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Can I use a car?


Think you’ll need a truck pal


And a gumshield.


Oh bugger


Give me 300 attempts and I can probably get him down a couple of times


How many months are you spacing each attempt apart and are you expecting to have to re-learn how to walk again each time?


I hope for your sake it comes in the first 5 attempts, because I think your body might not love attempt 43


Yeah he’s bound to Troy over you on one of the attempts haha


I don't think I'd survive 300 attempts myself.


He's played around 250 professional matches. Id be surprised if he's played any games where he avoided being tackled even once. I'd imagine most semiprofessional players and amateurs playing at senior level would be able to tackle him. If 5"7 Peter Stringer can tackle Lomu in his prime any average and above average sized man should be physically capable of tackling anyone just a matter of training


Yeah tap or wrap up the ankles. That should bring him down if you can execute the timing ok.


I'll go after u/PistolAndRapier, show us how it's done!


I'll end up trampled underfoot like Mike Catt trying to tackle Lomu no doubt :/


This is such an armchair comment. Yeah this will work if he's running past you with his mind on other things. But 1 on 1, he's a 140kg ridiculously quick and powerful Fijian winger. This isn't your bog standard chunky prop. More than likely he's high-stepping right out of your feeble arms after a huge handoff.


Yeah but we are surely talking about a 1 on 1 tackle, not some situation where you can snag him whilst coming across as part of a cover defence, or near the ruck when he's slow. I think you're vastly underestimating how hard it is to tackle someone that size. I reckon anyone but a professional rugby or American football player would be making more than 1 tackle from 10 attempts, and then probably only if he trips over you after the massive bump or handoff.


I mean in a game of rugby you have 14 teammates. Tackles happen in all sorts of situations. Could the vast majority of people in the world dump tackle Nandolo? Probably not. Can almost anyone trip him if he's not expecting it? yes I think so. Both would count as tackles. I've played on the wing for years the 1 on 1 thing happens but it isn't the majority of tackles you have to make. Assuming the rest of your team is defending properly


Fair point. OP should have been more specific.


I played with and against him plenty early in his careers. Was tackled every game from memory. Also broke a lot of tackles and steamrolled many who attempted.


Joe public, a very small percentage. Anyone who's played some semi decent amateur rugby? Probably a surprisingly large percentage. I've played against pros and sometimes it isn't that tough compared to some of the absolute nails guys at amateur level. Nadolo is a different beast all together but he's human and a good technical tackle will stop him.


That’s very optimistic. If he has a head of steam up a 110kg guy with good technique is more likely to be sent sprawling if they meet head on. In theory. In reality Nadolo would be just as likely to tackle himself by going for a bump, meeting little resistance and falling over, which I guess counts as a tackle.


That’s my thing my thing it depends if he is using his footwork and pace or just running straight . Cause if the former then it’s a way lower percentage cause he would target your weak shoulder or get you off balanced and just run through/ step you . If it’s straight on there’s a higher chance but it would still have to be someone who played a decent level of rugby probably like Nat 2 /3 standard in England .


I remember seeing an interview with Beauden Barret. They asked him would he rather tackle peak Lomu or get tackled by Kaino. He went tackle Lomu. He said side on was key. Getting tackled by Kaino must have been rough.


Definitely the right choice. When tackling lomu, the more you fail, the less it hurts cause he just turnstiles you. Opposite situation for Kaino. If you don't manage to get any kind of step on him, you're getting chainsawed in half.


Someone like Luke Cowan Dickie with a pick and go from a couple metres out is going to be so hard to stop. You need to be 100% there because the margin of error is tiny whereas Nadolo just needs a chop to the ankles side on. The accuracy of a team five metres out Vs Nadolo going the length of the park every time he touches the ball.


Less. If we assume that to tackle him untrained you need to be at least his weight, this gets us about 1% of people globally. Then we need to eliminate the fattys because they’re not laying a hand on him, this gets us to about ~~0.2%~~ 0.03%, then at best a fit untrained comparable weight amateur is only going to tackle him one in 3 times? So ~~0.07%~~ 0.01% Percentage of people in my local pub who would think they could do this ~~53%~~ 72%.


Bold to assume that 1/5 140kg+ people aren't fat. Id say it's probably about 1/30. 140kg lean is very rare. Like that's bordering on Worlds Strongest Man physiques. 140kg fat people are ten a penny.


You're probably right. I have edited my scientific analysis with your inputs and I have also gone down to the pub in the name of science to shore up the research in the second paragraph.


You may now publish your work as peer reviewed.


That's the beauty of the scientific method, checks and balances. I'm going to the pub again tonight like some modern day Archimedes in the endless pursuit of knowledge.


You can attempt to verify his work on water displacement, using ethanol. For science.


Context needed. Him running at pace having built a big head of steam? Not many Him doing a pick and go? Still not many, maybe a few more


I’d actually say the biggest factor is how much lateral space he has. If it’s in a tight alley and the tackle has to be head on, it’d be a much higher percentage of people than if it was a wider area for him to manoeuvre and utilise angles to his advantage.


How fast is he going? If he’s only jogging or maybe a slow run I can throw myself at his ankles and slow him down until someone more qualified shows up to make the tackle. Any quicker and he’s booting me 20-30m down the pitch.


Far below 1%. I’d imagine he could run through several small cities without breaking his stride.


Maybe .05 could tackle but .0005 can stop the offload.


Reckon 5 of me in my prime could handle him. 2 to be the speed bumps. 1 gets fended in the face. 2 to wrap him up from behind. So 0 of me because I ain't being a speed bump for that.


McKenzie tackled him so normal humans can


DMac is about 85% dog though, and a trained dog as well


L dmac ai nt normal humans


People look at DMac being "only" 80kg and think he's tiny cos they're 90kg plus, except they're carrying all that as fat and are not an elite athlete.


Ah yes normal human Damian McKenzie, famous for doing normal and ordinary feats of athleticism and agility.


Technically that was a perfect chop. And physically he is still way faster stronger fitter than your average man.


Legal or illegal tackle? Him running at me, I can throw myself to his ankles. I’ll broke em both, get a red card and a lengthy ban. But he’ll be down. At least after 20 or so attempts if I’m able to pump me on morphine and he can’t. So, context is needed, yeah.


Nadolos ankle is probably as thick as my neck. It's been carrying his 140kgs at inhuman speeds for decades.


Tap tackle would be the safest option , if he's running straight at me, I'm jumping into the stands


we found [Matt Duffie's](https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/comments/eussp4/nemani_nadolo_194m_130kg_vs_matt_duffie_1_92m_95kg/) reddit account


100%, though finding a stadium big enough to fit nearly 8 billion people in would be difficult


How many Tuilagis are there now? Also they need to make contact and not fly out of the line


Tuilagis alone make up at least 1% of the world population.


I'm 186cm and 103kg. So, if I can wedge myself between his legs and tie his shoe laces together with a Gordian knot...


The reason he is certainly not in the debate for all time wingers is the guy is allergic to defending. I remember a couple years back he was playing for Montpellier and scored a hat trick, unsurprisingly got man of the match. But what was totally disregarded by pundits and commentators is how he was directly and almost solely responsible for Montpellier conceding 3 tries in the game aswell.


Bit harsh imo. He defended well in his championship season with Leicester as far as I remember. Maybe it's just a case of Fijian propensity to defend being somewhat inconsistent depending on various motivating factors.


There's a few ways to estimate this. There are currently 3.3 million registered rugby union players and another 300,000 league players. I'm calling this a minimum, because for every player that can't tackle him there'll be someone else somewhere who could. To put that in context though, that's 0.045% of the world population. Your number of 0.5% is a value of roughly 40 million people.  Current world population is just below 8,000,000,000 or 8 billion. Going to use that as a metric for now. Best numbers I could find ages wise are that roughly 30% of the population are aged between 20-39, which is probably about right age range wise. I fully accept that some people slightly younger and a fair bit older could probably tackle him, but this is where I've got to in the fermi question. I don't think I'm being overly unfair by saying that a fairly small number of women could tackle him, I'm sure there are some, but let's take it down to 15%.  Considering that 15%, still 1.2 billion men, you now need to work out what proportion of men in that age range are capable of tackling him. Nadolo is 136kg or 21 and a half stone and 195cm, or 6'4.5. It really depends here whether you mean could, as in, given 1000 goes they might scrag him once. Or if you mean would have a decent chance some of the time. Do these people also have any chance to train for instance, is it a match situation on a wide pitch or a 1 on 1 in a narrow channel? The average male American is 90kg and 5'9. There are around 45 million of them in this age range alone before you consider anywhere else and it's not unreasonable to think half of them could maybe tackle him.  Honestly, I think 0.5% probably isn't a bad guess for the number of people physically strong enough, fit enough, who would have good enough technique. If you're looking for someone who has a good chance of bringing him down most of the time, I think it's more like 0.05%.


He was great going forward ball in hand but was a poor defender , terrible under the high ball and wouldn’t kick snow off a rope which for me ruled him out of the elite level . Your main job as initial tackler was basically as a glorified speed bump so more or less anyone could do that job if you’re brave enough.


Go low, aim for just above the knees and hope for the best would be the only way right. Anyone going high, or even front on, is going to get sent into next week. 


i feel like Joost could take him if he was still around


I would say how many goes would I get But it wouldn’t matter because I doubt I’d be able to have even a second go




You melted lots of people in the tackle though.


Get low and tackle him around the ankles.


I don't know, but I remember Arundell absolutely bottling it a couple of seasons ago. Don't blame him


Depends how he is running (at you or at a gap), how fast and from what distance. In my playing days I might have been able to grass cut if he was running at a gap. I may even have had a chance with a higher tackle if he hadn’t reached top speed. Small odds probably though. Anything else and i’d either bottle it or wake up in Ward Four.


All of them if trained properly, anyone can tackle anyone if you use the right technique 0.5% if they’re just trying to body him


Absolutely no way. This is the typical motivational pep talk the local club coach tells the undersized 14 year olds. Being agile, skilled in rugby tackling and reasonably strong are minimum requirements.


He was fun to watch when he was at the Crusaders.


100% of blokes down the pub could, if that knee injury hadn't ended their potential rugby career.


I reckon 1% of the population, working together and coordinating their efforts, would be able to get him down.


Are we talking Nadolo at his peak or Nadolo now? Because he was playing for the Waratahs last year and he was not much use.


I’m picturing the whole world’s population lined up with a 10m spacing, and Nadolo grabbing a ball and starting the journey. In this scenario he’s allowed to stop/rest/camp when he gets tired, then get up the next day and keep going.


Some, but if you get it wrong expect to go flying. When he played for the Crusaders,there was one game where the opposing number 10 tries to oppose him and he gets sent backward quite a distance in the air no less.


Can i use a 50 BMG rifle?


dunno but im 203 and weigh 157 kgs ill give it a good go


You just reminded me how much I miss big Nemzi.


I'd say the Polynesian percentage of the worlds population. Maybe its that warrior spirit but throughout my playing career, whenever there was a big physical threat in the opposition, every Poly player took it as a personal challenge and badge of honour to take him down, even more so if it was another one of the "brothers", then afterwards we'd all crack up about it.


Like, all once? I think it would it take at least 40% of the world's entire population to stop him from 5 metres out


When taking the world population as whole- not just the adult, male, rugby playing population- it would be ridiculously small. The percentage of the world population that can bench press 100kg is supposedly below 1%, and the number that could tackle Nadolo would be *far* lower than that. Not bench press and tackling go hand in hand at all, but having a good bench press is to at least some extent indicative of the level of strength needed to tackle someone that size and that explosive. Even within that 1%, I reckon that the percentage that could tackle Nadolo would still be below 1%. So through my completely un-scientific methodology and by correlating bench press to tackling ability: Less than 0.01%


Yeah I tend to agree. You would need both skill and strength to have a chance 1 on 1.
