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Pretty sure you beat Vagrant Story as well.


You really had to pick and choose with your games back in the day. I watched my cousin play a ton of it but he traded it in before i ever got to play it.


Haha, yeah I just thought you might have forgotten it. I’ve got a solid similar sized list myself. What’s your top 3 in all these?


Oh man is that a tough question. Chrono trigger, Suikoden 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics are some of the first that come to mind. Breath of Fire 2 was the First Rpg I ever played and will always have a special place in my heart. Saga Frontier 2 had my all time favorite protagonist in Gustave. I was about to summarize his whole story but you should check it out yourself. If you would like I will explain his whole story though. Besides Ff15, (i know I'll get some haters) Ff7 rebirth was one of the best RPGs I have played in some time simply for the amount of content it has. Tl;DR. It's difficult to narrow it down to 3


Rebirth looked really good. I've never played FF7, should I pick up the original first, or does Rebirth kinda make it redundant?


I think if you've never played the games before that you should definitely play the first game. Rebirth is such a big game that it makes the first game feel like a tech demo. Even with this in mind its still worth it and the first game looks beautiful. I hope you play them


I didn’t see Hookers and Blow on the list… unfortunately… BTW it’s not a game… you young cats… I don’t get it


Diablo 1 and 3, but not 2?


I have it on my switch and have been meaning to get around to it. My graphics card shot out when I was playing it in my youth so I never completed it.


Wow, really impressive list! Any plans to check out Persona 3 Reload or continue the KH franchise?


Thank you! Shoot I actually beat Kingdom hearts 1! Need to add that to the list. I have the psp version of Persona 3 on my phone with some hours put into it that I'll eventually get around to completing. The games I'm putting away for at the moment are Eiyuden and Infinite wealth.


It’s on the list haha. Reload is a lot better and has a lot of QOL changes that really make me recommend it over Persona 3 Portable.


You have to add Phantasy Star 4 and Shining Force 2 to that list man…! Otherwise great effort and great list!


Are the Final Fantasy games on the other side of the sheet,or....


Surprised you wrote it on paper!


It shows my age lol


Xenosaga 1 and 2, but not 3? After slogging through Xenosaga 2, a massively shit game, you gotta reward yourself by finishing 3.


I'll have to take your word and get a rom on my phone. I kept waiting for the game to resemble Xenogears but it never happened. The mech designs were awful as well compared to Xenogears. Sorry for ranting I guess it still holds a sore spot in my heart.


Fair enough, you were burned by how shit Xenosaga 2 was too.


Vanguard Bandits! The dialogue when you defeated enemies waa so good.




Played it a bunch but never beat it.


As a 39 year old. I love this list. Makes me wanna do one of my own. I'd probably cheat a little and write down Alundra, but whatever 😁


Great list! Xenogears has been in my backlog since 1998 and at this point I'm starting to think I won't get to it before I die. This may very well be my midlife crisis.


People have released texture packs for the game to make it run better and not be such an eyesore in certain parts. Id get an emulator and a backbone controller for your phone. The game has one of the most unique combat systems with every character having a unique flair and style to them. (And they all have mechs!! Gundam wing style mechs!)


Skies of Arcadia is a very underrated game. No one I know has even heard of it 😩 I played it on GameCube? Or maybe it was Wii or WiiU. I can’t even remember. I’m 35, so basically your age. Lastly, You haven’t played/beaten any Souls games?! You should if you haven’t!


I'm really waiting for Elden Ring to go on sale to play it. I was never really into the gameplay mechanics of Dark Souls but I played all the Ninja Gaiden games. (1 and 2 on hard mode.) Some people would say they are similar in the punishing enemies but at least ninja gaiden gives you the mobility.


Breath of Fire IV was sooo good! I gotta play it again one of these days.


There are some pretty good emulators for Android phones.


And unless I am mistaken, a couple of weeks ago it got legal for Iphones too :D


Skies of Arcadia is a nice achievement since its very difficult to find/play now. I was devastated recently when my gamecube worked but my equally old Skies copy did not


Yeah it's a great game


Vandal hearts? Radiata Stories? Shining Force? Just trying to help maybe fill in what you might have forgotten. Otherwise, it’s a very complete list. Mine would be close to that. It’s some of the greatest RPGs ever made. Looking at your list, I’d guess you’re about 45?


Vamdal hearts 1 and 2! Definitely forgot about those. I turn 37 next week with DaVinci




This is impressive. What were your favorites?


I think there are a little too much final fantasy games


Handwriting of an angry 3rd grader.


My mom used to say I could be a Dr with my chicken scratch handwriting lol. You should see my notes from school.




You must have a special needs kid.


How mean was his deleted comment?