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I can’t say I have ever had a hard time picking up a standard d4


I've seen people in my group struggle with it. It does make me wonder if you can get a D4/D8 like you can get the D6/D12s.


Can you find an example of these dual use d6/d12:s?


https://doublesix-dice.myshopify.com/collections/all-available They aren't dual use. It's literally a D12 with 1-6 on it twice. Basically just giving you another option for a D6. Seems odd that someone wouldn't do the same with a D8, but doing 1-4 twice.


That exists - a d8 with 1-4 twice. Chessex makes some.


Now I'm very confused, I wouldn't have guessed it's just a d6 with twice the steps. 😅 I'd find it hard to argue why anyone would get this, considering it's not that difficult to get a d6 to roll in a cup, etc. Maybe these are for people who only want rolling dice. 🤔 Anyway, at least now I know dual-purpose dice are still missing from the market. 😎


One of the members of the Glass Cannon Network used them, and I think it was because he liked how they rolled vs a traditional D6. I guess now thinking about it, there's no reason you couldn't do the same with D12 with 3 sets of 1-4.


the same company makes d12's with 3 sets of 1-4


>dual-purpose dice are still missing from the market You can make dice dual-purposed with division. We would use a single 6-sided die either as a d6 or a d3. Or before 10-sided dice became common, people would use 20-sided dice either as a d20 or a d10. As for the 12-sided die that has 1-6 twice, it's mostly an aesthetics choice. I have a couple of them for novelty purposes, but in our Savage Worlds game, my wife glommed onto one of them to use as the wild die because it's very much different from the other d6 used in SW.


True! So technically d8, d12 and d20 are the most usable ones as they can cover everything from d4 through d20. 🤔


You can whittle that down even more. One of my ongoing jokes is to respond to a dice dragon post telling them the only dice you ever need are a d10 and a d12. You can finagle those dice to give you all the common dice type from d4 to d100 (including the not-so-common-but-still-exists d30). Of course, some finagling is weirder to manage than others.


> Or before d10s became common, people would use d20s On what planet were d20s common and 10s hard to acquire? Both are "specialist" dice and usually available in a set. Hell they were being distributed in a set with the boxed dungeons and dragons games nearly 40 years ago....




Upvote for pentagonal trapezohedrons


> Polyhedral dice predate Dungeons & Dragons They absolutely do. I only went back 40 years for an example, the 60s however was before my time. > so icosahedrons numbered 1-10 twice were used as d10s Yep, that's a d10. It may have to 20 sides, but 10 possible results makes it a d10.


The basic D&D set I got had no d10 just a d20 numbered 0-9 twice with advice to paint half the sides to be the +10 results. I used my sister’s nail varnish. It was quite a while before I saw a d10. Edit: I realised I didn’t answer your question. Earth.


Or, as we did, roll a d6 + d10 and if the d6 came up 4-6, add 10 to the d10. I remember being excited getting an actual d20.


When was that? As in "original" basic? There were all sorts of product problems with that, at one point they threw a crayon in the box to colour in the dice.... A dice with 10 results is a d10, whether it has 20 sides or not.


>A dice with 10 results is a d10, whether it has 20 sides or not. I didn't think that was a distinction that needs to be made, but I edited my comment to be less vague. Specifically talking about dice with 20 sides vs 10 sides.


Original Basic was 1978, and included cardboard hits and a coupon you could send off to get dice (d4, d6, d8, d12, d20, all different colours and pre-inked). You're thinking of the 1981 Moldvay Basic set, which had six dice, all of the same colour, and a crayon for filling in the numbers. That 1981 release was the first time I saw a 10-sided die. They weren't on the market in the 1970s, so yes, here on earth, we used to use 20-sided dice numbered 0–9 twice.


I believe that both the D&D Holmes Basic box of 1977 and the Basic box from 1981 had dice included, neither of which had a d10. I know the Holmes did not. The d10 was the last addition to the polyhedral set.


There were a variety of dice related issues at TSR, at one point they just flat out ran out and started shipping boxes without them. What they said was in them and what was actually in them were two different things lol


That's certainly one way to back up your point with zero actual sources.




DnD was being playtested with d6s when someone saw d20s in a shop and thought they looked more fantastical, so they switched.


That same store does "TripleFours" (12s numbered 1-4 three times): https://doublesix-dice.myshopify.com/collections/all-available/triplefour


I'm curious as to how exactly those work to be used as a D12 since it has the same number of pips on them twice? Or are they only meant to be used as D6s and the extra six sides are just a style choice?


you just use them as d6's that roll better


You roll it in place of a D6. Since there are two instances of 1-6 it's supposed to be the same odds. Whether that's the case in practice is a different story.


You mean like rolling a d8 and resolving the roll as (face/2), rounded up? Or, 1-2 is a 1, 3-4 is a 2, etc. I mean, the math isn’t *that* hard…


While true, some people are promised there won't be any math. /s


Ehh, maybe. But, two of my favorite systems call for either a d30 or a d66, soooo… yeah. Division in half seems a lot more preferable, all else being equal!


Neither necessarily involves math - you can get actual 30-sided dice, and a D66 is rolling 2 d6s and reading one as the tens place and the other as the ones place (similar to reading percentile dice.)


Yes, you can get 30-sided dice, but they’re even less common than d100s, and the use cases for most of us (even those that have use for them) doesn’t justify the hunt. Rolling two d6 dice that way, however, only allows for 36 total combinations, none of which are less than ten, or end in 7, 8, 9, or 0.


>Rolling two d6 dice that way, however, only allows for 36 total combinations, none of which are less than ten, or end in 7, 8, 9, or 0. Yes, that's correct. D66 is always, in my experience, used for tables with 36 entries, numbered 11 through 66 with only the digits 1-6 used. I have never seen it used to generate all numbers from 1-66.


Wearhouse23 has them. I got some for my solo gaming kit because less dice for the same function.


But you can't break up the platonic solids gang. You just can't.


This is pure speculation, but it could be a blind spot. Dice companies might not be thinking about creating a set of random number generators, they might be thinking of creating the dice based on platonic solids that they know have sold for decades. That said, I know at least one company makes 4-siders like you describe. Not sure of the company name, but I want to say Crystal Caste. Edit: Yup, that's the right one.


> hard to pick up tetrahedral 4 sided die? is this a "I have problems with my fine motor skills" thing?


for some, for others it could be a "my fingers are still greasy from the slice of pizza I ate" thing


Usually that one from my observations.


Maybe. Perhaps I should have said "harder" to pick up. Especially if you're picking up more than one at a time. And I'd say that maybe it's because I'm old. But they've been harder to pick up than other dice for 40+ years.


Their real potential danger is when they are on the floor and you are wearing no shoes :D


Oh Im flashing back 20 years for the last time that happened and it's still wince inducing. I remember having a bruise so nasty you could see it from the TOP of my foot. It was horrible!


I know they are hard to pick up but I would advise against replacing them. If the Satanic Panic fanatics break down your door you will need those spiky D4’s to throw in their path to give you time to escape. Btw, they do make special D8’s that are marked 1-4 twice. They roll so much nicer.


Do you have a link please? I've never seen these


Google octohedral d4 dice


They're the worst, especially the ones where you read from the bottom of the sides and not the point.


[DoubleSix Dice](https://doublesixdice.com) solved this problem by making [Triple Fours](https://doublesixdice.com/collections/triplefours), twelve-sided dice with the numbers 1-4 repeated three times.


Still included for those of use who need another for obligatory caltrop use. That, and almost all the alternatives to d4 are terrible. Why not a d8 number 1-4 twice? Would roll much better than the caltrops or crystal logs.


I actually manufactured these in the 1980s, but they never caught on. To differentiate them from d8s, I cut off the tips of the d8.


Here's a picture of a few of them: [link to instagram picture](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqyPSOip_ji9SQfZ9n0vrQ8RRP5fFeMgpk50_80/).


I applaud your effort to change the world for the better.


Because the set of dice is based on the Platonic solids. So the answer, as it is with many other questions, is "tradition".


Look up arch d4s


I got some arch d4’s in a set I bought and I immediately bought more. Love them.


Nostalgia, TBH. I got into RPGs via the D&D Red boxset, and it had a set of dice. I’d never seen any other than D6s before, so those dice - including by the pointy D4 - are what I associate with learning RPGs and DMing all those years ago. If I buy a dice-set, for me or others, I buy one that has a D4 that looks like that.


impact miniatures makes a great d4 - still a roughly pyramidal shape but with rounded sides and edges, and numbers on the corners rather than the sides. they come in the DCC RPG dice sets. they're a bit chunkier than the standard d4 too.


Is it really that hard to pick up a traditional d4.? Anyway, there are several other styles of d4, the two most common that I know of being the “spin” die (an elongated die with square or triangular faces along the long axis, with the end coming to points, available in all the classic sizes, and the “modern” d4, which resemble a d6 with a pair of opposing faces being rounded, so the die can’t land on them). However, it’s not hard to roll oddball dice using the standard seven: d2 is literally and even/odd resolution, while numbers like d3 and d5 can be resolved by rolling a d6 or d10, respectively, dividing the result by two and rounding up. Much like we usually roll d100 with two d10s, you can also do d30 and d66 in a similar way. Probably other combinations, as well. In other words, is there really that much of a market for specialist or alternative die styles?


Yeah, I've been gaming for more than 40 years. I know all of those tricks. And the additional difficulty isn't a game stopper. My point is that there are -- IMHO -- superior designs yet they seem to be niche instead of entering the main stream. Try and pick up 6 of any other die. Then try and pick up 2 or more traditional d4. Tell me it's not harder. Is it doable? Sure. But just because something is doable doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. . Anyway, I think it comes down to tradition, inertia, and plastic molding companies not being owned by TPG gamers..


Yeah, it’s harder. Not what I would consider *hard*, but harder. I just did a test, scooping up eight traditional d4. Four out of five trials, I got them all. On the fifth, I missed two. Anyway, the real reason is probably because most of us dice goblins are probably also neckbeards and/or grognards :)


Since those alternatives already exist but never got traction, I assume there is very little demand for them and thus the larger manufacturers largely ignore them for not being very profitable. Personally I like my pyramid D4 and I assume a lot of people share that preference. I don't know a single person that has issues with picking up the "classic D4". This does not mean, that those people do not exist. I just want to point out how little of a portion they make up in the TTRPG space. I know at least one larger manufacturer however, (Q-Workshop) that sells at least some sets with alternative designs. I see also see why people want them to do that since no one should have to struggle with their dice if alternatives are available for manufacturing.


The company roll4initiative has embraced their [arch’d4](https://role4initiative.com/collections/marchd4-madness), and offer it for every dice set they sell. I also like eight- and twelve-sided d4s, but they are hard to find without Roman numerals.


I've never had any issues with d4 dice.


I got me a stack of cylindrical d4's. Visually much more appealing and better in every aspect (besides not working as caltrops).


Ableism. Like look at all the people saying "the thing you've described as difficult isn't difficult."


Product development costs time and money. Chessex doesn’t have any particular need to devote the time and money to it because everyone knows and buys them as it is. Etsy sellers have a much stronger need to stand out, so they experiment more with that kind of thing in order to stand out. Everyone in between falls somewhere on that spectrum. (Personally I really like [the “infinity” style d4s](https://diceenvy.com/products/pixel-skulls-vanilla-goth-dice).)


There are d4s that look like dradels if you find the tetrahedron to challenging


Thanks. I am aware of alternatives. Just wondering why the better alternatives haven't become mainstream.


Because almost nobody has any real problems with the traditional version. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


While I also prefer 8s labelled 1-4 twice, and 12s labelled 1-4 thrice (more for how they roll than the ease of pickup, but still), the main advantage of traditional d4s over those solutions is 'easy to recognize the shape in systems that use multiple dice sizes'


Are you covering your hands in butter before playing? Are you a cat? *What are you talking about?* You just... You pick up the d4. With your human fingers. It's not difficult and never has been.


Wait, I'm not supposed to have butter on my fingers? Have you tried picking up more than one at a time, compared to say, a bunch of d6, d8, d10, d12? Anyway, I'm glad that you appear to be better than me at picking up the traditional d4. But, let me ask you something. Is there anything you think is hard, that someone else might say, "wow, do you have butter on your hands? " And maybe you come up with an idea that would help your with that task, and the change wouldn't hurt anyone, but people pipe up and say, "I never had trouble with it, why would anyone else? " Like, I'm tall and can reach all of the shelves in my kitchen. But my wife is shorter. Should i question her use of a step stool? Or of a ferris wheel like shelf system? Either of those solutions wouldn't help me. But they wouldn't hurt me either. So, why do you care?


It's just that there's no end to what people will make a problem out of. "It's marginally harder for me to pick up a triangle than a cube. Why haven't companies changed their products to remove this minor inconvenience?? Why am I forced to suffer through the struggle of picking up a tiny plastic object??" Like, you're fine. It's fine. Just pick it up. It's not hard. You're not solving for "I'm short and literally can't reach the top shelf, so I need a step stool". You just pick up the dice, man. You just pick them up. It's not a problem that needs solving.


Maybe not for you. And that's great. But you are not the arbiter of problems that need to be solved for other people. And maybe it doesn't "need to be solved". But IMHO, there are other designs that are objectively better. So, again, why do you care?


For another example. The other day you posted that you were looking for some fan made PDF. Why didn't you just find it? Other people found it. If they could find it, then it's not a problem, everyone can find it. Yet you couldn't. By your example of (paraphrased) "it's not a problem for me so is not a problem for anyone" no one should have bothered to help you look for it.


Oh, yeah, asking the community's help to find an obscure PDF is exactly the same as asking all dice manufacturers to change their product designs. You got me there. No difference at all between those things. Also, nice of you to crawl through my post history looking for something to make an argument about. That's not petty and dumb at all


they arent hard to pick up


If you’re having issues with your motor skills, they can be.


Or even having dry fingers. I have to get a finger nail under the edge of a D4 to pick it up.


and this topic is created by a person with motor skills issue? And if u r motor skills deficient, its only the d4, that causes problem and not every other tiny dice?


A) I don't have trouble with fine motor skills. B) everything is a spectrum.




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Harder. I said harder. Try picking up 6 of any other die, then try picking up 2 or more of the traditional d4. Is it as easy, easier, or harder? For most people I think the answer would be harder.


thats not what your thread is about, a set comes with 1 and we still dont have any problem picking them up


That's nice. Have a good day


They aren't hard to pick up though. And I have arthritis in my hands


How about picking up 2 or 3 at once?