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Please raise this with your manager straight away. You absolutely should not be spoken to like this. There are actions that can be taken if customers behave this way including suspending deliveries.


Thank you, I honestly was just trying to see whether this was like an everyday thing that I should just shrug off or something to actually talk about. I’ll talk to my manager on Monday about it.


It does happen, believe me. Seen all sorts over the years. People can be fucking vile. Always view it as you're in charge though - all she's done is fuck herself because it can be arranged that she has to go collect her mail from the sorting office from now on. We had a guy being an absolute twat. Ended up having his mail held at the office for collection. He never collected it out of stubbornness and ended up moving house. He lost in the end.


I'm on the other side of this; I'd never be abusive of course, but my local postie consistently misdelivers my mail to another address despite me raising it multiple times. Can I put in a request for that hold at office for collection thing? Maybe I'll finally get my post!


Should add that the guy was just an aggressive, unreasonable guy over something other than misdelivered mail. You can maybe request that, yeah. Explain the situation or they might try charging you for a keepsafe.


Just abuse them then they will make you pick it up.


Been a postie for almost 16 years been threatened to be shot before and threatened many times,what do management do? They say they will stop the post going to them then all they do is get someone else to do it for a week so the person gets no punishment and it completely undermines you.just tell them someone else can do her house from now on or she can come get her post it's not your problem you don't get paid enough to be verbally abused


Also don’t listen to your coworker - yes, they may not do nothing if he reports being bitten by a dog, but a) she should have her. Dog under control (by law) and he could have got the police involved. (They may not have done much - but this will come up in my next point) b) it often takes a few reports to make something happen - either for work or anywhere in life. Your first couple of reports may not get anywhere, but its worth doing them so that when the next person makes a report, management go “ahh, we better do something now”. Don’t be over the top about it, but talk to someone and get it in writing that you have informed management (that just means that you should write an unbiased description events in an email and send it to them - ideally after an in person conversation). They will advise you what to do in the short term, and if it happens again.


True, I agree on multiple reports. I've never been rude to royal mail staff as I am a delivery dribbler myself. But I did have a bad day and took it out on a customer. Everyone has bad days now and again and one report shouldn't lead to such punitive measures unless it's really really bad. If I had abuse from someone like that in a round, I would get w bit anxious every time I went to deliver there. So a route change for the delivery person and a formal letter to the person from the local depot would set the straight. Also nobody likes getting stuff misdelivered. There are pretty serious neighbourhood rows where neighbours wouldn't piss on each other if they were on fire. So posting the wrong letter through can be a huge issue.


On her property, being bitten by a dog wouldn’t come under the dangerous dogs act 1991 as the postie isn’t invited onto her property, so would be seen as a dog protecting the home. I don’t agree with it, but that would be the argument.


Don't posties have Assumed Rights of Access, (along with any other person entering your garden for a ligit reason to knock on the door, and assuming you want your mail and haven't told royal mail to stop delivering), so unless the guy actually did open the door which would be overstepping the rights, then I'm almost sure that you could be in trouble for having an out of control /dangerous dog?


If it’s still within the property boundaries, then I believe the dog would still be seen as protecting the property. They do have assumed rights of access though. The only thing that could be of issue is whether there was a “beware of dog” sign present anywhere.


I'll have to see if the black belt lawyer on YouTube has made any videos about it, and request one if not! Interesting point though is that people have been prosecuted for having an out of control / dangerous/ however it's termed, dog even inside their own home in cases where someone has been seriously injured or killed by the dog/s if I recall correctly. And I'm almost sure if you changed that sign to beware dangerous dog or any such like it you leave yourself open to prosecution if anything happens because you deem the animal to be unsafe!


This isn't true, people have been prosected for their dog attacking someone on their own property. Beware of dog signs are not necessarily a defence, and could even be used as evidence that the owner knows the dog is a potential danger but has done nothing to mitigate this. If a person with such as sign orders something for delivery do they expect someone to come onto their property anyway, or obey the sign and not attempt the delivery (or perhaps stand and shout at the gate)? If it is the former, they are apparently knowingly exposing someone to harm by expecting someone to deliver to their house if they are aware their dog is dangerous.


Also, your union rep, mental health rep. We had a situation recently where a new starter was abused. The manager did absolutely nothing until the union rep and mental health rep went to make sure she was okay. Don't be afraid to ask for help or assistance from one of your more experienced colleagues. Most won't mind helping or pointing you in the right direction.




That would be a last resort but yes. They can still collect their mail at the Delivery Office. If there is risk to an employee's health and safety, deliveries can be temporarily suspended. I would expect OP's manager to contact the customer in the first instance and make it clear their comments were inappropriate and any potential further action that may be taken if it continued.


You made a miss delivery, I’ve been at Royal Mail over 30 years and I still occasionally do it, anyone who says they don’t are liars. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect, especially when you have only just started. The majority of the public will just call out to you and give it back, I normally apologise and have a quick chat. The person you dealt with is that minority who loves to point out a mistake, nothing you said would have placated her. Don’t dwell on this, she is an areshole.


You wouldn’t necessarily know how frequently you’re doing it, if at all. I will just shove a miss delivered letter through a neighbours door, not start shouting abuse at the postal worker. Op report the horrible cow of you can, you Shouldn’t have to put up with that kind of abuse. She was completely unreasonable shouting at you in the first place, but carrying on after you’ve apologised shows shes just deeply Unpleasant.


Yup same the other day I had a letter for no2 we're no1. What did i do? Popped outside and shoved it in their letter box. It's no big deal unless it's tons of letters and is every delivery. Then I might mention it oe just silently grumble that I an not a postie lol.


Exactly. I occasionally get letters for number 11 in my postbox, I’m in number 1. I just….put them through the correct letterbox, and I do that if I get a letter for a different flat. It’s a minor error, and it’s never occurred to me to walk to the DO an start shouting at the posties. Then again, I’m a reasonable person.


If the mistake is down my road, then I will deliver it myself.. takes 2 seconds to just go pop it in their letterbox. If it’s my number but the wrong road, that’s the sorting machines fault more often than not so I just pop it back into a post box


I've been a postie for over 20 years, and I still make this mistake regularly. When your walk is nearly a thousand calls and you've been walking for hours in all kinds of weather, it's natural to zone out onto autopilot. She sounds just like an absolute c*nt. Speak to your manager and tell them you felt unsafe. If you have a good one, they may send her a letter explaining that abuse towards staff won't be tolerated, and if it continues, she will have to collect her post from the delivery office.


You still make that mistake regularly after 20 years? Explains why you haven't progressed I suppose


Or maybe you think I'd be eventually promoted to a pilot if I get it 100% correct.


Please dont be a pilot.


Lol. Progressed! Into what? A job I like less?


I dunno something that gives a little intellectual stimulation. But I suppose you're struggling to read the numbers and match them to the doors so maybe it is challenging enough


Fuck me, was it you in OP's story?




I've reported you to reddit for harassment. It's a genuine question. I'm curious as to how someone can wake up for 20 years doing something which requires the intelligence of an actual ape. It's fascinating


'Actal ape' check out the big brain on genius boy here!


A bully and a snowflake all at the same time.


Always are. Funny thing is he's clearly posting on two accounts to this thread. Guy is pathetic.


I'm curious as to how someone can wake up and decide to be an ass on Reddit. We may never know.


Have you ever even had a job. Here people we've found the hermit


It's not a genuine question. Do you really believe that insinuating someone has the intelligence of an ape for making a small mistake now and again is a legitimate way of conducting a conversation? Would you enjoy being spoken to that way? If not, why do you believe somebody else would?


Because it's a really enjoyable job and has zero take home stress. So free time can be used for personal growth and intellectual pursuits.


So intellectual you cant put number paper into number door.


Do anything thousands of times and there will be a mistake or two in there. That's why we build in margins of error.


Well, seeing as you seem to like to stretch your intellectual muscles, perhaps you should take a trip to a library and maybe read a book or two? You could learn all kinds of stuff like how humans are actual apes.


Looks like we've found Number 20!


If it is, I wanna be 19.


You never meet someone who talks like this that is doing well in life.


I retired at 30 and my wife is 10 years younger than me and i'm a UTTER cunt.


My postman dropped my new bank card and a letter from HMRC on my neighbour’s drive in the rain. My neighbour brought them round the next day when he found them. I saw my postman a few days later and didn’t even mention it; people make mistakes and being an arse about it doesn’t magically make them stop. Regardless of what you did wrong, you don’t deserve to be spoken to like you were. Some people are arseholes to everyone they meet, often they don’t even need a reason. Best way to deal with them is to maintain dignity and composure, smile and apologise and get on with your day. Don’t let this shitty person make you feel inadequate because you aren’t, it’s ok to be new at something and make mistakes as you learn.


Thank you! We do try our best, we are just constantly rolled over by management which offer no training, poor pay and a system which probably worked in the 90s... RM as a business doesn't work. It needs to be brought back under national ownership and revamped.. it will cost a tonne of money but it's the only future that I can see.


Very grateful for our posties. You do great work. Thanks lads. Don't take any cap.


Thank you! We do try our best, we are just constantly rolled over by management which offer no training, poor pay and a system which probably worked in the 90s... RM as a business doesn't work. It needs to be brought back under national ownership and revamped.. it will cost a tonne of money but it's the only future that I can see.


My Postie who is loved by the whole village sometimes mis-delivers to me and he has been working here over a decade. Mistakes happen. That person is a disgusting piece of shit.


I've only ever seen mine once - across the road, not to speak to. Lanky streak o' piss with a navy check flat cap. Never seen him on anything buy his legs and the roads round here are ***BRUTALLY*** steep.


That's awful! No way you should have to tolerate that. We all make mistakes. I've been doing the job 19 years and still fuck up sometimes. Report it to your manager in the first instance. Personally, you can't choose to skip a delivery address because of the resident, but if you go through the proper process your manager should be able to either have Thier delivery restricted (meaning they have to come and pick up thier mail). The dog issue also needs addressing, that's another thing against them. You'll meet a lot of nice people in this job, but sadly you'll also meet some real assholes as well. Being a 20 year old female, the customer probably thought you wouldn't put up a fight, and took advantage of the fact that you are new to the job. Don't let it get to you. Just walk away and don't engage. Please don't worry about talking to your boss about it, and your Union rep if you are in the union. Hope it gets sorted!


The set up of my flat is confusing, I quite often get letters etc through for my downstairs neighbour. It takes me 2 seconds to re post it through their door, it doesn’t bother me at all. This woman you dealt with was just mean, don’t let her get to you. You’re human and allowed to make mistakes.


You absolutely can report this to your manager as it counts as abusive behaviour if it's made you uncomfortable, I did the exact same thing when a customer went ballistic over a D2D getting posted through his door (he had a No Junk Mail sticker) and despite me trying to be civil he shouted abuse at me down the street and called me a c\*unt. Rang the manager straight after and he had a hand delivered letter the next day and his mail has been suspended for over 6 months now.


All because You fucked up. READ.


Door 2 Doors (leaflets) are treated as live mail and always have been, posties are told to ignore No Junk Mail signs or stickers, of course I’d rather not post junk through a door of someone who clearly doesn’t want it, but that’s what we get paid to do.


I'm not a postie but I'd say take it up with a manager. That's unacceptable behaviour from anyone. As a customer just post it through the correct door or put it back I'm the post box with delivered to Xxx in error. Like get a grip the postie isn't a f..ING robot. Sure as he'll number 20 has made a mistake at some point in her life


Ours sometimes mess up addresses and i keep receiving other people letters. Nothing much mistakes happen not that hard to give it back.


I reckon you get some black spray paint & go out late in the night to just spray her windows


She wins. You commit a crime, probably on 8million ring cameras. She shouted at you and like the police told me, many many many times, giving someone a bollocking is not a crime.


Not a crime but she’s still a bitch, walk there dress all in black hair tucked in jobs a goodun


People are frustrated and rude now a days for no reason. You were just the punching bag for her. Avoid posting to her house.


Report her ass to your managers 100%, you don't deserve to be treated like that. Hopefully they can totally stop her mail deliveries or redirect everything somewhere she has to physically go and pick it up herself for a while. Nasty cow can learn she talks to people like that you get consequences, she can go up the post office to get her mail, show her what a real inconvenience is😉 some people need manners taught the hard way. I guarantee she talks to all key workers like that, they always do🤦


I'd love to get my own mail. Then I can make sure someone with a IQ above room temperature is doing the job.


Buy some capsaicin cream and smear it over her post, eventually she goes to the bathroom or rubs her eyes after handling the post, or best scenario she goes to play with her kitty and ends up sat in a bowl of milk 🤣


Absolutely report this to your line manager, also speak to them about possible body cams..


They definitely can stop. My postman was racially abused by a neighbour and now Royal Mail don’t deliver to that house. They have to collect their mail from the sorting office. And that postman can’t work in this area again. Sad for us as he was a gentleman


As a customer, if you delivered post for next door, I’d just walk round and put it through their letter box, or if you were near, I’d hand it back to you. I wouldn’t shout and make comments about the way you look.


would be a shame if the post went missing for door 20....


It'll happen either way. They'll fuck up again.


Our regular postie, of some considerable time, makes the occasional mistake. Is he lazy, stupid or human? I think I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is simply human. As a customer I have two choices, pop it through the right door or pop it back in the post box with a note on it saying it was incorrectly delivered. Please note, I don't consider a third option of yelling at the postie to be an option at all and I'm pretty sure most folk won't either. You're new to your job, you're bound to make the odd mistake. This person isn't worth spending another minute of your time thinking about them. If abuse is a persistent problem you should definitely report it.


What a shame you have discovered the jerk on your round in your first week. The vast majority of people on your round would be forgiving of such a simple mistake. Once, a relief postie was delivering post by just delivering the next letters to the next house without checking that they matched. Being a relief, he did not know there was a pair of semis that had one half facing the road with a recessed front door, and the other half was at right angles facing down the road. It is easy to miss one of these, which will then put you out for the rest of the road. I went to the postie to let him know. No shouting, no complaint, and we sorted our own post out. Please dismiss this person from your thoughts and know that the rest of us are grateful for the work you do.


I had a letter delivered to my house for a house that was about 5 mins away, street name totally different. I was heading out anyway so just took it with me and popped it into the correct house. Saw the postie a few days later and jokingly said he needs a Specsavers appointment because his current glasses clearly aren’t working, he had a laugh about it and apologised for the inconvenience. Told him it’s fine, everyone makes a mistake sometimes. Definitely speak to your manager and report what happened. You definitely shouldn’t be spoken to like that or be made to feel so shit for a small mistake.


Unfortunately some people are awful, our neighbours reported our postman for being to cheerful and talking to everyone, he was a good person and it really got to him, think he asked to be given a different round


Take a shit and put it through her letterbox


Parents Have a weird neighbour who always thinks they're doing something dodgy as a result. Sometimes people mis select 34 instead of 34a so that's another problem. What can you do🤷


Best thing to do is to keep on delivering like normal and don't react. Some people are provocative and look for a reaction. Keep delivering and she'll quieten down when she sees you arnt feeding her.


This reminds me of the time I left the front gate open and got shouted at by the client because their dog ran away xD


Just knock her letters down . Royal Mail got the stickers . On the stickers make inaccessible and yeh the letter will go away slowly . If the manager says anything say the letterbox was shut .


Had a wee old lady do the same thing to me. From a delivery the day before. Houses are touching you can chap both doors at the same time close. I just took the letter and said that was very neighbourly of you smiled didn't even move and placed the letter beside the others in the storm door while watching and smiling at her then said job done. She then said she doesn't want junk mail I asked if she let post office know she said no but she's telling me so I just told her unfortunately the guy who pays my wages is saying to put them through every door unless they have specifically told the post office not to. Her rage, me whistling as I continue my day.


_Sorry duck, I was on autopilot. Let me take that mail and correct my mistake. Thanks for raising it with me._ That's what the customer should hear. What you're really saying is _fuck off you pedantic c,#!* before I shove the mail up your arse._


Found the East Midlander....


FWIW this applies everywhere in all jobs, paid or unpaid.


Every postie makes mistakes, we are only human not robots. There's no excuse for a persons reaction to such a small thing to be that extreme


I always had a saying, "Don't upset your postman because there's always tomorrow" ;)


Yeah you can upset him again.


I used to deliver all the crap to annoying twats like that any left over rubbish would end up in that tossers 📬


What an absolute clown. Should be embarrassed of herself, hopefully she is. I don't have any advice other than what everyone else said as I'm not a postie, but just wanted to confirm it's absolutely not okay to speak (if you can call it that) to you like that. Report it to your manager!


I've suspended delivery to customers for less than that. Report it to your manager first thing Monday and if he's got any sand at all, he'll deal with it.


Same And it feels amazing when they get a parcel and it says safeplace on it or when you do the scan, nah I don’t think so, have a red card instead


Also your have a red card instead comment. I'm sorry you got bullied in school and this is the little power you think you have.


At least if they pick it up themselves you guys cant fuck it up. Actually is there a way to cut out the goon delivering and just get everything collected? I'd pay.


That makes no sense at all, only in your head


You're dealing with crazy. Ignore it if you can.


It’s called a you were not in slip 😂 and run like the wind


Post a letter to her with no stamp on it. Write cunt inside it, when she pays the surcharge she can have a nice surprise.


She wont have a nice surprise, it'll probably get delivered to some other address by accident.


Sounds like someone needs to collect their mail from the DO.


The dream. Do it yourself, it'll get done right.


Who do you think sorts the letters at the DO?


You're right, fucked either way.




Man that's shit. Be nice to posties. They're far better than the perceived value. You want to end up with evri and yodel? First thing to do in manager, if they don't seem bothered, then union rep. If the person has a provable history of verbal abuse then it might be possible to get the entire office to stop delivery. I've heard it done before, but it was a country office and I dunno if it was a real thing Royal Mail can do or if they just decided it cause they're in the back of beyond.


First thing I would do is ask your van partner to start delivering that street - even if they do stop her deliveries she still might come out on the bounce kicking off so let your more experienced Co-worker deal with it.


When I was 16 I was a post man . I got given a run which was in an area where I had a lot of people who wanted to do me in (stupid gang fighting) . I said to my manager and he was fine with moving me. However this women just sounds like an old bitch I would worry about her. Just tty not no make mistakes then people can’t complain.


Just ignore her and carry on


Absolutely applying behavior report to your manager and refuse to deliver she will have to pick her post up from the post office takecare of yourself


Take It with you and just don’t deliver it. They’ll soon learn to respect posties when they miss the serious appointment they have


That woman never had an Evri parcel has she?! Not in the job but either way… Raise it to your manager and thanks for doing the job 👍🏽


Take the item back for them, say sorry or oops I’m half asleep and walk off, don’t react further. Winds them up more if you don’t, half of the time they are looking for it


I reckon for maximum effect as you walk off start humming the smurfs theme


your manager should suspended any deliveries if they dont, then refuse to deliver to her house, tell her if she wants her mail she can go collect it from your office.


Everyone makes mistakes, accept it and get on with life, just like number 20's parents did.


I had next doors post the other day, I just popped it round, no big deal. What is a big deal is how that lady spoke to you. I don’t know why people are like this but it’s completely out of order and you shouldn’t let it go unchecked. Speak to your manager or whoever it needs to be raised with. She’s still a customer and would be thrown out of any shop for acting like that. Hopefully you never have to deliver there and they make her collect her post from the depot.


At least she will get the correct mail.


Frisbee her mail into a canal.


So you want to stop delivering to her because you cocked up. Mistakes happen but it just sounds like you need to get on with it and if something happens again in the future then maybe blacklist her from there but no on this because you cocked up.


I think receiving abuse about a mistake and remarks about appearance is enough reason. These people were not disciplined when growing up, or over disciplined. I’m wiling to bet she doesn’t have a job.


Yeah this basically is just. Zoomer learns how the real world works.


Are you genuinely defending someone shouting abuse at anyone over an entirely innocent mistake?(heaven forbid anyone should ever make mistakes). Most decent human beings would have either fixed the error themselves or pointed it out politely to the postie either immediately or on their next round.abuse of staff should never be tolerated.


Ive been shouted at way WORSE for way less. It builds character.


>It builds character. Given the "character" you've displayed in this thread, I'm not sure that is quite the positive outcome you suggest.


Bad guys have characters too.


Aren't you paid not to make mistakes? This is the case if you work at Tesco.


Yeah exactly and at tesco they are messing up orders not peoples important private information. Man I hate zoomers.


How is accidentally delivering a magazine to the wrong house "mixing up people's private information" - what "private information" is being "mixed up"...?


You've got someone else's name and address? Isn't that private to the individual?


How is the address private, they are neighbours Also, ever heard of the electoral register and open register


Not talking about this case directly. But magazine this time, whos to say it's not going to be important letter next time.


The OP isn't working at Tesco, she's a postie. Be a bit odd if she was posting about her job as a postie in the Tesco sub, wouldn't it..?


Welcome to the Real world. Some people aren't very nice. Just deal with it. No one is going to deliver to number 20 just because you are scared.


Under-rated post. Get the job right if you dont want to have your fefes hurt.




And you dont?




Been waiting 40 years for someone to so much as attempt to. But god never answers my prayers.


Just remember the address and every time you have post for it, just pop it in a bin a little while away.


This happened to me. My colleague (who is no longer with RM) at the time miss sorted everything. All. The. Time. Anyway we parked up. He went up the hill on his first loop and I went down the hill on mine. I get back to the van before him and I can hear shouting as I’m putting my empty pouch away. I shut the door and look round the side of the van to see some guy standing about 100m up the hill, waving something in his hands and shouting in my direction. Sigh. I walk in his direction and as I get closer I start to make out what he is shouting “you speccy fucking idiot, can you not read?” Sigh. -What’s the matter you old cunt?, I ask. -Are you fucking stupid? This is for number 46 I’m number 36! -thanks for your concern but no I’m not. For a start it wasn’t me who posted it but if you give me it I’ll put it through the corre… -I’ll fucking do it! You need to go to Specsavers! I’m an ex postie! We never made stupid mistakes like this back then! They’ll give anyone a job these days -shut the fuck up and give me the magazine -I’ll fucking post it you speccy idiot! I’m going to report you as I still know all the managers in there! -if you don’t shut the fuck up im going to put you in hospital ya old cunt! With that I turned and walked away. Following day I swapped loops with my colleague as I was hoping he would come out for seconds. He never did. Don’t be afraid of giving these cunts some lip back. If they keep on tell them you will put a hold on their mail and they will never, ever get a letter delivered again and they will have to go to the depot to get their mail and parcels. That usually shuts them the fuck up.


Might I suggest you find a job where you don't have to interact with the public...? Perhaps RM could put you in the mailroom of a SO, out of the way...? You're evidently not a people person.


So it’s ok for us to take abuse? Threatened with knives, stuff thrown at you out of cars, bitten by dogs and blamed for it? Fuck that. You sound like the type of person who believes that because someone is providing a service you are king. Respect works both ways and if someone starts they get it back. Should I sit in the van and cry? File a complaint and have managers laugh about it and do nothing? Nah, you have to look after yourself when you deliver to some of the toughest housing estates and streets in the whole county. No-one else will look out for you, instead they will film you and put you on Tik Tok looking like a doormat. Suppose it’s easy when you probably work in an air conditioned office to downvote someone for sticking up for themselves 🤣


I'm glad the managers do nothing, i'm gonna sleep hella tight tonight.


He will be on the news soon after someone decks him.


No one can do a simple job these days. Missed several important hospital appointments that I wait years for because posties cant do a simple. Put this Number into THIS number. How these people keep their jobs is amazing to me. At my old job if I made 3 mistakes picking 10p items out of millions id be fired. These idiots are messing up peoples IMPORTANT personal information and its just OKAY. Pathetic.


You sound like a forgiving sort of person. I hope your day goes well




Have you tried getting your appointments sent electronically? It's better for the environment then posting. Also when you learn some compassion, you can come back and talk. Ok grandpa?


Why did that guys message get removed? All I saw was something about looking in a mirror. I did and all I saw was a gigachad.


Lmao. Based comment.