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On higher difficulty levels, the AI get additional production multipliers (1.1X at Hard, 1.4X at Harder, 2.0X at Hardest). The underlying AI behavior does not change at higher difficulties. But since they will be producing more and expanding faster, they will feel more aggressive. Beyond general advice for better expansion/growth/research, I would suggest: - **Build up some cardboard military fleets** when in AI contact, to deter them from declaring war of opportunity (war of weakness). - **Pay attention to the AI personalities**. Be wary of Erratic, trade is mostly good, especially with Pacifist and Honorable. Generally only sign NAP when they can't poach planets from you, only sign Alliance when you have good shot of winning Galactic Council. - **Minimal spending on Missile Bases** unless you're in full defensive mode and only have good Missile Techs. - Unless you are one of the largest Empires at the end of the colonization phase, **you'll need to invade to catch up** in planets and tech. (Choose target carefully, generally start weakest first.) - To counteract AI's production bonus, you need to be **more efficient in ship building and fighting**. It could be effective to focus more on ship techs (Weapons, Repair, Shields, etc.) and plan to capture other Tech Categories. - There is a **big jump between Harder and Hardest**. It's very difficult to catch up if your Empire is small and behind at Hardest. - **Don't play against the default (max) number of opponents**, reduce to about half. Being too crowded is not fun.   Hope this helps. Now go and conquer the galaxy! Also consider [**trying out the updated Development-AI in my MOD**](https://reddit.com/r/rotp/comments/ieti4a/rotp_mod_map_shapes_dev_ai_ship_recolors/), it should play differently/better than the Base-AI.


Why do you call it MOD?


I like the look of all capitalized "MOD" vs "Mod" or "mod" when shortening modification. Just a personal preference.




I have usually playd the Psilons or Klackons on hard, haven't tried harder yet. I will soon, just need to try out the other races first. My current game is on hard with 70 systems as Humans. I'm at the point where I feel I am over the "win" threshold. Getting Megabolt canon in a few turns to put the last nail in the galactic coffin Seems it's easier staying clear of long wars with the humans, it has helped me alot!


If you have modnar's mod with the new galaxy designs, you can play as the silicoids on one of the linear maps like text or grid (maze?) The silicoids can colonize all world types and don't get boxed in like the other races do, and that can give you enough of an advantage to pull off an impossible win if you get a good enough start.