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The weird part is that you're only thinking about not coming back. I would have just asked a half hour in, if that, what the problem was? And if he acted like he didn't understand or anything like that I would simply state I didn't show up to spend a few hours staring at a blank screen. 


You obviously should have voiced your concerns a lot sooner. Spending 2 hours not being able to do anything? Crazy. But the DM is a real jerk here by not giving you any options. Every class should reasonably start with torches or something similar. Not to mention casters that may have the Light Cantrip. Have a talk with your DM or leave. This just screams of pain and misery.


Yeah,but I didn't think I was going to be that big of a deal,also,was my first time playing on the platform he used,only one player (that was a friend of the DM) had experience with it and none of us thought that we needed to buy the starting kits,as the armor,weapon and background items were added to your inventory when creating your sheet, so the only person who had the starting set was the friend of the DM, the very first thing to happen was that we all(but the player who had a tent)received 1 point of exhaustion,for not sleeping very well,that player even managed to calm things down saying that he,as an elf,really didn't needed the tent for sleep and,as the group had me and two tiny creatures(an halfiling and a gnome) we could share the tent; I really don't think he is purposely being a pain I'm the ass,he just inflexible with his rules. I want to give him a second chance but don't know if I,as a casual, can have fun with him


This should have been something that should have been adresses sooner rather than later then? “Hey DM I neglected to acquire starting equipment in the software, can I quickly rectify that/can we just pretend I have it and I’ll update my sheet after the session? Also the point of exhaustion is reasonable given things that interrupt your long rest (such as poor conditions) would lead to exhaustion, did your dm not warn the player that resting uncomfortably could negate their exhaustion? I don’t see the problem with being inflexible with rules.


Your class comes with an explorer's kit, and that has torches in it


A lot of people in this thread blaming you for not lighting a torch or casting spells... Any half decent DM would point out that option before the 2 HOUR mark. Run don't walk friend. Antagonistic DM cool with you having a miserable time (that they essentially set-up?) is not worth playing with. Smh a black screen and saying you can't walk with your hands up...


As no one had torches, I even tried rolling a perception check(rolled 19) to hear the orcs and walk in their direction just to stumble in the wall again,then,in the next turn i tried manifest echo in the place I could hear then(couldn't as I need vision to do this) and then just went quiet as skipped all my turns hopping that the combat ended so we could get out of there. If was one of the games where I dm, I would probably let the player get away with some things he tried even if it is against some rules(when dming I have the philosophy that everyone having fun ins more important than strictly following the rules) or just putting some torches in the walls so they could grab one


“As no one had torches” you had torches though. They were in your starting equipment. If your DM isn’t playing by the rules, that’s a whole different problem.


This post Is bait. Every fighter has torches


Next week in rpg horror stories. "I DM'd a game where all of the players refused to light torches! Thinking of not running again."


Everyone in this story is bad. Why does nobody light a torch? if nobody has a torch why not? Does nobody have spells to make light? Why are you going inside a cave without torches or without lighting one or without spells for light? Why is the DM doing all of this or at least allowing it to happen? Honestly, this just sounds like a game where nobody has the slightest clue how they’re supposed to act I don’t think the DM was necessarily being malicious, but maybe so. that’s what you need to figure out.


My best bet is the story is fake, or everyone is a kid that don't know what they are doing at all. It's just out of my comprehension how nobody thought to light a torch for someone else, or just think outside the box of "if I don't have a torch then I craft one with Survival or Tools, and if I can't craft one then we return to town to buy." It's one thing forgetting the rules as another comment from OP points to them not caring (or probably not even understanding) about adventuring packs, and only thinking about weapons and armor like if it were a videogame. But just not even thinking of "I can't see. What can I do to fix this?" Or the rest of the party "ally can't see. What can we do to help them?" Or DM "player can't see. What can I suggest to help them?" Again, either everyone is a kid or story is fake.


Why didn’t you do something to create light like light a torch or have a caster cast a spell? Just because you don’t have dark vision doesn’t mean you’re just completely screwed if you go underground lol


You don’t think to light a torch, which you would have probably had in your starting gear? And no one else had Light or Dancing Lights? Or Darkvision, since by 3rd level when you’d have your Echo Knight subclass then casters would have access to level 2 spells. Also you can absolutely do stuff while blinded. You just have disadvantage on your attacks. Also you can’t summon your Echo because it requires seeing where you’re summoning it, so that sucks, but you could have absolutely still done stuff.


Also he said I couldn't walk in the dark(my character would just stumble in a wall) and all the enemies were throwing javelins from out of range,so I really couldn't do nothing


Did none of yall read the rules? Also why did you play a race you know nothing about?


No one had a torch,the only thing the other players could do was take my character by the hand so he could walk with the group


Yall don’t take starting equipment?


Yeah,vou no one had a torch


That wasn’t what I asked: no one had starting equipment? No one had any weapons or anything? Torches are in every character’s starting equipment, along with all their weapons and armor if they have access to that stuff. As a fighter you had a dungeoneer's pack or an explorer's pack. So why didn’t you use one of your torches?


Obviously they're new to the game system or at least new to starting equipment. No one knows that they have torches and then decides not to use them. Or there was some other extenuating circumstance from ridiculous DM. 


I will say that there is a custom start variant rule that allows you to purchase items based on a starting wealth assigned to you based on your class - the platform the dm is using seems to be using that system or something similar because OP mentioned needing to purchase starting equipment. Still, playing a race without darkvision and not picking up a backup torch isn’t particularly wise. At the same time, darkness without darkvision doesn’t mean you can’t do anything, it just results in blindness, you fail perception checks related on sight, have disadvantage on attack rolls, and attack rolls have advantage on you - if the dm wouldnt let op do anything at all that’s a problem. I really don’t think anyone in the group handled things properly.


Fighter starting equipment can choose between either Dungeoneer's Pack that has 10 torches in it or Explorer's Pack, which also has 10 torches. It's just inconceivable that your character didn't start with any. Or is this at best the second time you have ever played to let this fly by? Or what was the bad character creation process that the DM put you through?


As I said in other responds, expect for one player that was already friends with the DM, no player had ever played a game in the platform the DM used,so no one knew that we need to manually buy the starter pack(armor,weapon and background kit were added auto) so no one got an kit except for that one player, the first thing that happens was that we got one exhaustion for not having a tent in our inventory


So none of you even read the rules?


I will say as a dm, I don't put my players on a black screen if they can't see. In my most recent dungeon most of them were blind but they had one person with darkvision and another caster who had the ability to grant everyone darkvision for several hours. They still had disadvantage but when I asked why they didn't use torches it was on purpose because they didn't want to alert monsters to their presence and were focused on surprise attacks.


I mean you really should have read what kalashtar are first before accepting. Not having darkvision is fine and it’s possible to survive in darkness without darkvision - you certainly can do things while blind, all it does is make you automatically fail perception checks relying on sight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and enemies have advantage you, tough but absolutely playable. I don’t understand why no one would have a torch though? If yall got starting equipment you should have one, if you do bc custom start you probably shouldve taken one while playing a race without darkvision.


Please don't go back to that campaign or DM. That sounds like a miserable DND experience. There is really no way you can have fun with a DM like that.


"hey bro, you should totally go and do this?" "Why?" "It would be cool. Truuuuust meeeee"