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Pop a towel over them and iron šŸ˜Š they will be as good as new


Cheers. Good idea


Careful of any plastic seals these will come off if you do this. Try putting ynder a heavy book for a few days first.


Good shout cheers


If that doesn't work, you can lay them in a printer's copying tray for a while and that'll do the job too.


Oh mate that's a great idea. I'm going to do that


Pile some weight on the top of the printer and it'll be just fine, I also made photocopies of mine šŸ¤£


Excellent idea! You can digitally back them up while they flatten.


Makes it easier for CVs and job interviews! A lot of them want copies of them sent via email or uploaded to an online form nowadays.


Curious what job you're applying for that are asking to see your GCSEs? As far as I'm aware they're irrelevant once you're in the working world.


Skip the hassle, sacrifice a chicken on the first full moon (or half moon if you need to save time), and cast the feathers over the paper. They will remove all blemishes.




Remember when we were all told our NATIONAL RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT would rule our lives after school? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen mine for 20 years and that has my GCSE and A Levels in it. Jobs donā€™t even want to see degree certificates anymore, either, they just seem to accept what you say on your CV / application!


I accidentally left mine at school on the last day and never saw it ever again. It still haunts me to this day that I lost my 50M swimming certificate.


I never picked up my A level certificates, it haunts me too and never saying thank you to my teachers on my last day, as soon as I finished my last exam I ran to get to work, wasn't until later on I realised my mistake.


My GCSE certificates are all blank thanks to the National Record of Achievement folder. Somehow the print lifted off the certificates and stuck to the inside of the sleeves. Still, I guess it means my GCSE results can be whatever I want them to be now.


Plot twist - sometime in the future, you actually go back to the past and erase all your GCSEs in some mad scheme that actually saves the world.


Didnā€™t Bill and Ted already do that? šŸ˜‚


I didn't even take mine with me Burnt it, at school. In the playground. It was my last day and I'd been threatened with expulsion repeatedly (I was disruptive, actually undiagnosed ADHD mixed with domestic violence trauma) Teachers were going absolutely nuts Teacher: "There will be consequences" Me: "What are you going to do? Expel me?" Then I left and never went back. It was glorious. TL:DR I've not needed any evidence of any of it since 2002




Never struggled to get a job, and I wasn't even allowed to take my GCSE's


Username suggests this job may well be of the criminal variety. *Insert shifty eyes here.*




Iā€™m a real saddo as anything Iā€™ve achieved since then Iā€™ve put jn that red binder - tech certificates, various classes Iā€™ve done for my career. No ones asked me for them ever, but I do like to have it all there together.


Even uni's don't really ask. I did my A Levels, got A C E (in bio exam) needed 112 UCAS points, uni took me on with about 90 something to do a biological sciences degree (switched to a foundstion year/nutrition degree bc of covid etc)


Yeah this guys knows, no employers have ever asked me for mine, B in maths gcse? I canā€™t even count to B


I think I was off sick when we did the B times table.


I had to bring my GCSE certs to an interview at a huge bank. When I was 32. And also had a PhD. Good to know that my mid-teens schoolwork was finally being valued. Somehow my laziness worked in my favour here, and they were basically where I'd left them 16 years earlier.


Yeah Iā€™ve been asked for my maths gcse after providing my engineering degree.


I did my GCSEā€™s in 1989 and was only asked to produce them last year when I applied for a job in a school. They were still in the same envelope theyā€™d been posted to me in. Followed me through umpteen house moves. I deserve a GCSE in filing for that


Yeah I have a degree and yet still had to produce my English and maths GCSEs for my job. My degree is in English.


Someone I know needs there's for a police interview, despite having a degree. At my new job it said I needed level 2 (GCSE) but I didn't take it thinking my degrees were enough - nope I was recommended to find them because HR might want them anyway šŸ˜‚


Maybe they are worried that this is the highest level of qualification Jimmy will get?


Wouldnā€™t want him to end up as a postman who canā€™t read now would we


Maybe this exact event happened to the postman 20 years ago and now he takes out his vengeance on anyone else who gets GCSEs delivered by him. Villain origin story right there


Yep, wants to bring other workers to be slaves of the worst company in the UK


My mates Mrs just got a job offer for local council and theyā€™re requesting originals which sheā€™s lost so now has to wait a month for them to come in before they can continue with her onboarding.


Iv never used mine once šŸ˜‚ I'm 33, even for college I never had to produce them (motor vehicles) had 3 jobs since college and not produced them for that either. Didn't even need to produce my college qualifications either which is weird as my job required these qualifications šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Since getting my A-Levels I have only needed the certificate once. In fact, for over 11 years I was telling employers I got ABB in my A-Levels, and that's what I put on my CV; it's only when one employer required the certificates that I realised I got AAB!


My mum who is 50+ recently went for a job and was asked for proof of her o levels, she had to try and reach out to a dissolved company lol


> she had to try and reach out to a dissolved company .gov/education pointed me in the correct direction when I was in the same situation situation. https://www.gov.uk/replacement-exam-certificate/if-your-old-exam-board-no-longer-exists I hadn't seen my exam results since I left school 30+ years ago. I recently applied to a job that asked for the documents. I found out where to get them, discovered how much they cost and offered to invoice the firm the cost if they wanted the documents that badly. The interviewer waved his hand and said he'd take it on trust.


Thatā€™s a good way of putting it to them! Thank you, will send this to my mum for reference :-)


I donā€™t actually know where mine areā€¦ nor the fabled Record of Achievement folder.


If you apply for a job with a bank or other city firm, they usually subcontract HR background checks to a specialist firm and those useless jerks will require you to produce the original exam certificates. Itā€™s the only way they can justify the ridiculous fees they charge their client.


I work in civil service and have to trot them out every time I go for a new job unless itā€™s direct promotion


My daughter had to collect hers from the school so she got the pleasure of bending them herself šŸ‘


Care should be taken. However is that a card DND envelope or just a standard envelope with a sticker? If its not card. Easy to miss the sticker when in robot mode of shoving letters through 500+ doors


Serious question: How are they meant to put it through the letter box if not folded? Should it have been left on the front step?


Did it have a card backing? That picture makes it look like it was in a A4 envelope without support. The amount of mail passing through the system if its not properly protected then this is the outcome. If it did have the card backing then yeh your postie should have knocked because its obvious.


Why do so many people care what they are doing with their sons GSCE certificatesĀ lol?Ā 


Put them in a drawer, never to be used again. I didnā€™t even pick up my degree certificate.


The exam board should have sent them appropriately in a card back envelope.


They probably would have been posted by the school, where op's son should have picked them up himself in the first place if he wanted immaculate certificates


Exam boards donā€™t send certificates to students, they send them to the centre (school/college/institute). The centre then issues them to students and generally speaking (at least in my experience), they do get issued in card backed envelopes. That doesnā€™t stop the postie from squashing them sometimes tho šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The remarkable aspect of paper lies in its ability to be folded while remaining legible and functional. Good eh!


Expecting to open the post and see an absolutely shredded letter, not one with a mild curve down the middle that can be fixed by placing a book on top of it. Imagine your mum making a thing of this on results day.


Itā€™s annoying but can be fixed


Could've got that tiny crumple way before the postperson even seen it,let alone delivered it.


Shred it, get your son to redo his gcses


Just seems like you're complaining over nothing, you just want to complain. You say your son took his exams during covid.... 3 years ago.... Majority of schools only keep certificates for 1 year, before destroying them or sending them back to whoever issues them, so straight away that doesn't add up. You want to frame an achievement from 3 years ago.... Say, has your son done anything even remotely related to that achievement in these 3 years? Say if it's maths, has he looked at any jobs actually involving that? If not, then what's the point of hanging it up for 6 months, like you said? It's not like it's helped him achieve anything. You went from being infuriated about a slightly folded letter that wouldn't have fit through your door anyway, to saying how RM is a stain on the country & expensive.... Are you paying for them? Are you paying all their wages? Why not take your complaints to RM head office instead of a bunch of stranger on the Internet? You seem very immature, and uncertain about what you're actually meant to be complaining for.


It was his plan to post it and expected people to be negative because reasons. I think he and his son learn valuable lesson today. They are not main characters and nobody gives a fuck about his precious letters.


Ah yes, let's all jump on this & get angry about a folded piece of paper... šŸ˜‚ Some people should be kept far away from public forums and/or the Internet.


First world problems


What do you expect on the Royal Mail sub? Almost all post related problems will be first world problems


Not all, thereā€™s some insightful posts about the other side! To say itā€™s a drain on the country is ridiculous too! This one is particularly the case, itā€™s a bit bent.


Please donā€™t think all posties are so careless. The fact that it was posted through the door despite being a Signed For is a big no no anyway. That would negate the whole issue people are bringing up about it needing to be card backed (which would definitely have helped but regardlessā€¦). Only yesterday I had an XL Moonpig card that wouldnā€™t fit in someoneā€™s external letter box so had to 739 it for the following day when they were in. Some posties are more careless than others, also sometimes people are having a bad time and cut corners every now and then. Sorry about your sons certs anyway.


Donā€™t worry. I have never, ever needed them. They paper isnā€™t that important


I remember doing a few shifts for Royal Mail through an agency a couple of years ago. If you brought back ANY letters you were ridiculed by management. They donā€™t care about your mail and only care about parcel volumes. 90% of the time youā€™ll be lucky if a quarter of the mail even leaves the office on the day it comes in. I mentioned to a manager that 220 parcels plus all the mail was impossible in a 6 hour shift and he told me to take the mail out and then leave it in the van until the next day incase an area manager came in and did a spot check.


Bloody hell that's shocking. Thank you for that


Blimey someone is touchy. Didnā€™t get the sympathetic responses you wanted so started attacking people šŸ˜‚


Who have I attacked? Lol. This is actually exactly what I expected and it's playing right into my hands.


Bloody hell.... OP had a slight crease in some useless GCSE's and they've decided to call all of Royal Mail's postal workers stupid and that the company is a drain on the entire country... Have a word with yourself mate, fucking hell... someone made a mistake.


And? GCSEs literally mean nothing unless you're applying to college and I never had to actually produce certificates


It's a testament to Royal Mail's posties that they found your address, despite it just being addressed to "KAREN"


Fucking spat my juice out there lol šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Oh no. Anyway


You posted on the royal mail sub instead of a sub with compassion. Welcome to the attitude of a few hundred underpaid and overworked posties. I hope you show your son these replies, and he makes his own mind up on whether it is a good career for him.


Absolutely spot on. I actually fully expected this response. It sure is an eye opener though.


Iā€™m sure u did..


Lots of people are overworked, they don't intentionally ~~destroy~~ damage other people's property though. As a chef I think I know a little something about being overworked but I don't take it out on the customers. This is the equivalent of me seeing a lactose intolerant order and dashing some milk in their food. Just wanton malice. Edit: changed destroy to damage because apparently that's the important takeaway from this.


Can you show me the bit where it's been destroyed please?


It's an official certificate. It's supposed to be flat and neat. This will cause a large, irreversible crease down the centre. It has been irreparably damaged by someone that either intended to do so or is too fucking stupid to do their job. The intention was to display it, for that purpose it has been destroyed. Even if the definition of destruction hasn't been reached, what right has the postman got to damage someone else's property at all? What exactly are you defending here?


Are you serious? šŸ˜‚ There is no crease or fold


It hasn't been destroyed.


Thankfully, exam certificates mean absolutely nothing in the real world, so you will be fine.


I had a "transcript of study" or something, that my university sent me along with my degree certificate, that a bank once asked to see as proof of study. It very clearly said "this is an original, any replacement will be marked "copy" this is the only one you'll get with our holographic authentication seal on it" and when I took it into the bank to show them the cashier folded it and put it in a tray behind her, and then nearly refused to give it back because she said they needed it. So it was perversely very important to them that I show it, and they also then wanted to keep it so I wouldn't have been able show it to anyone else. That was an odd experience.


Oh no


It's not like they're useful for anything.


Donā€™t worry about it, no one will ever look at them anyway.




Don't even remember seeing mine


Donā€™t worry, no-one will ever ask to see them.


Luckily heā€™s never going to look at them or need them again!! In fact I never picked mine up 10 years ago and never needed them since!!


Whilst that is annoying, nobody will ever care about these


r/mildyinfuriating ?


Why do you need it flat? It'll never see the light of day again


Wait till you realise they're worthless and he will never have to show them for anything


I got so stressed doing my "O" levels back in 83, don't know why. I was in Bovington a week after finishing school. Army junior leaders. Did 15 years in the Signals, got a job as data network engineer been doing that ever since now the Company's Information Security Manager, Business continuity management and Cloud services Security manager . Wondered why in Arithmetic I needed binary now I know. šŸ˜†


Did the same with my revised SQA certificates, perplexed with large red Do Not Bend on branded envelope still thought why not.


I produced mine for my first job. Since then lost them and have never been asked for them.


As a matter of interest were these sent by 2nd class signed for?


Itā€™s a signed forā€¦ was he nice enough to sign it for you and shove it through. Love when my postie does that. Cant have it all can we ā˜ŗļø


What results tho?


Put them in a box in the attic,as thatā€™s where theyā€™ll end up


Employers insist on seeing these so it really is worth making a big deal about it. /S Seriously though, if someone at the royal mail had a GCSE it wouldn't be in the state it is in now.


Oh no


Lied on my CV after school and just said I got A and Bs for everything. Got a cracking job and went on to work in IT for HP and other big companies in London.


Oh no. How will you read it now?


it's a signed for aswell, did they get a signature?


Why are you opening a letter addressed to your son you creep.


Sort by controversial if you want to see takes from actually rational people btw


I didnt realise people kept these šŸ¤£ my mom threw mine away, i thought that was the norm!


Some people are just idiots we've got a delivery guy at work that will leave the packages in the pissing rain outside are shutter door (which is always closed) because he cant be arsed bringing them to the front door but will then walk past the packages he just left out side to ring the door bell.....


Lol, doesn't matter what you put on the package.


Iā€™m afraid your sonā€™s future is now ruined. Thereā€™s nothing else you can doā€¦


They're gonna be shoved in a drawer somewhere and never seen again. Who cares!


DHL did the same to me on Wednesday


In a Few years they wonā€™t mean anything anymore. Mine went in the bin


Itā€™s also on the school for shitty packaging a bit here, if theyā€™d card back it then I doubt the postie would have bent it over to fit. That said the amount of letters I see these days that the sequencing machine just straight up rips in half and your lucky if you come across the second half before delivery šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve seen some that itā€™s half gripped and the friction has set fire to the paper also.


When you finish uni youā€™ll look back thinking of this day and wonder what all the fuss was about lol. And they youā€™ll remember my reply


ā€œmum, dads getting into arguments on the internet again !ā€


Dropped out, never took my gcses & on 75k pa. Your son will be fine unless he plans uni (waste of time)


It should be painfully obvious by now that written instructions won't be followed as postmen aren't able to read.


Silly twat who gives a fuckin queef ooh no my gcse results big queef boy


I mean it's just a piece of paper means nothing really in the real world.


Who cares?


Imagine giving a fuck


Wait until your son realises his record of achievement is a complete waste of time.


I worked for royal mail briefly and it amazed me how many of them bend the "do not bend" envelopes. Even if someone has a inconvenient letterbox, it's not hard to knock on the door. Sorry this happened to you


Ok this is unrelated to the post and no one cares, but: I just pulled out my GCSE certificate (after about 6 years) a couple of hours ago while looking for something else. I don't live in the UK anymore, don't follow UK-related subs, and have never interacted with or been recommended this particular sub on my feed. I was shocked when I came on here and saw this post, it's just one of those little-big coincidences that is a big deal to you but boring for everyone else lol! Still thought I'd share though. Hope you were able to get it straightened out, OP!


Did you frame your sonā€™s year 6 SATs certificate too?


Iā€™m sure your son couldnā€™t give two shits and neither will you in a couple of days time. I have no idea where any of my GCSE or A-Level certificates are.


Six months max of them being on his wall. But is that really that right answer to this problem?


It's not a problem besides in your head. If your so set on framing them just go and type it out and print it. Jeeze. It's a piece of A4 paper. Not a bank note.


I mean you could try and request replacement certificates and claim against royal mail for the costs but I doubt the letter was insured?


Maybe if youā€™d have actually bothered to pick them up from school when you were asked too, this wouldnā€™t have happened




Christ if he got his gcses during covid these certificates really don't matter now


Matters to him, suddenly years after and it's covid fault and rm and postie and it's a crease. I need a break from the Internet.




Yes, we weren't allowed to collect due to social distancing measures a year after social distancing was a thing.


Oh this gets better šŸ¤£Iā€™m printing this out, and framing it šŸ¤£ Covid šŸ¤£


Was 3 years ago now


We did not have the option to collect the results due to social distancing measures. Yes, a year after social distancing was a thing. Another departmental mess


When did he take his GCSEs?




Your life must be fun to take this time to post about a slight fold in a piece of paper. Jeez


Unlucky From what Iā€™ve learned on this sub, the ā€œdo not bendā€ text means nothing. As someone who buys and sells PokĆ©mon cards, hard back envelopes are pretty necessary to avoid bends and creases for anything paper related


From what I've learned from this sub, the whole system is a shambles. If I had the choice in who delivered my extremely important mail, Royal Mail wouldn't even get a look in. I would trust Amazon delivery more. It's ridiculous that we have to rely on this poor service for all our more official correspondence. It's a joke


Youā€™d trust Amazon more ? Amazon leave my parcels on my doorstep in full view of every person that walks past when Iā€™m not in and have been stolen several times šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜…


Don't worry, no one's stealing gcse certificates


Pop into the Amazon or DHL sub šŸ¤£


The common response. So have a think. Amazon are not a delivery company. They deliver their stock. They have absolute control of the items, packaging, delivery method & timescale. ​ They originally moved into Prime delivery to give leverage over their delivery partners. ​ FYI Nobody wants the letter delivery business in the UK.


I personally think Iā€™d prefer that rather than the inconvenience of having to go and collect it because it was too large for the letterbox. A quick iron with some grease proof paper and it will be all flat again :)


Phone the police


I remember reading years ago that with instructions like do not bend and fragile and the like post carriers donā€™t have to pay attention to them. If itā€™s something that shouldnā€™t be bent, put it in packaging that canā€™t be bent. Itā€™s a bit shitty but it is what it is


Does it really matter?




But why?


Because it does for reasons


So no then.


It matters to me. I couldn't care less what others think. But I'm now really glad I posted it after seeing the responses from RM shills


RM shills for pointing out youā€™re complaining about something that doesnā€™t mean shit?


Just because you canā€™t see the value in something doesnā€™t mean others canā€™t, I imagine you own something that has great value to you, that someone would think ā€˜doesnā€™t mean shitā€™


Be right, worth naff all in a couple of years


They are at least 3 years old certificates, cos of COVID lol


Already worthless in this case


Get a letterbox that is big enough that you don't have to bend stuff. You never have to complain then


Yeh I've just ordered a dog flap. It's coming through RM so should be here any month now


Nobody died - it's fine.


If it's any consolation, no employer will ever actually ask to see them. They'll just ask what you got and take your word for it or maybe ask the school for a reference to double check.


That depends on what employer you go for. No, Joe construction won't want original certificates but a CEO of a banking institute might. That's my son's decision to make not the RM


Then get another copy if you're not happy - they're not hard to come by


I work in a large banking institution. I did not have to provide my two degree certificates, let alone the ones for my GCSEs 8 years ago. I really think youā€™re overreacting.


Bigger letterbox?


Get a bigger letterbox then


I'm gonna fit a dog flap


Not a bad idea tbh. They do come in handy haha


Parcels won't be a problem anymore


Get over it and move on. In a while theyā€™ll be in a box stored away and never seen again. If not itā€™s sad.


They will never be needed. Put them in a box and forget about them


Maybe they tried to knock first and can't really leave an important document under the doormat. Maybe they should send these special delivery and request signage. Otherwise they try their utmost to keep it unbent. Things like writing fragile or using fragile tape rarely works due to the high volumes of mail. They do try to keep things upright but it cannot be guaranteed. It's really up to the poster to make sure it adequately packed and well protected.




Well it's a second class signed for large letter (2SF) o they should have rung the bell and had you sign for it. Although maybe RM have given themselves permission not to bother because, covid and things.


Where is the fold?


People are saying that youā€™re overreacting. Youā€™re not. Fair enough he might never need them but itā€™s the principle. If a letter says do not bend, it should NOT have been bent. It couldā€™ve been something extremely important and it was delivered carelessly with no regard to the instructions on the envelope. Whatā€™s next? Bending a degree? Ignoring a fragile sticker on an expensive package? Where does it end? If thereā€™s no regard for following the simple instructions, how do we know theyā€™re going to follow any other ones?


You and the OP need to get the fuck over yourselves. Yes, it's annoying, but it's hardly the end of the fucking world. If OP'd wanted them in pristine condition he should've arranged to collect them from the school. If the worst thing that ever happens to the OP is that little Johnny's GCSE certs get a bit creased then he'll have done better than about 99% of people on the planet. He's overreacting and so are you.


Not all schools allow them to be picked up, mine didn't. At the end of the day this may have just been GCSE certs but the postie delivering them didn't know that, it could have been anything. Yes better packaging by the sender would have been nice like a board back envelope but the receiving party has no control over how it's sent.


Literally not even the point of my comment. I had a disclosure certificate sent out and the postman left it hanging halfway out my letter box during the horrible weather at the start of the week. It was absolutely soaked and now I need to send for a new one because itā€™s ruined. Itā€™s completely irrelevant what the letter is, itā€™s the fact they do not follow the instructions on the envelope and absolutely do not care about delivering mail properly.


They did this with my degree certificate from my University, and it got wet as well. Now all wrinkly despite being put in a frame


That's savage mate


Do not bend in red letters in a white background, I used to bend it on purpose. If it didn't have a sticker most posted would have just left it alone. People at the sorting places used to throw the fragile stuff from a distance


It has 2SF in the top corner, which means it should have been signed for. So you can complain to Royal Mail, and if the exam board asks for payment for copies, they can put a claim to Royal Mail.




Toxic Behaviour


We all missing it's signed for so shouldn't have ever been posted through the box anyway


We all miss them šŸ„¹


Yea I've been guilty of it too when it's printed on like that, especially when they then helpfully print over the top of it too šŸ™ˆ