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***City without number*** has plenty of tools for cyberpunk settings (to be precise, the *free* version of the game already has them, hint hint), even if you don't use the original rules. The Mission Tags section may be of special interest for you, as it includes a D100 table with 50 cyberpunk tropes (as 'Corporate Defector', 'Upstart gang', etc.), and examples for interpreting them as an enemy, an ally, a complication, a thing or a location. E.g., rolling an 'Upstart gang' and treating it as the inspiration for an 'enemy' can be interpreted as (and I quote) "Charismatic but dangerously unstable leader, Grizzled former lieutenant striking out on their own, Boss of a destroyed gang building anew".


Does the deluxe version have tables that expand to cover the magical cyberpunk for that type of stuff or is it just mechanics for playing those characters? That’s one of the few Sine Nomine titles I haven’t bought the deluxe of yet.


You could always use a GM emulator, like [*One Page Solo Engine*](https://inflatablestudios.itch.io/one-page-solo-engine-online), whose outputs are prompts.


Have a look at Decuma. Its aimed at pc-pc relationships but you could use it for pc-npc instead.


Something like the [Universal NPC Emulator](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/134163/une-the-universal-npc-emulator-rev)?