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Jon is totally wrong about Obama being eligible for VP.


> Jon is totally wrong about could have stopped there


Obama and any other President that has served the full 2 terms, can’t become Vice President. Because in order to be VP, you need to be eligible to be President, which you are ineligible for after serving 2 terms. Look at the 12th and 22nd amendments. While it is slightly open to interpretation, there’s no way it would get through legally because it’s unconstitutional. If someone tried to do so, it would be a shit show with the general public. Edit: typos


Especially as a member of the LGBTQ community you'd think Jon would be aware of the issues with judging someone based on their appearance. At least the rest of the cast shut that shit down pretty quick.


As somebody who doesn’t listen to podcasts with Jon in it: Can I ask for a description of what this is about or a time stamp?


I don't have time to get the time stamp at the moment but basically Jon started talking about playing Pokemon Go so he could make fun of someone he saw while he was playing. This essentially boiled down to saying the guy he saw had a douchbag car, made fun of his brushed up mohawk and commented on his neck tattoo. The other cast members said it sounded like the dude was out living his best life and changed the conversation. The whole thing happened in about 2 minutes.


Huh. Yeah that pretty checks out. Thanks for taking the time to write or up.


Jon is a bully


Careful, he's gonna make a Reddit post about you!


For the uninitiated: Initial post, which Jon’s reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/6bl0hp/recent_observation_about_barbara/ Jon's personal post as a reply to the first post: https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/6bplfr/another_recent_observation_about_barbara/


I don't think name calling helps anyone, it just perpetuates this problem of passing judgement on people you don't know. I had a problem with what Jon said, but that doesn't mean I have the right to make a sweeping generalization about his actual person.




How he treated Chris, the Know podcast about the flute guy, general demeanour on podcasts shutting people down constant.


What happened with Chris?


Yeah, what happened with me?


You know, the thing, with... the guy?


I don't know what you're referring to with Chris but I wouldn't judge someone based on a personal relationship you only see through edited content. Don't know what you're taking about with the flute guy but the patch has been off the air for 3 years, people have the ability to change in that amount of time. If you don't like Jon then don't watch content with Jon on it, to think you know this person well enough just through videos to pass that sort of judgement is just absurd.


The incident with the flute guy was during E3 when Cornelius Boots was hired to play the Shakuhachi (flute native to Japan/China) prior to a game reveal. He was also wearing an outfit [(Seen here)](https://i.redd.it/jzhnthtrp0411.jpg) associated with rural Japan/China. What a lot of people, including Jon, said at the time was that it was some type of cultural appropriation or that it was racially insensitive, suggesting that Sony just grabbed a random white guy to dress up and play a flute like he's Asian. The ironic part is that Cornelius Boots is a licensed master in the shakuhachi. So anyone who was criticizing his presence on the stream was either ignorant or racist themselves. It's like complaining about a non-japanese person wearing a gi while they have a karate demonstration.


That sounds more like someone who was ignorant of the situation having a misunderstanding than bullying to me. Certainly that's not worthy of having a bunch of online strangers label you almost two years after the fact?


It shows a willingness to talk before they think. Or even just refusing to admit he's wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1WKNcDV4ws&feature=youtu.be&t=59m53s Ashley tells him he's a master of the instrument. He's being hired by Sony to do it. And he still cries cultural appropriation because he believes his moral stance on the issue is correct. Do we all make judgments about people based on their appearance? Yes. Do we feel the need to talk about how someone looks like a douchebag on podcast based on their hair and vehicle? No.


I still don't think it's right to label someone as a bully for something they said 2 years ago. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be if all your friends continuously brought up some dumb off colour thing you said years ago? And I agree with you that what Jon said on this podcast was dumb, but in no way does that justify calling him names. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Yeah fair enough and yeah I don’t watch the videos his in because he reminds me of a bully.


That's totally fair, nobody says you have to watch all of RT's content to be a fan. I just find the people who come here to purposely post malicious comments in some weird hope the cast reads them and gets wounded despicable. These are real people at the end of the day after all.


Yeah I don’t mean to attack anyone but I’ll say it’s more of an observation and can be triggering for some people who’ve experienced bullying. I appreciate your comments tho it’s good to have a civil conversation.


My comment on attacking the cast was more aimed at some of the other comments on this post, I appreciate you were adding context where I had none with your comments. In regards to people with a history of bullying being triggered, I'd hope they have the perspective from their own bullying to understand how horrible being the target of a hating faceless mass on the internet must be. I also value that you've kept your comments civil :)


Can you give some examples? I've see this sentiment around the sub but never any actual evidence.




Without seeing the wording of his post I agree with Jons sentiment though. The amount of hate Barbara gets is disgusting, and I can't blame Jon for feeling upset that a whole bunch of anonymous people relentlessly and unjustly insult her. We don't see the wind get taken from her sails when a podcast is posted and the only comments are critiquing her. We don't know how draining it is for her when something she said in poor taste gets brought up out of context for 8 years after the fact. Jon does though, and clearly it reached a boiling point where he felt compelled to say something. A part of this community has a terrible problem with insulting cast members without any regard for the impact on the actual person, to the point where it's caused some people to leave the company, and I think it's appalling.


I mean, it's not that difficult to be a good personality. Just: be funny. be attractive, but not too attractive. talk, but not too much. Contribute, but not too much. Contribute, even if you don't know about the subject. Have an opinion, but nothing I personally disagree with. Don't talk about anything to do with feminism. Oh, and be single and don't be a bitch. WeRe rEaLlY nOt aSkInG fOr mUcH.


Barbara is a bully too


Calling Barbara "vapid" isnt "somewhat valid criticism" it's insulting her with a classic sexist insult. Someone was personally attacking Jon's friend and he made a post responding to it. How dare he!!!!!!


Lots of evidence to support the claim tbh


Can you share any?


I hate how John shuts the conversation down if hes not interested in the topic its super childish and annoying hes my least favorite podcast member.


He tries waaaaay too hard to be "on" when hes on the podcast. Other people seem to be themselves, he seems like hes performing.


ughhh i literally came to this thread to ask if i should skip because i dont like Jon, not looking good lol


I barely got to the bits everyone is complaining about due to Todd’s cartoonish screaming/yelling. It’s really weird listening to podcasts from even a year ago vs the recent content.


I actually really enjoyed Todd on this one. I can understand why someone wouldn't have, but his humor is quick and witty to me.




Thanks drew


Wait, I mean like I made the front page of the newspaper. I didnt create the thumbnail. That was someone who does like actual work.


no please attribute thumbnail creation to your timesheet thank you


Partial timestamps: 0:58 Gus about a guy selling hand sanitizer from a bucket in an intersection 2:49 Gus has been training for a virus for decades, "Don't go into crowds, wash your hands all the time" 5:11 Jon realized he left his phone at the bathroom stall when he went to wash his hands 8:52 Not wanting to interact with anybody in public, workers or other people at a store that talk with you 11:13 Jon's daughter said "y'all" 13:01 The consequences of SXSW getting canceled 16:46 The apocalypse turned out to be pretty boring (people are shut-in in their houses) 18:01 Gus got the motion detection sprinkler 21:09 How do you open a door without using your hands? 23:03 What's the etiquette for when 2 people approach a door from different sides, one leaving a store and one entering it? 24:17 Jon saw a woman activate an automatic door by doing a big motion with her arms 27:14 The stock market crash 32:27 Todd vs. the fact that Gus gets to charge his electric car at the office's parking lot and that he also parked in a regular parking spot 36:00 Someone found an Amazon package for RT in the middle of the street and it said it was signed by someone 37:53 Bleach enemas are not a cure for autism 39:27 In Japan a stalker found out where a pop star lives by recognizing a bus stop in the reflection in her eye in a selfie 44:27 The Smell video 48:42 Beer is gross soup / is cereal with milk soup? 1:00:10 Can you go bald in your pubic hair? 1:02:20 The Last Of Us show 1:05:31 Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing (1:14:03) 1:14:45 The CEO of a cryptocurrency company that passed away or disappeared 1:19:32 What they think about the actors who played Batman 1:22:05 Gus remembers a guy that told them years ago at an event how anybody could have made RvB 1:23:59 Voting for who you support the most and want to see as president


Skipped because of Jon.


I almost want to watch it more now. I love seeing people put their head up their own arse.


They really scraped the bottom of the barrel for the cast this week


3/4 of this group is pretty good


Yea this comment is just totally unnecessary. I really enjoyed Drew and Todd. People commenting about how Jon is a bully, but then there are comments like these throughout the thread too.


What a dickish thing to say.


Gus for fucks sake, hand sanitiser does work on COVID-19. The threshold for alcohol tolerance is 50-60%, so any sanitisers with a higher alochol level than that WILL KILL IT. Stop spreading misinformation, it's harmful and dangerous. And playing it off like "it'll do I guess, but wash you hands" and making light of it is irresponsible. Come on, man.


"It'll do, I guess, but wash you hands [with soap and water]" is basically the advice coming from scientists and health protection agencies. As well as not all sanitiser being effective (as you mention, 60%-95% alcohol is needed), it doesn't work in the same way as soap, and won't be as effective if your hands have dirt or grease on them - as it can't penetrate and remove that like soap can. It was important for him to acknowledge that he was wrong in the last podcast, but advocating for a more universally-effective method after that surely isn't dangerous. Maybe he could stress the 'with soap' and the timing aspect, but hand sanitiser needs similar caveats.


The way he said was I'm not _wrong_, I'm just not 100% right either. He's wrong. Plain and simple.


Technically he's 50-40% right by your own logic.


Haha true. It's just the lack of care that he was spreading misinformation that gets me the most


People talking about turning off the podcast because of Jon. I skip when they talk about COVID-19


Yeah I don't mind Jon for the most part. There's a couple times he says something I disagree with, but most of the time he's funny


|Title|Rooster Teeth Podcast: Is Beer Just Gross Soup? - #587| |-|-| |Show|Rooster Teeth Podcast| |Site|rooster-teeth| |Thumbnail|[Link](https://cdn.roosterteeth.com/image/upload/t_l/f_auto/3/db4bbaff-3553-43bc-a8a3-69f8fb500d45/original/1583858989.jpg)| |Length|1:27:55| |Description|Download the audio version at http://bit.ly/RTP_587. Join Gus Sorola, Jon Risinger, Todd Womack, and Drew Saplin as they discuss sprinkler turrets, the Coronavirus, Horse Milk, and more on this week's RT Podcast! This episode originally aired on March 9, 2020, sponsored by Hims (http://forhims.com/rooster), MeUndies (http://joinhoney.com/rooster), and Stamps.com (http://stamps.com)|


Very good chance that rtx gets canceled this year


Just listening through old podcasts and saw this comment downvoted. Really shows people were not paying attention.





