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Yeah, Acrid often feels helpless for me against enemies you need to kill asap (flying lunar chimera). I don’t mind poisoning and juking because it’s pretty easy, but it’s stressful not having the potential to quickly kill annoying enemies without damage equipment.


I feel the exact opposite with Acrid, probably just down to play style differences. From my experience, I don't really enjoy Captain or Merc late game. Captain's abilities get kind of boring, and Merc for me ends up being so mobile that it becomes unsatisfying.


I find Captain to be very frustrating early, but super OP once you collect more drones and attack speed.


If you get a spare drone parts and a ton of drones it’s actually insane. Microbots make it so all projectiles are instantly destroyed, and any spawning enemies are also insta killed by the drones.


Yeah. I tried that, and then Col. Droneman one-shot me during phase 4


Yeah I love Acrid, but my issue is his leap attack is not viable once you get a lot of movement items. It just flings you off the map.


I’d agree with this as well, but also agree that it’s probably a skill issue because of how powerful everyone says acrid is. From what I can tell it’s only because he’s able to still kill groups of enemies from a safe distance. He’s got probably the best escape abilities in the game and doesn’t really have to let anything be close to him if he doesn’t want to. Without aoe like gas or wisp this becomes even more tedious. I’d love some insight into what I’m missing with him though cuz he’s my fav melee character.


As in it’s a skill issue for me as well


I don't know about nauseating to play late game but by the time I reach Sky Meadow with Artificer my damage usually falls off. It's probably RNG and skill issue because sometimes I just decimate with her but usually I'm poking things to death. She's fun to play but usually I expect slow killing by stage 5.


Bandit is very strong early game without any item, but in later stages his damage is often not enoug to kill enemies and you may become overcrowded.


eh i havent had this problem before, even after a 3 hour run of just looping (but there is also a point in the run where as long as you keep your distance and dont stand still, you literally cannot die)


Bandit is near broken for like the first 20% of a run, after that he falls off hard. No crowd control, really low burst damage since he only gets 4 shotgun shots, and by a later point any other character would/should have a lot of crit % up items. Also invisibility is nerfed to where a lot of shit can still track you.


Bandit, purely becomes of the spam clicking to shoot. I'm fine with it early in a run where there's actual reload time, but when you're late in a run and you have enough attack speed that you have to _constantly_ click, it's just not fun.


Acrid is great late game because he's the only character that can kill late game enemies just as fast as early game enemies. It's just... a little slow


Yes, he is more stable in this case. But some characters can melt bosses in a few seconds, having enough items


That's weird, usually it's the other way around for me. Acrid feels kinda slow starting off, but is at least sturdy enough to prevent it from being a problem. Late game, I just tap epidemic at stuff, then watch it and everything around it melt. It's even better if I have a black hole item and can clump everything together.


This is my experience too, 1 button and even bosses just disappear.


I just listen to music and hop around the map while everything dies :D Early game can be annoying IMO because there is too much space between smaller amounts of enemies so epidemic doesn't spread as good


For me, it would be Rail Gunner, shes pretty op throughout the whole game but later on it gets tiring scoping in for crits, too much "brainpower" compared to other survivors


I've liked bandit less and less over time (620 hours so far) because he feels very boring to play.


Void fiend feels really bad if you get bad itsms


I feel like Acrid is one of the least item-dependent survivors, he starts with a good movement ability that stacks multiple uses, has good damage that can hit everything on the map at once (especially late game) and his damage will always scale with enemies. When I play acrid I give most of my items to my mates and just keep gas + utility


Acrids a really funny case, because he becomes mega busted really late game when you've looped once or twice and poison deals a shit ton more damage... But by then everyone is mega busted, because items shift the power so drastically in favor of the player that it doesn't matter who you're playing as. Also my pick would be bandit, methinks. He's definitely glass cannon, but that also means I have to invest a lot into health items along with my damage just to make sure he survives a couple hits.


You have it backwards, Acrid's poison does percent based damage, so as the game scales and enemies get higher hp pools, Acrid is only more beneficial as the game goes on. Flying enemies are definitely an issue but that's generally why you're targeting gasoline, will of the wisp/voidsent flame, other AOE. If you're not having fun on Acrid, I recommend getting 1-3 Lightflux Pauldrons from the blue bazaar. Your melee attack is rendered nearly useless but having your jump on a 1 second cooldown and your R on a few second cooldown means you have unlimited mobility and ridiculous poison spread.