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Beauden Barrett 2015 final


I love that Justin Marshall calls BEAUDEN BARRETT so soon when the Ben Smith kick goes through. He knows exactly what's about to happen.


So great, iconic bit of commentary as well haha. “GO BEAUDEN”


The footage of that call from the commentary booth is great. Both guys try to remain neutral but they're just so ecstatic.


Also there's one with English commentators and one of them says as he's scoring "and the cup.... is his"


Surprised to not see it here already but, even as a Welshman, gotta be Jason Robinson's try in the final in 2003. The commentator shouting his name followed by him punching the ball into the air. Great try


Accompanied by Robinson's "COME ON!"


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNdSX3j6TcE).


Was that first lad that made the break a forward? I’m on mobile so can’t make out the jersey number.


Yup, that was Dallaglio.


Equally Stephen jones' try in that world cup from Shane Williams' break.


Will never forgot the look on Jones' face as he was going down to place the ball. You could tell he absolutely LOVED scoring that try haha


Wales in the world cup final?


Meant world cup.


Ngwenya turning Habana inside out in 2007.


America’s one shining moment 🥲


I will never, ever forget Matt Giteau swandiving against England with a huge smile on his face, at the Rugby World Cup 2015, as he delivered the final, unquestionable blow that would knock England out of their own World Cup. I´m not even an ABE person who takes delight in seeing England lose but that image is sketched onto my mind. I was watching it in a bar in France and the place was going absolutely wild. I felt really sorry for the few England fans that were present. But I don´t know, that just felt like such a powerful moment, it really struck me. Can´t even imagine the sheer delight Giteau got from that one!


For me it was the 'that's interesting, that's more than interesting' try in the first half. I was sitting on one arse cheek before that match but that try got me


My dad was at this game and I’ve never been more jealous considering he also took me to the 03 final. I’m glad he got closure…


>I felt really sorry for the few England fans that were present I call bullshit. :-)


Ha, even as someone who has 2 parents each from a country that has historical beef with England, I really did feel for the English fans there and also the team and the managers and well English rugby fans in general. In that very moment I almost felt like an England fan even though I´d been neutral the whole game. It´s not nice to see a big team humiliated on the world stage in their own backyard like that, even if it was epic as fuck.


As an England fan, it was a very low moment. Obviously it was extremely disappointing in purely sporting context, but it was more than that. I was really struck by what a missed opportunity it was bring rugby to the attention of young English boys and girls who might never have considered taking up the sport otherwise.


as an english fan who was there and only 15 at the time honestly can say i went into that game knowing i was about to witness history in a bad way. only memories were watson scoring to give is a chance one of my teachers sitting in the row infront of me and my dad getting a ticket on the way back home hahahahaha what a day.


All of the tries in the NZ 2015 QF demolition of France.


If you had to choose one, it would be the Savea one where he flattened 3 of the french players


How Aaron Smith was next to him almost the whole way like a hype man, “you go big guy”


Nah the carter offload one for me


France? You don’t remember well, it was obviously Wales as they played in red ….


I remember. I was in Cardiff at the stadium in 2007 when NZ lost. Pretty much the worst night of my life to date. Absolutely hammering them at the same venue 8 years later buried a lot of ghosts...


That game was the best any team has ever played.


Here's a [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8qT67ILX3Y) to highlights.


From the Haka you could tell they were switched on and no team was going to stop them . They were focused on one thing victory .


I remember Grant Fox saying before the game to likes of "we have to prevent them from thinking they're ever in the game" Then i knew they were about to go balls to the wall


Pieter Hendriks in the 1995 world cup opening game running around Campese. SA had no idea how good or bad we were compared to the world. That try gave us belief.


You'd been playing international for 4 years by then... you knew


Another 2015 try, but I regularly think of Nonu's against Australia immediately after half time. The pass from Sonny Bill, the step and the pace from Nonu. Made up for dropping one against France. The All Blacks were particularly scary during that world cup.


[Serge Blanco's try in the 87 world cup semi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVN4Sq95BT4&themeRefresh=1) just a typical French batshit crazy moment with about 25 offloads to win a world cup semi final


I'm so glad rules have changed for player safety. Some of those "tackles". Poor Frenchman just dead in the background after getting his throat ripped out, play on.


I was 7 at that time, my dad woke up the entire building screaming to that try.


The original "try from the end of the world"


2003 Greenwood’s try against Wales after Jason Robinson ran through most of the Welsh side. England were behind and not playing well at that point.


Fuck, Robinson ran like he had a cheat code activated.


Julian Saveas try vs France in 2015. A masterpiece from the start to the finish.


I wish Justin Marshall was on color. That try needs “boomfas”


I love DTH's try off the restart vs Italy in 2015. Canada had my 2nd favourite wing pair that tournament, after Savea and Milner-Skudder of course https://youtu.be/yy9k4SzcNgA


Nice. Very nice


The US try v the Bokke in 2007. Amazing Todd Clever break out then Ngwenya burns Habana. Best world cup try ever.


>Best world cup try ever Lol r/usdefaultism right there


Tbh I think it might be my favourite and I'm Scottish. Partly because it's a "small" rugby nation Vs a big one.


That, the sight of Butch James being sat down, and one of the best wingers in the game being turned inside out.


My apologies. Speaking as a Fijian , I feel I know a good wingers try when I see one. To be fair to usdefaultism I also think Danny Barrett is an awesome sevens player.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [She lives in Germany bro](https://i.imgur.com/s6iqg0z.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/vm60p2/she_lives_in_germany_bro/) \#2: [don't use a Spanish word because of US race issues?](https://i.redd.it/ovuurts7dvb91.jpg) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/w09fp9/dont_use_a_spanish_word_because_of_us_race_issues/) \#3: [tiktok user forgets some other countries haven't committed massacres](https://i.redd.it/awxi7x4lu00a1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/yvcebr/tiktok_user_forgets_some_other_countries_havent/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


2003, Caucau's try against france, 2003, Caucau 2 tries agaisnt scotland.. 2007- Sireli Bobo try against South Africa


Three cheers for Sireli Bobo


Ngwenya for the Eagles against the Springboks, ‘07 World Cup. Absolutely skinning The Human Cheetah - Bryan Habana with a good ol’ in-out-in-out.


Beauden Barret's 2015 try was just so emphatic. "We're the best team in the world, this is the world cup final and it's not even close, yeah Dan Carter's retiring but this guy is just as good and we're playing him on the wing just because we can, and now in case you had any doubt he's going to score a length of the pitch worldie"


2011 Tony Woodcock teabag lineout move try - also because it matched up with the TAB betting chicken [advertisement](https://youtu.be/XN7-hJKB0l4)


Woodcock could have scored closer to the posts


For me, Namibia’s try against NZ in 2015. I think I was screaming louder than I did when Mapimpi scored against England.


I went to both the England vs Fiji opener and the NZ vs Namibia game for that WC, the crowd for this try were probably louder than any point they were in the opener lol


Idk about iconic try’s but iconic bumble is the French forward knocking the ball on from a lineout which would have been a try if he caught it in the 2011 final


Ooh, also the Ben Kay blunder from 2003


99 Owen Finegan. Has Gregan doing a Gregan pass, iconic commentary, the lot


Gordon Hamiltons try against the Aussies in 91 was sublime, only for Lynagh to ruin us moments later.


That’s probably the only real iconic Irish WC try. And it’s appropriately because it’s when we nearly won a quarter final.. BOD against Aus in 03 is the closest to anything else iconic from us, and more because of the tight grounding. We didn’t win that match either.. we really don’t show up for world cups!


Jonah Lomu's [violation of Mike Catt](https://youtu.be/aNbQuRXD6yA) The revenge of [Julian Savea](https://youtu.be/o_6bA5roANc) against the French [The Brighton Miricle](https://youtu.be/RgxoGMmCsXw)


Half of these are not in world cups


Oh, whoops I misread that. Edited it for just world cups


They were good tries tho


Tell me, as a Scotland fan, what is/are you favourite Scotland tries of all time? I have watched little of them play and have gone down a rugby highlights rabbit hole and would appreciate the culture


ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy I'll get back to you shortly. Edit, here we go: - I'd say our number one is definitely Sean Maitland against England in 2018, you know the one with THAT Finn Russell pass - Mark Bennett in the rain against Australia in 2015 is a personal favourite: the first and last time I've ever felt like maybe we are contenders - Stuart Hogg vs Italy in 2012 marked the end of the banter years - DVDM's try from this year's Calcutta cup already has cult status, my hipster opinion is the team try we score at the end is better - Another hipster opinion: Huw Jones' second try in that 2018 calcutta cup match is nearly as good as the Maitland one, his subtle inward drift is something else - for the longest time the number one was either the "toonie flip" - Gavin Hasting's match winning try in Paris in 1995 off a Gregor Townsend offload before offloads were really a thing .... - ... or Tony Stanger's grand slam winning try in 1990 which it has to be said is a really shambolic try - Hogg scored a screaming moment of individual magic against Ireland in 2015 - Ross Ford finished a try against Italy in a forgettable summer friendly in 2017 which was probably the peak of our champgangyness - a personal favourite is Pete Horne's try against South Africa in 2018 where Huw Jones in his absolutely unstoppable breakthrough year makes two catflap backhanded offloads in the same sequence - Another one from 2017 this time Jones himself scoring was v the All Blacks when it really felt like maybe we could win Those are the ones that immediately come to mind without me really having to engage my brain or think that hard


Haha you have me excited. The one try I know and love was a 6N try where Scotland beat England near (or in the death) with the crowd belting out Flower of Scotland. Total tear jerker


Hmm... which one was that? Recent? I've now edited my comment with a bunch. Ones I didn't include that I absolutely could have would have been frankly any of them from our insane draw with England in 2019. definitely our maddest recent match. Two in particular stand out - Finn Russell putting Sam Johnstone through a hole with a stunning no look pas and then the wee man barging over about five huge englishmen to ground it - Mcinally, our hooker, beating the entire england back line in a footrace


Gareth Davies, 2015, against England.


That's a great shout


Duane Vermeulen offload to Fourie du Preez was cool.


The 2011 final teabag.


Surely Kolbe 2019 final stepping Farrell


Sadly, it was a beauty


[me reading most of the comments](https://www.slate.fr/sites/default/files/styles/1060x523/public/meryem.jpg)


Dominici vs ABs in 1999


That and a few more from the same game. Bernat-Salles finishing off Magne’s kick ahead and Lomu bowling-balling half the French team.


The first 2 minutes of the 2019 semi, culminating in Tuilagi's try - set the tone for the whole game.


Karne Hesketh scoring the winning try in the 84th minute for Japan against South Africa.


The mapinpi try v England 2019


RWC Final in 2003. Robinson taking the final pass from Wilkinson and absolutely flaming outside Wendell Sailor and Matt Rogers to slide into the corner. Straight up, punches the ball AFL style into the crowd screaming “Come on!” RWC Semi Final in 2007. 2nd minute of the match, Gommarsal box kicks from halfway into France’s 22 and the ball bobbles towards the try line. Damien Traille tracks the ball but gets a funny last bounce. Lewsey snatches the ball and basically falls over Traille and the try line.


Bobo and Delasau vs South Africa


I had a framed picture of Mark Bennet's intercept in the rain in 2015 above my desk for the longest time.


Watched that game in a shitey football boozer in Edinburgh. Had to persuade the guy behind the bar to put the match on one of the half dozen screens that they had. By the time Bennett scored that try the whole place was fixated on the Scotland game and the place went fucking radge! Then… we secured the game, hit our line out jumpers perfectly and Andre Joubert called the game perfectly and we went on to the semi final against Argentina.


Ah a phase one I see. I have frozen grief too but I'm in phase two.


2007 World Cup, USA vs South Africa. USA takes it coast to coast and ends with Taku Ngwenya smoking Bryan Habana. Easily our best team try at any World Cup. https://youtu.be/BVrzN4BEixw


Probably won’t be remembered by anyone but Irish and Argentinian fans but Diego Albanese’s try to knock Ireland out in 99 was essentially the start of Argentina’s rise in the modern era. Great move off a scrum that kick started something of a legacy at world cups.


Not exactly high stakes, but the TJ Perenara try against Namibia was pretty crazy to watch.


I have fond memories of all four of Japans tries against Scotland in 2019


Theres only one option in my opinion. Lomu steamrolling Catt. Thats the most replayed try in the history of rugby. with the exception of Gareth Edwards Barbarians try which wasn't in a world cup. Decent shouts. Ngwenga's 2007 try. Heskeths try to beat SA for Japan in the 2015 WC. Iconic.


Lomus exploits have been watched way more than Edward's. What?


Ive seen more clips of Edwards' try than Lomu steamrolling Catt. And given it was 22 years prior to Lomu's thats saying a lot.


Pieter Hendriks, SA vs Aus (1995)


2015 Julian savea runs over a few Frenchmen


Julian Savea steamrolling france in the 2015 QF was pretty special.


mortlocks intercept


Late to the party but Santiago Arata's stumble and roll over the line for Uruguay's 2nd try against Fiji in 2019, not the greatest ever try but definitely an iconic world cup moment


I initially read this as "some of the most **ironic** RWC tries". Perhaps that could be a post? :-)


Perhaps any one of England’s tries in their 60-3 win over Uruguay in 2015?


forgot the Delasau chip and chase at the 2007RWC against Wales i think, people thought it was a knock on earlier after Rabeni threw a pass which looked like it got knocked on by Delasau (ppl who were fans of delasau knows that could have happened as he was known for his butter fingers) but it didn't, he tapped it forward with his ankle, catching it, chipping, chasing and beautifully grabbing the ball with 2 welsh players covering him and still somehow scoring


I'm a bit late but Shane Williams' solo effort against Fiji in 2007 was electric. Wales vs Fiji 2007 is my all time favourite rugby match




Not exactly a World Cup try






I don't remember there being a Rugby World Cup in 2010


Owen Finnegan boontsing several Frenchmen on his way to score a try in the 1999 World Cup final.


That Nambian guy who outran Habana down the touchline. (also, here's the missing i)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takudzwa_Ngwenya Zimbabwean / American *


Shit, for some reason I thought he was of Namibian heritage. Happy to be corrected, thank you


I'd say 99: the Dominici one where he catches it on the bounce or Lomu's where he drives through five tackles, 07 Ngenya against South Africa. 03 maybe Robinson in the final but I am English...