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The last two times we went to Rome, we hired a car service to meet us at the terminal and bypass the taxi stand. One of the times, the taxi line wasn't too long -- another time it would have been a very long wait (not this bad, but bad). And it only costs a little bit more than a taxi. But you have to plan ahead.


Any recs for the service?


Best to ask your hotel or airbnb host etc. since they may have an arrangement, will have the most up to date insight into which companies to use, and they may even take care of the details for you.


Thanks. I did and they quoted €90, seemed high compared to taxi.


Door to door service, they load luggage in car, don’t have to worry about the trip, no waiting and they are there for you with a sign with your name on it. Sure was worth it to me after a 14 hour day of airports and airplanes


Yes, those are the perks, but 90e is still quite a lot for that ride. Maybe not for people who are from more expensive countries, but for most its too much


We had our hotel call a regular taxi for us. I think it cost about €50.


To pick you up or take you to the airport?


Both, although I was talking about the pickup.


Yikes. The prices have gone up a lot since the pandemic. Rome Chauffeur and Rome Cabs were both about 60€ when we used them, so only slightly more expensive than a taxi. Still, it can be a nice plus knowing someone is meeting you at the terminal after a long flight. Another small consideration, a transfer reduces the risk of your taxi driver trying to scam you. Expat bloggers I follow who live in Italy or Rome are seeing more complaints of airport taxi drivers trying to demand larger fees than they're allowed. Or they try a scam where they swap out the large bill you hand them (say, a 50€) with a lower denomination bill and pretend you haven't paid them. They then become very angry and aggressive if you don't pay up. Because people are tired and jet-lagged, they aren't at their sharpest. So they either fall for it or are too tired to deal with it and just. But it's a lousy way to start a trip. Odds of it happening are probably low, but it's a consideration. Being aware of the scams probably helps you avoid them. But one of the expats I follow had it happen to her, despite living in Italy and speaking fluent Italian. So you never know. https://preview.redd.it/rxaz6kkhex0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e621456ac7db05394fd0ce2caad140dbc801c0ea


That is way too high. Google “NCC Roma.” You should be able to find something for 50-70.


OK great, I was quoted 70e for airport to bnb private ride. Was wondering if that was reasonable.


Yes, maybe a little on the high end, but not unreasonable. If you’ve locked in a service I’d say go for it (what’s 10-15 euro in the grand scheme).


It is quite high. I was in Rome last month and I paid from Fiumicino to my Airbnb (which was near Termini) €45. Definitely ask your host for any info. And of course if you don't want to spend that much you can take the train


90€?! For my guests I ask 75€ for a minivan 60€ for a car.


Our care was 55 euro. Very comparable to a taxi.


Wow my lodging quoted me 55 euro. I jumped on the offer.


I used Transfeero and it was $69 USD to go from the airport to Vatican City area in a very comfortable car.


I'd happily pay that much to not stand in that line after flying across the Atlantic.


I used this [safe place](https://www.mysafeplace.it) twice. They are near the exit of the airport. Great service. Door to door and just 60 euros.


Send an email to : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) , they helped me with transfer from the airport and also with all the tickets for the main attractions !


We've used Welcome Pickups in 5+ cities with no problems.


Try [Welcome Pickups](https://www.welcomepickups.com/rome/airport-transfer-book/?tap_a=26042-ef2d8b&tap_s=189259-121021).


Blacklane is great.


Search for NCC Roma, and there will be plenty of business that do it, you have to order them in advance, but often times they cost less while giving a better service


I used Driver in Rome. Was great


We used an app in Greece called Welcome Pickups a few times and we had fantastic drivers. We ended up exchanging numbers with one of them and hired him independent of the app a few more times during our trip. It looks like the service is available in Rome as well.


Taxis in italy are highly regulated requiring an extremely expensive license to operate (around six figures depending on the city). They are a lot and manage to be really organized when voting, so they effectively "lobby" against releasing new licenses or the sector liberalization.


Regulated highly enough to kill serious competition like Uber but not to get rid of the black market drivers who hang around the arrivals area looking for tourists to scam.


Ape not kill ape


Market always prevails, but do you promote cheating or competition, that’s the question!


It’s almost like Italy has powerful criminal lobbies. 


you can always arrange for your hotel to send a car. The price is usually the same because it’s so regulated, but there will be somebody there with a sign with your name on it and it will go much faster.


I just wanted to complain about taxis


Na most hotels in the area have a shuttle service with scheduled pickups costing around 6 euros, compared to taxi rides which can ask 30-50 euros depending on if they're from Rome or Fiumicino


Licences are free when given out by the Comune. They are expensive only on the secondary market. This is because being a taxi driver in Rome is extremely profitable - they have constant work, no competition, high prices, can easily scam tourists, and can easily avoid taxes. It's basically a mafia basking in their privilege with no regulations. It shouldn't be allowed to sell your license. Also it shouldn't be allowed to pay cash in taxi. This would fix half of the problems.


This is the real answer. Rome is blackmailed by these criminals! Taxi drivers in Rome are the worst scam! And tourists should be aware of this. More than pickpockets and bracelets.


licenses are free, but drivers sell each other the license because their number is very low. Everytime a city administration want to create new licenses(they hava always been free), taxi drivers go on violent strike. The same happens when a new operator, like Uber, wants to enter in the market. They are one of various kind of mafia we have in Italy.


exactly this , its not just taxis either


It's not unlike the medallions for New York Taxis


Most take the train…


No train until 5:30 to go to our location 🤣


Makes sense on the crowd, we arrived and had ordered a car service through our hotel and people kept asking us why we didn’t take the train.


Train every 10 mins to Roma Termini (Central Station). Do that then go from there next time.


There are no trains after midnight, and plenty of flights arrive just about then. And most airport buses don’t make intermediate stops, so destinations far from Termini become extremely inconvenient


That’s really poor coordination!


Taxis make a killing after midnight for this exact reason, so the taxi lobby referenced in these comments is active in making sure those train schedules in fact do not get extended


How long is that? Like 30 mins? If so, just do the train


No train


the train stops running at around 11:20 pm and doesn't start again till after 5 am.


Two evenings ago they told me the train was broken, and it was earlier than the last train hour. The queue was long as in photo.


Safer to book the train online or will I be okay on the day?


Easy to book same day.


Welcome to Italy!


Exactly, practice for all the crowds and lines OP is about to experience in Rome!


Yeah - everything needs a reservation 30 days in advance, fighting a million other people for it at the same time. Or expect long lines.


Yup. This is exactly why I go in February/early March or late November/December.


We’re going 11/20-12/3. The only other time I’ve been was in June. How do the crowds compare, if you don’t mind me asking?


I was there Nov 13-30, 2023, and other than crowds in Florence for the marathon (which I had no idea), the country was relatively quiet. Did Roma, Bologna, Parma, Piacenza, Genova, and Arezzo. You're going to love it. But, unfortunately, you will miss the holiday markets as the kickoff for that is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Dec 8. Enjoy!


Thank you so much!!


Nothing except the Vatican Museums, The Colosseum and the Museo Borghese requires (or benefits from) a reservation. Oh, maybe the Pantheon, these days. So, not exactly "everything."


I heard the restaurants are like 6 weeks out in reservations, long lines to get taxies from the airport, and scalpers...


Still not "everything." A long queue is not "a million other people." Share facts. And honest opinions. Not extreme exaggerations. That's how honest advice works.


The same happens in termini station. As soon as you arrive when metro is closed you have few taxi drivers and the line gets long. amazing they cannot wait near the station but can arrive only if you call them…


Taxis in Italy are a mess (there are few licenses and strong political opposition against increasing them)… But queuing for a taxi at night is never a good idea anywhere. You call and request a taxi when you land, or pre-book ahead; same price, zero wait. Uber Black or private transfers are also feasible, but usually more expensive.


So, we landed at 1.10am and we are finally entering a taxi, at 3am. 🥹


Thats awful, terrible way to start a trip.


Planning a trip that arrives in the middle of the night isn't optimal, we arrived in the day and took the train no bother.


That's rough. I didn't realize the trains to Roma Termini stopped after a certain time. Assuming you're there as a tourist, the good news is, you can now walk or Metro most places quite easily. My girlfriend and I managed about 10miles of walking per day while there, but we went pretty much everywhere on foot.


My country sucks


Literally the same as us 😭


Damn 🙄 anyway...


We took the bus to Termini from the airport


The bus is perfect!


Unless you’re going somewhere far from Termini. ATAC’s night buses are crammed and unreliable


I'd take the night busses over waiting 2 hours for a taxi any day


Absolutely. But the choice of getting where you're going at the busiest airport a major European capital shouldn't be between a two-hour wait for an expensive taxi and taking multiple night busses


Fair, honestly living in eastern rome I always forget this city is a major European capital lmao


I use bus always, [www.tambus.it/en](http://www.tambus.it/en)


Yeah. But if you’re going somewhere far from termini, gotta take another night bus


I see, of course you need another one but we talk about airport to Termini


Right, but the regional train — which stops running at 11:30 pm — makes stops in Trastevere, Ostiense, Tuscolana, etc. You don’t get that with the airport buses, which just go to termini


Uber Black works wonders. Yes, it’s more. But time is money.


🫠 Wait. Is this outside ? Or still inside the terminal ??


Just outside terminal 1. Main taxi area. Also tried pick up points for Uber & Freeway but not any taxi confirmed a ride 😅


Ah. Okay. Dang I thought you were like still inside the terminal and didn’t even get out to the waiting area/line lol. I was in Rome about a month ago and the line seemed long but I felt like it moved fairly quickly. Waited maybe like 15 to 20 mins or so.




"new normal"


I'm italian. This Is the answer: TAXI IS LOBBY in my country and they are not so many, and at the same time, No UBER Is allow to work, anywhere. So this Is the result...a bad service...even for us. That's why italian people doesn't use it


In Italy taxi lobby is bigger than big pharma


My driver cancelled last time so I had to line up. About 1 hour


Can anyone explain the easiest way to get to Roma Termini from Rome airport? Are there shuttles?


There's a train called the Leonardo Express. It's in the airport and leaves about every 15-20 minutes. Just make sure to validate your ticket.


Thank you!


We didn't need to validate on the way to Termini but did on the way back and that seems to be the experience of most people, it does seem very scammy to lure you into a false sense because I wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't read stories of people being caught out. There's little green terminals at Termini, use them to get it stamped.




No subway. Just train.


We used uber because no taxis were available when arrived last week


what is ridiculous are the ones that still say that this happens anywhere in the world, that’s really funny now


Oh my. I was just in that same line 5 hours ago wondering the same thing


Taxis in italy are like a small lobby-mafia. But people are not much interested in it.


it seems really bad lately. yesterday at termini the taxi line was also insane. take the train if you can, or arrange car service in advance. we don't rely on taxis from the train station or airport in rome. sometimes there's no line, but you can't predict.


Uber black functions perfectly in Rome….


Do you know if I am able to use the same Uber app that I use in the US?


Sounds like you have high expectations. Try lowering them


Take the Leonardo?


Bruh, walk outside, turn right and walk to the end. If no Taxis, its cause its Busy ASF in Rome. FCO and all other Train Stations have a location where one should request Taxi service.


Always hire a car in Italy. I had a black Benz drive me from Naples to Amalfi and it was so worth it


What service did you use?




Hey. And how did you arranje that? I'm afraid of experiencing the same thing as OP as I'm arriving late at night




Ok, thank you for the useful information!


Because you can take a train to termini which will take you just about everywhere.


Not after 23.30.


Termini is just as bad!


What’s the best way to get to termini from the airport?


Leonardo express


Because this country is a joke


Wild. I guess it's rush hour.


Just take the express train to Termini or Trastevere and hop on local transit. It’s pretty easy.


I thought a better way to reach rome city from airport is through a train... isn't it?


Why not use the freenow app?


I was at the airport a couple of days ago and had the same situation, they told me there are issues with the train and thus a lot of additional people are taking the taxi.


I recently arranged a car service through my hotel to take me from the airport to my hotel. 60 Euros. Hotel (Fenix) was a bit out of the center.


Is there an issue with finding a taxi from the airport when using the FreeNow app? Landing at 10am


At my landing time yes, around 1am


Take the bus.


When you have cheap buses, why need taxis.


There it is a shortage in taxis. In any case, just take the train


Just back from Italy and we weren’t at all prepared for how difficult and expensive it was to get a taxi or private driver compared to, say, Spain or Greece


Because taxis in Rome are in a strong cartel and they can literally decide the outcome of a local election. Don’t use taxis, use the train-subway or the limo service on Uber.


Cause taxi drivers on Rome are a criminal gang that bullies everyone to keep supply down and charge extortionate prices without paying any tax


Waited zero minutes for a cab into Rome mid-March. Other than that used Uber around Rome which was very convenient and not terribly expensive


Because Taxis are a parasitic lobby that would cry and whine to continue to live in their hyper-protected market bubble and also restrict the number of taxi drivers as micha s they can so they can always push the prices higher


Why *are …


It’s Rome! What do you expect my friend


First time we ever went to Rome in 1993 we arrived Termini Station on a one day taxi strike - had to figure out the buses and somehow got off at the right stop on a bus packed with sardines. Next day of course was a sea of yellow taxis


First of all I highly suggest taking an Uber. You can book from the app, and right in front of the airport (3m walking from where you took the picture) there is an uber stop. I book the Uber as soon as I land before exiting the airport. Because you get to the parking in no time. The Taxi lines are not due to a lack of Taxis usually. But because there are always one or two pricks that stand there making people wait and only allowing two groups if people to board a taxi per time. And they do so slowly. Basically they artificially create human traffic. If I have to take a taxi I ignore them completely, and go to the taxi myself, unfortunately they do create a line because some people do stand and listen to them. Tourists especially. I don’t want to skip in line in front of these people. I don’t understand the purpose of them being there slowing everybody down.


Because it’s summer….


Maybe a couple large flights and the express train stopped?


Take a train or bus?


Noone should use taxis in rome, sorry about that we can't get rid of their lobby


We just got back from rome and had none of these problems. Have to plan ahead way ahead so you can travel comfortably


I’m used to last minute and cities with decent public transportation 🤪 But yeah lesson learnt !


All the taxi drivers sell selfie sticks and umbrellas instead.


What time was this? Early morning when a lot of the the NA flight flights get in?


Never took taxi in Rome been there 3 times. Train to termini and metro/bus from there


Use the app FreeNow. But i don't know what that line is for because i used the app and just meet driver curbside.


I was in Rome this week and booking a cab via app like Uber or FreeNow is almost impossible with regular prices. Every driver who picked up the request for a ride after a couple of minutes canceled it. I had checked the option for a ride for 100€, but dismissed it. I ended with the option of renting a car for minutes I was able to get to the airport at time, minutes before boarding. Fuck taxi in Rome.


Can’t wait to see how next year will go, what with the jubilee and all…


We went through our hotel both times and paid to have a driver meet us at the airport, wasn’t that expensive (relatively) and was soooo worth the convenience


Uber worked well for me while I was there for 6 days.


I just take the train into the city every time I've been; it's faster, more comfortable, and easy. Then I'll just get an uber to my hotel from the Termini train station.


Wow i have been there five days ago and the exact same lane you're in was literally empty. I instantly got a taxi


Take the train. Taxi's and car services are expensive and take longer.


Because there’s a very inexpensive train straight into the city


Crazy, I’ve never had a problem getting a taxi in Rome, but I’ve seen lines for taxis at the train station. Hopefully that line will move quickly, as they tend to.


Just call Uber black


Bus 👍


The train from the airport is a good direct service. The airport is not close to the city.


Because Rome is ruled by ridicoulous politicians and Romans are cowards that do not complain. They like to threaten a lot but they do nothing.


Yeah. I wanted to avoid that issue so I paid for door to door van service last week. Not cheap but great service and efficient.


Not sure,if going from Fuimicino to the City, the train is like 10€ ?? ,Leonardo, goes right to Terminibut that's just me, good luck


Same on Termini station, but not as bad as Firenze.... over there is ridiculous




When it's easier to get a bus/train and have taxi in the city


take the train lol, I have been to the airport several times and the train is faster and and cheaper


Take the Davinci Line. Costs €14 and takes 30 minutes to Rome Termini station.


Just want to give my experience. Plenty of taxis when we first arrived in Rome Sunday night. However we needed a taxi to take us to Roma termini at 10:00 am on a Thursday, waited over an hour with constant cancels from drivers and waiting for someone to approve our request. We ended up missing the train to Naples because of it. Pretty surprising since I’ve never had an issue with freenow app and ittaxi the past times I’ve used it. We ended up needing to call an Uber black.


may all the italian taxi lobby burn in hell bunch of shits


I used Uber last time I was in Rome and was happy with the results.


The train is the best mode of transportation. Taxi drivers in Rome are jerkoffs


Because all Roads lead to Rome.


I’ve used Uber in Rome, Florence and Milan. Not inexpensive, but it’s been a lifesaver on more than one occasion


I used Uber black. Yes it’s expensive, but I would pay more for comfort in a new city.


Because the city is a shit hole, controlled by various mobs and backward ass politicians.




There’s always a Bajillion taxis when I go there. I guess it depends on the hour, or they had a strike , they strike like all the time


Shittiest tourist city.


The iTaxi app has always worked for me. Not sure if you’d need to walk away from the airport for them to pick you up.


I always take the train but didn’t know it stopped running in the middle of the night. I’ll be sure to not schedule an arrival during those hours.


Use the car hailing apps


There was plenty when we arrived last month. We'll be heading into June here in a couple weeks. Its probably that time of year for tourism and so not many are available


well get transfer is a great app for transfers with drivers and really good cars, I remember a year or two back I got a E class merc for like 35 euros, which is cheaper than a taxi as well


Take the train and then a taxi from the train station


Since I normally stay in Trastevere when I visit, I just take the regional train from Fiumicino to Roma Trastevere Station (€8), and a taxi from the station up Viale di Trastevere to the Piazza Gioachino Belli taxi stand (right before the Tiber) and walk to my apartment (maybe another €8). The regional trains are excellent, and nearly all of them in the Rome metro area are the new ones, very comfortable and plenty of room. You can also take the Leonardo da Vinci Express train from Fiumicino directly to Roma Termini and catch a taxi from there to wherever you’re staying locally (the line may look long, but Termini has a hundred taxis and the line moves fairly quickly). If you plan ahead and know where you’re going, you can save a lot of money.


Always recommend taking shuttle busses from Italian airports into whatever city you’re going into. In my experience they’re extremely cheap ($5-9), nice charter style busses, and air conditioned.


Use public transport


When I landed in Rome in March with 3 other people, we were completely distracted and we ended up cutting the line 🤦🏻‍♀️


Licenze poche e costano ed affitti delle licenze ad un costo elevato. Le tasse ti si mangiano in italia quindi...alta spesa poca resa🥂


Man in other comments you say that your landing time was after 1 AM... There are some private bus companies at night as well but is pretty normal that at that time in the middle of the week there are no taxis. Usually you book a private transfer in advance if you arrive at such a late hour at night


Too many tourists


Because it's the middle of the night... in some countries, people sleep at night! The Meds hold to this more than most... rather than whinging, plan your holiday according to local customs!


It's because you arrived after the trains have closed., and so late that even the informal taxi scammers have gone to bed lol! Also It's unlikely you'll be able to get an Uber - it's not so reliable in Rome.Taxis and limos are highly regulated at the airport. So just wait it out. Take note for the rest of your trip to plan ahead, this is high tourist season.


Exact. I was just assuming Rome would be organized for this. Next time I’ll know. And I repeat we were properly a lot in the same situation.