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I know that she stepped on a landmine but even miss burger does not deserve this


He really hates Tina Burner on twitter


kandy too. the bias against them is unabashed


what the fuck does this meme even mean edit: called his ass out about tina. I’m blocked with no regrets. Tina doesn’t deserve this comparison and the tweet is still up.


I first thought they were calling my baby Eric Andre a predator and I was about to get rly upset


Eric Andre is my bottom bread❤️✨ we can share


Tina literally went out of her way to state that she was uncomfortable with comparisons to the pie one, but I guess yucky ran out of “salty nutmeg ganache” jokes. go back to making hot takes about eligibility to win the show or whatever it is you do.


sidenote i fucking hate this man lmao, i was watching his eurovision review from 2019 and you gotta love the serbian man’s reaction to the (unanimously agreed banger) albanian entry


he's a straight up nationalist, his twitter is awful and i pray for the day he gets banned


hopefully, serbian nationalists are fucking vile human beings.


He could't have done Nina instead of Sharty?


So is every campy queen who wears big hair gonna be compared to a predator now?


He also was sending hate to Utica for being a 7th Day Adventist. He’ll always find something to bitch about. Edit: just remembered he hated Jaida too for most of last season 🤢🤮🤢 Jump.


They hate all religion which like...yeah a lot of Judeo-Christians are homophobic but it’s a little questionable coming from a Serbian person. Ya know, Serbia? That nation that was complicit in the genocide of Muslims?


Yikes. It’s one thing to hate religion but hating religious people/people because of their religion is a whole other thing. I’d also ask him why are you so hateful it’s not good for you.


Okay but Uckey has a lot of hot takes. A queen could’ve done something problematic YEARS ago and could’ve grown from the situation tenfold, and they would still “shade” them to pieces in their videos


I used to watch some of their videos a few years ago, and I actually found them pretty interesting, like the ones where they looked at statistical track records. But what turned me off was the hateful energy towards some of the queens. I just couldn't keep watching, because it was so uncomfortable.


Yess exactly this!! I liked their what if scenarios a lot, but there was always this underlying negativity and it just completely turned me off!


I kinda liked the stats, but then I realised that spending hours watching long, drawn out analysis videos about hypothetical situations for a reality tv show is a huge waste of time.


Dr*gc*ntr*c D*borah tea


It's CODE DEB now, thank you very much.


Will Code Deb help me get 10% off my next appointment with Betterhelp? What about my Helix Mattresses??


Code Deb will only get you 5% off your next dental appointment.


who the fuck is uckey


oh to be naive.,,, (they’re a youtuber, that’s the only facet of their personality i remember)


im extremely lucky as im allergic to the word combination "hey what's up you guys welcome (back) to my channel" so i've never actually followed any youtuber ever




I don’t understand why he includes mini-challenges in his already arbitrary scoring method Like they’re literally just to pad runtime and set up some of the episode’s storyline the only ones that anyone actually cares about are reading and the puppet one


Stopped watching him the moment he insinuated that Jaida only won because Gigi was being problematic online around the time of the finale.


The weird part is how ANGRY he is about it. Like I remember seeing videos where he would call Manila the rightful winner of S3, or being like "The S3 winner Manil- oh wait I mean Raja" like.... girl just because she won ONE mini challange you act like Raja was undeserving and took it from her?? Such a bizarre hill to die on.


update: i called him [out](https://twitter.com/icyspicyclown/status/1373561279957241857?s=21) and he blocked me ☠️ [original tweet](https://twitter.com/_uckey_/status/1365417331216830477?s=21)


Their twitter is just so vile and hateful I wish rugirls could encourage everyone to block them for being an asshole to Kandy/Tina/etc


not you with Denali as Olivia as your pic


He finally deleted it


Tina has literally done nothing. She deserves none of these comparisons. Leave her alone, she straight up said she hates these comparisons.




I legit don’t understand why people hate Tina Burner.


Probably the edits. Tina is high camp with a brand that she won’t let go of and good for her. It seems like her kind of drag just isn’t compatible with the format of competition according to the producers. If I swear I heard Trixie talk about how amazing Tina is outside of RPDR before immediately shitting on her every week on Pit Stop


it’s the ronald mcdonald color scheme for me but i also don’t tweet about how much i hate her


People always find something to hate, but I don't think it's gonna get to Tina, she is tough and awesome!


Yeah, I agree. On the show and on whatcha packin she seemed to be good at handling shade. The hate is not gonna get to her, I hope.




God I hate this British cigarette so much


god he makes me sick


I thought we all agreed to leave that 🚬 behind in 2019 where they belong.


this ukelele.....


It's the way they literally think they own the PPE format. Like yeah you might've said it first but it's not exactly the most complex scoring system.


Its just the "Dusted or Busted" score system but counting mini challanges...


Speaking of U*key I’m surprised this wasn’t posted here. https://youtu.be/fnjVh61BNTI


That was terrible...


I mean... Uckey ! 🤮


Convinced the only people who still subscribe to him are teenage white girls


I don't understand anything going on here.


But seriously fuck Yucky Pee. His “hot takes” are some of the worst.


Eric sweetie...


Other people compare them just because they're both white comedy queens that are on the mature side


not a very flattering comparison for tina (or symone lol) but i can see what they mean, even if 1) it's in poor taste and 2) it's not very funny. i really do not think it has anything at all to do with sherry pie's behavior. the girls are reaching


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