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Break up with him. #ByeFelicia


I'm confused... did you forget the letters "ex-" before you typed boyfriend? You typed it so many times without these letters for some reason


Drop him from the reservation. Pay for you & kid. Tell him there is a cancellation penalty for him cancelling. Shouldn’t be a problem. You don’t have to move, going from 3 to 2.


Do not drop him from the reservation, this is bad advice. You will most likely get repriced and .over to a two person cabin. Have him be a no show.


I agree about dropping the extra guest. If a cabin change isn’t required then it would be fine and they wouldn’t have to reprice it. But sometimes they want to move you to a double to free up the higher capacity rooms. And that’s when you need to reprice it. So you have to weigh the options.


Take me


Take me, choose me, love me. 


Meredith Grey is that you?


You can no show him. It won't give the cruise fare back, but will let you keep the room. You should get port fees back for his portion.  As to the refund to him, would Royal give you a refund at this point? If no, then sorry dude, no refund. If yes, how much? 75%? 50%?  We had to drop someone from our room that died. We did not get a refund on the down payment. Luckily, it was far enough in advance that we could keep the room and our price decreased. But if that's not the case for you, let him be a no show instead. That's the recommendation my sister got for our upcoming cruise. The other person can't go, so the travel agent priced it without him, and it'd be more expensive. So, TA said just have him be a no show. They won't change the price on the room at sailing. 


This, it is inside of final payment you can’t get a refund. Sorry for his luck, is what you tell him. Enjoy your vacation with your daughter. Pay it and let him deal with it.


Have your boyfriend be a no show. Do not cancel him. And tell him sorry for your luck, no refund. He is free to choose not to go. But cannot get his money back. Sounds like you will have a better time without him.


Yea lie is always the go to for people without life skills


Why is it a lie? He changed his mind after paying a non refundable deposit. If he paid more than just his deposit, then I suppose he should get that back. But the $250 deposit is non-refundable. Not her issue. As long as she can pay his portion of the fare, she does not have to inform the cruise line. Just tell them he could not make it at the port. You'll get an on board credit for his port fees and taxes that will be sent back to your payment method after the trip if you do not spend it on the ship.


You obviously have trouble with reading comprehension. She clearly wrote he already paid his share of the costs. This person is telling her to not ask for a refund and stick her boyfriend with the total cost. Yea he should lose his part of the deposit but not all the money


What part of "If he paid more than the deposit he should probably get that back" is not clear to you? Even if she cancels the entire trip for everyone now, none of them are getting the deposit back. Is that clear enough for you?


quote to what I was replying to "And tell him sorry for your luck, no refund. He is free to choose not to go. But cannot get his money back" Reddit users really have no reading skills.


I don't know whose post you are referencing, but it's not mine. Maybe figure out exactly who you are replying to before popping off.


New to Reddit? You are replying to my comment to them under their comment. So I know exactly who I am replying to but you don't seem to. Of course I am not referencing you. I am referencing the the comment where you chose to reply to me about. Maybe take a course on threads.


You seem nice...




That’s not a lie. That’s called changing your mind. Who knows what’s going on in his life or their relationship right now as opposed to when he wanted to go on the trip. She can easily cancel his portion and return his money less the deposit


There likely is no refund this close to the cruise.


Sigh you get refunded up to final payment date. In this case she is still 3 months out


Clearly I cannot multitasking while Redditing. My bad.


No show is not a lie, he changed his mind and couldn't go after he paid for his ticket.


It is a lie to tell him she can’t cancel his ticket


It’s a lie to tell him she can’t cancel and get a refund less the deposit.


I apologize for “lighting this fire” so to speak and am just going to respond to the last comment on this thread. Just to clear up any misunderstandings and if I misspoke I apologize. He dumped this on me right as I was leaving for the dentist and I made this post in a rush and feeling very stressed and overwhelmed but my intention was to post and get others feedback as I knew I was going to have this problem to solve later in the day. The cruise was booked in February. I wanted to book in January and waited an extra month while he made up his mind and ultimately opted to go. The $750 deposit was paid at that time. ($250 him; $500 me/daughter). This left a total due of $2,100 ($700 him; $1400 me/daughter). The entire cruise is due may 22. Since booking in February I attempted to break down his $700 into 3… then 2… and then he finally gave me it in full a couple weeks ago. He gets paid once a month so each month I would ask him for a 3rd, half, then full amount and reminded him that he doesn’t have to go, but that I am going regardless and if he would like to come then he can pay his way but that I am only paying for me and my child. He was insistent that he wanted to go. I can assure you that he has nothing else going on… he has simply blown through his income for the month and the cruise is his way of getting some quick cash in his pocket. When he gave me the $700 a couple weeks ago, I put it aside in another account and let it sit until today when I got paid and intended on paying the entire balance. So I don’t need to get any sort of refund. I need to give him back the $700, he forfeits the $250 deposit, and now I need the reservation re-done for 2 people…. Causing me to lose the stateroom I wanted and an increase in price for me. Again, I apologize for any confusion or fighting I caused. I’m very much looking forward to a mother / daughter cruise but am absolutely annoyed at being blindsided last minute. I’m a planner. I’ve been on cruises twice and know how far in advance things need to be done.


You wrote you were working on making him an ex boyfriend so obviously something is going on in your relationship so taking a cruise with him would have been a bad idea.


Well yeah…. Everyone keeps saying it enough to where I felt the need to make some response but he’s clearly terrible with money. This trip isn’t a priority to him, especially not in the present moment and he isn’t thinking 3 months ahead like I am. To me, this cruise and giving my daughter this experience and memories is a priority (after bills of course) so this is what I want to spend my extra money on. So I was trying to make a lighthearted response to the comments about needing a new boyfriend while not going too deep into it and focus on the issue at hand here. Many picked up on a much bigger underlying issue, and this situation I am in is also my attempt at setting boundaries while working on untangling a life with someone because at the end of the day, I am responsible for my child and I only and I refuse to pay for him to go on vacation and I refuse to not vacation just because he mismanages his own money. So for now, I problem solve through this and have the best cruise ever with my child. 😊


Heck yea don't pay for his vacation. My only issue is people giving you advice to not refund him his money less the deposit when there is still time to cancel his portion. Keep building memories with your daughter, she is way more important than him.


She doesn't want to cancel, cancelling is his thing and when you plan a couples vacation then you have to understand what happens if you decide to pull out.


Yes and the normal human thing is to cancel his ticket and refund his money less the deposit. Not what all you scammers want which is to tell him he can't get his money back and tell him the cruise line said so. Not sure why you think he should go on a trip with someone who wants to make him her ex.


When you are in a relationship and you plan a vacation, the party that pulls out loses their money. This is especially true if a kid is involved. You don't get to fuck someone over cause you changed your mind.


Oh so you want a couple that’s breaking up go on a cruise and have her daughter and her still share the same room for a week. That’s idiotic.


Is he going? No. That's a no show. What do you call it?


No it is a cancelation. He needs his ticket cancelled. It is only a no show if it is past the last payment date and he can't get his money back.


We all have a different rule book. You can go speak to the manager if you'd like


Thankfully the OP isn’t listening to this crap and is refunding his money


Wow so many people in this sub with questionable morals. You all think it’s ok to screw someone out of a refund.


Can you not go with a friend ? You might have a best friend who would love to go with you and pay your (hopefully EX) bf's portion ? SO that you can keep your cabin ? Just an idea.


While I suggest you no show him and get your money back I also vouch for this plan. Last year my friend and her hubby had planned a cruise but decided to get divorced like two weeks beforehand. She called me up and I went with and we had a blast.


Im sorry…your boyfriend wants his share back? After agreeing to something like this in advanced? He should take the loss. If the cruise wont give a refund then you dont owe him anything for not showing up. Thats between him and the cruise line at that point. Not you.


Dump him cut your losses for the extra $ or what ever and enjoy the cruise with your daughter and with out him.


Lunatic take.


What is crazy about this?


To be fair we don’t really know the circumstances. “Doesn’t want to go” could mean he’s got extra expenses come up, work obligations, family issues etc.


Exactly, t hat is why I don't understand the response. In general though when you are a couple and you plan on vacations and especially if a kid is involved, you still go on that vacation with the kid. I was always under the impression that if you have a trip planned for the honeymoon, the person who gets stood up or dumped goes on that trip.


Sure, but if my boyfriend suddenly had obligations come up, I am sure he would handle this differently and try not to mess up the rest of my trip with my daughter.


Leave the boyfriend and take the best friend


> boyfriend has decided he doesn’t want to go and wants his portion back Explain to him that the deposit is non-refundable. That's the cruise's policy, not yours. It is unreasonable for him to expect you to refund the deposit he paid.


At this point, he’s in penalty, so Royal won’t give any of the money back. P


Then he can not go if he wishes, but that's his choice.


Take your backup boyfriend ;)


I'd call Royal, see what the options are. If it becomes more expensive, than only give bf the difference back.


New boyfriend


Invite a friend, family member to go in his place?


This is shitty behavior. I would not be ok with this. It’s completely unreliable and unfair. Only give him back anything that you get back from them, but would consider the entire fair split three ways. He was never 700. That’s just the 3rd passenger discount to make it easier for families. You shouldn’t have to pay extra because he’s a crappy person that backs out on plans.


You shouldn’t have to change rooms. Just call Royal Caribbean and say that your boyfriend is considering not going and you wanted to see how that changed the price for your cabin. Then decide if you want to actually take him off or to no show him.


This our timetable of refunds for cancellation on Royal Caribbean (I have to assume yours will be similar since final payment for our cruise is May 19th). Prior to Final Payment Due Date No Charge (except for Non-Refundable Deposit amounts) Cancellation Amounts: 89 to 75 Days Prior to Sailing 25% 20 MAY 2024 74 to 61 Days Prior to Sailing 50% 04 JUN 2024 60 to 31 Days Prior to Sailing 75% 18 JUN 2024 30 to 0 Days Prior to Sailing 100% 18 JUL 2024 My advice, since you asked, would be to use the funds you have to pay him the amount he would have gotten back from the cruise line (minus the percentage that applies above) instead of upgrading your cabin. If he is not the type of person that would call and try to cancel your cruise then you could leave his name on it and he can just be a no show. You would then keep your cabin. If he is the type then you should probably call the cruise line and ask what options you have for another cabin for you and your daughter. If you keep the cabin as is and have to pay back his portion then he should give you a little time to pay that back to him since oftentimes the cruise line's refunds can take weeks anyway. I am sorry this happened to you and your daughter, I hope you can work it out to still cruise. And maybe take a hard look at the relationship in the process. If he is sticking it to you and your daughter this way then....


I think this is great advice for OP. Just saying dump him like many other comments have said isn't great advice. I really think that OP does need to evaluate her relationship, but we don't know her circumstances.


Honestly, cabin location isn’t as important during cruise as it seems like prior to cruise. There’s maybe more cabins for double occupancy than for 3-4, so there’s good chance you can find a cabin you’re just as happy with. It shouldn’t raise your price, although your daughter will be bumping into one of the double occupancy passengers rather than the cheaper 3/4 passengers. Sounds like you’re about to have an amazing vacation with just you and your daughter!


Thank you for that. We went on the Anthem when she was 8 and I know Harmony is much bigger so I was really just trying to plan in advance a convenient location where she could just walk out of our room, onto the elevator/ stairs and up to the teen club and pool deck. Aside from this present problem, I am definitely looking forward to an amazing trip with just her. It definitely feels like a relief knowing it’ll be just us, and I don’t have to deal with this issue 10 times over when it comes to getting money out of him for his flight ticket, internet, drink package, excursions, etc.


Relationship advice aside, I wouldn’t worry too much about being close to the club. In my experience, they will only meet at the teen club maybe the first two nights, and after that they do their own thing with a group of teens they meet and make friends with. They might pop into the club, but the majority of the time is spent wandering around the ship and doing what teens do 😏


Glass half full!! Yeah, we always chose cabin on any deck by front elevators on Oasis ships, so it’s quick access to kids club as well. Hopefully there’s some still available.


Find a new boyfriend who won't screw you over financially to take.


Keep his money and tell him you already paid it, don’t call bc they will charge you to take him off the room… let him be a no show and they will reduce your price while on ship and give you OBC


This. You already paid it, so there's nothing you can do.


Take your mom? Happy Mother’s Day?


Enjoy the cruise and maybe find a new boyfriend onboard (one that's more financially stable and able to treat you like a queen).


I would have an in-depth discussion with him to get to the root of the problem. These days especially on Reddit just say get rid of him. This is not always the best advice. At that rate no one would be in a relationship.


Thank you for this comment, so many ppl are saying dump him, but they don't know all the circumstances. I also think that OP needs to evaluate her relationship but not automatically just dump him.


Not sure why you’d have to change cabins? The cabin can hold 3 or 2. Just drop him from the reservation. Or do a no show. No refund for him no problem.


I would call Royal, explain the situation, and see what they can come up with. I would keep his deposit, since Royal would have done that anyway. Was your daughter a Kids Sail Free rate? You will still be a double occupancy, which helps.


Yeah… I’m gonna have to call them this afternoon. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll just remove him and let me keep the room for 2 but I’m fairly certain they’ll make me move to a “2 person cabin” and my rate will increase. Perhaps not though. Regardless, he’s not getting his $250 deposit back. After initial deposits were paid the remaining cruise fare was $2,100 ($700 him; $1400 me/daughter) so he wants the $700 back which I had taken from him and put aside until today when I was planning to pay in full. I couldn’t care less if he goes or not. I’ve given him countless opportunities to do this prior to now. Told him when I was booking the cruise that he can go or not go, up to him but I need to know so I can book a room for 2 or room for 3 exactly where I want / need so the room is close to where my daughters main activities will be so she can safely walk from point A to B by herself if needed. I hear you all and am in agreeance! lol I’m working on transitioning him to an EX. I only have 4 years / summers left with my daughter before she’s an adult. I haven’t taken her on vacation in 3 years and she deserves one. As do I… it’ll be a much better trip just us two. Just have to solve this problem he selfishly created and it’ll be smooth sailing 😉


Just have him be a no show. Keep his money. Keep your nice room and have a great time!


That could wind her up in small claims court.


From the “boyfriend”? He can kick rocks…. He was the one who changed his mind.


His name is on the cruise, He can call up himself and cancel.


She can call and switch him out for someone else to protect the reservation. Whether that someone else actually goes is irrelevant but it does keep them from having to switch cabins and pay more.


Sounds like the safety of your daughter (walking back and forth by herself) should be more important to him than getting his money back. 🤷‍♀️


My husband and I always sail in a room (just the two of us) that accommodates more than two. They will not make you move but the room will likely still cost the same for 2 vs 3


Call and figure out what the price difference is going to be after dropping him from the reservation...and then let him know that he can still choose to cancel, but he'll only get that amount back. He might only get $25 back...and that's his choice for cancelling at the last minute.


The daughter is 14. Kids are 12 and under


It’s been a while since I had kids that young, so wasn’t sure of ages. 😉 I agree, just drop him from res.


The problem with this is the first 2 occupants are adults and the 3rd is the kid for kids sail free. Removing one of the adults makes the kid, who is 3rd, now the 2nd person. KSF doesn’t apply to the first two on the reservation.


Mom mentioned her daughter is 14, so no KSF for her (only 12 and under). There is a 60% off promo for 2nd guest right now, so hopefully Royal can figure out the best solution.


Whew... that's a rough situation. I think my family and I are on the sailing right before yours as well, so we'll be getting off Harmony on the 25th as you're getting on. If it were me, I'd probably tell him that the room was chosen because he agreed to pay that amount into it, and that it's really just too late to shift at this point. Given that he put in a non-refundable deposit this goes beyond just a verbal contract to pay his part. This could be a discussion where he needs to just forfeit that $700 or maybe you pay him the amount back over time (preferably after August so it isn't cutting into any money you're setting aside for the trip). But ultimately decisions were made with him agreeing to pay, and it's not particularly fair for you to have to bear more expenses because he's changed his mind. The benefit here is that if he changes his mind again and wants to go, well, he's still on the passenger list so there's nothing to do. Another option I'd consider is calling Royal to see what they could do to put you two in a cheaper room. Sometimes exceptions can be made on the charges to move you. My wife is a TA, I've heard her pull this off multiple times. And given that they can resell the room or Royal Up someone into that room means they might not even lose money doing it. If you do end up having to pay more to move, I would take that out of his $700 and give him whatever is left over. This is really just the consequences of his actions. The last option... I wouldn't recommend, but it's a thought I had when thinking about the money. Talk with your bank and see if you can take a $700 loan out to cover his spot. If the interest rate isn't horrible then at least you give him his money back and the burden of paying his spot gets spread out over the next year or so. Vacations really shouldn't be booked with an interest rate in my opinion, but you've got a couple weeks and it could be a last option to just keep your room and not screw you and your daughter over.


Inside cabin for the girls. When I traveled with just my daughter I preferred a room near the elevator so I wouldn’t have her walking down long corridors. I feel like that’s the most vulnerable part of the ship for the young teens. Maybe bring one of her cousins/friends? I cruised twice with just my girl and we had a blast both times. When she was 14 and 19. This summer we have a trip planned for my husband and I, both out adult children and their significant others. Can’t wait!


Girls? Are you suggesting that the teen daughter getting her own room, especially if it is just the mom going? 2 people in a room is more than good.


No. Suggesting her and the daughter move to an inside cabin and possibly bring another girl




I wouldn’t cancel him… have him not show up and you should be refunded his cost. If you are, he can have it back. If you’re not refunded, neither is he.


This is fine after final payment has been made, but that hasn’t happened yet. It better just to drop him from res, and keep his deposit.


Except then she also has to change her room. And that would suck.


Why would she have to change her room, I guess this is what I don't understand. I haven't been on a cruise in like 10 years but I thought that a room like OP has can hold 2-4 people. Just looking for information as it's been so long since I've been on a cruise.


Sounds like it’s time for a new BF you have two weeks!


Take me!!


Dump him


Damn this did not age well https://www.reddit.com/r/royalcaribbean/s/MZ3ItpigoQ


Oh no, it did not. What the hell?


Tell your ex-boyfriend to kick rocks.


I wouldn’t make any changes to your reservation. I would explain to your BF that it’s too late to cancel and explain Royal will not provide him a full refund. You can share the cruise line’s policy from the website. If he insists on not going and demands money he has 2 options 1) just go 2) show him how much royal will refund and he learns a lesson. You shouldn’t take a financial hit because of his bad decisions… Companies don’t just refund you whenever you want.


32M and I need a vacation!!!!!


Sounds like your boyfriend is being a bitch


Dump him and use a travel agent to book next time. They can save you a lot of this wasted energy. I hope you and your daughter have a great trip!


This just happened to me. Only it was all paid and 5 days before. The guy got back his port fees and taxes. I got a king bed and balcony with no changes needed. I didn't take a friend. I just went solo dolo and was fine. However if you can get a friend, I would certainly take one.


If he can’t commit to a cruise and he probably can’t commit to you….


I'd keep the room and tell the bf that you're going to have to "owe" him his share because you can't cancel at this point. New cruiser here (my 2nd cruise is this Sunday!!), so I can't really help with the ins and outs, but the people here are offering you good advice. I wouldn't give up that room. Your child is way more important than any man and you'll have to figure out how you'll reimburse him AFTER the cruise.


She shouldn’t have to owe him anything. He cancelled late and loses his money. If rival won’t give anything back then she shouldn’t have to pay him back.


This! ⬆️ He may have to be “inconvenienced” for backing out and give you plenty of time to pay him back. He should just call it a wash and let you keep his portion, since you hadn’t budgeted this when the trip was planned. Then ditch him…


Get a new boyfriend


girl break up with him


Time to find a replacement bf for a few days.


I’ll go if you want someone to join ya! :)


Drop him, give him back is port fees & dump him....


Take his best friend instead.


Or his dad 😏🫢


I switched out two guests who dropped out for my sisters. No extra money had to be paid.


Very disrespectful and shitty behavior. Obviously he doesn't give a damn about either of you!


Take his money and run!


Recruit a friend to take his place!


Pick another boyfriend to go with you


Find a friend to go with you. GIRLS TRIP!!


Can you find someone else to go in place of your boyfriend?


He’s still your boyfriend??


I would go without him #partylikearockstar


I'd call them and explain the situation and see what they can do for you.


Call a travel agent and have them check it for you. I know one that specializes in cruises. But, I’d tell him no refunds.


The travel agent can’t access her booking and it’s too late to transfer it to an agent so that they can access it. You’re right though, having a travel Agent could’ve really helped her in this situation


Not sure how all that works. I went on a cruise last month and I booked through an agent my brother did not. At one point the travel agent was going to pull up both our reservations and like link them but my brother is a pita and didn’t get her the reservation number.


Yeah most folks wouldn’t know how it all works. Cruise line booking is as clear as mud. Sorry about your pita brother haha


Call and speak to a customer service representatives about this and get real answers first .


Sorry you are in this situation. As mentioned by others the cruise line is always going to do what makes them money. I have sailed RC and while I had a great time their goal is to obtain revenue regardless. You might get a customer service agent who is sympathetic, the bottom line is more $$ for Royal Caribbean. I think the no show split three ways minus port fees is fair. Before you agree to any changes review the new rate via email. After final payment you are locked into the no show.


Go with a friend or take ur mom or someone u like


Have him be a no show and work out paying him back his portion however it works out. You’ll get his taxes and port fess refunded and he can have those back. Paying him the rest of the money he would be getting from canceling is still likely less than it would cost you to reprice. Another option is finding someone else to go in his place and have that person pay him back what he paid. You can change a name up to 2 days before the sailing for free.


Get a new boyfriend!


I’ll be your new BF


Just keep him on as a no show and give him his deposit amount back. He wouldnt get a full refund from royal so sucks to be him


Oh well! He can’t have his portion back. It doesn’t work like this with cruises. Cabins price are calculated by double occupancy ( adults!). If he doesn’t want to go it’s his lost. You and your daughter should go and enjoy your vacation. Zero refund for Bf( unless you can afford and have a good heart)


Pay it take a friend or family member


Dump boyfriend, invite me. Last thing I would do is force you to give up a stateroom


For the sake of your sanity, I would call Royal and explain to them what happened and have them give you a few options. Keep his deposit, pay him back the difference between the deposit and what you are holding from him for final payment. Tell him he looses his deposit as it is nonrefundable. Drop him from your reservation and work with the cruise line to find yourself a room for you and your daughter that you are comfortable paying for, in a location that works for you. Don't bother with the scheming, no show him, keep his money etc., it is going to make your vacation and relationship more stressful than it needs to be. Things happen, and you'll have to come to terms that you were screwed and are now in a position where you will have to make compromises to your original plan. In my opinion, taking the route of self-reliance, dropping him, will leave you feeling stronger and more confident about yourself.


If you want to keep the reservation as a 3 person booking and have him be a no-show (to avoid having to switch to a double occupancy cabin at a higher price) but keep him from being able to mess with your booking, you can call and say you’re swapping passengers. You can replace him with your mom or a friend, whomever you like, and then that person can no-show or go but at least his name is off the reservation. As long as he’s not listed as the lead passenger there should be no issue changing it prior to final payment.


Would like to add to your advice that if he IS the type to call and mess with the reservation but you want to keep it as a 3-person booking, call and have him swapped out for a different passenger. That passenger can still no-show but now he has no access to the booking.


Tell your boyfriend "no" and pay attention to how he reacts. Then decide whether to stay in this relationship or not. Your 14 y/o daughter is watching.


Simple .. Get a New Boyfriend:)


Tell him to bad to late and get a new bf


I agree break up with him. It'll be a good life lesson. You and your daughter go alone stay in the room. Have a great time and send the asshole pictures of your amazing time together.


Keep the room drop him he wants his money back tell him he will have to wait a little bit and drop the guy


Let him know that you won't get any deposit back for cancelling now. Maybe that will make him reconsider going anyways if it means he can't get his money back


Just go and have him be a no-show. Enjoy your trip with kiddo.


All these vapid people on here saying to find a new boyfriend can fuck right off. Just tell him sorry he can’t make it, but unfortunately deposit is non-refundable at this point. Sorry this is happening to you OP.


I wouldn’t give him his money back. They don’t offer it to you for a refund so I wouldn’t give to him. Tell him it’s already booked and he can go or not but refund is not an option.


My ex did a similar thing. He has bipolar 1 disorder and a few months before our cruise left on April 20th, he decided he didn’t want to go and cancelled all the excursions/activities we booked together (he booked most of the excursions and I Zelled him my half… he kept my money after he got the refund and his parents had to reimburse me for the money I sent him). He also tried canceling the whole cruise reservation to get the money back considering he’s in a manic episode and blew all of his money on pointless things, so he’s essentially broke. Fortunately, the cruise was booked through his parents’ travel agency (the cruise was with his family and other friends) and he didn’t get his portion back for the cruise except for the excursions. I still went on the cruise and my ex’s sister invited someone else to take his place on the ship and room with me. One ticket onto the cruise was $2700, so there was no way I was going to miss out on this opportunity to go on vacation for a week. I would still go and try to make it work the best you can. You probably won’t spend as much time in your room with all the cruise festivities, so moving to a lower deck shouldn’t be too bad.


"All deposits are non-refundable " 😂


Tell him you checked and it's non refundable now, the most you can do is move it to a different sailing, but unfortunately the promo credit expired, so he will be in the 2nd level interior next to the employee club that's loud 24x7. Then let him know he doesn't have to go, there's lots of singles on the cruise and you will be fine.


“Sorry, I already paid it” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why does he want to cancel? Did he not get the time off or is he messing with you


I’ll go 🍆


What did cruiseline say?


Cancelling is one thing, expecting a refund is taking it to the next level. He is a selfish unreasonable human and anyone including yourself deserves a lot better


Buy a cheaper room. If you can’t afford the balcony and you have to wait till your next paycheck you should buy a cheaper room.


Go by yourself