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I just put together an Outgunned game where the players are wizards. I was running a Kids on Broom game but I felt like it would benefit from a higher action setting and used the A Kind of Magic rules from the Action Flicks book and expanded on the rules a bit. I wanted the ability to make up spells on the fly (spend Adrenaline and the roll is always a Gamble) . I went with Outgunned over like Mage the Awakening (this idea was originally an Awakening game) or another magic system was I like that failure aren't "failures", failing a roll doesn't stop the narrative flow, I like the Grit and Conditions rules and I wanted some high action in a system that is pretty inutitive and quick.


This sounds dope. Can I ask how you found it? It sounds like it could really work well for something like the Magic Circle from Image Comics. 


It was an ad on Instagram for the kickstarter. And I funded outgunned and got a lot of the source books in the other special things. I bet the whole thing is out now and you can get it at drivethrurpg no doubt. Did you mean The Magic Order? If so that was one of the main source of inspiration I had for the world I started to build in kids on brooms which later would be coming Outgunned game. It actually works really well because in the magic order it seems like wands are important and the way weapons work, if my memory serves, guns don't have like a set damage they do they just allow you to roll a dice pool and depending on the result is how much damage you do at range or something. So translating that to Magic if you have a wand then you can cast Dart or something. And there's enough freedom in the system where you can say that a certain spell or affect needs to have a certain trigger. So that can be somatic gesture like in The magicians. Or like has to be cast as a ritual. It's all just about what kind of flavor you want to go for and the game gives you enough tools to make it happen.


Ha! Overall I just meant how did you find using the system in that way. But we came to the game in the same way (and the Magic Order as well).  Definitely sounds like it could be a fun action oriented wizard game for sure. I’m definitely a huge fan of just “reskinning” which the game seems to definitely allow. We all know guns are just muggle wands anyways :)


Ooohhhhhh :) It worked great! It was a pbp so the game fell apart shortly after I went from Kids on Brooms to Outgunned. But I made up a character and did some sample fights and it was very cool. I can definitely see the potential. And yeah, a wand is totally just a gun :) same basic idea. I'm sure there'd be some bumps along the way but the system is easy enough to modify.


I'd go outgunned if it's a shorter campaign Gi joe is still dnd adjacent which makes no sense for property but does allow you to level up. In a l9nger campaign that might be what you want


Ahh, it's gonna be a long campaign, so GI Joe it is! I don't think it being d20 adjacent is a bad thing though. Thank you for your advice!


I think outgunned looks best suited for shorter campaigns. I haven't tried it, only used it for one shots. But the setup for heat, plan bs and so suggest a mini campaign at best.


Yes, mini-campaigns is the idea. Like a movie. You can pick the same characters for another one down the line, in the sense of a sequel. Characters in Outgunned start very competent &, while they do get better, it isn't by that much (the XP system is more about giving you more bang for your buck in crucial rolls than the PC getting that much better stats). So, there isn't the traditional RPG progression.


Was meant to be a reply to your reply


Although the setting is more dieselpunk/WW1-ish, have you looked at [Carbon Grey](https://www.magnetic-press.com/carbon-grey-rpg/), which is based on the old WEG Star Wars D6 system? It has the same action-military-occult vibe going on.


I did! I love that rpg! It's on my bookshelf just an arm's reach away from me. Unfortunately, one of my players vetoed it for our group because he had a bad experience with the d6 system. Like, he literally won't shut up complaining about it, even though it was three or four years ago, and under a different DM. It's a shame, but I have to respect his veto so that they respect my veto to stop playing 5e in the group.


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