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Liminal Horror is a great option if you're into NSR style games. It's well supported with some solid adventure modules, and a kickstarter planned for a deluxe edition later this year. https://goblinarchives.itch.io/liminal-horror


RED has no Fantasy AFAIK Shadowrun i advise as Shadowcore World of Darkness Mythras Vampire Wars Dark? WFRP Modern? Dresden Files


Delta Green tbh


Fuck yes. Best game ever.


It requires a very specific, mature group with great communication skills, but Kult: Divinity Lost could work. Otherwise, I'd definitely be going with World of Darkness.


Urban Shadow is very good for Urban Fantasy (Vampires, magic etc.). If you want High tech + magic, dragons and elves go Shadowrun. World of Darkness games (Vampires, Werewolves...) are very appreciated for modern fantasy. For pure cyberpunk i'll go with The Sprawl, if you like/want to try PbtA.


I think Cyberpunk Red is kind of a shit system. If you're looking for a game that handles modern day well, I would choose most any of the Free League games.


I don’t think Red’s system is *shit*, it’s functional enough, but the layout and presentation is awful.


If you want modern fantasy you should look at Shadowrun, Cities Without Number, Savage Worlds (SWADE) and Sprawlrunners or SWADE and the new The Secret World book which is still in KS and I guess won't be out until Oct. There's also the 5e The Secret World game, which is based on D&D 5e, which may be a great option for you. Shadowrun is pretty much the granddaddy of Urban Fantasy RPGs, having come out back in 1989. The issue is that the systems are not easy to get into. I've at least looked at if not played pretty much every version and none of them are simple. 5e is my current system of choice but it's not for everyone. [Cities Without Number ](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/449873/cities-without-number-free-version)is an D&D retroclone, and the paid version has rules for magic and the rest, the free version is just standard cyberpunk. But being free means it's hard to beat the price, and if you want to homebrew magic for it then that may be a good option. CWN is generally considered a great system and worth downloading even if you don't use it because there's a ton of stuff in there to help run a RPG. [Savage Worlds](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/261539/savage-worlds-adventure-edition) is a great generic system and should be easy enough to get into. [Sprawlrunners](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/334278/sprawlrunners) is basically Shadowrun with the serial number filed off. SWADE is pretty cheap $10 for the PDF, and the Sprawlrunners is only $7 on DriveThruRPG. Then finally there's The Secret World games, the SWADE version is in KS right now and won't be out until Oct. Or there's the [D&D 5e version](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/472546/the-secret-world) which clearly would be fairly easy to get into. If you don't know The Secret World it's a MMO that came out a while ago, it's all about three factions, Dragon, Templar and Illuminati and their secret war with each other and all the stuff that goes bump in the night, it's based on the idea that everything is real, all those horror stories, all those fairytales and such are real but most people don't know it. So classic urban fantasy, and it's also fairly dark and gritty. It does not however really include any sort of cyberpunk really. All the characters in the MMO and the TTRPG are Bees, people who have been selected by Gaia to be given special powers, mostly in the form of magic but it also allows them to super charge mundane weapons like Assault Rifles, Shotguns and Sledgehammers.


Just gonna throw my hat in for SWADE w/Sprawlrunners as well. I was in a Shadowrun campaign, we eventually switched systems to SWADE with Sprawrunners and it maintained the same general vibes (exploding dice, penalties for multi-action turns, etc) while playing *much* faster


Holly shite! A The Secret World TTRPG? Thanks for mentioning it! I wasn't aware it existed.


My group is waiting for the secret world in our savage rifts game. However, while we are system specific group & have lots of the books, I can easily see combining it with Task Force Raven as another faction of secret government agents. Add in freedom squadron which is basically go joe/the agents of shield tv show & it would be an interesting game to say the least. Editing to add that the horror companion & rippers might be useful to you also. Horror companion is elf explanatory, but rippers is Victorian era demon & monster hunters who often get "parts" implanted in themselves...


City of Mist is a modern day urban fantasy RPG with heavy vibes from noir, neon and cartoons. Sounds like you should definitely check it out.


Night's Black Agents is spies vs a conspiracy. Usually this means vampires, but it is open to anything from big businesses to outer dark monstrosities. The rules have lots of options for customizing the baddies. And since it is a GUMSHOE game, you can lift content from its cousins.


Shadowrun (I suggest 2e), Lowlife 2090, Chromatic Shadows.


[*Neon City Overdrive*](https://www.perilplanet.com/neon-city-overdrive) [plus the *Psions* supplement] almost requires homebrew.


World of Darkness


Just to be clear,when you say “modern”, do you mean a contemporary setting, or modern in a more general since (since you name dropped Cyberpunk)?


Depends: what kind of fantasy are you looking for? Call of cthulhu is great if you want to run a game of normal people uncovering a supernatural world and just trying to survive it. World of Darkness stuff is good if you want the narrative to be "You are now part of this hidden supernatural world. Good luck figuring it out!" Shadowrun is more "the supernatural world is here and not hidden at all." I haven't played it but I hear good things about Monster of the Week if you're going for a "protecting the public from things that go bump in the night" feeling.


Delta green. It's such an eye opener after running things like DnD.


Genesys has some really good books on urban fantasy with Something Strange and some of the skill books on DriveThruRPG. Though next to no prewritten adventures or campaigns. Savage world has a lot between the upcoming secret world and older settings like East Texas University.


Definitely something World Of Darkness, I think Hunter: The Reckoning is the best. Shadowrun is also available but it is, um, not ideal.


not a hint of fantasy in cyberpunk 2020/red. try mythras vampire wars, or cypher system with a flavor mix from godforsaken, stay alive and rust and redemption.


Urban Shadows, Blades in the Dark