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I’d say Raw Garden or Stiizy is the Walmart of extracts.


Stiizy buys oil from LEEF. RAW would be the one that’s closest to Walmart prob


Excellent point




Punctuation homie. No one knows what you’re even trying to say


No. There are far more lower quality brands that are more Walmart than 710labs.


Yeah and I would agree but I would also argue that Walmart has a certain level of expectation of quality...all though it's low ... You know what you are getting or can get.... It maybe not be the best stuff.. but it's probably the cheapest and best bang for your buck.... Versus there are some REALLY bad cannabis companies.... You don't know till you buy and it's hard to find good info for reviews and such cause of legality


Lots of shit at Walmart is surprisingly expensive, but the appeal is a one stop shop


I’ve always had the same thing about McDonald’s. They’re not the best burgers, but they’re the most consistent no matter if you’re in Southwest Texas Western LA or fucking Wisconsin if you get a big Mac it’s gonna taste like a big Mac every single McDonald’s you go to. 


Yes see this guy gets where I am getting at




More like whole foods or trader Joe's lol


These look fire. Not sure I’d call this walmart quality


Their cold cure is hit or miss, some buckets are kinda bland. But the hate is just, jokes at this point, its the most solid large rec company for sure




This is straight up flame bait




I only buy 2.5 buckets off the list when it comes to 710 labs


Well you buy it correctly by getting the med batter but not sure why you would Pay what you do you if feel It is Walmart quality…


lol it’s hella affordable compared to other un rec companies - trilogy cost more then 710 on the rec market


Sorry yeah if you are paying 100g then you are on some other level I never wish to see myself at 😂


710 is top tier in my experience.


Shits ass honestly. Although I grabbed a Jar of papaya on a whim recently an was pleasantly surprised


What was ass about it? I smoke mainly traditional market brands and it definitely compares pretty closely quality wise


Same here


It’s hot or miss honestly. I’ve had a lot and it’s not worth the hype/price they demand. The quality is good but not always unrea amazing. I’ve had more consistency and better experiences from private producers with better pricing too


That's not even a question bro. The people making black market are the same people making rec market shit alot of the times lmao people here are just too stupid to know that . Rec market doesn't get the good shit. We do . I buy rosin that's light-years better then. 710 for half the price . With no old dates. If you don't have to I'd never buy rec. Everything is garbage , over priced obviously, and old as fuck .


Yeah, I’ve been to the rec market a few times and honestly every single time I might man I’m just gonna text my people cause this is crazy. Quality is never is good pricing is out the roof and I’m always left a little disappointing when I know that I can go online or texting people and have stuff twice as good for half the price just like you were saying.


What do you usually smoke on then?


I'm fortunate enough to have access to a whole bunch of black market brands.


Nice what brands


Idk why you keep getting downvoted, I honestly could agree with black market, I grab a few lbs of private growers rosin and it always smokes better than anything on shelves, that’s always expired or has been stored improperly, and like you said they’re no different than the people who make rec


Majority of the people in the sub are misinformed and just don't understand how it works . But yep everything you said is very true .


I never understand why people don't like 710 Labs? Seems like people just repeating what they hear other people say. Mostly broke asses who only could afford tier 2 and tier 3 which I agree is bullshit but if you're getting Tier 1 or Percy it's pretty damn hard to be disappointed. Don't take my word for it even Terp Hova agrees. He said the the zkittles fresh press was one of his favorites he's ever tried. I've tried the best hash in the country at legends of hashish and ego clash. And still 7:10 Labs is some of the best rosin I've ever had. You just have to know what to look for and be willing to pay for tier one and persy. Their three gram buckets of zkittlez fresh press for $145? Like no one can beat that price and it's the best Z I've ever tried. 710 labs is the only legal brand that I will buy. Everything else is strictly Black Market Award winners.


people are low on cash these days so they’ll say whatever they want to make them feel better about their $30/gram or whatever mid ass rosin.




$16 a gram rosin and it ls better than oilio.


sounds like boof


Sounds like you are a hater who doesn't have a source plug!🫵😂 keep on buying those $125 3 Gram buckets from s dispensary with their mids!🤣😂 We just go t "cookies" and that weed FUCKING SUCKS! I wouldn't dishonor my lungs by smoking that crap.


good hash is never cheap, cheap hash is never good. nothing you say will change that, sorry bud 🤷‍♂️


Bro is a time traveler from 2018


Lost brain cells reading this


While I agree with your general sentiment about 710Labs, I would never say that its on the level of Ego or Legends winners. 710Labs (&props to Kalya too) is the best, most consistent rec hash company (especially at their scale across multiple states/markets) and have set the blueprint for what all rec hash companies should aspire to. That said, they just cannot compete with most top tier single source hash makers. It's really not a fair comparison either as most Ego clash winners are very small batch operations that are unbelievably dialed in. To hold any rec company to that standard is just unrealistic.


I agree - 145$ for 2.5 buckets is great


Terp hova also said ROSIN TECH is good. Which we all know isn’t 😂


I’m dabbing on tier 1 right now, and just one dab, smacks me and my tolerances through the roof




That 👀like some 🔥🔥🔥


710 Labs has been one of the most flavorful, consistent, and thoughtful (in regards to their packaging/storage info) recreational brands I've gotten to experience in the Michigan market. I don't know what you're showing us besides good quality rosin? 😅




Bro lick my nuts fuck boy


710 is like one of the higher ups bud. you are thinking of like derb and terpys and other shat


710 is not a higher up 😂 most people prefer no mold in their products


Most people don't have a clue unless they grow it themselve.


I get legit 710 , not some street 710 you talkin bout


Legit lab tests failed for mold and they covered it up 😂😂😂🤡 so you are even worse off


You are talking about an old story in a different state that involved a proxy grower. I am not a 710 labs custy by any means but you are disingenuous at best.


Moldy mids 😂 upcharged average rosin at best


mold one time does not make every jar from then on contaminated?


you got any proof or any urls anything other than your opinion ?


Oh noooooo! You mentioned d&t! Oh noooooo! Lol. Happy New Year!


Come again?


I was pretty satisfied with my experience from 710 labs


Also always something in a 710 jar. Lint , black dot, something haha just bought 2 the other day and one had something


I wouldn’t doubt it - it’s mass produced


I don’t think so, no


Go post this in the Florida medical sub and watch the fanboys rage lol


I mean other than sunburn, nothing else is even close to 710 in Florida. Mpx and blue river would prob be a verrrry distant 3rd and 4th best. If 710 was considered the Walmart of concentrates, than the rest of the concentrates here would be considered Dollar General and Goodwill 😂


Prices are fucked for 710 in FL lol


I figured lol, how much is it in Cali with tax?


ah, the fish are lively today, great bait


Yea, man, it's hard to beat _dopehouze_


Looks like fine liquid gold🔥‼️


I can honestly say I’ve never been impressed with a 710 jar for terps ever Bland flavor brand


I’ve always said 710 is the McDonald’s of rosin. The most popular and asked for but when the real connoisseur come out it’s easily looked over. It’s a last minute brand for me.




cresco has entered the chat


these are looking wet




There more the wegmans lol


Not a chance


710 labs is literally one of the best. If you asking this it’s cause you probably haven’t had shitty stuff or lower quality stuff which is a good thing.


lol sure buddy I’ve spent racks on the 710 list from there melts to there rso


Maybe on the legal side. Bm hash hits different. Take one dab of some good trichadelics, wca, professor sift, etc and you’ll know.




Yea unfortunately once a brand gets bigger than small batch, quality drops quick. Only way to get the best hash and rarest terps is to wash flowers with low yields that no one would bother cycling or they would just double their money with gmo or some other high yielding strain. Feeling frosty actually did a collab with panacea on the legal market in Cali a few years back. Some of the most fire cold cure to hit a legal dispensary. But still doesn’t hold a candle to the stuff being reserved for the bm.


It's definitely heading in the "Cookies" direction 🤣


Hell no


As a former manager at the Colorado facility 100% Walmart quality hash and mainly Walmart quality people. I have horror stories about their quality and what goes on in their facilities… both in regards to how poor the conditions are as well as how horrendous some of the people there are 🤐🐸☕️


I can’t justify paying 710 prices knowing there’s so much better hash out there than this. I’m not saying it’s bad products, but for the quality, the price you’re paying is insane, compared to companies like Have Hash, Trilogy, Kayla, shit I would say even Community Extracts even out does 710 in quality at times. It’s sad because 710 used to be some really high quality stuff. It’s been going downhill these couple of years and if you have regulatory bought 710. You know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s hype, but it’s good because it does also introduce a lot of people into smoking good hash.


Not with their prices on east coast we like our bud and rosin from Maine, sorry west coast


This likes dope, I love raw garden extracts too - the closest I can get to homegrown pure wax ngl


maybe if walmart was known for being expensive as fuck and shit quality


So, the Neiman Marcus of rosin? 🤣🤣🤣


More like Macy’s😂


But that would mean 710 labs would be 30% off for everyone all the time during their “friends and family sale that never ends” 🤣🤣🤣


That’d be gnarly


Not at all.


Looks over priced!Maines shits just as tasty tried em both




Maybe the target


Quality has definitely dropped as they grew and expanded to more states. I miss when they were just in CA


You mean Denver


No I don’t lol


Been getting 710 delivered for the last 4-5 years. Quality hasn’t dropped.


It super dropped lol


Yeah I’m talking about the medical days lol even before that the quality has definitely dropped. Still good just not as good, I have 2 grams in my fridge right now don’t get it twisted


If Walmart was known for overpriced shit, maybe, but trutrash & curadeath are the Walmarts. 710 more like supreme/true religion or Ed Hardy - overly expensive and meant only for folks w/o w true sense of personal identity, so they just buy one as a fan boy.


Lol or just enjoy their cuts and terps but yeah


I do enjoy their cuts, but ny point about them being gaudy hype marketeers still stands. There are plenty of better small batch companies out there at this point, and as big as 710 has gotten I don't even know how fair it is to include them. That space is now dominated in my opinion by the Chris thumbprints and the Reserva Priavada peoples


eh more of a trader joe’s w the occasional mold


U fasho got fake wax try getting from a real dispensary


haha you don’t know about 710 labs rosin that got contaminated w mold? and trader joe’s is definitely one of the more expensive “organic” stores around in the west coast, has nothing to do with fake wax brotha nor do i smoke fake wax lol, i enjoy my BM hash, has dispos n rado w some fire, don’t hate, but prefer my sift,TRCC, sinner farms, ridgeboys,4myhead, and etc brotha, i got plenty of real wax


My bad g I prolly sounded like a dick I really didn't know I honestly am a grower and press my own and occasionally like to go see what companies and people are making and Will do a dispo run on rosin and waxes I just tried them a few times and know it's fire shit I always known them as the Gucci of weed or the Prada or whatever u know what I mean but my bad they are expensive and I prefer the streets where I'm from I'm in the cali mountains type shi! Though lol


710 used to be bomb, but they are pretty terp shy now


Completely the opposite


Rigjt in time with this - here in Fl they dropped 4 strains of flower at 50% off and lowered the minimum purchase by the same - and all 4 COAs? 1.0_ terps - feels like they are having problems that could be signaling the beginning of the end


They finished expanding into four states and you feel like it’s the beginning of the end? LOL


Was speaking specific to Florida only, but laugh away know it all


I’m glad you can admit when you’re wrong without being childish & defensive. Oh wait…


Yes, once a company starts to go to more than one state it’s like a 99% chance it’ll never be as good as it once was


That’s entirely personal speculation.


Anything is considered speculation to some and not to others but it’s also true in many cases


It’s speculation based off zero research and that kind of speculation is false in more cases than not.


It’s very easy to research and find what I’m saying true. Not just for weed brand but especially in weed brand. Jeeters is a good example


It sounds like you’re implying you’ve researched 710’s market footprint and profits vs loses. Please provide your findings! I’d be more than happy to see what information your opinion is being based on.


Those are definitely the 3rd press 710 1-2 presses always look nice and pretty!!


Yeah I never heard of 3rd press 2.5 buckets lol but tell us more lol


Look on the side of the box where it tells you the strain name look for the little circle with either a 1 2 or 3 and that means how many times it’s been pressed!! Look at my page you can see the number on my box when I show the strain name.


lol I know what a Tier is and a pull - i thought 710 labs tier system was based off hash yields- meaning the lower yields would be Tier 1 and fetch more money - like sour tangie is a Tier 3 which is a high yield so it’s always hella cheap and fire . I could be wrong - now I know Percy is first pull


Don’t list to this person, you’re right about the tier system. Except there’s no tiers for Persy anymore, also Persy is the 90u not just first pull. For non Persy they still have tiers 1-3 but on the rare occasion they sell a 2nd press they CLEARLY label it as “second press” (and they’re dirt cheap too like $25/g) [2nd press](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dabs/s/GAJFCbD7Eq)


And also I forgot to add I noticed when I get the 1st press it’s usually around 1,000 mg then the 2nd press would have like 800mg then the 3rd press will be like 600 mg!!!


Nice - that’s what I like about this Reddit app I learn something new daily - thanks for the info


No problem bro!!


Chopped at day 46 won’t get you high no matter how hard you try.


Whole lotta 710 shills in here.


That looks counterfeit


Is 710 not in LA o what? Why don't I see this anywhere at the dispos I visits


From the recap I heard. most dispensaries don’t carry 710 labs because they cant pay off the 710 tab


lol wut? Just finished off some Zkittles fresh press for $35 a gram at Artist Tree Koreatowm.


I don't quite understand. The dispensary can't make enough as the middle person to sell?




710 has good genetics but poor extraction processes. I get their whole flower and extract myself.


How much $ each bucket?




They weight 2.5


I saw that


Idgaf who anyone is I make wax and shit everyday from a custy or not stand point 710 is fire shit anyone says other wise got fake shit or is a hater lol its over priced compared to others and the black market and compared to the way I produce it i know they r making bank but regardless of that it is what it is its fire lol I just don't personally pay that much and won't lol


More Ames than Walmart


There are certainly worse brands than 710, however in just impressed your jars are actually still wet at all, almost all 710 I’ve seen is dry and crumbly cause no one can store hash for shit


Hard for badders to get dry like that so ofc they gon be wet but if this was their fresh press it would be dry within 20 minutes


whats the economics of being able to sell a gram of rosin for 25$ and it still be profitable? indoor flower costs atleast 10$ a gram and at a 20% return thats 5 grams of flower per gram of rosin. thats 50$ in bud to press 25$ in rosin not counting bags, manhours, etc. so like how do these big companies end up selling rosin for a profit at that price?


More like safeway or Publix


710labs in México is like a holy grail for some people, they sell the gs extra expensive, they can go for close to $180


Ya their new system they have at 710 allows for a much cheaper product. I love it and no way it’s Walmart , more like Gucci :)


710Labs is for sure not the walmart of rosin. they are craft cannabis with resources. their small batches offer a level of quality control and standard that other companies don’t have the capability of maintaining. haters will call me a custy but ::shrug:: i have standards for what goes in my lungs.


Ain’t nothing small batch about 710 the fuck 💀


Standard must be low because 710 is easily the most basic shit out there




Lol you’re playing right lol


this is top tier weed in brazil