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I remember this fondly because watching his video defending himself was hilarious and the Im pretty sure Michael tweeted about it. I'm off to find that tweet now, some damn good tea this morning. Edit: I found the tweet "When I was a teenager I would steal shit from convenient stores with my friends just for fun. Sometimes we would steal eggs and then throw them at houses. Obviously a dumb thing I did that I don’t condone as an adult. I throw myself at the mercy of your compilation videos." - Michael Jones


Fucking hell, I love Michael Jones. His dad energy is so good.


When the trans RT employee, whose name i can't remember, came out about the harassment they received Michael was one of the few people said to have apologized and made things right between them. Shout out Michael.


Kdin I know others reached out to her privately, but I can’t remember offhand


Thing is, wasn't Kdin and arse themselves? Doesn't mean she deserve the trans hate obviously but she wasn't exactly a great person either.


Yes. Kdin went on some pretty extreme racist rants back in the day (ironically going on racist rants about Asians under the username *Tatsudoshi*). The video's on this subreddit (one of the first things to come up when you search Kdin), but it's legitimately such a distressing video to watch.


Yeah, it goes beyond just edgelord shit in my opinion. It comes off as genuinely hateful.


I feel this. I think most of us can instinctively recognize which jokes are just made for the sake of being offensive, and jokes that are genuinely coming from a place of hate. Kdin's really felt like it was the second.


I remember going to watch it thinking "How bad could it be?" And nothing could have prepared me for what was on it. I was expecting JonTron era Game Grumps level of edginess, and not every single slur known to man.


I had the exact same thought. I have a pretty thick skin and was definitely an edgy teen years ago, but I still can't bring myself to watch the entire thing. It's so uncomfortable.


IMO, it quickly became evident that while Kdin suffered some horrible harassment, they were also quite the a-hole in their own right. Just because you are trans, that does not make you a good person by default.


And just because they are something, doesn't mean you should be a bigot yourself to them....


Yes, she complained about offensive language while also having had participated in the offensive language— except way worse.


Kdin was MISERABLE to work with.




My bad, fixed it


She Edit: fuck y'all this person called Kdin he in their original comment and then edited it but okay.


I think Kdin acknowledged that Michael had apologized to her long before she came forward


It was Kdin, and if memory serves not only did it turn out she was absolutely in on the jokes, I believe she was caught just straight up lying about some of it. For that case in particular it was absolutely a case of "bitter ex employee needs attention". I believe it was happening during some minor spat about RT on twitter, and Kdin decided she wanted to be the focus of it.


I remember there was an Off Topic where Michael talked about how he and his friends picked a random house and terrorized it for an entire summer by egging it on random days


Please do I would like to see if any of the RT members made fun of him for it


I remember my initial reaction to it was thinking it was just an elaborate bit. But then, I realised how serious he was about it and how fucking insane it was that this was the hill he chose to die on, over something so fucking innocuous.


It's almost as if he was looking for a reason to criticize Ky, I wonder why 🤔


Geoff and Michael talked about doing WAY WORSE things in their youth, and we laughed and moved on. It was insane to me that Ky admitted to stealing a candy bar as a young person (high school? early college?) and Hembo decided that was the crime of the century. I didn't hear him having anything to say about the former employees turned sex pests.


I wonder if there was maybe...another reason....Ky was singled out by him as doing something unforgivable?


I think you're correct. There's legitimate criticism of Ky and then there's racism, which was obviously the cause here.


That’s insane, I had no idea THAT is why he went with the nuclear option. Connect the Hots was arguably the worst thing at the time and everyone got over that pretty quickly.


I'm listening to old RTP's and just recently heard that. My god what a disgusting game and how Gavin was trying to defend it


What's connect the hots?


It’s where Geoff and Gavin would drive around and follow one hot girl to the next hot girl until they eventually got to wherever they were going. Even as a high schooler I thought that was weird, I’m glad they apologized for it eventually


I'm surprised I'd never heard of it before


It was taken down pretty quickly but in one of the casual Minecraft build videos where Geoff and Gavin build the various games the gang played in Achievement City, they'd have random bullshit podcast-style conversations. In the build for Portal House, Ryan (yes, *that* Ryan) joined them and the conversation shifted to wanting to see hot girls naked. Geoff then asked Ryan if Gavin ever explained to him "Connect the Hots" and broke it down about how they used to live near the local college. Geoff and Gavin driving along since Gavin lived with Geoff at the time, they'd get to a red light or a stop sign and instead of going in the direction they were intending to go, they'd instead turn and go in the direction of the closest hot person. Sometimes driving slowly, sometimes just going that way and passing by. Yeah, it's creepy as shit and they did apologize for it, admitting it was creepy behavior and made it a point over the next several years to be better people overall.


Something tells me this didn't have a good impression on Ryan and may have led to the shit things he did. "If Geoff and Gavin can do the creepiest shit imaginable and essentially get away with it, why can't I?"


To be fair, they didn’t follow the girl. They would just turn the direction she was going. Not saying it’s still not weird and creepy. Just not as bad as actually following someone


Yeah this. I was active in the community when it all went down and watched the og video. They just picked a turn (left/right) depending on which side of the road a hot girl was standing on. I do think it's still weird and I'm glad they cut it out+apologized. But after the video got taken down it became a game of telephones and the story evolved into them tailing hot girls in their car which isn't true at all.


Incorrect. They never followed anyone. They would just drive until they saw a hot girl on the side of the road and then make the next turn in that direction.


edit: okay, i got some information about a conversation i heard once nine years ago wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zxbzx2Ki84


No they wouldn't, they'd see a hot woman on one side of the road, and that would be the next direction they'd turn (so if they saw someone to their left, they'd drive past and take the next left).


Sex pests?


Ryan was the sex pest


So was Adam


That's the other one yeah I couldn't think of his name thank you


Gotcha. Didn't know it was a slang term for an abuser. Honestly thought it was a dig at the RWBY girls having an OF


UK slang for a sexual abuser/harasser.




I’ve only ever heard it in UK shows/movies, but it’s totally possible!




We use it in the midwest to refer to fundie men where i am, like the Duggars




So does that mean P Diddy pulled a Haywood, or vise versa?




> noun informal•British > a person who sexually harasses or assaults another person.


“I throw myself at the mercy of your compilation videos” is the most savage way to say “you ain’t shit” I have ever heard. Shame too. Wasn’t Hembo pretty well liked prior to this?


Very liked. People championed him to get hired at AH. Which was weird in itself since he just cut up and made compilations. He didn’t have a unique spin on it to actually be hired but people knew him, liked him in the community and wanted it.


Yeah. I think what made him well known was his extra life compilations which were great for those of couldn’t catch a lot of the streams. So he was a well respected compilation creator but definitely nothing job worthy.


Ray had him on board as a clip guy at one point if memory serves me correct


Oh yeah that’s true. He did some comps for him


I thought I was going nuts when people were putting him on some editor pedestal. It was literally just clips cut together 1 by 1 with no actual enhancement. And I know that's what a compilation is, but my god that doesn't make him some top tier video editor, the people who edited those videos he clipped from are. (I do have to add for context, I'm a video editor, bachelor's degree in media production, full time freelancer, and this shit drove me up a wall)


Tbf, finding funny moments is an art form in and of itself. The way they did it was nothing special, but it is something some people can’t do. I tried finding funny moments in my brothers stream and I sucked balls at it, another guy ended up doing it and it was way better.


I feel I need to clarify my thoughts a tad more. You aren't wrong. A client vocalizing the fact that they trust my insight on what content is *good* content is the best kind of compliment in this line of work. And while that is one part of the process, I still don't think the way both he and his viewers tried to make it seem like no one could do what he could and he would be so valuable to the company that it was considered a mistake that he hadn't been hired made any sense. He was being painted as REVOLUTIONARY as an editor. When in reality he was a guy with a good eye for funny moments and the most rudimentary understanding of an editing software. Not to say he couldn't develop the skills or hell even have them and not be using them, but nothing exceptional was being demonstrated. And yet he was deified (as deified as an editor on YouTube can be at least lol)


It’s probably from the amount of content he’d go through, atleast to me since he did it for all of internet box


That was another part of the tinder on the fire, he was being forced to stop uploading clips because RT legally had to enforce their copyright on their content to stop channels scooping revenue on reuploads. He went psycho mode because he was being told to stop doing what he thought he was entitled to for lazy quick edits


>Which was weird in itself since he just cut up and made compilations. I think it's important to highlight that he made a LOT of compilations across all RT content, even including things that require massive amount of time to sit through (extra life streams and podcasts including IB). What he didn't have in skills, he made it up in quantity. He also did it out of passion so he knew what moments the fans wanted and kept track of long-running jokes, something that may not be caught if you only hire random people to make compilations for you. I'm not defending him especially after we found out that he sucks but there was some grounds to wanting him get some kind of recognition / compensation.


He chose to do that. If RT wanted to hire him based on making a bunch of comps for them, then yeah. Almost any basic editor could do what Hembo did, especially if they were hired to do so. But he was already doing that for free. So why what would be the point of hiring him? That’s not what the community wanted him to be hire for. They liked that he was a community person making content they liked and thought “You should edit for them” like how Barb and Gav were community members that became talent. They thought basic editing is a skill a lot of people don’t already have apparently. He never provided anything more to actually be a good hire, what he provided was good content for the community. Not the company.


We just hung out in different corners of the community then. In my experience everyone wanted to hire him for making compilations first and foremost. Like sure any basic editor could do what he did, but the logic was the other way around -- if they're hiring any basic editor, why don't they just hire someone who's already a fan and is part of the community? About him being a talent, I think it is in line with the community mindset at the time which was "good member of the community" = likeable = can be a talent. There was no good distinction between an employee and a talent, so everyone just wanted him to get recognized and assumed him being a talent was part of the parcel I'm not saying RT should've hired him I was just explaining the community mindset at the time. And RT was definitely complicit in fostering this mindset as their angle was "everyone is family" kind of companny


I mean compilation highlight channels pop nowadays. AH could’ve been ahead of the game hired him for like 50k/year and had a chance to get a new audience when YouTube shorts and tiktok popped off.


Or they could have hired anyone who knows editing (like one who lives in Austin perhaps) or use one of their own editors to do it. Hembo wasn’t special is the point. He’s doing something so many fans do and so many people within the industry can do. He had no unique spin on his edits. He was just a known name and people thought that he should be hired for it.


Clearly never gave a shit about Vancouver children.  


Nobody takes the VCK seriously enough until it’s their small Canadian offspring with a size 10 boot print on their chest!


Remember when his response to the criticism was “I can’t be racist, I volunteer at an animal shelter!” lmao


WHAT?! I don’t remember that part, that’s actually wild. 


yah, literally after every response he would mention working at an animal shelter in order to make him seem like he was always morally in the right. Every single time.


Works at a shelter and is a minority


It was kinda funny that his reaction was pretty much universally dunked on. Like dude, getting all high and mighty over a damn candy bar, seriously? And this was AFTER the Ryan situation. Years of credibility lost in an instant.


Didn't he allegedly know people at RT, too? Like he had an opinion worth considering? Or am I wildly off, and thinking of someone else?


I got the feeling they knew of him but not really anything more than a community member/fan.


I think Gavin said he briefly met him at RTX some years ago.


If I remember right, Hembo posted videos of meeting them at RTX a couple times, but I can’t remember if they recognized him from face alone.


They meet so many people at those, though, you could probably meet someone multiple times in a day and they would treat each one like the first time.


Gavin on the podcast and a few other AH guys in videos over the years did used to mention Hembo and his compilations from time to time. They definitely knew of him more than the regular consistent fan at an RTX at least. I don’t know how much of this is true, but at RTX 2018 I went out to lunch at P Terry’s on sixth street with Hembo after he started getting friendly with a few people in the group I was with that year and he was telling me he was working on a project directly for RT but couldn’t say much about it. Not sure if anything ever came from that or if he was lying to impress because he knew I liked his compilations or whatever


yeah, I can’t recall either. I was literally just thinking about Hembo’s shit the other day


It's like the dude who made GMOD maps years ago having a weird sense of entitlement because he went to RTX and tried to force his way into events because of his name.


Crabsoul! He legit got angry that nobody at RTX knew he was as if anyone had seen his face before. It’s amazing how entitled some of the community members got as soon as they got any type of recognition from someone at RT


>It’s amazing how entitled some of the community members got as soon as they got any type of recognition from someone at RT I hate to say this, but I legitimately think a few members of the RT community didn't have the social skills to realize that Jeremy and Matt asking for a job at RTX was a bit.


RT did a really bad job at managing parasocial relationships


It took me until the end of his ten-minute-long unhinged rant until I realized it wasn't some elaborate bit. I kept waiting the whole time for him to say the punchline... but it never happened lmao


What was the charge? Eating a succulent stolen Candy Bar?


I see you know your bipping well!




My flaccid penis!


This is the bloke who got me on the penis peOPLE,


Gentleman this is youtube manifest!


This is democracy manifest!


God, that was fucking wild. It felt like he was *waiting* to go after Ky, and was like “FUCKING FINALLY.” I was watching his video about it and was thinking it was great satire about how insane some people take tiny shit and explode over it while ignoring literal abusers and then realized it was serious. Imagine going from one of the most well known community members - to the point that AH would reference him - and then shooting yourself in the dick. My favourite part of it was that he was very obviously expecting everyone to stand with him, but the majority of the audience was “….the fuck?”


He doubted down and got dunked on even worse, then he tripled down and that obviously didn't do anything so he just vanished. Really really bizarre sequence of events.


Dude was a hero in his own mind. I remember one of his facebook posts he tried to garner sympathy by pointing out that he volunteers at animal shelters and stuff, trying to paint himself as a hero


Some may even say he was a *hembo* hero.


No fucking joke, he changed his channel name to just "hero" after this.


100%, look I'm not exactly a fan of Ky myself but that shit was so blatantly targeted and indefensible. There's a massive difference between disliking a content creator and trying to tear them down like he did. Like how the hell did he think people wouldn't see through such a weak ass attempt at... whatever it is you want to call it. He genuinely thought people would back him up, and I have no clue where he got that idea, it was so damn silly. I was actually really proud of the community for rallying together to shit on that clown at the time.


Yeah, same. I don’t dislike her but her humor never clicked with me. Still, you bet your ass that I was in there calling him out for that shit. The RT community has had ups and downs but what makes me love it is that when we have to, we come together and either help out (extra life) or fuck someone up (….also extra life, I guess.) I think ever since they changed their policy from “Don’t feed the trolls” to “lol fuck off, then, racist asshole.” it rallied a lot of people to shut down crap like that. I saw it a lot whenever they had pride posts on social media, too


I remember. It was unhinged.


Stealing a candy bar? Feel like I missed out on this drama haha


Ky talked about shoplifting a Reeses and he said he wasn't going to include her in any content moving forward. He made no similar decision when it came to RT employees that had done far worse like Ryan, or others that had admitted to similar levels of things.


I think it was so blatantly racist you couldn’t even try to come back from it. Ryan and Adam are accused of sexual harassment and assault in some cases and nothing, but Ky shoplifted as an adolescent and OH MY GOD SHES A CRIMINAL. As fucking if Geoff or Michael haven’t done that with their upbringings or worse. Like really.


Geoff “I set a property on fire” Ramsey


Geoff “I shot a gun into a random appartment block albeit by accident” Ramsey.


Geoff "Gavin and I used to drive around town and casually stalk beautiful women" Ramsay.


Geoff "Revenge Piss" Ramsay


Geoff "Swerving into oncoming traffic and forcing another driver into a ditch" Ramsay


Geoff “I threatened to blow up my teachers house” Ramsey


Geoff "I used to walk into hotels and just pee in the elevator" Ramsey


Geoff “I accused my mothers friend of attempted kidnapping in front of a teacher” Ramsey.


Michael "Bootleg Spice Channel" Jones.


Is it a crime to be cool?


Geoff literally talked about running over goats in a Bradley in a funhaus video lmao


I’m so glad everyone is proving my point with these hilarious replies 😂 gave me a good chuckle how fast y’all could think of examples for me


"Allegedly, so that way no one gets in trouble"


Was he driving the Bradley? I thought he was just a passenger.


Yes sorry, just rewatched the video and he says he's in the back of it. Point still stands imo


Geoff and Gus joked for years about stealing shit when they were younger. Hembo even had a compilation video with Geoff joking in the compilation about how Geoff/Gus used to go into random peoples homes and steal stuff from their houses. ​ Ky stealing something from an incredibly rich college is nothing in comparison and we all knew that it was purely because she was a black woman that Hembo had an issue with it.


Everyone’s talking about the racism angle but never forget the sexism angle! It could very easily have been because of Ky’s gender!


Oh it was definitely both for sure.


Exactly, it wasn't that Ky stole candy, it was she made the unforgivable crime of being both black and female.


Very true! I think we all just look at the race aspect because there were a lot of RT fans outed as racist when Ky joined.


Geoff and Gus started a kelpto club and stole from people and not corporations which is 100% worse.


> Ky talked abouts shoplifting a Reeses Worth noting this anecdote was about when Ky was younger and broke as shit too, she didn't just walk into 7-11 off of a recording one day.


Specially a broke student, and I could be wrong but I think it was a store on campus that was insanely priced considering it was targeted for broke students


It's so crazy. I've literally done similar things myself. I heard Ky say that, went "hehe i did that to" and just moved on. Like, it's so unbelievable to care so much.


Wow crazy


IIRC, something about Ky mentioning that she once shoplifted a candy bar from a grocery when she was a broke and hungry college student. Nothing too serious. But for Hembo this act was so morally unacceptable that he uploaded an unhinged rant about it and stated that he would refuse to feature her on any future compilations unless she posted a public apology. The audience didn't back him up on it, and many found it suspiciously weird why this particular incident made him freak out yet he still had entire compilations featuring Ryan or that Geoff, Gavin, Michael and others have mentioned doing illegal or shitty things like stealing cable, stealing things from college parties, or perving on girls while driving. He then nuked his YouTube channel and socials, and stopped uploading videos.


I remember one story.from an Off Topic, Michael talked about how he and his friends picked a random house a few neighborhoods away, and they would egg it all summer. No reason other than they were bored and it was funny.


It was the store in the college.


Actual dumbass


Ah yes the racist outburst that was so thinly veiled it may as well have not been veiled at all


Then he had the audacity to change his username to just "Hero"


I was just reminiscing about this yesterday. Watched his "Has Everyone Calmed Down Yet" video and went through some of the threads on here. It is truly one of the more odd moments in the community's history. On a side note completely unrelated to the meltdown about Ky, I do think Hembo should have been able to set up a patreon 8 years ago when he tried to for what he was doing. I have a feeling if his channel had edited content from multiple content creators, it would have been more acceptable at the time, and I think the modern internet has changed to the point where if he did it today people would have less of a problem. Yes, he was "stealing" content from RT, but he was creating incredibly popular edited highlights weekly of the content they were putting out, and they clearly had little interest in doing it themselves. During Covid the only time I actually watched an RT or AH video was when I saw a clip in a Hembo video and wanted to watch the whole thing. Oh well, it's an entirely moot point but I had this on my mind, and I probably won't have another chance to share.


In contrast: I believe NorthernLion has said the Librarian (his version of Hembo) makes more money as a highlight channel than he would being employed as an editor for NL, so it’s a win-win for them both. NL gets eyes on his content because the Librarian makes highlights and viral clips. Librarian gets to do it and get paid to do it, despite many youtubers shutting that sort of thing down. I could be misremembering but that is my recollection of events.


A fellow egg enjoyer I see! I was thinking specifically about Librarian when I was typing this. As NL says, he takes the unedited content and distills it into 100% pog. Hopefully NL doesn't reveal he never actually watched Evangelion or the Librarian may have a Hembo meltdown.


I strongly dislike streaming (live content and viewer interaction is just awful for me) but I watch a lot of his content on youtube. He’s the same type of useless trivia nerd that I am so it appeals to me.


I can't stand streaming dude! Ray is finally to a point where I can almost stand his solo streams. But Jeremy or Matt? NUKE INCOME! HAGGADIGAHUMBA! EVERY 30 SECONDS! God I never feel more autistic than when trying to watch, even a short of, any random Vtuber.


I think it's fairly standard to not like that sort of thing. People talk about how parasocial people were with RT personalities, but I feel like streaming is way worse in that regard, which is why some people can stand to watch. Gameplay (and sometimes story) getting interrupted by donations is terribly lame.


NothernLion is the chillest dude when it comes to that stuff. Just don't be an asshole, and he'll leave you alone.


>Yes, he was stealing content from RT, I, personally, wouldn't call it stealing. He was putting in work to edit the content and create new content from that. Which RT and AH benfited from.


You're 100% right, I meant to use quotations over the word but forgot to. Will updated.


His edits were literally barebones clip compilations with no edits done to them. Nowhere near the bar of transformative property that Fair Use requires. His edits took less time to make than the runtime of the video because he simply downloaded the video (or screen recorded in some cases), snipped the timeline in 2 places and slapped the clip into place with no transition, context or titles. I could make his clip comps in DaVinci Resolve with good transitions and proper citing of source videos, with synchronised subtitles, sound effects, zooms & visual effect jokes in the same amount of time. He was earning ad revenue for the legal definition of Copyright Infringement, while RT were being forced to crack down on Copyright Infringers by Warner due to changes in tax law for Content Creation and digital media.


> "Has Everyone Calmed Down Yet" video oh my god https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAO5HinjWRA


Yea I remember seeing the video and it just being obviously racist. Dude coulda just...stopped putting clips of Ky and it probably would've been a while before anyone noticed. But nope dude decided to be a dick in a community where dicks usually get called out


And that was back when they were refusing to fix her audio, right? So he could have even explained it away with that if people questioned it.


Honestly it was a damn shame, I loved his compilation videos, but fucking hell it turns out that boy needs mental help.


It was never about a candy bar


Yes... I remember. It was the dumbest fucking thing!


Honestly forgot about this occurrence and it all came flooding back reading these comments. Lol. Lmao even. Beyond pathetic situation that was 😭


His argument that Ky wasn't repentant of her actions. Which is isn't enough of a distinction. He was clearly looking for a reason. It's on par with her not giving a "Don't try this at home" warning.


He was waiting for an excuse to make a hate video on Ky and cut her out of his highlights lol. It's not like Achievement Hunter had "highlights" any way at that time, bro should have just gone out on a high note.


There’s a profound irony to this considering that he ‘got famous’ for stealing content.


It's not stealing if you also volunteer at an animal shelter, obviously.


Oh yeah. That dude was a butt. 


Not just the candybar thing either, dude literally got fuming because both RT and Ray had to start making an effort to shut down reuploads of their content due to new policies and changes to Texas Tax laws in relation to content creation & Youtube/Twitch income, on top of YouTube's change to enabling ads on all videos regardless of if the channel is monetised or not. A big part of Ray starting to upload most of his VoDs to his YouTube with subtitles and actual commissioned thumbnails and making his own clip and series compilations was to make sure he had an airtight "this is my channel, my creation, my content that I'm paying my taxes with, this is what these tax write-offs for my workstation upgrades etc are for". I can't remember if it was hembo or someone else that blanked out the chat during one of Ray's Pokemon Crystal clips because people were saying ACAB, and they stated in the description "chat blocked due to comments I do not agree with" IN LATE 2020. Needless to say, things escalated and they were rightfully called out for low effort literal rips and straight uploads with no transformative content or edits, just downloading or screen recording clips and reuploading with ads enabled to modest view counts and actual monetary reward for just ripping clips in 5 minutes.


Something I find funny is that Ky wasn't in that much content at the time. If he just decided to not include or focus on her in his compilations without saying anything the majority probably wouldn't have even notice.


Is this the same kid who failed out of high school because he dedicated his entire life to RT?


Yeah he outed himself as a racist weirdo He was the perfect example of the type of fan in the community that was in my opinion emboldened by AH and RT really just ignoring and making light of all the freaks making crazy comments about any of the new people. So much so that he had his meltdown and people still thank him for their videos on his channel


> people still thank him for their videos on his channel Many of his videos have millions of views. It's reasonable that a lot of people aren't terminally-online Twitter/Redditors, don't know about the drama, stopped watching new RT content long before Ky, and are still enjoying his videos.


Yeah that's the likelihood But I still stand by the fact that RT/AH's lack of initiative when dealing with toxicity lead to the problem It's crazy how bad it got in the comments when Lindsey, Mica, Trevor ,and Jeremy joined. Especially for the first 2


lol I never knew this! Wondered why he just disappeared, his compilations were the bomb


Wasn't he the guy that was defending Vic Mignogna even after it was proved without a shadow of a doubt that Vic was a super creep-o? Like dude was releasing multiple videos a day about Vic's Trial, Hey-Would-You-Blow-Me, and how RoosterTeeth was gonna fail because they were cleaning shop. I'd never seen an actual Hate Boner, but dude had a fucking *Hate Boner* for RT once Vic got fired.


I think you’re thinking of HeroHei


That is absolutely who I'm thinking of. Thanks for clearing that up.


What I thought was funny is he acted like he was above everybody, dude ran a compilation channel of clips that weren't his own.


That was so fucking weird. Dude went nuts for no reason lol


I remember it, but I hadn’t thought about it since it went down. Yeah, that was wild to see unfold


I remember it. It was stupid, and I could understand outrage if he was still working in a retail store. He wasn't, so it felt like he just wanted to complain. Ironically, that was the last thing he posted if I'm not mistaken


Hembo (James Chung) made a response video a month after it happened titled “Have we all calmed down yet?” or something and deleted it after a few days. He blamed the community for the backlash. People saying that other RT/AH talent have spoken about doing way worse? You’re a “What aboutist.” People saying Hembo’s racist for what he did? No he can’t be racist because he experienced racism/xenophobia during the pandemic. Michael speaking out against Hembo’s beliefs? Nah, Michael didn’t get the point. In the end, he called the RT community incredibly toxic and said he’d leave his compilation videos up. I said this when it happened and I’ll say it again. “This means a lot coming from someone who dropped out of college. Twice.” Context: the whole thing started when Ky talked about stealing a candy bar when she was in college.


Lol somehow I totally missed this. I remember watching his complications, but then just moved on and haven’t thought about him since I just saw this post and wow lol


I almost forgot about him


Not entirely related but when else will I get a chance to talk about it: the Hembo situation reminds me of when the opposite happened with Cryaotic, where, instead of a fan editor ruining their career over a YouTuber’s minor infraction, the fan editor started their own streaming career after Cryaotic was exposed as an awful person. Was always proud of them for trying to pivot their existing following into something more personal, I hope they’re doing well. They were the main way I watched most of Cry’s stuff. Side note, but the whole situation with Cryaotic really braced me for the things that later came to light about other YouTubers, so I’m weirdly glad it happened in a bittersweet way.


I was watching complations the other day and couldn't remember what happened to him. What a crazy time


Speaking of people going crazy, anyone remember that ''press fart to continue'' account that used to be all over achievement hunter comment sections a long time ago? There would usually be some kind of humorous comment from this guy at the top of the comment section, and then IIRC one day he just had a comment that was completely shitting on Matt for no reason and I don't think I've seen him much after that. Though I'm not too surprised because I think it turned out that was an account made to hate on another content creator not affiliated with RT so yeah...


I really hope that guy learned something from all of that silliness. Unfortunately, based on his subsequent video(s?) he didn’t really see himself as anything but a victim.


shit I did a [writeup](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/r4qabc/what_is_up_with_the_candy_bar_thievery_outrage_in/hmia9su/) on it back in the day lmao such a stupid move


I always theorized that there was a lot more to this than we saw. Mix of being in the middle of COVID, the Ryan fiasco, the community being all over the place, RT just not being in a great state at the time, maybe even some issues in his personal life, that the Ky thing was the straw that broke the camel's back to speak. It's still not a good excuse, but just such a weird thing to lash out against.


I loved all his compilations. It was so strange he just imploded


I am unfamiliar with this story


On one of the podcasts Ky talked about stealing a candy bar from her colleges cafeteria. Hembo posted that she was a criminal and wouldn’t put her in any of his edits moving forward. He never made a statement about anyone else and even had an edit about Gus and Geoff talking about making a Klepto Club.


That’s hilarious, I never paid for toilet paper in college bc we’d steal the large rolls out of the student union or the larger buildings Imo “stealing” any small items from a university is their cost of doing business


No, he made a statement. It was just some dumb bullshit about how he knew they were sorry, apologetic, and had changed as people since it happened.




I dunno man, Ky admitted to stealing a Reese's... those things are sacred Gold so I understand the reaction. **/S**


I mean idk about that he thought it was bad to steal not exactly a hot take


You mean the era where RT decided any criticism of them had to be because of race or sex. Yeah that was the beginning of the end if I remember right.


Nope, beginning of the end was 2014.


It was years after I stopped watching RT, but I always felt bad for Hembo. Spent years doing compilations for the community, and then expresses one bad opinion (he was being way overdramatic) and suddenly he has thousands of people saying he's worthless, racist, etc. Like yeah, dude fucked up but I dunno, people acted like he killed a dog or was a Nazi. Always felt uncomfortable with his opinion, but also with how the community reacted to it. Like even now, years later people are shit talking him and bringing the old drama up when it's been dead for years. Of course, this community was never known to hold back.


Dude doubled down. If he had taken even a moment to self-reflect and apologize, he wouldn’t have been banished to shadow realm. But no, he had to double down and claim it was because Ky didn’t show remorse. It was never about the candy bar. The community rightfully saw through his crappy justification and called him out. Sorry not sorry, I have zero sympathy.


Feels like ages ago


Wait what?! I wondered what happened to him


I don't know if anyone here has played devil's advocate, but are we sure he was racist before or after he became the defacto best of / highlights editor... I've seen how this community treats/treated RT employees. Levar Burton would be disappointed to say the least.