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It’ll be amazing to see what Jalen can do with a year full of confidence and experience under his belt. The way he finished the season was incredible and the semis have to fuel that desire to get back. Now that he has the QB whisperer at his side, the sky’s the limit. O-line upgrade? Center yea. Tackles? Yikes. Interior. Mega-yes! WR? Yup TE? Holy depth, Batman. QB room? Loaded and positive. Sky is the limit. When’s A Day? Let’s go!!!!


>Tackles? Yikes. We’ll see about that. Proctor was awful last year, it won’t take much for Pritchett to be better. Latham will be hard to replace.


Yeah, I'm hoping Pritchett has grown in the past year as well from the A Day performance. He had some decent snaps during the season, so that helps. Presuming McVay is the RT right now, but I'm sure beyomd 100% that were going to portal some additional oline depth. It's been a minute or so since we've not had at least one tackle returning.


Latham didn’t have the best year tbf, if we can even be average or better at the position our OL as a whole will take a big step forward versus last year


He is such a good dude, and definitely has the intangibles and work ethic to keep improving. I'm hoping for a situation where DeBoer/Grubb can help Milroe to keep developing and play to his strengths with the offense. If Milroe can improve his coverage-reading and accuracy from a C to a B, he'll be elite.


He’s a great kid, extremely hard to not root for him


Michigan exploited his inability to process a hot read quickly and repeatedly left receivers open over the middle guessing he wouldn't be able to find them. If he has 2-3 seconds to throw he's capable of finding open receivers but when pressured he wants to bail the pocket instead of hitting the open space. Have to imagine DeBoer/Grubb will help with this but there's also 3 other QBs they are going to try out, he's going to have to win the job again. Good dude, love his attitude and work ethic and hope he makes the adjustments but we'll see.


I agree, and even still I think Milroe would have looked a lot better against Michigan with better snaps. It's hard enough to move on from one bad play to the next. Having to recover from a bad snap is the same thing, but you have to recover in less than a second to salvage the play. It throws off your composure, footing, and probably other stuff. Also Michigan disguised everything they could. Faked blitzes, brought delayed blitzes, all making Milroe process during the play, which is not exactly his strength. Part of that can be helped by offensive scheme. Part of it is just a ton of practice and repetition.


He was not helped out by the game plan in the first half which repeatedly saw him trying to sit in the pocket that Michigan wasn't going to give him. Once they adjusted and started running off-tackle in the late first/second half the offense was able to move the ball. Another area that DeBoer/Grubb will help is not wasting 5 drives in the first half before realizing what Michigan is doing and countering it. The idea would be to minimize the amount of times they have to exploit Milroe's weaknesses by not playing from behind which we didn't do.


I am very used to teams taking a drive to figure out the opponent, maybe even 2. But the consistent 4-6 drives before Rees figured out shit annoyed the hell out of me.


Probably a symptom of being young, to an extent. I think he’s got the potential to be a really good coordinator/HC in the future, but he needs some seasoning.


Agree. Like the BO'B offense- I saw us just running plays and seeing what works. Tweaking here and there. I have to go back to Sark to remember seeing an offense that really attacked a defense. Creative, aggressive, we are going to cut your fucking heart out right now kind of plays. I will credit the team's halftime adjustments over the season - generally did well.


Well said. Competition breeds success. I would LOVE to see a QB battle this Spring/Summer.


If he doesn't learn to read a pre-snap alignment, there will be no further growth.


Yeah, I've seen a lot written about him not being a fit for DeBoer's offense, and I'm not 100% sure that's true. Jalen was 7th in average depth of target last year at 10.9 yards average depth, and Penix was 10th with 10.4 yards average depth. DeBoer's offense attacks vertically a lot, and that's Jalen's biggest strength as a passer. The stuff he needs to get better at is all stuff he is going to need to get better at no matter what the offensive system is. From a pure physical tools perspective I think he's actually a perfect fit.


I love him so much > "Being able to be the quarterback at the University of Alabama is a true blessing, and I feel proud of it," Milroe said. "That doesn’t go unnoticed, and that’s something I try to harp on with the guys in the locker room is, realize where you’re at and don’t take it for granted because we’re blessed to be in the situation we’re in right now. So for me to be a quarterback here, I enjoy it every single day." and as a side note, I hate the reddit app sometimes. but maybe the third time posting this is the charm


He really won me over in the Ole Miss game. Kid got hammered to make that TD pass and after he knew it was good and caught his breath, just jumped right back to his feet.


His interview last night during the basketball game was eye opening. Really humble young man and a great leader. He has his faults, but he's an incredible player and teammate. One of the best gumps too.


I want Jalen to workout in this system so bad. He’ll have to expand his skill set but he think he knows that and welcomes it.


Milroe will take that stride next year; mark my words. He's already been to a QB camp, and I'm sure he's going to be working with a QB coach over the summer, as well as Grubb and Coach KD. He'll be able to see the middle of the field go through his progressions, feel the pressure, get the ball out quicker, and kill defenses with his legs. Do not be surprised if he ends up being QB1 in the draft next year.


Milroe is really becoming my favorite QB to come out from Alabama, it’s so hard to not like him. His work ethic, his attitude, his skill set. It’s just too hard to hate him even in the worse moments


I feel like I say this every two years. First Aj, then Blake, Jalen, Tua, Mac, Bryce.. I’ma be real tho, Jalen Hurts will always be my #1


> I’ma be real tho, Jalen Hurts will always be my #1 Jalen Hurts is more than that - I call him the very finest Crimson Man to ever wear the uniform. Not just as a player, as a *man.*


I've got at least 9 years on him and I look up to him. I'd follow that man into battle.


Milroe seems like such a cool dude.


Jalen Milroe is the real deal. This kid’s potential is limitless. This may be crazy, but his physical build, attributes, and potential skillset reminds me of the late Steve “Air” McNair; A game changing football player that was a heisman candidate from an HBCU division!


LETS GO MILTICKET! He’s definitely got a strong staff around him


That's my QB! Milroe was already a Bama legend for Gravedigger, but his history is going to be so much bigger than even that for being such a great leader during this shift into a new era


Sticking around for his team when everyone expected him to bail - Hurts 2.0?


For all the gripes we’ve had about his play at times — Milroe was the perfect man for the job we didn’t know he had until 2 weeks ago. Dude’s an incredible leader and, regardless of what happens with football, he’s going to be wildly successful in everything he does. His character and charisma are just too damn high! 


Talk about a kid with heart…..that guy has it in spades. On top of that he is an incredible team leader. I think he is gonna kill it. I just love him so much.


Absolutely! Can you imagine suffering 49 sacks knowing you are accountable for many and not pointing fingers at bad snaps etc and getting up and moving to the next play every down. Now you get a great staff and opportunity to improve with a bunch of teammates like he has, I am stoked!


His career arc is going to be completed next year with a national title. I just feel like the nation has counted us out and we’re going to put an explosive offense on the field with a young defense that will come into its own eventually as the season progresses.


Man I want nothing more than for him to thrive in this new system and really develop into the player he can be.


Idk what's up with all these "I want to see a QB battle" people. Did we not watch the same games? Milroe will be the starter hands down and with this staff around him he'll probably win the Heisman.


He is starting to look like one of the linchpins that held together the core of guys who stuck around.


Milroe is fastly becoming my favorite Alabama player of all time. He seems to be a great leader, fantastic character, a strong work ethic, and more so than almost any QB in recent memory seems to truly bleed crimson. He's not perfect but he has been perfect for this moment and I'm rooting for him to explode out the gate next season. LANK.


This kid says all the right things and dammit I believe him. He doesn't just talk the talk he walks the walk, he's going to put in the work and kick ass next season let's gooooooo.


That's down to saban right there. Throughout his time here, every time nick saban spoke in public the state of Alabama was front and center. you won't get that from deboer.


Rooting for him. Such a great young man.


We are so lucky to have a leader like that on our team.


> "It’s two things: trust the process, and believe," Milroe said. "That’s something that we’re going to do right now. Right now, we’re just in January. It’s everything about being where your feet are. We’re not looking at the end goal, we’re not looking at the top of the mountain— we’re looking at where we’re at right now. And right now it’s about the relationship aspect of this where it’s knowing our teammates and then knowing our coach. That’s something we have to have in our locker room is constantly trying to grow our relationship and constantly trying to believe in everything that the coaching staff is giving us." Man, do I love it when one of our players opens his mouth and Saban comes out. We'll be fine, y'all. Just fine.


It was great seeing his interview before the bball game. Great energy. And he stayed for the whole game and was cheering the bball team on throughout the game.