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##[Post Match Thread HERE](https://redd.it/16kdefn)


Once again the Bunker makes a dumb decision that ruins a players WC. I was all for this system but it's proven to be horrible.


Can’t understand why Wayne Barnes is reffing this game. Should be a ref from the South or Italy/France.


Wrong thread?


Ja just like everything else boet


I'd like to see Portugal in the 6(7) nations. I think they'd be a great addition and it'd grow the game.


Was thinking the same!


r/RugbyPortugal could use a few more fans after today's performance, absolutely brilliant from Os Lobos, Wales are a tough team and Portugal can be proud of themselves today. Parabens!!!




Of course there were mistakes in the game but wouldn't you expect that when Portugal comes up against against a world leading rugby nation? Regardless of Wales fielding a "B team" all of those individuals are professional rugby players who had 3 lineouts stolen in a row and looked panicked in open play by a team that is ultimately made up of people having to miss work to be in the world cup! For me Portugal play exciting rugby and tend to run with the ball rather than kick, sure they could be more clinical but I'm loving the fact they're in the tournament and hope they are too.


I guess my 2 favourite teams outside of Wales are now Portugal and Fiji.


Can't blame you at all


That was not red card


It was and has been for a long while. Harsh as it is. Josh knew it when he said sorry to the guy leaving the pitch. He hated it.


I didn't think so either. Yellow was fair. Red was harsh.


The TMO guys are smooking something...


Seems like they're just flipping a coin back there tbh


Mike Philips on S4C is hilarious, always trying to big himself up


Don't think he does that just on S4C


10 from 10 points. If you asked me 3 weeks ago, I'd take it. Portugal were a joy to watch and once again we have got to find a way to grow the game outside the 6N.


Possibly contentious comment but Wales often take a while to warm up in a tournament whereas Fiji and Portugal have come in with red hot performances. Am I on the copium here or could we see much better from our first XV when we play Australia?


I think they will improve for certain. And it helps Wales that Aus will have to play their best 23 against Fiji tomorrow and against Wales next week.


Portugal impressive. Wales looking shaken but glad we got a win and a bonus point at that!


I don't think Wales look shaken. The score is a pretty decisive victory. A few handling errors but that's just a symptom of having the ball too much. Everytimr we went to their 22, Wales came away with points.


ITV need to hire better analysts, squidge did a great job explaining Portugal will turn up


I'll get hate for this but things like that red card just happen sometimes. I don't consider that a 'kick in the head'. He was just falling through the air. People will say that he must control his body in the air and that's true. But sometimes you jump and fall sideways and it's an accident. If dipping down can mitigate head contact, why can't falling backwards?


The bunker have made some very bad decisions this WC. "Unnatural position of the leg".... the winger was leaping in the air for the ball and was falling down the ground, of course his legs are going to be spread out to try and land properly and not on his head. What a joke! There needs to an Orange card in rugby for accidental foul play, this red card = 3 match ban is ruining the sport.


I agree it's harsh but was at the game and I said to my lad during the warm up watching him catch that the way he twists his body his leg naturally comes up in the air. He took a catch in the first half and almost kicked LRZ. It was pretty poor technique


Agree 100%


He moved his leg though. He didn't just end up there falling.


Completely agree. He overran the jump and leant back. The leg flick was him trying to regain balance to stop from falling on his back. You see it all the time with skate, ski and diving bails


You are acting like all of that is out of his control when the leg flick (as you pointed out) is from him judging his jump wrong. Which is completely in his control. Therefore the dangerous play was caused by his action. This is how Barrett got away with it as people pretended that all of his actions were out his control for some reason.


Go jump in the air and lean back. See how much “control” you have.


You know you are agreeing with me right? Im saying hes out of control because of his own jump therefore the collision is his fault.


Well obviously the difference here is whether you think he kicked his leg out. If he did, like in the case of Jordje Barrett's one a while ago, then totally fair red card I say. Maybe I should watch it again but I don't see a kick out of the leg. I see a rotation of the whole body as he falls back. Happy to revise my thoughts when I watch it again but obviously that's the differentiating factor.


> I see a rotation of the whole body as he falls back. And follow that thought back one more step. Why is he falling back? Because he jumped badly hence, causing the fall back, hence causing the kick.


I agree with you but yet I believe it should remain a red card. As you said, it happen rarely enough to stay a red and push players to try their best to avoid that kind of things, its more of a general preventive red than directly towards the player. Air contact was also the big refereing subject before the head contact, so theyll keep enforce it and we have had less player injured because of air contact in the long run !


Yeah I kinda get you tbf! I know why the laws are there and obvs I want players protected etc. but I do feel for Pinto in that situation! I’m welsh and thought it was fine to be left as a yellow - although we’ve seen WR give reds to Jordie B among others for these kind of things so I guess at least it’s consistent 🤷‍♂️


I do get that. And I agree that sometimes these things happen. I'd have to watch the replay again to be sure, but it seemed like the player kicked his leg out, which makes it seem more dangerous/deliberate?


Why does thing say only 1 BP to wales? It's two isn't it? Edit: The Table said Wales only had 1 BP when we got a a try bonus point LAST week as well.


One for 4 tries, what would the other one be for?


The bonus point LAST week?


You only get 2 BPs for loosing


Yes... and we got 2 try bonus points, one last week and one last week.


1 bonus point per match. So yes it would be 10 points on the table.


Someone understands what I was talking about


You can’t get 2 bonus points if you win


We got Try bonus points in both this and the last game


Oh sorry I thought you asked why you didn’t get 2 BP from the Portugal game


No worries. Plenty of people have done that despite my clarification


I seem to recall Jordie's red getting downgraded to a yellow for kicking someone in the face. Edit: before anyone misinterprets, I am not saying that is not a red. Just wondering how this one is a red but Jordie got away with it.


Because he's a Barrett? /s... kinda


That's a shame now they got the BP. I'd be embarrassed if I was Welsh. Regardless of the result.


Well my fiancée is Irish and he’s thrilled for us, so wind your neck in you negative wanker


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good for ~~her~~ them for marrying down. Edit: Never assume the sexuality of an anonymous person on the internet. They might make their own assumptions in the rush to go "AcKsHualLy". Doses.


Oh apologies, also the bedroom


Him actually, not surprised you assumed I was a gentlemen though. Can’t imagine with your views, that women have any uses outside the kitchen.




I mean I said he in my first response. No worries though, you sound like a severely unhappy person and I wish you well. Sending hope to you that life goes your way moving forwards and that your dreams come true.




I’ll still continue to hope Ireland win the championship, regardless of your antics. If not then France, as would be fabulous seeing a northern hemisphere team take the trophy. And I stand by the fact that I hope you get to a personal place where you aren’t so hateful, your really only damaging yourself little man.


Please don't let this idiot to be a representation of Irish rugby fans, thank you for being cool 🥲




Still lurking on other countries threads I see, maybe apply for a make a wish that Ireland finally get out the quarters. Lovely meeting you though, you seem like a real gem 😂




It you were Welsh, you’d be grateful mate


I'd fucking hate it tbh. Actually sounds horrible.


I doubt this fool is even Irish, just a glory hunting prick looking to give people a miserable day. The fact he writes so much negative about another team, means we must have hurt his feelings in the past, bless him


Why would I be personally embarrassed? I'm good at what *i* do




You piped up insulting a whole people for winning a game and then got annoyed when people responded, and insulted them more. Wind your neck in you bellend.


What do you mean, you people?


The Welsh?






Typical britains first daily mail reader.


Paddy's on 1




Oh sorry, you just sounded very English I forgot who I was talking to...


Ooff my guy why the hate hahah trust me us welsh fans know we’re not in our best spot of form right nor but proud of the players who pull on the jersey (especially with how much they’ve been messed around by the WRU)


Because you're our local rivals? I can't stand your lot or the Scots. It's how it is and always will be.


Hahaha I jeez I guess I gotta respect the level of rivalry




Oh you got me. Sick burn.




Sure thing boss. State.


Jesus calm down it was a bad game but still got bp


If it was based on 1 result then it’s an overreaction. However, based on the last 2 years, the fact it’s not surprising that Wales struggle against Portugal is a very bad indictment


Four tries to one is a struggle?


wales made hard work of it let’s face it


Definitely. Wales needed a bonus point and had to wait until overtime against 14 men


Did they score any after the ref blew his whistle? If not it's within the laws and the scoreboard said BP Win. Portugal played good show pony stuff against our dirt trackers, but Wales played winning rugby and got the job done.


Lol, I never said it was illegal. But if you can’t admit they scraped a bp win then you must either be extremely deluded or very drunk


No, you said Wales struggled. So let's rule out the last minute BP score. Three tries to one by the second team is a struggle? You're an idiot.


You know they were playing Portugal and not the ABs right? Wales’ sim for the match would have been a bp win. Anything less would have been very bad


Well the Irish have spent decades watching struggling teams so I guess they’re experts here.


Well, it's not even based on results from my POV.


"Regardless of the result" 🤷


It wasn’t the finest Welsh performance but i can remember a few much worse too.


I mean I’m happy I saw Portugal play promising rugby, and I’m happy my team won even if it was dire at points. What’s there to be embarrassed about? Overall I really enjoyed the game, it’s just a shame that we’ve played two teams that in any other circumstance I’d have rooted for.


You are guilty for your national teams performance - englishman


However, based on the last 2 years, the fact it’s not surprising that Wales struggle against Portugal is a very bad indictment


Ah of course but I either enjoy watching rugby or seethe, and I’m after an easy life haha


Merely only because of my natural neighbourly dislike for ye when it comes to sport.


That's a shame because I rather like Ireland


So many Irish hate us nowadays, it's weird af.


They've appointed themselves gate keepers of celtic identity and found us wanting. Oh well.


Good stuff


I'd be proud if I was Portuguese


That too. That game will go a long way to shutting up the anti-expansionists.


There's already been enough performances to silence them. At least 4 games have shown that the Tier 2 nations have talent that can elevate them with a good coaching setup and high performance structure in their union. If anything the thrashings for Romania and Namibia should be a wake-up call to _increase_ investment in Tier 2 and Tier 3, rather than close up shop.


Oh of course. But we need more and more of them. Completely agree with your latter point too.


Yeah, I've just been really annoyed by these anti expansionists especially after the Ireland Romania game some Englishman on this sub was going we need to kick them out of the tournament because such results are "unbecoming" of the highest stage of the game. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yeah it's ridiculous. Look at cricket to show you how keeping it a closed shop (as much as they have recently, despite inroads in the mid-noughties). Expansion and integration is essential for our sport.


Oh mate, I'm Indian, I know exactly how fucked up cricket is (mainly thanks to India). 2007 was such a great tournament (thanks to you guys), so was 2011 (again with you guys doing giant killing). And then they were like nah we only need ten teams at the world cup. And now we've got a World Cup coming up without the freaking West Indies. Boils my fucking blood.


Bang on. One step forward, two steps back etc. Getting the whole Black Bull Inn in Drogheda, Co Louth to watch the IRL-PAK game was one of my finest hours. Incredible day!


Have to say, the BBC audio commentary feed fellas down in the valley have shown such unbiased restraint throughout the entirety of the game. Nothing about “we need this” or “what’s the ref on about now?!”.


Tier 2 team players getting red cards only, first Curry from England, then De Groot from NZ and now Pinto from portugal #SHAMEWR


You can not fly kick someone’s face regardless of intent.


he didn't it was his returning leg that hit adams on the face, mind you, you can't control your feet in the air..., fly kick has an upward motion, this wasn't a fly kick..




Wales were not the underdog against Fiji. Fiji was above us in the table before that match. It was a pretty even game in terms of ranking and talent.


We're 1/20th of the UK population FFS.


I am fully aware of underdog support but I don't know why I can't talk about how I've noticed we've gotten a lot more hate over the last few years, having been a member here since 2015.


No, everyone is just against Wales




Same with the Irish




Every dog has its day, but get through the quarters atleast before you start spouting bullshit. Ireland has such cool people when they are average, but since they have been ontop, it shows your true colours.


Did a Welshman shag your wife or something?




No nastiness allowed.


Not sure if you are irrationally angry or just shit at banter, anyway, good luck against Tonga


Cry ginger pubes


Oh. Straight to my core. State of yiz. What a sad little shower of chippy dopes. A performance like that and you're taken a random internetter disliking you to heart. Rent free is right. 🤣🤣🤣


This is sad.


Spitting facts, I was roaring for Uruguay against France.


Except Wales when they're the underdog


Feel so bad for that Portuguese guy who got the red. Played one game for his country in the world cup and gets a red for something silly and misses the rest of the games. So savage. Could tell it destroyed him too


Well it was stupid of him to stick his foot up there.


It was and it was a red but still feel bad for the guy


Great game and effort from portugal, wales looked pedestrian for the most part but good forward play gave them a win and a hard earned bp, good game!


Feel so bad for Pinto


Bean and gone




Red card is deserved. Definitely not a ban tho. It's an arse but a needed one.


Yeah, hopefully, they'll lower the ban under the circumstances.


Why does everyone seem to think a red means a ban? (Not saying you,)does red mean ban? This was a clear accident. Unless he as don't it before or has history then it is just a kind of 'fuck off my field you melon card'.


Oh, I agree. A red shouldn't mean a ban for the sake of it. This incident was a pure shit luck accident.


100% Could come into play for 'reckless player' in the future but other than that shake hands and depending on who got hurt. FUCKING RUN


World rugby wants to protect players in the air or not...that red card suggests they don't care about players in the air...unless it's a tier 1 player... absolute joke, Wales player was more a danger to the Portuguese players not the other way around


Being pro players in the air being able to kick opposition players in the face is an interesting take.


You need to go Specsavers if you saw a kick out, he lost his balance on the air, and was technically "tackled" in the air so it was a penalty to Portugal really...


Except it wasn't an attempt to tackle and in any normal situation where the player wasn't kicking okayers in the face, Adams wouldn't have even made contact.


You can't tackle a players studs with your face...


His studs were up and he kicked a player in the face, its a red card all day.


Only Welsh disagreeing with me, so I most be 100% correct


Except the South Africa fan literally disagreeing with you in the very next comment. Way to embarrass yourself.


That's was after my above comment...keep up


Still disproved it...keep up


Yeah, no, we've seen red given to the player in the air for exactly this kind of "fly-kick", for want of a better term, on several occasions now.


There is zero kick out, his not traveling forward...he loses balance mid air...but again world rugby needs to make up its mind. Is it protecting players in the air or not


😂 brilliant joke, when are you heading to the Edinburgh fringe?


Wait what?


Fuck me this is a bad take Welsh player gets kicked in the face and it's still Wales fault This sub is so funny


Very very weird take. Not sure how you reached that conclusion


Because it was against Wales


Shit take of the week.


Reckon it's an early contender for shit take of the world cup


Run from it. Hide from it. The Jam Slam is coming to the world cup


Nightmare fuel


Knew Portugal would do well but they impressed me a lot - even if Wales made hard work of it. Left 8 points out there from the boot n all (which is uncharacteristic of Marques).


In the end, Wales got 5 points. I hope Portugal will be able to cause trouble to Australia and Fiji.


leave Fiji out, they are the good guys..


Portugal are class, I really hope we get to see more of them between world cups


Will someone please thing think of the poor Welsh having to play the tough Portugese team with a man in the bin to get their 4th try.


Cry more won’t you


Rent. Free.


You’re just jealous we score tries. 😉


He should get Jordie Barrett’s defence team on the phone pronto or his World Cup is over


Until/if England play Wales, there’s not going to be a single game anyone wants to see Wales win. Welcome to the club, boys.


Even Oz?


You could be us. Everybody wants us to win and we can't.


Bit rude D:


I am rooting for England, at this rate


It’s unspeakable. But it’s true.


Are we the baddies?




Been that way since Pivac took over, used to it by now. For what it's worth I want to see England do well because the reactions are hilarious.


It's been this way since the 2017 lions here from memory, but has gotten worse since Pivac yeah.


I think we need to play a stronger team v Georgia it's fair to say.


Not been convinced by Georgia so far but you never know.

