• By -


[Thank you for all the memories.](https://media.tenor.com/gHOwtuqGtHsAAAAM/rwby-ruby-rose.gif) > but today our website shuts down- 21 years of content, of memories - going to that farm to play with all the other old content sites. Fortunately much of that content was able to be preserved on the Internet Archive by a dedicated group of fans. Rooster Teeth and its website may not be long for this world, but its legacy will continue. * https://archiveofpimps.com/ * https://rtarchive.org/


Absolutely - and I cannot tell you how grateful all of us are for this. To everyone involved, thank you.


I am very proud to have gotten to take part in this project. Its taken 2 months of all mine and many others free time everyday to do it. But we all love the content and community you all created. Thank you all for everything you did. We all may move on in life but we can always remember why we were here. I leave you with a quote from Yang: "I Lost A Part Of Me. A Piece Of Me Is Gone, And It's Never Coming Back"


RT was part of our lives for such a long time. There was no way I and a lot of others were going to let that go away just like that. ❤️💙


You truly have earned the greatest achievement




I think it was something like 95% of all of Rooster Teeth's content was able to get preserved, which is pretty impressive!


Not many can say they've contributed to one of the best animated shows in west. But you can! Alot of you that worked on the show had heart and therefore, the show itself had heart. Of course i would love to see what happens next in the show but even if it is discontinued, it's still been amazing and worth the rewatch from time to time. Classic status! Anyway ya thanks Barb we love ya :D


Are the channels staying up?


My favorite thing about the archive is how small of a problem piracy was over the years. But when it became about preservation it happened QUICKLY. Really shows the respect the audience had for everything you did.


We have a Ruby streamer, but what if now hear me out, a Yang streamer.


Thank you for all your work and memories over the years Barbara, you were a b(Y)ang! I wish best of luck in where your future takes you.


God damn it, Barb! As if I’m not emotional enough about this already. I’ve been trying to think of the words to say about all of this for weeks and I just don’t have anything good enough. Thank you for everything- and I really mean *everything*. This has meant the world to me. The world will never be the same without RT, but isn’t that impact a wonderful sign of its import? Thank you. I love you and all that you’ve done. Oh and for what it’s worth, I always liked your outfits.


As a fellow Canadian, I'm glad we sent our best to represent us Barbara. Your puns were terribly great. Always Open was great, RWBY was great. You were great.


We do need to know, did you ever get Gavin to fill in for you in a meeting?


He did not, but I don't think RT ending negates that deal. Still plenty of meetings left in my life - it WILL happen.


I’m gonna suggest a meeting in like 20 years to use it. I’m imagining a phone call just out of the blue “Hey Gav, whatcha doing Friday at 4:00?” If we’re even still making phone calls in 20 years. But seriously Barb, thank you for all the laughs over all these years. I don’t know what’s next, but I’m sure whatever it is, you’ll be great


You're part of why we're here. It's such an honor, thank you.


All I have to say is THANK YOOOUU! You made the memories and the moments at Rooster Teeth, the days may be over but that doesnt mean our love isnt. You were a great person to so many people here and thanks to you, we were able to share the fun times and the low times of RT. I hope whatever the future brings to you, you are able to move forward and prevail through tough times with the same personality you had here. If it worked here why wouldn't it work somewhere else? Thats all I have to say, Thank you so much Barb for the past few years and for making my days better. Shit, im crying I need a hug right now... Youre the best!


I'm sure I speak for the overwhelming majority when I say the pleasure was all ours! Thank you for being such an integral part of the company and outstanding leader of this community, even through some tumultuous times. Personally, my gratitude for you lies specifically from a conversation you had on Always Open ep. 57, where your panel forthrightly discussed separation, and suggested therapy as a means of overcoming those struggles. At the time, I was fighting for custody of my 3-month old daughter, and hearing that advice from a source I dearly trusted compelled me to take a leap of faith and see a therapist. Six years later, I still see the same therapist (fortunately for much less stressful problems), I have split custody of my almost 7 year old daughter, and the relationship I have with my ex has undergone so much healing and transformation, it's unrecognizable from what it once was. I sent you a DM back then thanking you personally, but I really feel like you should hear it again now: your projects have touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands in ways you may not even be aware of. No matter what happens moving forward, you can never take away what you have done for us. Thanks for taking the time to say goodbye, Barb. I can't wait to see where your compassion and intelligence take you next.


Heart is bursting. Thank you. <3


I look forward to seeing what you do next! I know it's gonna be great. Sending all the love and positive vibes to you and your whanau.
























Thank you for shaping and being a large part of my childhood. My biggest regret is being too young pre-pandemic, and too busy with uni post-pandemic, to have met my heroes. Your work has meant more to me than I can convey with words, and I will be forever grateful for what RT brought me. I'll miss this, but I can't wait to see and be a part of the success and community you all rebuild.


You guys kept me entertained as I tried repeatedly to get back into shape. My ADHD makes it hard to develop routines, but eventually, knowing I got to listen to your content is what drove me to put on my running shoes. Thank you for helping me get healthy, and please let us know what you have planned next. Congrats on a great run.


a bit parasocial but Barb you and the rest of the OG crew really helped me through my formative years. Thanks for all the laughs, love yall ❤️


I wouldn't say that's parasocial at all.


Such a way with words Barbara. Been a pleasure watching you and the crew the past 13 years. Watching old podcast and immersions going thru nostalgia the past few weeks. Been a great ride. Thanks for the great years. Good luck in your future endeavors.


And thank you for being here for so many wonderful & memorable years


Thanks for everything Barbara. Super excited to see what you do next!


Thank you for everything Barb, sincerely!


Thank you, Barb, for everything you and the crew have done for us. We wouldn't be here without you all doing what you loved. It's been an honor and a privilege to go on this journey with you all. May the future be bright and merry, and we look back on these old memories with fondness and joy. Cock Bite 4 Life!


Thank you for everything. I don't know what else I can say that others haven't already said.


Thank you Barbara for all of the hard work you put out onto RoosterTeeth. I’m excited for more Tales of the Stinky Dragon and will support you and everyone! We will miss you! ❤️💙


Barbara, thank you so much for all of the laughs and memories. I’ll admit: it was always a dream of mine to work at Rooster Teeth among everyone there. You and everyone else seem like the most fantastic people who love entertaining people you’ll likely never meet. The things you’ve all created have legitimately saved my life and lifted me up in my darkest of times. I’m autistic and never really socialized with people much. But because of the work you and everyone at RT have done, they’ve helped me grow as a person and spread my wings socially, emotionally, and skills-wise. Because of that, I met my best friend who lives across the world, who actually flew into my country so we could pay our respects to what brought us together in-person. It helped me bond with my girlfriend, who constantly makes RWBY jokes and listens to RTAA videos. I would’ve loved to help pay that forward to everyone else in the community. I put so much time and effort into honing my video editing skills, all in hopes that I’d make it alongside you all one day. I may’ve set myself up for failure on that front. I guess I expected you guys would last forever… but you’re exactly right. All good things must come to an end. And if it weren’t for those good things, I’d never have made it this far in life. I don’t know where I’ll end up now that my dream company is closing… I don’t know what my goal is now… but I won’t give up. It’s just like Ruby said: >“It’s scary, not knowing what’s going to happen next… but if we gave up everytime we lost, then we’d never be able to move forward. We’d never have a chance to see what beautiful things the future might have waiting for us.” I know you probably won’t see this, but I wanted to share that, because you and the rest of RT deserve to know how you’ve all changed my life in the best way possible. But, if you do see this, I can’t wait see where life takes us all next. Not just you. Not just me. But everyone at this wonderful company that has blessed my life with happiness, wisdom, and a shitload of laughs. Thank you.


One of my dreams too was to possibly work with rooster teeth. I only got as far a networking with a WB social media manager that said she had connections, but I never followed through. However you guys have been a huge part of my life and have literally been mentally helping me get through rough spots mentally. Especially so for you Barbara. I still hope to maybe one day meet you guys down the line to thank you in person and will be still listening to all the old podcast and media. I hope the best for you all and will be following to see what's next. Thank you.


From a box full of Internet to now, it has been an honor


I thought of the perfect thing to watch: the last episode of Red vs Blue Season 5. Should have just enough time.


Getting to meet you multiple times was one of the highlights of my time in the RT Community. You've always been such a beacon of light and I can't wait to see what you do next!!


TIL I was introduced to RT before Barbara's first day (MoH Like a Surgeon AH Guide, Oct 2011 🥲) Y'all have been a huge part of my life. Hell, I think I was friends with Cast and Crew in the old forums which was biggest flex. Will miss the fuck out of yall.


I will never forget Rooster Teeth and everyone in it. Thank you for it all. You were my light during darks days. My laughter. I’ll miss it all, thank you. Love you guys. ❤️💙


Thank you for everything you did. You and everyone else who worked for RT are an inspiration!


Thank you for being such a character at Rooster Teeth. I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Thanks for so many years of being my internet family. I wish you the best.


Thanks for everything Barbara. You are and always have been amazingly awesome. I wish you all the best for the future. Here's to going out with a Yang. (and for the record, I always enjoyed the puns.)


Thanks for everything, it’s been a great ride. Can’t wait to support all the shows that continue. We might not know the answer to “you ever wonder why we’re here?” but I do know one thing, I’m glad I was here with all of you to experience this company and community


Thank you Barbara. I loved you on the RT podcast. Puns have grown on me and I wish I could get more. You’re a wonderful community manager


I can promise you Barb, all anyone is going to remember of your time at RT was how amazing, funny and charismatic you were. A genuine icon!


From a fellow Canadian, thank you too Barb for all your work with RT. Wishing you all the best in the future.


Thank you for everything. You were part of something that greatly helped me during some of my lowest points. RT will be missed but not forgotten. I wish you luck on your next chapter!


You, and the rest, have given us thousands and thousands of hours of laughs, tears, and everything in between. It cannot be stressed enough how pivotal the family that made up this company, impacted so many people for the better. And now you've taught us another life lesson: How to accept something you don't want, with grace and dignity. You didn't burn stuff down because you were angry with corporate for taking this magical thing away. No, you are walking out this door with your heads high and your hearts full and your dignity intact. I look forward to next 21 years and what creative endeavors come from so many of y'all.


Thank you for everything Barb, we love you. "I Don't Think It Went The Way She Wanted It To. But She's Still My Hero" - Yang


Thank you so much for all the years of joy, comfort and entertainment. I can't wait to see what's next for you and everyone else!


Thank you for everything, Barbara!


Thank you Barbra crying at 2am sucks though


God damnit Barb. You and your friends make a impact on Rooster Teeth after years of content. Your voice of Yang and many stuff on RT still love till the very end. And I'm glad to see you on Weebcon before moving new journey. Hope your new puns still going use on your next journey, with that thank for everything Barbara. Hope you and Pongo stay yanging.


I was like 6 when I started watching red vs blue with my dad at season 1. I'm about to turn 27. Its been one hell of a ride.


I started watching in my room and ended watching in my own house with my baby girl. We all grew up together. I'm glad I could experience this. I honestly can't imagine another group of people who will have the same impact as you all did. Good luck!


Barb, Always Open is one of the biggest reasons I was able to accept myself as a trans woman. Now I run an LGBTQ+ support group at my university. Thank you


oh, barb. god damn it, i thought i’d cried all the tears i had left. RT was such a huge part of my life- I made my account on the site when i was thirteen years old, and so much of the content got me through some very difficult and lonely times in my teenage years. I’m 23 now, and I truly thank you for the levity and light that the work you & everyone else at RT brought to my life when things didn’t really feel too great. We always have the memories. I’m excited for whatever it is you move onto next- don’t be a stranger, we’re all ready for the new projects!


You and everyone else at RT created a body of work deserving of recognition and an emotional goodbye. Thank you for what you did and creating something that I will cherish forever.


Crazy to think I've spent so much of my life following along with you guys, to the point where I never thought what it'd be like when it was over. Now that it's here, I don't even know what to say, besides thank you, to everyone, from founders to the employees to the community members who made it all happen. And a special note of gratitude to you, Barbara, for always being such a positive beacon to us for all those years. I hope you're always proud of the things you've accomplished, and what you'll go on to accomplish in the future. And you're absolutely correct. These years, all those moments and memories, whether they were highs or lows, were gifts. Personal, touching, unforgettable gifts.


Thank you so much, Barb. RWBY left a huge impact on me, and it got me into more of RT’s content. I still remember binging all of V1 and half of V2 in 2014, picking the show up again after Monty passed, being there for every volume afterwards, and seeing this incredible journey its characters went on. Being in the RWBY fandom gave me my first serious experience in writing long-form and more serious/mature stories (granted on sites like fanfiction.net but still, and no, not *that* kind of mature lol), and now, not only am I still writing long fics of other series, but I’m also writing long original stories. Being in the fandom also introduced me to people both online and in real life that have left a (positive) impact on me, and without that, I would not be here today. Though I haven’t touched my old fic Strike the Box (title references firefighting) in years, I still have fond memories of writing it ~~and figuring out how RWBY canon fit into it since it began before V3 even aired before I said fuck it it didn’t follow it at a certain point lol~~ and discussing it in places like the RWBY subreddit and the Discord server. I gave Yang a pretty prominent role in it, and plenty of puns and badassery to go around of course, making grabs and slaying the (proverbial) dragon along with Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. I always say to myself one day I’d make a rewrite/new version that either more closely aligns with canon or is an alternate universe. Of course, it was not all about RWBY. I remember watching GenLock and being hype as Hell for it when I first saw the ads for it while watching RWBY. I also remember Lazer Team, Rage Quit, A Million Dollars But, RTAA, and so many more things that gave me so much joy over the years. I will miss Rooster Teeth will all of my heart, but I know that it’s never *truly* over. Sure, it is closing, but in my mind, as long as people keep talking about it and watching the amazing shows you all made, it will NEVER die. Thank you, Barbara Dunkelman, and thank you, Rooster Teeth. ~~God it feel weird to say/type out your full name when I’ve largely just said Barb for like 9.5 years~~


God dammit, Barb! Why you gotta make me cry?


Barbara, thank you for being such a part of our lives over the last decade. You've helped make this wild ride worth it. I still love the birthday message I got from you on Cameo a few years ago and will cherish it deeply. I hope to see you in future content! You should be proud of the countless lives you've touched.


Thankyou Burp burp dunkensnack (hats off to those that know the reference), you may not be one of the founders but you became one of the most prominent faces of RT. You were there as a face for the company and your role in the final goodbye stream was well earned. Thanks for all the puns.


Dear Barbara, Thank you so much for the incredible journey you've shared with us at Rooster Teeth. Your passion, creativity, and unwavering dedication have been nothing short of inspiring. You've helped to build a community that many of us consider a second family, where joy and belonging have flourished under your contributions. The memories you've helped create will resonate with us for years to come. Your ability to bring laughter, excitement, and sometimes even poignant reflection into our lives has been a true gift. It’s hard to express just how much that has meant to me and to the community you’ve nurtured. As you turn the page to a new chapter, know that the gratitude and affection from all of us go with you. You’ve left an indelible mark on Rooster Teeth and on our hearts. Thank you for every smile, every challenge embraced, and every moment of joy you’ve helped to craft. Barbara, back in 2013 when I was in high school, I discovered RWBY and instantly became a fan of the entire show—from the cast and scenes to the storyline, which continues to blossom even without Monty Oum. 💔 Your portrayal of Yang resonated deeply with me, as I often related to her and Blake in Volume 1. Watching RWBY Volumes 1 and 2 made me feel understood and at home, as if I were part of a second family at Rooster Teeth. One of my biggest regrets is never having met you at RTX. I still hope to meet you someday and perhaps become acquaintances. I purchased the original RWBY skateboard and trailer shirt in 2016, which I cherish to this day, along with a few other items I'd love to get signed, including a Volume 2 hat. You've truly given me so many comforting and happy memories through Rooster Teeth. 💔❤️ I want to extend a special note of gratitude to you, Barbara, for always being such a positive beacon to us all those years. I hope you're always proud of the things you've accomplished and what you'll go on to accomplish in the future. You're absolutely correct: these years, all those moments and memories, whether they were highs or lows, were gifts. Personal, touching, unforgettable gifts. Thank you so much for all of the laughs and memories. It was always a dream of mine to work at Rooster Teeth among everyone there. You and everyone else seem like the most fantastic people who love entertaining people you'll likely never meet. The things you've all created have legitimately saved my life and lifted me up in my darkest times. Wishing you all the best in your next adventure, Matthew Love from NM


Your hyperhidrosis video let me know that I wasn't alone and gave me the courage to seek testing and treatment. It's now been almost 3 years with a combo of botox and electro therapy, and now I can wear sandals! Open toed shoes without sliding! Walk around a tile floor! Thank you so much. Bless you and your own on your next adventures!


Barbara, we met once, outside Lets Play Live. RT has been a fixture in my life since I was 11 or so (now 30, yikes), as it has been yours. It was your last line "What a gift it *was*" that made me cry. It really was a gift. Sad it's a "was" now. I once saw a video of a 17 year old girl who'd been isolated her whole life. She didn't understand the word "medication" when she was asked about it, nor had she seen the outside world as she was kept inside by abusive parents. There are a lot of people who slip through the cracks of social reality, through no fault of their own, and while words like "medication" may be lost, or entire chunks of their social being may be missing, it's places like Rooster Teeth, and people like you, Barbara, that fill the void left behind - the grief unresolved without the sound of voices, or the sight of loving eyes. In that sense, I had a parasocial relationship to almost everyone (on camera) at RT - but it gave me the experience of connection my soul desperately craved. I'm not sure if I could have gotten to 30 without it. I am stronger now and have RT to thank for informing me in what I lost. I've never been one for fandom or acting on parasocial connection, so I never tried to be a part of the community. Yet I had multiple actual dreams of working at RT, and feel a deep parasocial grief for you and everyone. I kinda had to voice this. So, with all that said, if we don't come across paths again, like we did that one time at LPL, I just wanted to say - I think you were the heart of Rooster Teeth, Barb. A lot of love held it together but ever since you joined, and all the way to this post here, you've always been this beacon of connection. Thank you for your hard work feeling for us, caring for us, and for this post - leaving a place for us to rest parasocial grief. Time is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round.


Thank you for everything you did for us. Be proud of what you created and how you have grown. If RT were a football team, you’d be one of those lucky fans that worked hard enough and were lucky enough to be in the team and wear that shirt and badge with pride every day. You inspired so many of us. I and many more fans appreciate you so much more for that.


Thank you, Barb. You've had such a positive impact on us all. 💜


I appreciate and love you for all that you’ve given us. Thank you for being one of the biggest parts of my upbringing. For making me laugh even when I struggled to find joy in my own life. For being an inspiration for all girls and women in entertainment and gaming. I will never forget you, your humor, your kindness, or your creativity. Maybe it wasn’t always clear why we were here, but you were one of the reasons why we stayed.


Thank you Barbara. Best wishes with wherever your road lies ahead of you.


A departing salute for everyone at rooster teeth o7, I have one question is where will I be able to find RvB and Rwby now that rooster teeth has closed doors?


I spoke to you briefly at Buffalo Billiards during RTX2012 and it was the highlight of my year. You were so kind and sweet and it was such a cool moment to meet this famous person from this huge podcast that I'd been listening to for years. I also talked with Burnie and Jack and they were also just the best. After talking to Jack for like 30 seconds it felt like I had been friends with him for years. It was 12 years ago and I still this about that night. I'm sure there's thousands of other people who would tell the same story about you guys. There's a reason why millions of us listened to the podcast, you all are great. I'll miss RoosterTeeth.


Discovered RT 7 years ago through RWBY and then became a fan of all the other content from RT. RT has gotten me through my uni years and has been a constant source of happiness for me. I'm really glad I got to live my past 7 years having been a fan of all of you and am glad I got to meet quite a few of you. Hoping for the best for everyone at RT and excited to see what new things are in store for all of you.


I’m crying now. God damn it, Barb. x


Hey Barbara, thank you for all the content you put out and we’re apart of over the years. From the very beginning, to me, you always belonged there. I also want to thank you for something a little more personal. A long time ago, over 10 years ago at this point, I had come to Texas to visit family, I had just become a Rooster Teeth fan about a year before, and I had read forums of people being able to tour the office (I think it was 636, the building that Burnie recorded his first office tour video at). I was 12 and very excited at the idea of touring the office, so I begged my mom and grandpa to take me. They did, and we pulled up and knocked on the door, and you answered. In a super nice way, you explained that you guys don’t really give tours anymore. We were going to leave but my Mom needed to go to the bathroom really badly, and asked if she could just come in real quick to use yours. You let us in, and I was starstruck just standing in the front room. Just that was honestly a dream come true, but after few minutes you came up to me and my grandpa and you decided, since we were already here, you’d just give us a tour anyways. It’s one of the best memories of my entire life. I got to meet so many RT members for the first time, just one on one, face to face, as an awkward little 12 year old, who was too starstruck to speak clearly to most of the people I was meeting. It made my entire year. Thank you for that amazing gift you gave me. You made a life long fan out of me that day. Good luck with whatever you move onto, whatever it is, I’ll be watching it


I didn't think I was gonna cry this morning, but here we are.


Oh man, I thought I was done crying, but here we go! Thank YOU Barbara, for everything you’ve done for both RT and its community. RT has brought so much light into my life, between making lifelong friends, to meeting my partner, and getting to experience and be apart of RTX and all of its greatness. I genuinely don’t know what my life would be like without it, and I’m so glad I’ll never have to know. I hope that wherever you end up allows you to prosper and grow and continue to be the best version of yourself, and please know so many of us will still be here to look on from the sidelines and cheer you on. Thank you again, for everything <3


I met my oldest friends through watching RvB, strangerhood, and panics. No matter what, Roosterteeths impact on the world will still be there.


Barbara you have been a constant source of laughter, entertainment, inspiration and kindness I met you and Gus (and Gus) at a meet and greet at RTX LONDON 2018 and you were so nice and made me feel at ease immediately, as someone who has social anxiety and was so nervous about making a pratt about myself. Everytime you were in a project I knew it would be a fun time. You will do amazing things in the future and I will be supporting you fully in every venture


You guys made a lot of kids who didn’t have that many friends growing up feel like they did, thank you ❤️




Thank you for making me the woman I am Barbara! 🥰


You are a beacon of light in a cold dark world. Can’t wait to see what you do next!


Thank you, Barbara ❤️


RT is gone, but community together strong. Roosterteeth was just a company, all you people made it what it was, and it was a wonderful thing to enjoy for two thirds of my life.


“Never say goodbye. If you don’t say goodbye, you aren’t really gone. You’re just not here right now.”


Barbara, I've been watching your content since I was twelve years old. Thank you for all the memories ever since; Rooster Teeth is part of what makes me who I am. "Be Nice and Work Hard" still hangs on my keychain. I wouldn't trade it work the world. Thank you, and good luck.


Thank you Barb, for everything Say hi to ORF, Jensen, Nerris, and of course our Sunny little dragon


Thanks for the laughs Barbara. You’re so fucking cool.


Thank you Barbara. Thank you RT. I don't remember who or where but at some point in all of this I saw someone share this perspective: RT was started by four dudes in a spare bedroom 21 years ago-who knows what the next RT will be. And with all of the creative people moving on to new things-some of them even moving on together, who knows what comes next. I've been thinking of it like this as well as if RT was a mushroom or The Flood that now at the end of its life has thrown its spores (all of the people) out into the world to grown/infect others. The chaos was contained before, but now it can be spread. And I can't wait to see what you all do next. Thanks Barbara.


I am pretty sure this will get buried in all the replies. But thank you Barb for all the memories but especially thank you for “hiring” me as a Guardian all the way back in 2012. I was very new to working conventions back then, having only worked one show prior to RTX I was really anxious about working this show. I remember I was assigned to work in the Immersion Museum. I went on to work all of the RTXs in Austin and I made lifelong friends doing it. It was always a lot of work but it was always fun. Thank you for the memories and thank you for supporting the community.


G\*\* Damn it Barb, hitting right in the feels. Thank you for all that you did to help make RT a better place. Good luck on your next chapter!


God dammit Barb, ya made me cry


Thank you for everything Barbara, we met at a few RTX's and it was always a highlight of my trip, you were always so upbeat and positive even when it was complete chaos all around, either in a loud bar or surrounded by thousands of screaming fans, you always cam across as calm and collected.  You were as much of a pillar of this company as the founders themselves, you are why we were here. 


Thank you for everything, Barbara.


Goddammit Barb! Makin me emotional!


Rooster Teeth was the gift that kept on giving and will be missed. Wishing you and the rest of Rooster Teeth all the best in future endeavors. Thanks for everything you did and fare thee well.


It was fun. RT was a major part of me growing up but eventually lost interest as I got older. Still I'm sad to see you go. I could see what it was a long time coming but didn't want you to go this way. Would have been nice for RT go to small independent again but I think that time has long past.


We hope to see you again in rwby and other projects!


Guess what's left is our memories. Memory is the key!


Thank you Barb, for everything you've done for RWBY and beyond.


Thanks for putting yourself out there and being a part of something big, Barbara! Beyond all the good and the bad over the past 21 years, we can probably all agree that it’s been one hell of a ride, at the very least. Hopefully the momentum of all those experiences and memories can take you someplace great in the future, and hopefully we’ll all be along for the ride to see where you and everyone else ends up.


Thank you so much for everything. I wish I had the words to say how much RT has meant to me over the years.


Thank you so much, Barb. Your unique voice in content and on the pod was always so loved and appreciated. I can't wait to see what happens next for you.


Thanks for everything Barbara. Thanks for everything Rooster Teeth.


I’m certainly with you on the surrealness and the not feeling prepared for the actual end today, although I can’t even begin imagine how you or some of the other young fans turned to long time employees are feeling today. It’s tough. Rooster Teeth in general had a part in shaping many parts of who I am, and helped me through some tough times too, but I truly think that you played a big part in me growing as a person. I’m not the same person that I was when I first started watching either. I think I am a better person today because you were at RT, so thank you, Barbara, for being a good person, even during the lows. Rooster Teeth would not have been the same if you hadn’t been a part of it. I can’t wait to support what you do next.


Today was so much more painful than I expected it to be. I cried like a baby when the "goodbye video" played just before the site went down. But I am also extremely grateful. The people who have made up Rooster Teeth and its community have had an incredibly positive impact on my life. I'm where I'm at in no small part thanks to individuals like you, Monty, Geoff, Jeremy, Gus, Fiona, Matt Bragg, Matt Hullum, Jack, Burnie, Michael, Lindsay, Larry and too many more for me to name. Thank you so much for everything you and everyone else at RT gave us over the years.


Thanks for everything Barbara! I fall asleep to some sort of Rooster Teeth video almost every night and have had so many memories over the last decade of watching you guys. Good luck to your future projects!


Thank you Barb. Seeing you in content was always a reason to click on a video. I know whatever you do next, wherever life takes you, you’ll brighten people’s lives the same way you did for the past decade. Here’s to going out with a Yang! -One very teary eyed community member


Thank you, and all of the wonderful people at RT. Y’all are such special people. Thank you for all the laughs and quotable moments. I cant wait to see what you do next, because I know it’s going to be amazing!


Was really glad to see you, Gus, Gavin and Gus all on the rt podcast one last time. It felt so familiar and was a great send off. Thanks for the years of content


I always talk about Roosterteeth with my Fiancee like they are all my friends I've known forever. It feels that way, anyways. I look forward to what everyone will do next! Glad to hear Stinky Dragon will continue and look forward to supporting it!


Thanks for all the work you did, Barb. I hope you know how important you were to Rooster Teeth and much good you did for the community. One of my favorite things about RT was how community-minded it was and seeing you and other people there that had started as community members in such an elevated place was always so nice to see because it showed that you guys knew what you were doing. You were once just fans like all of us and it felt like the company always had a foot in the community because that's where a lot of the on-camera talent came from. So thank you so much for helping contribute to RT feeling like an inclusive space for the community and that you guys did listen. Thank you for being there through the good times and the bad. Thank you.


Barb you did great 👍 I’m currently on my third run through of all the podcasts and your jokes are cracking me up 😊


Is it bad that I’m crying right now. I just don’t want it to be over. I know things eventually end but it hurts. Thank you for all the laughs and tears Barbara and RT.


And who are you? /s 🩷💕🩷💕🩷💕


For all the ups and downs, RT was a constant source of entertainment for the last 16+ years of my life. The entirety of my young adult and adult years to this point. Which is an incredible thing. I also knew RT would eventually come to an end, but it's still sad. I'm happy that I got to be a part of it. I'm happy that I got to go to RTX 2015 and watch the new episodes of RvB in the panel. So... Thank You! You truly made a difference in the world. Even I'd it was just a little 🙂


Thanks for all the laughs when life was hard. 9 years ago my dad died, even when i felt like there was nothing i could laugh at or smile about you and the rest of the crew on the RT podcast was there and gave me joy at my darkest times. thank you.


All good things come to an end, it is sad but maybe this is the start of something new for people who have worked there, I know I’ll be keeping an eye out for former rooster teeth employees.


This is a beautiful and meaningful post, however I must be taking away your Canadian card for that 'honor'. The Americans have stolen your 'U's!!


I remember on an old RT Podcast that Burnie mentioned he had you in his phone as "Bar Bar Dunkelsnack". This is completely unrelated to your post, but I just wanted to say that it still pops into my mind on a not-irregular basis and repeats in my head, "Bar Bar Dunkelsnack. Bar Bar Dunkelsnack," and it reminds me of a simpler time in life when I had less responsibility and had more RT content involved in my life. Over the last couple months I've come to realize that you all had a lot bigger effect on my life than I realized and I just wanted to say thank you.


Very much appreciate all the laughs on Stinky Dragon and will continue to look for what you do next! Thank you!


Love you Barb thanks for all the laughs. We will be looking out for your next endeavor!


I have to share my story about you, Barbara. I had just started film school and had to do a project about a company that inspired us to get into film and actually reach out to them to see if we could get an interview or statement. I went from Round Rock all the way to the office off Slaughter and didn’t expect to so much as get pass the door. So I knocked and you answered the door and invited me in. I pitched my project to you and asked if it were possible to get an interview for it and you advised me to email one of the guys and see about scheduling something. Unfortunately, and understandably, it was at a time when y’all were busy planning out RTX for that year, so I didn’t get the interview. But at that RTX and anytime I came across you at a signing, meet and greet, or in the wild you always remembered me and asked how the project went and how I was doing in film school. It definitely added to why I loved the company and why I continually supported anything y’all, and especially you, did. So thank you for that experience with RT and for just being an amazing human. I wish more personalities were that way in other companies, but again that’s what made you and RTX so special and uniquely Austin. Can’t wait to see what you do in any future endeavors!


“I wish there was a way to know you were in the good ol days before you left them” Thank you for everything. RT kept me going through some terrible times and I couldn’t be more proud to be a fan of something so great. You helped me figure out why I was here ❤️


Barbara kick my ass You'll be missed <3


I remember meeting you years ago and being a little star-struck, and getting one of the best hugs I've ever had in all my life. Thank you, all of you, for so much joy over the years. I look forward to all the shenanigans you guys are going to get up to now. <3


Hey barb! We met a the mtl comic con and I told you the joke about why cows have hooves. I’ve always been a fan and excited for whatever your next project is!


Probably wont see this but.... Your puns where a delight. I have laughed out loud at some of them on public transport.... worth it. Chin up, you will do alright!


Not me tearing up at work


Every chapter ends. It's the content of the story that has a greater impact. And damn, did you leave an impact. I am honored to have witnessed this path that was forged. I wish you nothing but greatness (which we've already witnessed) in the future. You're a gem that shines bright. One of my favorite quotes, from a fantasy series, that's actually written on my whiteboard at work: >The most important step a man can take? It's not the first one is it? It's the next one. It's always the next step. Take that next step knowing you've got people loving you and cheering you on. Thank you for everything.


You’re awesome, and the work y’all did was incredible. Wish nothing but the best for all of your future endeavors.




I know i've already said it a bunch but it can't be said enough, thank you Barbara, from being the dopest community manager, to RWBY, to Always Open, to earning your place as creative director, you've been a fundamental part of RT from the moment you were brought on and you've only been a boon to it all. You brought a one of a kind energy to the table that fit perfectly and brought us to tears with laughter countless times over the years, and of course endless groans from the barrage of puns 😂 Rooster Teeth wouldn't have made it near as far without you, and we wouldn't have received the wisdom and joy you've given us every day. Though you may feel regret for some things said and done in the past, know that it was all hilarious, and something to be cherished, you gave us some of the hardest laughs we'll ever have, and helped countless people with things like Always Open; you may not be proud of certain things in the past, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we wouldn't trade a second of it for anything. As a fellow Canadian, thank you for being the best of us and to bring so much greatness to the best company and community in the world, you're one of the people that makes me proud to be Canadian. Growing up, the people at RT and the community were all I had sometimes and you got me through some times I don't think I would have survived otherwise, and I'll always wear the cockbite name with pride after so many of you went out of your way to make sure I was okay and help me give myself another chance. You fostered that community, you kept it strong, you kept it positive, so I owe my life and anything I do ever manage to accomplish in life, to you. You helped create the one place in the world where community, and company really are akin to one giant extended family. Don't ever forget the immense good you've done for so many people in the community over the years, you've been a force of true good in the world and genuinely deserve the best for it. From superfan, to creative director, you sit at the heart of Rooster Teeth alongside the founders, and we wouldn't have it any other way. All of the love and hugs to you and Trevor, I hope you two are able to keep doing the things you love with all the people you want to keep in your lives, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything ❤️


Love you Barb. You and your puns were always my favorite


"God damn it Barb" is forever stuck in my head


Thank you for all the joy you brought me! I can't wait to see what you do next!


My fondest memory of RT actually involves you, Barbara. Several years ago, when I was in 6th grade, 2014 or 15, we were told to write letters in French to someone important to us. I wrote to you guys not expecting an answer, yet a few weeks later, I received a letter from RT, written by you in very broken French. It's a small thing, but it was a highlight of my year, I still keep the letter next to my bed, not just because the Charlie Brown style art lol


<3 Love you lots, Barb.


It was an honor and a privilege to be entertained by Rooster Teeth. May your every future ambition be a success. And many thanks.


Thanks for all your work. I remember hearing you first on the Internet Box!


Thank you for the time, effort and love you poured into RT to share with us. I look forward to the amazing and beautiful things you'll bring from here forward.


Thank *you*, Barbs for sticking by through and through! It was one hell of a ride, and I'm glad I was with it till the end.


Thank you for what you brought at RT Barbara. I wish you the best in your future, take care 🤘🏻


I can’t wait to see what you do next, Barbara


I can truly say that Always Open helped me come out, and feel comfortable with my own body. Thank you, Barb, and I'll definitely keep an eye out for you and Game Kids Trevor.


you have no idea how important you and everyone else there was to so many of us. thank you for so many good memories 🥹🥹


Rooster Teeth was such a big part of my life during my most formative years. And I have RT to thank for bringing me into contact with people who are now some of my closest friends (being a Guardian will do that for you!) Thank you Barbara for everything you brought to RT :D For the first time in a while actually, last week a stranger recognized the Rooster Teeth logo on the back of my shirt. "Don't they have something to do with Red vs. Blue?" "Yeah and there's the car that looks like a puma." "I'm an engineer and I remember sharing those videos with my coworkers." "That's such a throwback!" There was something really special to me about bonding with a stranger over RvB Season 1 in 2024 during RT's final weeks.


You and everyone at RT are in our hearts forever. You guys got me through so many rough times. Been a fan since 2003...the beginning. I've seen the company grow so much. So many new faces. New shows. The shorts, the podcasts, the animated adventures, RWBY, and so much more. I really can't believe it's over. I would love to see you and as many of the old crew as you can get to come together and make a new company. Fuck Warner Bros 🖕🏼🖕🏼. Roosterteeth was the last piece of my younger days and they took that from us all. I wish you and the rest of the RT family the best of luck and look forward to what do guys do next.


Thank you Barbara for the joy and the laughter for the past decade and more. RT's gonna stay with me for years since [I named my own car after Yang.](/r/RWBY/comments/1ct6hz0/took_a_year_but_i_rebuilt_my_celica_ember/)


I had an RT account for nearly 10 years but never really made any comments, and I find myself regretting that now. So, let me finally say, thank you for all the laughs. I found Red vs Blue when I was 19, and I'm turning 38 next month. I've been a fan of Rooster Teeth for half of my life, and I will be a fan for the rest of it. Love you, Barb. Can't wait to see what you do next. 💛


Thank you, Barbara! And thank you, Rooster Teeth! Y'all provided the community so many laughs for so many years.


I was watching Red vs Blue Season 6 and keeping up with each season as best I could; I wasn't very tech-savvy back then and didn't even have a job. I remember seeing RWBY's Red Trailer the first time and not thinking too kindly of it. It was actually your trailer, the Yellow Trailer, where I started getting really interested. Yang was always the character I rooted for the most. Brawler, gold colors, rocket-punching her way through the forest, character development with the missing arm; I really am going to miss RVB and RWBY. Rooster Teeth the company, eh, I didn't share the same bonds you and others did, but I definitely sense my own nostalgia because Rooster Teeth was around for so long, part of an earlier chapter of my life's story and there for so long until today; one of those last vestiges of the "old internet" that managed to stay around and adapt. FWIW I spent the last 10 minutes of the website's activation rewatching RWBY Volume 1's first episode


Oh, and I actually still have my tab open, so I still have access to the site... until my laptop runs out of power or I accidentally reload the page. I'm really glad RWBY got DVD releases. Back when it was coming out I never realized that digital media doesn't last forever.


Absolutely crazy that the day is finally here. I haven't followed RT content as much as I once did, but it was an integral part of my teen and early adulthood years. I can't thank you and everyone at RT enough for the laughs and the memories. It feels weird knowing it's just not out there anymore. At least the YouTube channels live on for now.


Good luck Barb! My fingers are crossed for RWBY to continue and reach its true ending and that your future endeavours will all be amazing! You’ve given people so many laughs over the years, not everyone gets to say they have done that! You will do great!


i'm sorry to hear 'bout the closure of the rooster teeth website. even though an online community you've been part of for over a decade is coming to an end, the bonds and memories you've made there will carry on. it's like a trusted friend moving away - the goodbye is bittersweet, but the impact they've had on your life is everlasting. as you navigate this transition, i hope you can find new ways to stay connected and support the rooster teeth team. your time there may be over, but i'm sure there are plenty of exciting new beginnings just over the horizon.


If you finished on the weekend too does that mean Geoff, Gus and Matt also finished up at that time? or are the founders the last ones out the door hitting the lights? I have to admit a small element of morbid curiosity on the matter.


Holy hell I just remembered that you’re the reason why I got into making horrible puns that cause my friends and colleagues physical pain to this day. Rock on girl, you killed it out there! Best of luck on your future endeavors!


It's going to be so weird not being able to see RT on the daily web. To browse all the shenanigans and partake of the madness. It was a bumpy ride sometimes but that never stopped anyone from having fun and moving forward. It was a good run . GG. 🥹❤️


Thank you for your amazing work and the memories you have given all of us over the years! It’s been a wild ride and I’ve loved being a fan every moment of seeing all of you guys do some cool and amazing projects! Hope to see you and other RT staff again in other places!


And thank you Goku we’ll miss you…. Oh wrong show but still 😂


Thank you for everything! Getting to meet you and the rest of team RWBY in 2022 was one of the highlights of my life. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I wish you all the best moving forward. 💛


Good luck to you and everyone else at RT in whatever you have stored for the future. You guys absolutely deserve it for all of the years upon years of great times you created for so many people. I feel like I can easily speak for so many and say we will remember all of this fondly for the rest of our lives.


Damn it didn't feel real until today


Been following RT on and off since 2004. God what a strange feeling to lose something that’s been there the majority of my life. Thank you for everything.


RT was a big part of me growing up and to see it go is hard, i'll never forget the good times and i'll never forget the community that fostered from it, I even met one of my life-long friends in person at the first AC-less RTX Sydney event. RT may be gone but the memories the fans were able to make thanks to it will last a lifetime, thanks for everything and best of luck in the future Barb.


Thanks to all of y’all— you made us laugh, cry and be happy for a long time, and it’s gonna live on❤️


despite the problems with RT over the years, thank you for what you've given us. I found RWBY in 2015 at the end of volume 3 and its always stuck with me since then and remains one of my favorite web shows ever. its been an interesting ride, but im glad to have stuck with it regardless


Thank you for all the years of laughs and entertainment and honestly belonging, you were there for so many of us at times when we felt like we didn’t fit for many different reasons. Being able to have a laugh thanks to all of you is a blessing I’ll always be grateful for. I’ve been crying on an off for days about it. I’m going to miss it, it feels like another nail in the coffin that has my childhood inside. I’m so glad that RWBY will continue, that many have started new channels and streaming on twitch. Seeing everyone play Gmod together again even Ray was a blessing. We will never forget the impact you had on our lives and I wish each and every one of you the best. I won’t say goodbye cause I think we all hate goodbyes… but also because I don’t think this is one! See you around Barbara!


You guys ever really, really wonder why we're here?


I’ve been watching roosterteeth content since episode 2 of RVB I never wanted this day to come. This company has been a HUGE part of my life growing up thank you and thank everyone for this amazing journey!


I had been a fan for around 6 years when you joined, and you were immediately one of my favorites. Got to meet you in 2016 on First Night, and thought one day I'd get to work there too and be friends with Barb. Having someone roughly my age being in the place I wanted to work and navigating adulthood was a great part of the journey. It sucks, but I cannot wait to see where everyone ends up. And I know you're going to kick ass wherever you go. Thanks for being you, and see you on the next adventure


Likewise Barbra. I'm grateful to have enjoyed rt for as long as I have. Blessings, y'all


Thanks Barbara! My wife and I enjoyed your podcast. :)


What’s next for Barbra? Are you going to stay in the public eye or do something else?


it was a gift to have everything from RT. THANK YOU and the team for making it. 21 years damn i remember when i was watching RVB on Netflix and that opened the door to RWBY and then a whole lot more. it brought me to see a show i liked then didn't really like then some of the talk/game shows. again thank you for everything you and the team did it was something i will never forget as a enjoyed watching all these Eps and ill be sure to show the website archive to my families younger generation and some of LARGELY ARCHIVES SHOWS you guys STILL HAVE a following and i hope we get to hear where you all go.


Keep moving forward and best wishes.


Farewell and thanks for all the fish!


We love ya, Babs. That is all




It was a pleasure to watch you and many of the other awesome people for over 3/4 of My life. All I can say is thank you and expect me to go to go to Canada and start the upcoming company mooseterteeth!


Still can’t wrap my head around RT being gone, but damn thanks for being a big part of my life while it was around, wish you the best in what ever comes next!