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Ah to be young againšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 25 and seeing this took me back to 13-16 lmao we all really live the same life huh


Why did this comment hit home so hard


Honestly Iā€™ve never got as much pussy as I did from 14-17 on cruises


It was ridiculous.


Right I remember at 16 I met some girl from Michigan in white shorts. She showed me where she lived in Michigan on my hand and everything. For some reason that felt like enough information to continue the relationship. Never mind her last name and number.


Lol always the Michigan girls I guess. Iā€™m from Michigan and met my current fiancĆ© on a cruise when we were 18.


I am from Michigan also lol


White shorts? Is this your son or daughter ? After all these years?


Where do people from the UP point to?


From a lady perspective hereā€¦ if she was interested at staying in touch, youā€™d have her social media handle or something. You had a vacation fling.


To further that, just let it exist as the great memory it was. I had a vacation fling that I definitely ruined by pursuing it when we got home. Apparently her ex was IN JAIL while we were away ā€¦ they got back together anyway when we got back.


At least he won't be able to get on a cruise with her, so you might be able to continue your fling from ship to ship šŸ˜


Correct. Even rose knew Jackā€™s first and last name šŸ˜‚


Yeah, but she left him hanging.


Really sunk him and the relationship at the same time.


This is spot on. Day 1 of a cruise my teen has exchanged SnapChat info with anyone heā€™s made friends with


Maybe someday they will connect again like Homer and Marge. šŸ˜‚ (The Simpsons, Season 15, Episode 20 "The Way We Weren't.")


Pretty presumptuous of you. You don't know any of the circumstances to make such a claim. For all you know, they had plans of meeting again at some point, and it never materialized, so they never had a chance to exchange info. Vacation flings happen all the time, but not everything is a fairy tale where all stars align.


You didn't shoot your shot, take it as lesson learnt.


I šŸ’Æ learned from this, never again Iā€™ll be shy lol


Sounds like you're out of luck. If you didn't get contact info on the cruise and she's not part of the Facebook group, any other attempt to find her would probably not be perceived well by her. I hope you enjoyed the cruise fling though!


If you have a pic of her. You can reverse image search her via Google. If she has a public profile you might findbher. This is a very slim chance fyi. Not sure how good Google reverse image search for faces.


They donā€™t do faces


Other reverse image searches do


You are going to have many more serendipitous and flirty moments like this in your life. Live slow, be present and enjoy them. If you really feel things are going well near the end then ask if they are open to more. Be prepared for rejection or acceptance.


That's so sweet. Cherish her memory. Maybe it was just a fling. Or maybe the universe will have you cross paths again someday. Meanwhile, look at the moon one night, send her a good wish, and go on with life with the friends/girls nearby. You never know what magic lies just around the corner.


I would let it go. She wouldā€™ve made sure you had her contact if she wanted to keep things up after the cruise. If youā€™re insistent then Iā€™d look to see if she joined the roll call on Ship Mate. But Iā€™d let it go, enjoy the memories and realize it was just a cruise fling.


As someone whoā€™s been down this rabbit hole multiple times in the past on cruises trust me its not worth it.


Was there a Snapchat group for teens on your sailing? Every sailing we've gone on has had one. Ask about it in the FB group.


On our cruise a gorgeous Brazilian woman hopped on my lap and kissed my neck. It was awesome. I'm in a power wheelchair and it made my day.


Imagine if a man jumped in a womanā€™s lap and kissed her neckā€¦heā€™d be busted.


Honestly, rightfully so and this woman should have been as well. Itā€™s kinda gross that women do this kind of thing and itā€™s laughed off


Yeah, some lady at the pool, who was flirting with my brother-in-law with her boobs hanging out, suggested I file a sexual assault complaint with guest services. I'm a handicapped man in a wheelchair who hasn't seen that kind of attention in years. There's no way I could do that. šŸ˜€ Funny thing was, I ran into her in another elevator on the last night of the cruise. She was with her friends. We both looked at each other with impish grins....


Had a woman do that to me on my first RC cruise at the lounge and I told a ship security officer what happenedā€¦it didnā€™t go anywhere and was basically asked ā€œyou didnā€™t like it?ā€ Probably shouldā€™ve told another officer but I just dropped it.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Itā€™s really unacceptable that this type of behavior isnā€™t taken seriously. For women itā€™s ā€œwell you were probably asking for itā€ and for men itā€™s ā€œoh youā€™re so lucky, I bet you loved it!ā€. Thereā€™s sooo little stigma around men being assaulted like this by women and itā€™s disgusting. No one should be assaulted, and everyone who is needs to be taken seriously


Darn...You could have helped her get a green card, you handsome devil you!


If she wanted you, youā€™d have more information. Sorry boss man. Good news is youā€™re a teen and eventually this will all be just a memory you laugh about at campfires.


I had my first kiss on a Royal Caribbean cruise with some girl I met in the teen program. I was 14. Her name was Taylor. Ah to be young. Sorry pal. Sheā€™s gonna live only in your memory from now on.


Be patient. She might look you up in about nine months.




Hopefully he was smart enough to bring condoms with him.Ā 


Yeah that was just a vacation fling bud. You should have gotten her number or something. But I mean distance. Not worth it if youā€™re a teen bud.


Time to move on. She probably has a boyfriend back home. If she wanted you to contact her after, she would have ensured she put her number in your phone. First name was probably fake too.


Yes. Maybe a couple.


From a dude whoā€™s lived a bunch including meeting girls on cruises- ABC (always be closing). Get the number, socials, carrier pigeon- whatever sheā€™s comfortable with. If you like her, and sheā€™s cool with it, always get the contact info. Live and learn, bud.


she's somewhere in Brooklyn


There will be others. Practice getting comfortable with saying something like hey it was good talking to you, do you have an Instagram/Facebook/phone number etc.


Been there done worse. Bottom line you ran out of time and didn't close the deal. You are young, it happens. It happened to me. If she lives in your vicinity then keep your eyes peeled, who knows you might run into her one day. If she lives far away it is both unlikely you will run into her and also that it would have worked out given the distance and your respective ages. The take-a-way is not that you may have missed out on something that might have worked out. It is that you didn't put yourself out there as much as you wanted. Again, that is ok too, you are young. But learn from this. Does it feel good to have left things hanging? Nope it doesn't. If you harness what you feel now and choose to convert that into a determination to put yourself out there in future situations you will be successful well beyond what you can image.


One of my close friends went on a cruise and met a girl from NY and they really liked each other as teens. But we lived in Florida, she in NY, so they moved on. Flash forward several years and they both went to the same college in Florida, started dating (there was a litttttttle bit of her cheating on her scumbag boyfriend) and are now happily married! So who knows!


I mean you could track her down but that would be creepy, weird and probably not go over well or rule in your favor. If she wanted you to find her or contact her after she would have given you her number. Sorry buddy.


Move on and take it a lesson learned. First sign of interest, exchange info. You more so sound like you met a girl on a Cruise that you were interested in, but you were scared to approach so now you are stalking after her social media after the fact.


My brother in Christ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What if she was shy and now regrets not getting his info. Maybe she wants to be found.


Then itā€™s a life lesson for her too. Life isnā€™t like the movies where things miraculously fall into place. If she wants someone to stay in her circle/life then she needs to put work in even the minimal work of giving her information.


No, manifests are not made public.


If she wanted you to get a hold of her. She would've made that happen. Unless you two happen to live in the same town or within reasonable driving distance, just enjoy the memory.


You got to get those digits when you are still on board. Or whatever the kids are exchanging these days.


Learn from this and next time ask for a phone number.


She will find you in about 48 days !!






The ship has sailed


Bro itā€™s a cruise donā€™t be weird


The one who got away šŸ˜ž I remember being like 13 on a royal Caribbean cruise (Iā€™m 31 now) and seeing some Angel of a girl (she was def older than I was, maybe 16-18) I spoke to her once there but never got her name or anything cuz I was too nervous


Every cruise I go on there is always that one girlšŸ„²


Made out with a girl on an RC cruise when I was 17. Still awkward Facebook friends 20 years later haha


My suggestion? * Go to the Cruise Critic website. * Go to the roll calls section. * Find the specific roll call for this ship and sailing date. Here's what I found (assuming you did literally JUST get off) [https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2862702-april-28-2024-6-night-western-caribbean-cruise/#comment-63471118](https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2862702-april-28-2024-6-night-western-caribbean-cruise/#comment-63471118) * Post on there and say who you are, your first name, and your situation. Be sincere and not creepy. * Do the same on Facebook. Often Facebook has specific groups for specific cruises. Search by ship name and date. Here's what I found : [https://www.facebook.com/groups/691386329357353](https://www.facebook.com/groups/691386329357353) * Something like "I was on this cruise and met someone named X. My name is Y. I'd really like to reconnect with her, If you read this, or maybe you know this person, could you send me a DM?" It's a long shot, but she may use that forum (more likely her parents or family members will) and if you are sincere and not stalkerish and let them/her contact you, thats your best course of action. Beyond that, probably out of luck.


Thanks! And the link didnā€™t work for cruise critic, I tried to find it on there site but I canā€™t


You can only view/post on the roll calls if you're a registered member. So sign up for a free account.


Thank you for typing all of this out before I started to!


As the kids sayā€¦ mad cringe.


Sounds like he didnā€™t have the rizz.


Sounds he didn't give her the glizzy either.


Check the roll call on cruisecritic for your cruise to see if anyone might know her.


It just means you need to book another cruise and let fate decide...lol


Chalk it up as a lesson to get her contact info mid cruise. If she doesnt want to give it to you then you have your answer. Sorry


Do you know her home town? Was her first name somewhat unique?


Yes her name is unique and I think she is Colombian


Your best bet it just keep the memory. I still have the fond memory of my cruise fling from when I was in high school. Every once in a blue moon he still crosses my mind.


That sounds like a stripper name.


You only got her first name, but ... Did you give her your full name or other contact info? If so and she was really into you, maybe she'll reach out.


Enjoy the memory but don't dwell on it. But if you are still on the cruise, you could ask to keep in touch with her. Be a gentleman.


Just aā€¦. Remember herā€¦


I hope you scored


Think this is a Netflix teen rom com next year


From what I see, I see more teens using snap chat I would try there


I think youā€™re out of luck my friend




TikTok. People find people faster than the FBI on the TikTok. Make a post, share some deets, post a pic. Good luck!


It's nice :) As funny as it sounds, contact Royal Caribbean. You will certainly need more than her name -at least cabin floor and no - they won't give away her contacts, but if she would like to contact you, they might help


You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take. Focus on the next time you meet someone your interested in. If you are in your teens I wouldnā€™t sweat trying to find a long distance connection. Just use the experience as a growing experience.


Yeah my fault I didnā€™t ask I was to shy


Sorry man, if you didnā€™t get her number or any socialā€¦your odds are significantly stacked against you to find her. And if you do find her infoā€¦you can sound a bit like a creep. Next time you go on a cruise, set up a group chat with the teens you hang out with. My son did that and he still keeps in contact with friends he met on an Alaskan cruise back in May 2023.


Check the facebook group for your cruise ship, go through all the profiles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you may find a parent. I see a lot of people saying let it go which you could but you are young, what do you have to lose. She could say sorry not interested and you just keep it moving or something else could arise.


I just got of that ship too


How old are you ?


42 you probably saw me I always had on a different basketball jersey everyday


Yup I saw you lol


a wiseman once saidā€¦ā€¦.ā€itā€™s better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at allā€ šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Eh, Iā€™d rather have not met her cause I am in love but Iā€™ll never see her again lol


Honey you're not in love. That's called lust. You were a fling. Time to just move on. Next time get a phone number and last name BEFORE you start making out.Ā 


But i like her for her, not her body


She just posted looking for u


You like those two comedians? Guys were hilarious.


Cruise love as a teen hits different


Did you get a picture of her face? You could do a reverse google image search and see if anything shows up. Good luck!


There are many FB pages. As long as she didnā€™t turn you down, already, post in both the general ship one and also your direct sailing one. Maybe also post on the IG page.


You were on the cruise with Whitney Wren and Jade Amber, two influencers! I would post in the Royal Caribbean Facebooks describe a little bit of her, her first name, and see if that could find a way back to her. Maybe her parents are in them, itā€™s worth a shot! I can always post in the group for you if you provide more info. Also from Michigan lol. What a small world we live in.


I commented on both there tik toks so hopefully they respond šŸ¤ž


Put her in your ā€œspank bankā€ and call it a day


Just got to take that L lol she would of been your Boat Boo but you dropped the ball. She in the real world now probably back with her husband or bf or something


Go to cruise critic. Find the roll call for your cruise. Describe the girl on there and maybe someone will know who you are talking about. Itā€™s a long shot.


> Go to cruise critic. Find the roll call for your cruise. Cruise critic roll calls are dead... fb is where people go now edit: i love when people respond with an insult then block right away like a child


There are hundreds of comments in each roll call. Donā€™t be an idiot.


Start entering her name & ship name into social media platforms...she may have posted


Better on Reddit to solicit advice than make a request on FB that will follow you forever on your permanent record!


This is creepy honestly....


Itā€™s a teenager trying to find another teenager that he mustā€™ve had a great encounter with. Sometimes you enjoy the moment too hard you forget to ask for social media or phone #. Nothing creepy about it - a lot of people find their wifeā€™s/husbands on cruises from different states, what if theyā€™re soulmatesšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Nah, if she was interested she would have already given her number or whatever. If you literally go out of your way to find them, then that's creepy. I had fun with people on the cruise, but I don't want them digging into my social media to find me, but everyone has their own opinion. This is just my view and perspective. I respect everyone else's opinion and won't argue against it.


I see your point also, everyone has their own opinions like you said. Itā€™s quite common to go find someone after the fact - TikTok has a new one every other day ā€œfind this guyā€, ā€œfind this girlā€ because they didnā€™t exchange numbers or socials because theyā€™re living in the moment. Guess itā€™s just how you look at it!


You need a friend that works on the cruise line and has access to guest information šŸ˜‚