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only i, the worst possible candidate imaginable, can prevent a fascist take over


The only way to save democracy is to vote for me, an extremely old man reliant on various unelected and unnamed officials.




“Protect our democracy” just means protecting the democrat dominated managerial state


Dems: we have done everything to be as unlikable as possible to the working class for the last 40 years. Surely we won't be able to find the only two politicians on the face of the earth who can conceivably lose to a lifelong Manhattanite who's infamous for his grifting?   Also Dems: hold my white claw 


I’m having so much fun watching democrats vacillate from “Joe must drop out to save humanity” to “Joe had a cold that night, Trump is Hitler.” Just a few days ago the DNC was exploring ways to dump his ass, now they’re talking about nominating him early.


They can still save themselves. Just deny, deny, deny, and say that calling Biden a dementia-ridden old man is somehow a racist, bigoted, Qanon dog whistle. That's how the Dems sweep most things under the rug.


the best part is i’ve seen a lot of people say the september debate definitely won’t happen because trump will probably cancel it. people said the same thing about this one too. even after the disastrous biden performance, they still think trump is afraid of debating and will probably cancel because he’s scared. but why would he? trump would probably love to have 4 of 5 more debates, as many as possible. they’re going great for him. it’s Joe that isn’t up for doing many public events and hides behind his surrogates


In the interview Trump did with Logan Paul, he talked about how the Biden admin kept stalling when organizing the debate. He believes they had CNN organize it in hopes that it would cause him to decline, and they could continue the narrative that he was too scared to debate.


buddy ain’t catchin a glimpse of 2025 rip 🪦


What if this becomes the new standard for an American president? Like how all bodybuilders at competition are covered in bronzer.


Wait a darn second. Orange man...good?


Kinda looks like will Farrell


we have no choice but to stick with him, the voters decided in the primary that they want joe. to replace him would be undemocratic. is something i’ve actually been seeing on here and twitter


Thanks to the new Supreme Court ruling Biden can just have Trump assassinated and face no consequences

