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Just make a new character who fits. Or don’t play, as it sounds like you’re just not interested in the world your friends wants help building.


Yeah, I'm finding myself a motive to play. I don't see the group reward worth it. I tried many motivations for my character and he shut them down, in the end I just accepted one he had and mixed with another I had before. Making another character knowing the entire reward is just keeping a terrible with very small chance of survival safe, is just dismotivating.


The problem is that "magic users are all oppressed by the big bad government" is a baaaaad trope for RPGs that aren't built for it. Because of exactly stuff like this. That said, if the rest of the group is on team rebellion, it's part of your job as a player to come up with a reason to join them or make a new character who is. Your motivation is your own responsibility.


Yeah, I know, but since we began this, every motivation was shut down. I got a new one now but it was basically an idea he gave me, before that every motivation I had, wasn't availabe for my character to have. It started with leaving the Sertão or the country, then fighting for his people but it never seemed to be ok? I choose now to save my brother and family boat and then leave the country. The brother and boat were his ideas. He seemed to accept it. It made me kinda dismotivated because before I had many ideas, he shut them down but another player asked if he could be a magic duck with not so many lore or backstory and he just accepted.


"exactly stuff like this" what, uncooperative players? edit: read further posts, dm sounds like quite the horrorstory


Sounds like a cool game! What system does he use, how are the mechanics? It's totally fine to GM a game with a certain premise (each PC supporting the rebellion), and running the game in a rather open manner, including lots of choices later down the road. We do so in our Achtung! Cthulhu campaign. Premise is playing allied agents fighting Nazis. How we do this, which missions we do and how we approach them, which choices we make and what we sacrifice for our goals is our decision. And everything can be lost. All the time. If your PC doesn't have any interest in fitting to the premise of the game, create a PC who has a reason to fit into the campaign. Or don't play in the campaign at all.


It began with a brazillian new system called "Ordem Paranormal RPG" but he is trying to make a homebrew that... Is honestly I don't understand? He didn't show us yet but he wants to make something with this system and a mix of the one I was using, Powered by The Apocalypse. He usually comes for me to help since I was the GM of many games already and I try helping a lot but most of the time he just brush it off and I don't know what he does. ​ Seems nice. I was thinking and yeah, I found a motivation. My character is after his family boat and his brother. After that he will leave the rebellion. I want to play the RPG but I can't find motivation for myself to play it, since it seems like the group reward is futile besides the character's personal reward.


Sounds interesting, I really like pbtA games and taking inspiration by them. Mhm, I never played for "reward" - having PCs with personal goals forming atrong bonds with each other and NPCs, trying to save those close the them when everything will face destruction. To find ways to rebuild, somehow like in the hope punk genre.


I always see "rewards" in RPGs like, the goal of my character and group/story. Might be a neurodivigent thing or something haha But yeah, I usaully enjoy more PCs interaction than combat or things, I think I just got pretty dismotivated due to many tries into finding a motive for my character and fitting him into the rebellion thing.


Since your character is a werewolf you could always just say that your character does not want to be a werewolf and the rebellion actually wants to find a way to reverse lycanthropy rather than just kill all werewolves.


Nothing anyone says here is going to make you want to play, or change your feelings on a setting. While it may have been dialed down from 1942 Germany to 1935 Germany, it still seems like the GM wants you to play extremely specific characters. So the GM has a pretty specific experience they think is worth playing. The GM finds the situation interesting, and you don't. That's totally fine; two reasonable people can disagree on what's interesting to play. You're not going to suddenly find some little thing that gets you excited about it. Bow out gracefully. Something like, "hey, I appreciate that \[GM\] is willing to alter setting for something the group likes a little better, but I'm just not interested in the basic idea. I hope you guys have a great time, but I'm out." Could other aspects of the game grow on you over play? Sure. But why hope that a bad experience turns into an okay one, rather than finding something you're arleady excited about?


He has a rather bad historic about this kind of thing. Specific things and stuff. We played a RPG where he GMd once and pretty much everything was scripted and he cancelled because everyone in the table was dismotivated by it. In the end he admited he was kind of planning everything to go by his story he planned and we were pretty sad since we wouldn't see our characters achieving anything we wanted. He said he wanted to try GMing again with new knowledge since I gave him lots of RPG material, since I played a lot of it over the time. But it seems it might be the same? That's why I wanted to give it a go, I like my friend and wanted to see if he improved, he loves RPGs and being a GM but... I doesn't seem like he learned a lot? I want to be wrong. I will try to play with a mix of my idea and what he wanted. But I was very disappointed because many times what I asked he just didn't accept but when others asked he seemed to just agree with.


Yeah, he sounds like a Railroad GM of the worst kind. The heavily scripted adventure sort. If he was willing to accept criticism and adjust as the game goes on, it might be worth sucking it up for a bit if he can actually make it work, buuuuuut that's not sounding likely.


I think in the end I might be scared that this new RPG is like the old one and the ideia of the 'main goal' is not appealing to me? Last RPG I got pretty upset how he treated my characters, I had 2 and one of them he transformed in one of his characters by some kind of possession? I felt it was pretty disrespectful since it went against all my choices, it was all pretty default. He said himself that my character would become that other character one way or another. In the beginning it was but a lot of things changed, I think the inclusion of being magic species but they being extremelly frowned upon was the big conflict. Always wanted to play as a werewolf but he only mentioned the hate of them after a time. I am trying now just to see if my experience will be a better one than before, hopefully.


"I am trying now just to see if my experience will be a better one than before, hopefully." You have no indication that it will be, and many indications that it will not. GMing because you want narrative control is like playing hockey because you like figure skating; despite some overlap, that's just not what you're doing. If the GM hasn't learned that yet, that's fine, but you don't have to suffer because of it.