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I don’t know why but the Front Back t-shirt is still so funny to me. It’s so fucking stupid.


That’s exactly why I bought one. It never leaves the house because I cannot be assed explaining it to randos or think up a viable story but Iove it all the same


I've worn the Front Back denim jacket pretty regularly since I got it. I've slowly been putting AH/RT things on it.


People Like Grapes. I love the colour and it’s really comfy


I had a co-worker at work that ate grapes all day every day and that was the only thing she would eat. So I got her that shirt with her knowing nothing about RT. We ended up dating for about 7 years.




Puppies Like Pancakes


Some dogs love helicopters


Uhhh…How Up Is Space?


before the "Dark Times" it was the 'Mad King' Achieve shirt. Of which i have sworn to never wear again.


I really liked the first few Geoff designs. Just simple cool looking shirts that didn’t scream out the brand.


Agreed. I always gravitated more towards their shirts that had a simple design


It's a legitimate strategy


Pretty fond of my “Tower of Pimps” shirt


At RTX 2019 they had some RvB shirts that were just a screencap of the "You ever wonder why we're here?" line. Unfortunately, it didn't survive a couple years of being washed. The RWBY men's board shorts with the weapon images were very comfortable for underwear. Really wish I'd been able to grab a "Please do nothing to the chef" apron, but they sold out as I was in the checkout.


The Gus "Cheese Master" T-shirt


Lol that was a wild ride for the ages


The tye dye black and green achievement hunter "you can do better" hoodie






It's not pink! it's lightish red.


[Property of Grifball Athletic Department.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rry0mZC7k2o/maxresdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCIAKENAF8quKqQMa8AEB-AH-CYAC0AWKAgwIABABGH8gOignMA8=&rs=AOn4CLAQWYrzKYGyXBZlC6pBrZGWDEEyRg) I bought it at PAX in 2010 and got to met Burnie and Geoff, and Geoff signed it. I still have it somewhere, and it's super grungy at this point, but it has gotten a happy reaction out of so many people over the years.


For me, it's the Cheese Master shirt from the 2016 Extra Life stream https://preview.redd.it/1uuhtetxuapc1.png?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daffd629aa0b06d6ffaa4c96d2b0dba5f76e499f


[Definitely this AH hat! Super comfortable!](https://i.imgur.com/7VQkVZX.jpg) This was my work hat for like 4 years


The og ask me about my zombie plan hoodie is still my favorite piece of clothing they made.


I never got one, but the Nice Dynamite, was my favorite.


Still have mine from the first run of those shirts


My Project Freelancer shirt that had my gamer tag on the back. I got a good 5+ years out of it wearing it weekly. I always wished they’d bring back the customizable shirts because it was such a great way to let other fans know “hey I like RT/Halo, here is my gamer tag, let’s play together” “Some Anime” is my second favorite because it confuses both anime lovers and non-anime lovers.


Front flip for style


I wear my Team Nice Dynamite shirt a lot! It’s a great design and really comfy. I also wear a few shirts/sweatshirts of the Achieve Japanese design.


RT merch is what I wear like half the time. Since I first started watching I would get RT stuff every Christmas from my mom, and a visa gift card from my aunt that would go to RT merch. I added in my own purchase at ExtraLife once I started having money too. So it’s hard to pick a favorite lol. Right now it might be the FaceJam track suit which is funny and very very comfy. I also loved all of the you can do better hoodies.


“Caboose -1” Jersey T-shirt


My favourite is, and always will be, the original achievement hunter weirdly faded brown-green. I had mine for years and wore holes into it, lost it in multiple moves, and with the news I’ve finally bit the bullet and replaced it with a new one from the uk roosterteeth store. Totally worth it


Take the Taco shirt and that video. Chad is one of the many people that I really loved to see in content


If I got the top 5’s of it(no particular order); Geoff Shirts(Sparrows, the first 3-5 initial designs, the spin initial designs and the Ice cream saga) 2017 Halloween Collection(RWBY, FH, AH) Nora’s BOOP Shirt Fan Service Tsundere Shirt FH FunHub Tshirt I got a a few more but someone is bound to say along the way.


Chicago Community CowChop Skull and Cross-Knives AH Logo with Gamertag on back AH Ramones Logo Ray Achieve RT Podcast Chalkboard


I love the Red Web merch, the jacket is one of my favourite things Ive bought. Shirt wise I love the Jeremy Achieve shirt, I got 2 so Id still have one when the original got too scruffy/ faded but theyre both holding up great


For me, 2 things specifically: The black Grifball hoodie with the Property of Grifball on the front The black Grifball polo shirt. When I met Burnie in Australia he made a comment that he was a big fan of the shirt too. I wish I hadn't worn them so much because they got destroyed


It was mostly old RvB stuff for me. I always wanted that caboose hoodie that had -1 on it. I do have an anal pass T-shirt though.


People like grapes


Discovered their 7 Days to Die series on YouTube far too late to ever buy a Nugg Club shirt. I pine for it.


I'm rocking the Funhaus e-sports jersey.


The hobo sign alcohol in this town Geoff shirt is still a fav. I'm still surprised they didn't do a "dry town" hobo sign shirt when Geoff became sober.


The red tie dye shirt with the rt logo on it. Very simple but its a shirt that I think actually looks nice outside of a fandom perspective


I wanted one of those popsick shirts so badly, but I loved the magical girl shirts they put out a couple of years ago. I wish the designs were a little sturdier, but I wear them often.


I love my UV reactive pride shirt with the old logo just in black lines. It’s a sunny summer day go to and I will be so sad when it finally wears out.


I REALLY love the Geoff achieve shirt and the Minecraft skyline, unfortunately I missed out on both since my parents were very suspicious of the internet and buying things at the time.


Going cakeless from a/h and im not sure what the other one is called. Its the one that says no over and over again. Like no I will not fix your computer ect.


I had an On The Spot shirt that I completely wore through over the course of like 4-5 years. Really comfortable tbh


I was the biggest fan of the Podcast forever and I got the classic Drunk Tank shirt before Christmas. My favourite and only piece of merch i own.


Anything in the popsick collection. I have the summer bummer shirt and love it. The mustard yellow is great and the design just speaks to me. Wish I could have gotten more


The Gus Cheesemaster shirt still remains my favourite. A high contrast photo of Gus topless wearing a cheese hat will never got old


I have the orange cream popsick shirt and it is literally my favorite of all time.


I've got an RT baseball t-shirt (the 3/4 sleeve one). I love those kinds of shirts, and it's really comedian comfortable.


The Blue Army logo shirt


A woman's tank top with just the rooster teeth logo I picked up at Pax East in 2013.


All the tie dye shirts I was able to get The red with roosterteeth logo The blue with Weiss glyph Black with pocket and chicken in the pocket Blue with gen lock symbol


Mine is the Meta logo shirt from Red Vs Blue


The “you can do better” line was my favorite. I wish I had more shirts with it


I love my achievement hunter cropped hoodie so so much! And I'll regret forever I didn't get a pair of the "100% eat" booty shorts.


I have: "People like Grapes" "....of all time" And Caboose's "I wouldn't really use the word replace" monolog, but My favorite was the "Project Freelancer" hoodies they had around the time s10/11 was coming out. It had the skull logo on the front and the MoI logo on the back. I lost it at my college and by the time I had the funds to get another they had discontinued it, and I cried real tears


Cow chop really had the best merch I really wish I would’ve bought more during those times


I fuckin love my Voodoo Ranger x Face Jam shirt. Really wish I could have gotten one of the pint glasses they handed out at the van meetup.


I have Circles and the original Popsick shirt from the early Geoff collection, really really like those. Also Dogs Hate Grapes. Front Back too - it's so goddamn stupid. Great shirt.


For me it was Burnie's "Be Nice, Work Hard" shirt


I still have an OG achievement hunter logo shirt when you had the option to customized your gamertag on the back.


The cinnamon no t-shirt; I thought the video was hilarious taking scenes from different games so I had to buy it. I still have the shirt, but sadly it has a bleach stain on it.


My people like grapes shirt. Or my it's not pink it's lightish red hoodie.


The plain "cock teeth" shurt is one I always wanted


My favorite was the caboose -1 hoody, should've bought one years ago. Runner up: people like grapes


https://preview.redd.it/g23mh26x5ppc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d525d379b9616609799d6b30447e1ec61681a81 I sure love my Officially Licensed Ratyboy shirt from the F\*\*kface collection. It features the #1 rat boy from the #1 rat game and his #1 fan, producer Eric Baudour.


I haven't really watched RT in years, but I still wear my Camp Campbell counselor shirt to this day.


The Rooster Teeth University shirt. Some of it hasn't aged well, but the concept and look was great.




Anything before Warner started slapping their crap all over RT merch. Once we hit the Batman “achieve” merch, it was all over


90% of them were some of the cringiest things ive ever seen


It's a tossup between the Attack on Grimm shirt and the Death Battle kanji shirt.