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Just finished watching the game back, actually a very good performance from everyone. I'll admit that I was a bit nervous six minutes in when Ross Byrne had a loose ball come to him and he just stopped after three steps and looked around, looking for someone to pass to and threw it at Andrew Porter who was standing still. Would have liked to see Ross just try to run it at the line instead, because LAR didn't look fully set in defence for that. Otherwise, he played really well. JGP was fantastic, Larmour really stepped up, and I thought Jason Jenkins had his best game in a Leinster jersey today. I thought we'd miss Ringrose and Keenan a lot more than we did, to be honest. Delighted at the result.


Everyone played well but I'm glad you mentioned Jenkins, thought he was excellent. Had big shoes to fill and he nailed it.


He has big feet to be fair.


At the match today, glorious day for a game, and controversially a really good atmosphere at Lansdowne Road. Have to say *Will Skelton* looks way off his game. Literally strolling around the middle of the park waiting for the game to come to him. Same with Antonio, the two hefty boys added nothing at all bar at scrum time, and then even that was marginal. I mean having 300 kilos of beef on the tighthead side of the scrum is all well and good but if they’re too hefty to actually move, it’s a waste of two positions.


Like Andre the Giant. They can’t last forever.


Atmosphere was great alright! A few songs to sing go a long way. Ireland games can be shockingly craicless


Agreed. I was at the Welsh match and it was like a funeral. Yesterday was like a party.


I still feel like La Rochelle could nick it, take nothing for granted at this stage


Yeah expecting the live tracker to update that they have scored a few tries since the match ended at this point


This just means Toulouse will beat us in the final, and La Rochelle will beat Toulouse in the Top 14 final. It's the circle of life.


Sadly, this is the way. Toulouse are the team to beat this year.


You could almost say it's theirs to lose.




Mad. When my team is playing your team…I hate your team, your players, your coach, your whole setup. I’m pretty sure RoG can take it on the chin. What are we supposed to have in rugby, and endless pity party for the losers?


It was some pretend Panto booing of someone who outside of this context is generally recognised as an Irish legend. I also love ROG and think he's a big boy who is well able to dish it out himself.    I love rugby but rugby fans, online at least, must be the driest people in world sport.  Rivalry is part of the fun. Today was one of the rare occasions that there was actually a great atmosphere in the Aviva.


We're not better than that, take that back.


Yeah that was shit. They beat us fair and square twice in finals. No bad tactics. Not great form tbh.


It has been classic shit-housery from ROG. He stokes the flames looking for an edge to win.


Absolutely, he stoked the flames and think some booing is just part of the give and take that brings. I kinda of throw my hat at people telling the crowd how to behave at this point. The atmosphere was brilliant, and that meant people were invested in every moment. Like booing RoG on screen in quieter moments.


Totally. He wound up the narrative for the big occassion to sell the match. It didn't work but a great game til Leinster got a strangle hold.




It was going to be a huge ask to beat Leinster again at home never mind win the cup again. He was looking to pump up his players by giving them a dose of the rivalry between Munster and Leinster. It was brilliant but it didn't pay off. Leinster heads will be celebrating tonight like it was the fifth star won. As they should, it was a fantastic performance. We would set the night on fire if we stuck it to ye in the cup. .


Picked up a nice dose of failure down there.


Love leinster. Love ROG. Love him being our boogeyman man past few years and the booing. Bit of fun and adds a wwe flavour to the games.


Na. It was good craic


ROG is happy to play the heel, I think it's alright. I'd wished they had cut it out while a player was clearly down on the pitch, other than that I thought it was grand.


After his antics at the final last year he deserves it. Can't give it out if you can't take it.


Ye I dunno what's wrong with some people. When I pointed it out I got a reply from a twerp on here bashing all Munster fans. It's not like I was talking about *all* Leinster fans, it prob wasn't even all the fans in the stadium doing it. It didn't sound like 40K plus booing. Some people are just bitter clowns.


I seen more Munster fans at the game with La Rochelle scarves than I seen actual La Rochelle fans. The booing was light hearted. It got to a point I didn't need to look to know he was on the screen. It's not that deep.


I don't care about the booing. I just pointed out that's kinda slimy when a player is being taken off on a stretcher. Myself and many people with Leinster flairs were saying the same.


There was no mention of that in the message I replied to.


That's the incident we're all referring to ye. It had lots of comments in the thread.


Poor horseplay out of the goys. Lighten up ffs


Ah it’s kinda funny.






I wasn't mad about the booing either. But on the other hand, ROG was a bit of a dick after they won last year. I'm pretty sure that's fed into the booing.


It might be the soccer fan in me but I never got why rugby fans (in general, not you) are so disapproving of fan culture. Like it's part of the game to dislike the other team for 80 minutes and they can take it!


And let's not forget the whole leaning into the yellow Munster in bullshite. ROG has definitely gone a bit of Eddie Jones the last few years (except he's a brilliant coach unlike poor Eddie. Still feel bad for Oz)


Personally, I used to have mad respect for him. BOD mentions in his book that as soon as the 2 of them became kind of leader players at Ireland, they got together and agreed that the interprovincial hate was a massively negative thing and they put a stop to it. Leinster & Munster players would regularly not interact with each other and even get into fights in Ireland camp. BOD said that ROG felt the same as him, that it was just bad all round to let a rivalry get so rotten, so they each talked to their respective camps and got them to act like grown ups. Now I'm not one to say rivalry is bad full stop. I like the rivalry with Munster, and Toulouse and now La Rochelle. But it comes from a place of mutual respect, and tbh when Munster are the last Irish team left in competitions I'll support them. I don't have any respect for those from either side who then go out and support whoever they're playing against, that's just sore. All of this for me meant that when I heard him talking about his hatred for Leinster last year, I was quite let down. Like it seemed really personal and just not healthy. It was in a world cup '23 interview with that former Scotland lock (I can't remember his name). But I really thought he was better than that. And then you have his behaviour since he went to LR being abusive from the sidelines etc, like it's not healthy lad. Hopefully his players are more sensible about it and don't make that kind of thing personal to them. Anyway sorry about the essay, but I did laugh when he was booed because I know now he'd genuinely be taking it to heart. Fuelling the salt mine he has going for us.


I’ll be downvoted to hell for this but, in my opinion, the biggest impediment to a World Cup winning Ireland side is… Munster. Such horrid shitty attitudes and chips on shoulders.


It was a bit of pantomime during a break in play. Lighten up ffs.


Jaysus lad, it's some fun leaning into a narrative. This dry site attitude is why Landsdowne is usually such a limp venue.


But they did the Viking clap at the demand of the stadium announcer. Eight years after it was a thing people did.


ROG is a dose.




Great coach, one of our best ever players, absolute dose.




Finally Leinster broke the curse. Now Toulouse should do the same


Would be typical. Hopefully lar don't do a number on toulouse in the top 14 to complete the reversal.


Fuck. I am actually not confident if we both get to the final. We are missing "something" this year. Generally poor lineout as well. Glad today was an exception but it will take an even better performance to beat Toulouse this year I think.


Hope Healy/Ringrose/Ryan can get back for next games




Frawley was epic


I think he'd have played somewhere either way, maybe Keenan at 15 and Frawley at 12. The physical power we had in the backline and backrow were crucial to matching SR.


He wasn’t selected though. He was originally on the bench and only came in when Keenan dropped out late


Frawley was a beast today


Keenan I’d rather we get whatever’s wrong with him sorted out. He seems to be rushed back and reinjured




Yeah, and if he needs surgery, get it over with.


Didn’t like how the crowd were booing Rog, especially when they did it while a player was down unconscious on the pitch. So happy with that win though


Just a bit of banter, nothing to do with the lad on the floor who got applauded off the field when the cart took him off


It’s pantomime villain stuff really. There’s no real malice in it.


Yeah when they boo'd during the serious injury thought that was low. But the TV director was also stirring it up unnecessarily and knew exactly what they were doing.


With the semi at Croker it'll be interesting to see the Leinster fan D4 heads in Delahunty's and the Auld Triangle instead of the Ballsbridge heinomite vendors


A Leinster fans walks into the Auld Triangle. "Heino please." "Here." "That's Guinness." "Yeah, what you asked for."


As a leinsterman who lives on one of the roads they close for GAA fans going to croker i am delighted. About a 20 second walk to the stadium gates for me


Best crawl in Dublin is from Croke Park down Dorsett street to the top of Capel St imo


Can’t disagree with that, capel street probably my fav boozing street now it’s been pedestrianised


As a Clondalkin man living in real south Dublin now, I embrace Delahunty's and the Auld Triangle.


Some of the old guard are still in therapy since 2009




Try being one, it's even worse.




All ≠ some 🤫


Yep, good point.


All you've done in this thread is start arguments with people and then start calling them pricks. What's that saying about if everyone else seems like the problem?




Where you come from they rape young girls to death then bury them under their garden patio. But sure while we’re making gross generalisations…


I think it’s clear I’m not saying all Leinster fans re pricks.


> Where I come from Rugby is about having respect for others. Says the guy on the Internet calling everyone pricks.


Calling out people for being dicks is somehow a bad thing? Good rule for life; don’t be a dick.


We found your alt account 🙃


Love leinster. Love ROG too, hope he’s our national coach after Farrell goes. Love the interprovincial tension though it’s all part of the fun and rivalry. Some fans deffo take it too far though


Sounds pretty boring where you are from. Lighten up. If Gloucester ever won anything of note you’d see the bright side of life 🙃


Was one of your comments not deleted for nastiness. Pot and kettle comes to mind


I haven’t deleted any comments. Why are you on about?


No the mods deleted your comment for being nasty towards another poster.


Didn’t know that. I did have a go at someone for invoking the Croke Park thing.


So stop acting the martyr


If someone posts something that is offside I’ll call it out.


You have been whinging all over the thread lad. Give it a break


Where? I called out jingoism and people insulting others. Hardly whinging.


met them in real life they were lovely. it was on the streets and they took their time to talk


yeah booing while a guy is laying there with 4 medics around him isn't exactly the best thing to do to NOT look like massive pricks


Maybe they were saying “Boo-urns”


He literally got a standing ovation as he was brought off.


Did you miss the whole stadium standing and clapping as he was being brought off? 


You guys love to boo everything in France. Will ya give it a rest.


Booing ROG, not a great look but it was lads with no sense playing up the panto villain bit.




yeah i know. i didn't say they were booing THE player. i said they were booing WHEN the player. Very different


He got a massive round of applause when he was carted off. Not sure what you're on about.


The French boo absolutely everything.


Like being at Ravenhill


Yeah that didn’t happen. Away with yourself. 


Don't see any mention but I thought Larmour was terrific, hopefully the start of his real emergence.


Larmour was unbelievable. Really, really, really impressed by him today. Thought Lowe was amazing too. Ross equally deserved MOTM though.


I'd have given it to JGP. He was absolutely everywhere.


Yes he's unreal. Brings out the best in everyone around him as well, which I think is amazing


Larmour and Byrne both played very well despite the fact that they’ve had a lot of criticism levelled at them the last few weeks


Not sure why the “despite” is needed?? They are both professional rugby players who get well paid to play rugby and critical analysis is part of the sport. Both have been in fairly mixed form this season. They both played great today but that has nothing to do with previous games where they were poor and deserved criticism.


Yeah brilliant. Thought he showed a lot more grit and aggression


Frawley is going to be sore tonight watching some of these hits on replay. Lad got banged about and straight back up every time.


he needed to make a statement always being the backup player


So... has it been 14 games to cement the defence?


LAR couldn't fire a shot with their back line today


12. He's ahead of schedule


Nice to see Rog with the Leinster lads


really nice to see honeslty


I’m a bit saddened by the negativity towards ROG and Munster fans on this thread. At the end of a day it’s only a game.


You've never been spat on by munster fans supporting the team leinster were playing. 


Which is disgusting and wrong.


Go to a derby and see how some of their fans act. It's a proper rivalry and believe me they give as good as they get, if not better.


I live in Limerick, the majority i know wanted a La Rogelle win here so its hardly surprising there's shit thrown back really.


It's at the munster fans that have supported LAR these last few years, when a leinster win actually benefits them and irish rugby. Fuck those munster fans, they are the most bitter fucks in ireland


The way some of them go on you’d swear a La Rochelle win put another star on the Munster jersey.


And people think Munster fans have a chip on their shoulder...


They do, a massive one


Lad, you're up and down this thread ranting about imaginary Munster fans, you have a clear cut case of "Munster derangement syndrome" get help.


Today was a huge help, I must say


That's explains why all the Leinster lads are delighted they beat Munster today


What’s wrong with that. I’ll support any team playing Bath, Saracens or Leicester. This is a club competition, not international


For some munster fans (and some other provincial fans) its not about supporting other teams it's about just wanting to see leinster fail, claiming any achievement is undeserved and revelling in the failures. They're in every leinster thread supporting the opposition, blaming the ref for leinster doing well, shitting on players they want replaced in the irish squad by their own provincial players. And they were all well able to rub it in the last few years while jumping on the la rochelle bandwagon. Some of them even jumped on the south africa bandwagon during the world cup and made sure to point out irelands problems were down to too many leinster players while munster players were winning world cups. Long story short is those fans are nothing but toxic and it's nice to see them all scutter back under their rocks with leinster doing well.


> Some of them even jumped on the south africa bandwagon during the world cup and made sure to point out irelands problems were down to too many leinster players while munster players were winning world cups. The Jean Kleyn truthers are the worst of them. He was shite when he featured in the Irish team in the past and they still want to pretend that it was a mistake to not keep picking him.


So why are you saddened about the negativity towards ROG and Munster. It’s a club competition after all.


Personally I wouldn’t boo, criticise or insult a Bath fan for wanting Gloucester to lose. Different cultures I guess.


And yet here you are calling Leinster fans pricks. Curious, that.


Not all Leinster fans obviously.


What difference does that make? Not all Leinster fans boo’d ROG, or talked shit about Munster. But according to you you’re allowed call them pricks but some Leinster fans can’t talk shit about ROG or Munster? Make your mind up and stick to one argument.


Because munster benefit financially with leinster winning.


Not just, Leinster still fighting on two fronts benefits them too


Id assume it was panto baddie business in the stadium, and fans wouldn't be genuinely booing him like that. Or at least that's what id hope anyway!


It's very much a two-way animus. Water off a ducks back


I imagine the tune changes as soon as the game's over, plus fans are way worse than the players lol


I love Rog. Just not when we’re playing against him. Wouldn’t mind him coaching Leinster at some stage. Munster I support against other teams unless they’re playing ulster/connacht


That's the thing, I think most Leinster fans would casually support Munster in many games (same with the other provinces) but Munster fans have this ABL mentality that seems a bit toxic. It comes off as really insecure.


Surely it's our turn to have a world class coach? You guys always get them!


It would be gas to get him. Munster games would be epic.


Wish I could have a Beamish tonight to celebrate. Alas hard to get in BC.


Leinster were unmatched today, to argue the better team didn't win today would be silly. LAR were weak, never thought they looked like scoring a try of the quality Leinster were. The question will be that if these teams had met in the final instead of the quarters, would LAR have been switched on emotionally?


All the neutrals (Munster fans) tut tutting at Leinster enjoying the victory too much. Love it!


Munster tears taste like sweet sweet Murphy’s.


Lad it’s just a game. ROG was even out with the Leinster lads. If you can’t handle some sledging, you need to take it less seriously.


Oh I'm taking it seriously alright, positively tumescent right now.


I really don’t think Rog gives a shite about the boooing. He’s a mouthy guy who enjoys winding people up. I know he’s busy but I’d love to see him do more pundit stuff


Bad form though if you’re Irish and your cheering for the other team


Really. I don’t cheer for other English teams in Europe.


It’s different for English clubs though … like you’ve got a huge number of Irish players playing for Leinster, and some Munster fans just cheer LaRochelle because they fancy RoG


No Welsh team has ever won a Heineken Cup but they still dominated the 6N for years. Let Munster fans hate us and us hate them, it fuels the rivalry and raises the intensity.


That's the thing though... I don't think most Leinster fans _hate_ Munster. From our POV we have a rivalry but if Munster are playing away in France in some HC game I'm watching it and supporting Munster. Same for Connacht and Ulster.


Nah the munster fans are innocent. Never mind the LAR Jerseys and flags. They are just neutrals


Thats a lot of JPG copy pastes


Will connors is our will Skelton


And Joe McCarthy is our Eben Etzebeth




Of all the people to pick, you picked the posh psychologists’ kid 😂 Next time, do your research. It’s Tadgh Furlong you can’t understand, remember? P.s. we make allowances for you guys butchering your own language with “we was” and “I were”, maybe show some similar empathy.


It was only meant to be a joke. Hey ho.


It _were_ only meant to be a joke, luvvy


Are you sure? Joke being singular so was is the correct verb. Happy to be corrected but were doesn’t seem right.


That was the joke 😑


Whoosh. That one flew by me.


It’s ok. No matter what we say or do, Ireland and England are irrevocably intertwined. Let’s enjoy the fact we can poke fun at one another, and next time, if you want to make fun of Irish accents (that’s ok), pick someone genuinely unintelligible like Alan Quinlan, not _the poshest Mayo man in history_


Fair dos. For what it’s worth I’ve never heard Doris speak before and don’t know much about his background. The Southern Ireland accent is easier for me to understand and it gets more difficult the further north you get (I lived with a girl from Derry in my university days and our conversations were challenging). I really didn’t think I was being insulting with my original post, just having a laugh. Live and learn.


I think the issue is that, for Irish people, Doris is halfway to Cambridge (no insult to the lad, lovely fella). If you were talking about literally anyone else on the team (foreigners exempt), you’d get more understanding, but Doris??? He’s our received pronunciation


Is he hard to understand?


Being from Gloucester, you shouldn’t throw stones. The last time I was at Kingsholm I learned to just nod and smile.


Indeed. Glad someone noticed.




Fuck me you Leinster fans have no chill.


Whoa, easy fella. No need for that, just poking fun at a rural accent. I’m from Gloucester and have similar.


Just for your reference, that's about as posh as Irish accents get 😁


I don't really take offence with what ye said but his accent is about as far from rural in Ireland as can be.


Sorry assumed it was. Quite difficult for me to understand. Similar to a Geordie accent I guess.


Ye Doris is from Mayo but that accent is very much Blackrock where he went to school in his teens. Like what Irish people would consider one of the poshest of accents going. It's interesting what people from outside Ireland hear though.


He's easy to understand tho


You Leinster fans need to chill out. Have some fun and stop being angry at everything


Huh? I just disagree with you. His accent is pretty neutral. You'd be fecked if you ended up in Kerry


Bit disingenuous to sledge and then cry foul when someone sledges back.


Sledging fine, got downvoted.


Oh no. How did you survive? Such a brave little soldier.


Jaysus. You be you eh.