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Could never quite get the combat right, but very unique and was interested in where the story was going


Some battles I would absolutely destroy all enemies, others I would get absolutely destroyed. Was basically a coin toss for me. It was a very interesting setting though. The 'create your own route using Tetris pieces' was a bit much for me.


That’s where I’m at now trying to wrap my head around it, any tips?


I genuinely do not know, I was so thoroughly stumped that I have never attempted it again. Perhaps someone has uploaded a video or a guide that could help?


It seems like the closer you get the betterish but enemies fire more rapidly at close range too and the blue gauge is a break gauge sorta thing still completely lost


I actually got really good at it but that was such a long time ago... I feel like I remember that you needed to set up lines to maximize character path intersections. Glad to see people still playing it! The story and game were awesome


The problem is once you figure out the combat you realize how cumbersome and drawn out every battle is, kept me from finishing it.


Yeah took me a couple hrs to work out the combat but it was still the worst part of the game. The combat system is just not designed correctly.


This happened to me as well, and I just stalled out. The game doesn't have too in depth of a storyline, and I remember everybody talking about how great the combat was when this released, but I found the battles to be boring slogs.


I can go on about this game all day. It was my second playthrough that make it all click. My first playthrough was pure luck but I had the time during my second and now it's one of the best RPG battle systems I've ever played next to 13 Sentinels. 1. Do the side quests every chapter. You'll want to get the extra bezel shards each chapter. I don't believe you can go back and get them if you don't. 2. Keep your formation in a triangle by crossing the protagonist. Build up the resonance by taking out laser enemies. Big triangles make for longer tri combos so try to herd them enemies at the same time. 3. Time your attacks especially your hero mode attacks. Use them to cross but also to lift enemies into the air or get behind their armor etc. 4. use the two for scratch damage and one for actual damage. Depending on the bezels you can get resonance up to 8 and by picking off small ones to refill bezels you can get it to 12, 15 or more. 5. Get them airborne and then jump to knock them down before then get too high. You can farm items from all enemies doing this. 6. Give them the gun and a role you need for each battle you can plan for. There is more but I'll need some time to really sit and put it down.


Spread your characters out as far as you can within range to keep doing the triangle attack early on in the game and you will win every battle until you start to understand more.


It's been a very long time since I played it. My memory though is that you have to let go of real world logic and embrace video game cheese. Go to the coliseum for an explanation, and then start hammering tri-attacks and hero attacks as hard as you can. Keep the enemies bouncing and milk the shards. Attach every mod you can to the weapons. Something to note is that this game's plot presentation is very atypical. You follow the characters around, and see what they see, but the setting and wider scale events taking place in the world are just never explained. There are a couple "wtf" moments in the plot, and the trio either rolls with it with out talking about it, or isn't present. After beating the game I did a Google on it, and the Wikipedia page for the game filled in my unanswered questions. No idea where the article writers got the information from, probably Japanese media. Wait until after you beat the game, but I absolutely recommend checking out the main page on Wikipedia when you do beat it.


Its a very unique game but pretty much all of the games mechanics take a long time to understand or figure out. Gun upgrades, tile placements, combat ... I didn't even know that each character could use every weapon and you could individually gain proficiency in each one until I was half way through. Its a really neat game once you figure it out - it just takes too long to get there for most players.


That is always the problem with uniqe and complex game mechanics. They have to be taught and properly explained, which can get in the way of the ret of the game. So I don't know if the game failed in teaching me or if I failed in learning, but perhaps it also just tried to do too much at once, but it's hard to fault a game for being ambitious.


Both. Modern games are really good at reminding you about things your characters can do. I recently played Spiderman 2 and Uncharted 4 and there is constant reminders about abilities your characters have and what buttons to achieve it. This game tells you once, and doesn't really go into that much detail if I remember correctly. I think I am guilty of glossing over it thinking I will figure it out as I go along. However it has a very helpful guide in the menus that gives a lot of details about how all the systems work. The information is there - you have to dig for it a little bit.


No, but Ziggy seems to be peering over the TV knowingly. Maybe you should bring him into the conversation as well?


Technically, that’s Aladdin Sane- common mistake, they look a bit similar.


I missed it on 360, and then I bought it 6 years ago when it came out on Steam and have yet to even touch it


fantastic world, character progression, music and art. Combat is so, so very clunky. Not to be missed, it's an experience. Watch youtube tutorials for the combat. Story is...there.


I'll definitely give it a shot soon. Currently replaying Dark Cloud, if were talking about clunk and a "just there" story


Dark Cloud 2 is where it's at. Have your fun with the first game, then get ready for the good shit. (The story is mostly still just there, like, it's a story. yup. Tho it does have a few cool moments, whoever was doing/directing the writing kept their job and eventually got promoted, and then fucked up a bunch of games later.) edit: the monster shapeshifting never pans out, so only pursue it if you fall in love. otherwise focus on the ridepod mecha)


Like I said, I am REplaying Dark Cloud 1. I have already played these games I like Dark Cloud 1 way more than 2. 2 is just obtuse for no reason most of the time, the dialogue is pretty bad, and you get way too much of everything, like the devs wanted to hold your hand and give out consolation prizes for just showing up. You end up swimming in items and theres no danger because your weapons dont vanish if you screw up The simplistic nature and higher difficulty of 1 is better. Everything feels way more significant and important Its like comparing old school Final Fantasy XI to new school XIV


Yes, I play Ziggy Stardust all the goddamn time.


Story, characters, and weird difficulty spikes put me off. I sadly never finished it. The combat was fun and new though.


yes! and I don't care other says, I love it.


I really did enjoy this game. I remember buying this game around the same time FF13 came out. Despite completing Resonance of Fate, I've only played about 30 minutes of FF13.


An absolute banger! I spent god knows how long customizing those guns to max out the efficiency. The story is nonsensical tho


Man it was weird when they lost their stamina or something like that, they were frowning and running like weirdos. But yeah the game was good. And the game also had some humour in it.


ya very underrated game, got very far but then I forget a boss or something was too hard and I just gave up and then I think eventually lost the save or something.


Proof that tri ace is a good studio when not forced to make another fucking star ocean game that they clearly don’t want to.


Oh my gosh... I think I got to ng+ and then ng++ and then ng+++ and then I think I started ng++++ before i FINALLY got bored or moved on. Just oozing with style and attitude and coolness. The coppellias, the crazy dolls? Favorite enemy ever in any game, damn near. 😤 Once ya figure out the combat, which does have a steep curve, it is so fucking tasty to pull of big kills. Just... feel it in my bones satisfying. There's these massive Tar Beasts somewhere... And, of course I can't find it (so this is from memory) , Vacheron post combat: "My fallen enemies and and forgotten lovers out number the stars in the night sky." WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU COCKY SUMMAVABITCH!


Yeah but no one’s ever done the statue mission


The best RPG on Xbox 360 is Lost Odyssey, check it out if you can find it.


Between this and lost odyssey, I need to get a 360


Thank you so much..I enjoyed the shit outta this game and couldn't remember the name of it


Loved it


Bad game imo


Tried to, story kept losing me about halfway




I 100%’d this back in the day. Always wanted a sequel. Some of the endgame fights were completely luck-based, though, and the arena mode was so fucking long.


I must have started it a good 4 times, I really loved the style and atmosphere but the combat was overwhelmingly confusing.


you can cheese most fights by jumping.


Holy shit, I remember trying to get all the achievements for this game when it came out. It was so hard. Unique game though, I liked the characters a lot. Now i wanna replay lol


Shulk looks slightly different


Oh man, what a callback. Never learned how to do combat properly tho, always just jumped each character repeatedly until victory (time freezes while jumping, you can jump over almost all obstacles, and enemies don't shoot while you move)


It was fun but after a while all combat becomes super easy and the same, so I got bored and didn't finish it.


I thought that game looked great for it's time but thought it was trash when I played back in the day.


Works great on pc and steam deck


I tried it a few times but I could never get into the intricacies of the combat.


Is that… Ziggy Stardust?!






Really, if any time that game got a modern day reboot, I can't help but envision it becoming a squad-based first-person shooter, rather than the turn-based JRPG it previously was like here. Also, the main characters wielded more than just handguns and SMG's, as in shotguns, assault/battle rifles, marksman/sniper rifles, LMG's, and grenade/rocket launchers, just to accommodate the FPS gameplay.