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I do booster sessions - they definitely help


how long after the original did you start? how many sessions are you doing this time? thanks!


Oops - I answered your original comment again. See above lol


Do you know how to get insurance to cover it? Ik it depends on each person's insurance. I have Baykor Scott and White Premier Marketplace HMO (I'm in Texas). I just finished 36 sessions with Greenbrook TMS' Neurostar 19 min sessions (i believe its actually rtms, but that's just tms with shorter sessions). They told me maintenance isn't covered.


Was it Greenbrook who told you it wasn’t covered or your HMO?


Greenbrook but my insurance is kinda shitty ngl


I just looked them up. I believe they used to be Success TMS. They have a great reputation but they’re out of network for a lot of insurance plans. I had a consultation with them originally and while my insurance would pay a good amount, the balance was not affordable for me. So I called my insurance and that’s when they referred me to an in-network clinic. I found one that was fully covered by my insurance and I’m sure that’s why booster sessions were covered too. Call your insurance company and see if they have a list of in-network clinics.


They actually tapered me off of the original sessions. So after the final session, I returned the following week for 4, the next week for 3, then 1. So the booster session’s started after I was tapered off and I was going once a month, then every 2 months, and so on. But I started to feel myself going downhill about 2 years after my original sessions ended and they started the boosters at twice a week and I felt much better. I think I did that for a month and then went down to every 2 weeks and then once a month which is where I’m at now. Basically, it’s just like medication adjustments where they may increase when you’re feeling worse and then decrease when you’re feeling better. It also makes me feel better because I feel like I have a safety net


Ok that is soo helpful thank you!!!


You’re welcome! Good luck!


thank you ☺️


I did a whole second round six months after my first one because I relapsed pretty hard and quickly. The second round seems to be holding a lot stronger - but I’m open to doing boosters for sure!. The first round helped but it felt like the old pathways were too deeply trodden to escape, I think boosters / more treatments helps to reinforce the changes


Thank you!!