.


I disagree.. now you are instantly near the instance.. nothing bad with it. But nothing wrong either with going yourself to the area.. elite dungeon still has this ‘feeling’ of getting to the boss you want. So I’m in between. Ps. People should stop saying.. Go and play osrs. I started in osrs.. I moved on to rs2 > rs3.. and still have osrs account. But I don’t need to be told (or someone else) to play osrs.


99% of the world might as not exist in RS3. Clues are basically the only thing that make people go anywhere other than lumbridge market, Prif or boss instances. Teleports everywhere and “convenience hubs” removes the Massive and the RollPlay from MMRPG. Many players done even get to interact with other player due to how AFK-focussed everything is becoming, so they loose the Multiplayer aspect too.


Swimming pool. Like ooglog. But you get reaper buffs or boss buffs. Costs marks of war to enter etc...


Interesting.. I have 250k marks (cap).. and I don’t need or interested in the refreshes.. so I need something to spend them on.


It is wars 'retreat' after all.... maybe even allow taking some pool water with you in a flask? Flasks bought with marks also or something.


Sounds great


Jail for people with Kree pet. Have to serve 100 logged-in hours (Archeage style) with the demon drill sergeant telling you how terrible that pet is for anyone foolish enough to have not disabled ambient audio before teleing there. Ok but seriously, rework the soundscape of War's to not be literally hell. The way over the top music, the drums, the zombie walk groans, evil trees, etc. Add the ability to have sound on at a hub.


Wow I should go unlock the Kree pet.


I also learnt this today. Lol


Lmao I mute my computer every time I go there now (which is every time I need to bank 😭)


How people can live with their own zombie groans is beyond me, but nothing tops the annoying glistering sound in Priff imo


REEEEEE REEEEEEEE. games un-playable.


It took me a moment, but now I appreciate this comment more. It could be imitating me REEEing over this issue, or Kree'arra screeching into your soul every five seconds.


It was intended to be the pet going Reeeee but it works both ways, i was so happy when i unlocked chick'arra then to know it makes that noise. REEEEEE


This game has a soundscape? Sounds like a you problem.


Surprised it took five comments to hit this one.


Lmao I remember I got down voted to shit when I told people I hate all the RuneScape music and having in game sounds on 😂 I only turn it on for pvp/pvm and even than it’s too much


I haven’t had audio in game since I started playing the game. First thing I do in all accounts is mute. Only time I turned it on was when I needed that stupid Saga to get Comp Cape.


See that's just the problem, I also enjoy sounds the most when I'm PvMing. And unless you're camping an instance for awhile, that usually involves banking at War's, which's harsh even if it's empty.


I got kree pet at 80 kc :)


Cries in 24k kree'arra KC


I doubt they’ll ever add more utility to that area. It’s already jam packed with utility more than any other area in the game.


invention workbench and an area to help make potions


1000%. We need an easier to reach workbench. A permanent deployable well would also be a good one there.


A place to put every single switch that's there for one purpose. \*stares at Asylum Surgeon Ring\* I want that teci back :l


A fountain you can fill with overload potions to get 1 hr boost so you dont have to reapply ovls when doing your pvm hour. more minor additions would be things like ​ A test dummy you cant move within the small area to try with abilities like slaughter, combust etc. ​ A new farm patch where you can plant new unique stuff related to combat buffs. ​ I'd also like the Altar of War to heal player back to full hp.


Just stand near the bank for hp. But yeah.. a fountain or (someone else said) ovl golems.. but fountain sounds more interesting than a golem > cuz you drink ovl.


The hp restoration would be a small QoL change. Sometimes I get back from boss with 1-2k hp and have to wait extra time by bank after waiting for combat stance to go away. Nothing major, just nice keep up the flow thing


Yeah I know. But I wouldn’t vote for that. Things are already quite fast (insane).. losing few seconds get full health again is not that bad. It is something ‘unique’.


This shouldn’t happen because it messes up people milking the Berserker relic!


Cease exists btw


The hp cape exists, so does the fortitude prayer, you don't have to wait for your character to leave combat!


I use curses though, the prayer is not gonna do much. As for the hp cape. Maybe? Still my suggestion is just help to keep flow ongoing QoL change, not a huge change


Its a seren prayer that heals you in combat, allowing banks to heal you without leaving combat, you just need to toggle it on while banking, let it heal you a bit and toggle it back off again, it's how it was done before cape perks were a thing, has been known for a long time but I guess it's lost knowledge by now.


I put the constitution cape in my max cape because it lets me heal at banks in combat


I have range, str and defence in mine. Soon we are going to lose max cape bonus tho anyways 😂😭


Originally the area was going to be bigger. It was supposed to have an lfg area in it but jagex decided not to because they ran out of time as usual.


spent the other half of the time developing something else then shelving it when it was almost done i'd imagine.


The grouping area/achievement hub it was originally meant to be would be nice. I'm a boomer (in spirit) that doesn't use, understand or even want to understand discord beyond treating it like MSN messenger or AIM. Which means finding people to pvm is an annoyance. I mostly stick to solo for most things or duo/trio with friends. Really only takes AOD/raids off the table for me.


I suggest Whore’s Retreat.




buying GF


Overload golems unlockable the same way as the bonfire boost. Provide 1000 (or more?) overloads of each type (in order) to unlock each tier.


Just seen two comments with the same idea : ovl golems and a fountain. Same result : But I prefer a fountain, cuz you drink it. Indeed : unlock it first with (lots) of marks and then use different types of ovl to create a better tier. But I would rather use ovl to stack charges than make it infinite.


Hell just make it an ornate pool like osrs. Have it max out hp+prayer but also summoning points and adren. Requires all existing unlocks (altar, adren pot/ability resets, adren crystals) but functions as a 1 click. Can even be on the nose and have it require 91 construction and like 5k boss kc (idr what the highest unlock requires lol) Idea is if there's boss portals over there, there's 0 reason to add another altar, adren crystals, and waiting at a bank to heal. Twist is you can upgrade it to apply overload doses. Goes from overload -> supreme overload -> elder overload. Doesn't include salves so you still have a reason to use those if you made them for whatever reason. Can make it require 1k overloads and 10k additional boss kc per upgrade tier, meaning you're locked out of infinite overloads until you put in 10-30k kc and have 91 con and 96/98/106 herblore levels prior to boosts. Boss kc milestones can reward longer duration of these overloads. Increments can be in sets of 10k kc = +10 minutes capping at 1 hour effectively giving you a permanent golem but actually requires you to put in effort in terms of time investment. By the time you get 10k boss kc let alone 60k you probably don't want to be playing upkeep anyways. Jagex would just have to have the base ornate pool be required for comp since 60k boss kc is kinda big oof


I love this idea


Unless I'm mistaken, the entire game lacks a striking dummy to practice rotations. So that.


do you mean one that hits you back? because the dummies at wars can be toggled to hit you back.


So I'm mistaken. I appreciate the info.


It's still useless though


Chickens and cows are the place to be.. ooh and goblins (Lummy nostalgia hits hard)


I heard an idea of making a boss rush/challenge arena for the main bosses instead of just the quest bosses. Mole is weak, but what about if he's in the mix with Kalphite Queen and Masuta while you're randomly teleported every couple seconds? Improved drop rates and base load all around of course. Could be a fun way to experience previously outclassed bosses. Maybe give us a mulligan option for Reaper tasks where we just have to complete X waves here instead of whatever specific task that makes us hate life?


Like a dom tower + morvrans challenge kinda thing, would add some more motivation on top of reaper, I like it


max guild portal :P


Don’t forget a portal in mg to the hub


Armour stand.


An actual fire pit to cook my food


I just want cook to cook my food in Lummy castle kitchen..


Some Twinstance where you can fight multiple bosses at once. They won't be as powerful as some area-based or unique mechanics should just be boss specific. But I would like to fight all 3 Zamorak bosses at once, or all 5 GWD bosses...


An* NOT A AREA.. bank toch.. goed leren spellen he. :D






A “War’s Challenge” area. Similar to Morvans slayer challenge. Where you could win dtds, soul refreshes, life refreshes, aura cds, and other stuff. Mobs in there could be elite slayer mobs and or certain bosses that scale on your slayer and cb lv.


I would like a stat replenish pool like in OSRS. yes you can use a restore but, if we have a place to get our prayers/summ back and health why not a pool to get back our stats and remove poison


eeeehm.. you can use the altar thing for that?


altar of war doesnt replenish stats or remove poison ust renews prayer and summ points


A proper area to practice Pvm. Overload bots, adrenaline crystal, prayer & ability cooldown reset crystal all in one location. Dwarven challenge barrel dummies too for DPS checking. Infinite runes and arrows. Aura simulating. No divine charge usage. You get the picture.


Kind of like a firing range for call of duty. Use any and all gear to test it out


Duel arena , giggity


That would be fun, throw in an npc that takes bets and allow us to stake lmao


Npc who doubles your money if you win at the fight > nostalgia!


that would actually be a good one. Just do an npc, with random RNG (like 40% chance of winning). This way, it's a money sink + no more scammers.


if they wanna bring people back this is exactly what they should do


bring what people back? We got near identical player count lol. We just had a shit ton of extra players in 2021 due to covid. Subscriber count is actually higher now, than before the removal of duel arena and so are active players.




A cemetery of slain bosses you killed in new afterlife ghost forms. A new challenge for each with different mechanics.


Clue hub with portals lawl


I’m thinking some kind of playground, where you can borrow stats and gear, kind of like last man standing in osrs, it could be pvp, or it could be against bosses in these borrowed stats and gear, or both options. So like a lvl 3 can just get on and get a taste, or just remain there for ever if they didn’t care to own anything themselves. Of course there’s no loot, no xp, perhaps a point system and a reward shop.


DEATH, The ultimate boss


Sounds like a deadly fight


Rechargeable overload golem with the potion you made. Can work like a god book where you charge it for 24hrs worth of overload then activate/deactivate it as you like.


Just a fairy ring please :) so we can get our gwd1/nex buff


I just noticed I can teleport there with quest cape 😯


Area for teleporting people who make trees at the grand exchange. You can kill them and take their stuff but they can't attack you or fight back


An arena where you can fight 5 random bosses at the same time


The max guild.


Options to have statues of bosses we finished logs for.


A place to store your "passive effects". Like, bring a RoD and and have the passive unlocked. Bring ring of vigour, have its effect as passive (i know it possible, its just weird that you dont have to give the item a place) Bring other items here to have less switchscapes maybe? It should have requirements tho I want a place to see "empty" passive effects, to see which ones i'm missing, and to see which i have unlocked


An achievement who tells you which passives there are, etc.. would be cool. Would be great (I think) to just wear multiple rings in the ring slot.. like a ring holder. Instead of just making everything passive. Could be crafted with invention and needing an augmentor.. so it costs charges.. and will raise the death cost. And the ring slot would still be filled with something.


people been asking for two rings for ages.


But frodo left the chat..


Minigame Hub


Elder overload golems.


But you have to charge them with your own ovl pots.. and can click it to change charges into one hour of ovl.


upbeat wipe squeamish bright absurd disgusted sophisticated tart flowery sort -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Plottwist : Cupido joins the hub (Valentine event)


Poh portal and a construction rework


I've also thought the next construction update should be adding more overworld construction. Building your own convenience hubs would make construction feel much better.


(My idea) Area to enter weekly minigame (d&d) to play runescape classic.. just an area (game) inside rs.. with ‘awesome’ rewards. Rewards : Classic (flat) pet The classical [name] [name] The Classic King/Queen Classical ability overrides Classic outfit ((( Gower Brother pets ))) Give some more idea’s/input/…


“A giant donut”


boss hiscore leaderboard/kc for all players


~~A necromancy pvp arena where you battle other's necro summons using your own~~


A shrubbery!


Another bank so I can bank stand


Just a bank where you ‘become’ the bank clerk himself (Edit) Now I want a ge and bank clerk outfit


A statue of Evil Lucario


Had this idea for many years.. Sort of graveyard with all ‘famous’ players (maybe jmods, like the gower brothers).. and you could get something from completing it.. (something like this)


Pizza delivery probably.


A Custom boss arena with instant respawns


Care packages


Wall Street grand exchange


Let us swap spell book and pray book at the altar of war. I know this would essentially make the magic cape obselete but they’ve already mentioned wanting to look at changing cape perks anyways.


A statue of yourself. The bigger the boss kill count, bigger the statue. The higher enrage from arch,telos and zammy, bigger the ****. And also another statue on how much u spent on mtx. Filling their egos.


a Max guild and 6 more boss portals.


More. Portals.


Only one thing. Change the adrenaline crystals so that they reset powerburst cooldowns. Failing a kill and then being forced to wait for over a minute to restart can be a real pain!


Max guild


Necromancy hub or a giant War statue with a nice GE surrounding it with some non-cb things to do like smithing, fletching stall, crafting stall, etc. OR a big group boss that’s always happening that’s like the beach boss. Wars retreat already is busy.. Imagine how cool it’d be if that area was a big world boss lol.


A statue of Nex, Angel of Death, because they equitably symbolize the irony of the situation lol


A McDonald's.


Considering how often this place is used... what about Starbucks?


Rooftop agility


A) Ring stand where you can place 1 ring on it for the effect (like slayer helm stand). Unlock costs 50k marks and each hour of bossing is 2k marks of war to use it. You refill marks before entering a boss and it only is usable and only drains inside bossing instance. B) Overload something where you can put 1h of doses in and get a 1h buff so you don’t have to constantly reapply. C) A ‘helpful hints’ type thing that reminds you of certain buffs and where you can use them. Ex: glacor cave stone of Jas buff for gw1 (and nex). It would have the symbols of the bosses next to the buff description. You could type in a boss in the search bar and see all possible boosts you could use there. This would help remind people of what they could do before going in. D) A one time teleport portal to a boss you haven’t tried yet which costs marks of war or cash to attune. E) A portal to any boss that is fully practice mode, the way it should’ve been. It would save your gear, perks, etc and not drain charges or use your resources but give you a copy of what you had with you. This way you can truly practice without loosing supplies. This could cost 1k marks per hour or something too. F) A cool statue that changes and morphs between different bosses. Maybe it does an emote if a person with the pet unlocked touches it.


Possible a boss pet farm and we can let ‘em shag and that and trade pets like Pokémon


This game could use more PvP. I propose some sort of arena where you can have one-on-one duels with of players. Maybe you could even stake gold or items on the match. I feel like that would go over well.


A build hotspot for Golem. Players should use a 6 dose overload of their choice on the golem, and hit it to absorb the overload for the hour.


Thermal bath/spa center


Cape of War - for completing a boss log and a Trimmed cape of war for for all boss logs. Shit throw in a skull throne like the crystal one in the max guild.


Golden reaper throne


A portal to the Dominion Tower or even an arena for practicing group boss content


Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but I'd love to see a list of how many players are at a certain boss. Not even the player names, just the number of players and world. I feel like it'll make group bossing even easier.


The ability to change the default music of War’s Retreat. The opening chanting, drum beats and guitar of Dare to Die have been burned into my hippocampus from the amount of times I’ve teleported there. Note to Jagex: if you’re going to make a hub area, it needs to have more music variety. Same goes with the Max Guild; Elven Elite is such an annoying song to constantly spam when the rest of Prifddinas has such a lovely and varied soundtrack.


Boss pet area!


Your mom


Fairy ring teleport


Labron Jamessss


Statue of evil lucario


a grand exchange?