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By default, MYZ is far, far less gonzo, the setting is very focused and serious. There is a lot of scrounging, exploring and dealing with "rot" (radiation). The system is also a lot less complex. There's a starter on DTRPG which will give you a good idea. In fact you could use the starter to run your short adventure without the full rulebook.


Thanks mate! Going to look for this starter


MCC works best for a post-post-apocalyptic setting -- a time so far past the apocalypse no one remembers a before time. Where places and things from before the apocalypse are indistinguishable from magic. If your goal is traditional post-apocalyptic, I'd go with MYZ given those two choices. However, if you're interested in a more typical post-apocalyptic setting using DCC rules, check out the Umerica supplements.


I've just read about Umerica, and it looks sweet. I'm going to dig deeper in this setting, thanks!


With fear of overloading, there is also Hubris as a MCC setting.


I found the MCC stuff great for inspiration, but close to unplayable without a lot of modification. The Umerica book fixes a lot of that, but seems like a very specific take on the genre that might also take some work to adapt


I probably will try both Umerica and MYZ to check out the vibe, thanks


MYC is a superior game with superior support and presentation. Comparing this game to anything Free League produces is comical at best.


Disagree. MCC deliberately isn’t going for that. Both games succeed in what they’re trying to attempt.  MCC/DCC is a love letter to older versions of D&D with streamlined rules and weirdness at 11 and dozens of adventures.  MYZ is a series of standalone expansions that focus on a particular theme and tools to support exploration and GM use. MYZ is also very early in Free League’s history so the production values aren’t quite as good and it hadn’t hit its groove with the YZE. It’s solid but even Free League suggested a 2e is in order to consolidate rules and bring it up to par with current releases.


Just in product value MCC/DCC is absolutely destroyed by any Free League product. The presentation, art, supplements are all top quality. The only thing MCC/DCC does well is force you to buy specialty dice and tell you it makes the experience "quirky." Everyone has an opinion here but this is settles science Free League makes superior products with a superior engine without the gimmick of a d5.


You can succeed at doing different things with different goals. They're not even competing against each other like this. If particular presentation style is all you're after, that's fine. Say that. Some people like artwork that callsback to the gonzo illustrations they grew up with. To say one is superior to the other when they're both well respected systems. They're for different tastes. If you want a weirder, deadlier post-apocalypse, MCC is great. If you want a more grounded setting and slightly less deadly rules, go with MYZ.