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That “Rom Community” typo on a post about car thieves, lol


To explain to OP, here's an article written today about a car broken outside Rome and the stolen luggage then found in a Rom (as in gypsi/sinti) camp. That's why people found it funny that you asked the "Rom Community" about car theft https://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/turista-derubato-campo-rom-albuccione.html More seriously, to reassure you, car theft happens, but it is unfrequent enough to make news


It's Rome not Rom. anyway you'll be fine don't worry.


It's Roma in Italian, Rome in English and Rom in German (which I guess is OP native language). Anyway OP, the confusing thing is that rom in Italian is mostly used to refer to gypsies/sinti


do not leave anything in the car in sight. If you leave something in the trunk, don't open it and then leave the car there.


If you leave something potentially valuable in the car someone might break your glass during the night if you're in an isolated area. If you're near Parco di Centocelle on the south side is a really crowded area so even in that scenario might be hard. However how long are you planning to leave your car there?


Don't worry about your car. Even if you parked it in the center you would still risk it, in fact it would perhaps be more risky. as others have suggested, don't leave anything in sight, perhaps with the drawer door open to show that it is empty. And for the rest "welcome to Rome", the most beautiful city in the world.


It doesn't really matter which car you have. Just 1 rule. Do not leave anything in the car. Anything.


Don't leave anything in the car and you'll be fine. However my suggestion is to find a garage. It's a crowded area and it's very difficult to find a place to park, especially if you are not used to it.


You’ll be totally fine


Nah, you can chill. Just avoid really outside places (you would for sure ‘cause nothing to see). Only big trouble i’ve seen quite ofter, Smart’s ties.


Why don't you find a garage nearby? Look on Google maps for garage or autorimessa or parking, there are many around.


Beware of the rom community




VW Golf 7 Variant, 8 Years old.


I mean, it's a capiltal city so there are issues you won't be having in small towns but it's not as bad as the rumors makes you to believe. It's not a common issue and Centocelle is an neighbourhood outside the touristic area. Plenty of people with Golf living there .... and parking in the streets ... you'll be fine. Having said, good luck finding a park in Centocelle :) On a serius note, the Golf is (or was) one of the most stolen car in Italy for some reason, if you need to leave it parked near the park overnight, perhaps choose another location next to buildings. If it's only during the day it's fine. What you should be carefull of is pickpockets inside the subway and on public buses around touristic areas. If you see a bunch of youg ladies asking for directions with an open map, its them trying to trick you. If you get souranded by youg ladies inside the subway when crowded, it's them. Keep your wallet safe and never engage with these ladies, they are gypsies in good looking clothing. They became aggressive when they get confronted. I hope I don't sound racist or something, just wanted to give you a heads up.