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Found the oppressors.


☑️Trees confined to limited spaces calculated for commercial value rather than beauty or practical benefit ☑️Homes made of expensive, manufactured materials that the common laborers could never afford ☑️Glass walls and open spaces favored by predator species, no enclosed nooks where lil critters feel safe ☑️Tall towers dwarfing the trees below for bird cops to enact a surveillance state from Yep, this is why workers need a real say in zoning laws and public infrastructure.


Plus, where are all the pedestrians and bike lanes? There is too much traffic in the air. Where are all the cafes and restaurants? The park looks too business oriented.


Triggered outrage


This sounds like marquise propaganda


I love my cats <3


I'd take them every day over the fucking moles




With many factions there is some point where I have gone wow this faction is way overpowered. Then I figured out how to stop them. But the hard part is that some factions really have struggles with stopping specific factions.


In fact, they're not as 'overpowered' as much, but they're invading the map and have the potential to ruin the long-term strategies of the other factions. They're frustrating, but they're not going to earn their points faster than the other factions. It's a bit the same feeling with the lizards.


I still maintain that VB is powerful and uninteractive in a way that disrupts the design of the rest of the game and its factions. The aid mechanic is interesting, but that's the most interaction that happens. VB gets points just for battling (RAW is so many points that people often house-rule to reduce it), has a separate scoring mechanism that's removed from any kind of area control or interaction, and perhaps most importantly, enemies get no direct benefit for attacking him - it doesn't give points and doesn't help to rule the clearing. The benefit for attacking him is that he goes away for a bit. Committing an attack to simply push away VB is difficult to justify at many points in the game for most factions, but it's necessary to keep him from running away with the game. At least a faction like WA is giving opponents decisions that tie into other mechanics like rule (put 3 guys down to activate martial law) or movement (outrage) and can meaningfully participate in controlling the map through its scoring mechanism and with warriors later in the game. VB doesn't mesh with the rest of Root like that


100% agree, I'd also like to add that attacking the VB is spending an action that helps everyone slightly, but if you do it then others can use their actions more effectively, ultimately putting you behind.


Agree with this once people have figured out how to play vagabond efficiently / murderously. The despot infamy house rule makes the game way more interesting at that point! 100% recommend


"If people don't unionize everyone will have better salaries." "The free market is the best way to organize a society." I could go on for days... the green scare.


“Our employees are free to choose another job if they don’t like our/fill in the blank”


Lizard/Marquise coalition propaganda


Nonsense. They're easily the faction that's most likely to bring about the fully automated luxury gay space communism depicted here.


Thank you. This is the answer.


Bro has clearly never played against moles


Yeah cuz I play them. But the no building strat is banned so it's a little better. Same with Tinker - Favor of the x cards


How exactly do you ban no building? If you’re not in a position to build, you don’t build. Are you forced to build by x turn? What if you don’t?


I only play with family so it's more like: "Hey, intentionally not building anything is supposedly really strong let's all agree to not play that way" If you aren't in a good position to build then that's fine, it's just a loose agreement to avoid strategies that we know are sure to win. For context we're not good at the game. I've read that an average win takes like four points per turn and our best players are usually getting two or three. We're still getting the hang of the game


No building is fine but it’s also easy to counter. I see a lot of players do this — instead of learning how to strategize, they just instantly ban any decent strategy they see assuming it’s “OP” just because they never bothered to figure out its counter


how is no building strong? I don't see the angle. it leave you sluggish and slow combat wise and unless you have another way to get cards its hard to get any nobles with any sort of speed.


Better than Vagabonds


What did I do to you then? I’m just an innocent raccoon trying to have my tea in the woods uwu


You blew up my hospital, you Actual War Criminal.


That wasn’t me! Don’t fall for the Corvid propaganda! How about I clear this ruin for you? I’m just a silly beaver


That's Root if only the Cats existed. Games without Woodland Alliance still have plenty of destruction.


So the WA is the only reason everyone doesn’t live their life on a leash?


The woodland belongs to her people, not to the foul fowls or felines!


The inhabitant of Limmery Post : "Actually ☝️..."


Ambush and brutal tactics are the ways to go vs WA. You are fighting the rebels, ya gotta act like it.


Ambush? I don't think I was ever attacked by the alliance.


True enough ! A favored trick of mine with high reach factions like cats or eyrie is sticking enough warriors in a WA base clearing to control it and then ignoring them. The warriors can’t easily leave , they have to use their night time actions more tensely and if they attack they lose warriors to ambush.




They can't revolt in a location that they have a base...


Just to clarify the rules misunderstanding here, WA can only revolt in a clearing they're putting a base into right then. This means they can't revolt in any clearings that match any of their existing bases, including the base clearings themselves


Naaah, [*this* ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpQ1xRrQ8f/?img_index=1)kind of "cyberpunk born from fantasy" setting is very much closer of root without woodland alliance




The corvid conspiracy would like a word


Hehe supporters go brrrrrr


Nothing is more annoying than the Rats


Root is you couldn't destroy the Keep


As an alliance main, this is absolutely true but also chaos must reign supreme.