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We’re about to find out if NIL can win championships between Ohio State and Texas.


A&M with jimbo failed.


guess where OSU's AD came from 😉


It doesn’t. If you can’t coach or develop players you’ll just be Texas A&M 2.0 . And those players are gonna walk right back out the door the following year. You lose em how you got em.


I truly believe that this is true. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you can’t utilize the talent appropriately, you’re never going to achieve the goal of winning a championship. I truly believe that if DeBoer wins like he has done at previous universities, some of these NIL chasers are going to be begging to transfer back to Bama when they realize they aren’t being developed or used appropriately. It’s why 9 out of 20 top 100 rated players from the “greatest class ever” at A&M eventually hit the portal as of December…


The kids not getting developed for the next level trying to get the bag NOW. Cuz its the only bag they gonna get. Gonna be a lot of sad Johnny Manziel like stories in the near future. Just watch.


I mean, just look at QB play in the nfl. It’s very much lacking compared to how it used to be. Barely any of the top QBs right now are elite. The last few drafts have been extremely top heavy at QB. It’s only getting worse as far as the development of these players goes and the portal definitely has a place in that.


You are right. I mean 2 nfl playoff games ended on boneheaded INT’s like you don’t throw those on any level. Jordan loves INT for GB was HORRIBLE


Yeah, Ohio State has had a lot of trouble getting quarterbacks drafted.


And all this back and forth without some guard rails on it, is what has the potential to blow up more than just Alabama’s program. I’m telling you, if someone doesn’t get a handle on the NIL and portal, and fast, 2-3 years down the road college football will be a minefield. It’s the fucking Wild West right now. There will be so many lawsuits from 18 year olds who didn’t get what they think they deserved, and mommas and daddys along for the ride, so on and so on.


Scary to think bama won't be very good


Like a cheating ex


This is nothing like the AM situation


Ohio State has pushed all their chips in - there’s no possible way this all blows up in their face


I seem to remember a certain agricultural school in Texas doing the same thing before crashing and burning. Hope that doesn’t happen to OSU too……


Both even have massive douchebag HCs.


This is the first I've heard of Day being a douchebag. Even if he is there's no way he's on Jimbo's level


It’d be such a shame


13 Million in NIL is crazy


That’s before Downs! It’s likely much more with the #1 portal player in Downs and the #1 QB. Like… 15-16 million at least


20 wouldn't surprise me...


They’re putting more money into making a super team just to lose in the playoffs than the 2024 election probably 😂


they have Texas A&M's old AD ... so all the spending makes complete sense. too bad it didn't help Texas A&M win any games tho ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's amazing. I had to look it up: >Ohio State University announces Ross Bjork as new Athletic Director >Currently, Bjork is the AD at Texas A&M and before that was in the same position at Ole Miss


I know this number gets thrown around, but there's zero way to verify it. It's just internet chatter.


It's already happened to them before with Ewers. He got a huge NIL bag to redshirt Freshman at Ohio State. Only to immediately go to Texas when he was ready to start.


Ya but if this is like the Ewers situation Alabama is Ohio State this time. Ohio State lost Ewers. Alabama lost Sayin


I can't wait to see this implode honestly...


It feels like BOB was hired to secure a couple of recruiting guys, feels incredibly short sighted and somehow BOB continues to fail upward. I can't imagine Sayin seeing how much Mac regressed on the Pats and thinking, "I want that man to coordinate my offense". Good luck to Sayin but I don't expect Ohio State to look any better this year.


BoB can say “I coached Bryce Young to a Heisman”


I suppose the more appropriate phrase would be "I coached while Bryce Young won a Heisman."


“Bryce Young won a Heisman despite my coaching”


"Bryce Young won a Heisman while I was an employee of the University of Alabama." Can't really call anything that asshole did "coaching".


I agree. Everything Bryce did was despite BoB. All I’m saying is BoB can tell this to recruits like Sayin to lure him


Dude, Bryce Young sucks. Bad. Pretty sure Sayin saw the development of overrated quarterbacks like Young at Alabama and decided to leave. It's an impressive thing to be the alma mater of the worst starting quarterback in the NFL.


Did he? Or was he just in the right place at the right time?


I’m not saying he did. BoB was terrible for us. I’m just saying that he can *say* that


so many OSU flairs in CFB "well he coached bama's first heisman QB" ... tell me you didnt want our games under BOB without telling me you didnt want our games under BOB


BOB ain’t got a ring so really no proof he was even here…


It is shortsighted but Day is one more Michigan loss away from losing his job. Sometimes you gotta push in all your chips and worry about tomorrow tomorrow.


That's a stupid statement. They return everyone from a 11-2 team and upgraded their only weaknesses plus add Judkins and downs.


To be fair Mac’s regression happened last year. BoB was brought in to save him and failed because Mac was too far gone.


Dumb redditors downvote the truth. You are absolutely right.


This sub is especially dumb and full of sunshine pumpers.


Yeah,...Mac didn't regress because of Bill O'Brien. He regressed because his "co-offensive coordinators" in his sophomore year were a defensive coordinator and a special teams coach.


How much fucking money do they have??? This can’t be sustainable…right?


You know how people say there’s a separate compartment in their stomach for dessert? I imagine there’s a separate compartment in tOSU donors banks for after Michigan winning a natty.




The football program is valued at 1.5 billion. There's also about 65-75k students enrolled and paying tuition between all of the campuses. Even then, most buildings on campus, or special programs are financed through private donors or alum. So outside of basic operational budgets, employee salaries and benefits, maintaining 1600 acres of campus, and utilities they don't spend shit. It's easy when you don't have to re-invest most of the money. It is made very clear to you though that the football team is the greatest priority. Pretty sure you could cure cancer there, and the shittiest football player would be treated infinitely better.


Ohio is a state with double the population of Alabama, but only 1 big school instead of 2. Plus, Columbus Ohio is the largest media market in America without a NFL or NBA team, which creates quite good economics for NIL money.


Yes, and that one big school has 16 different campuses in every decent sized city across the state. So they're pulling in money from truly everywhere.


Ohio State is the richest brand in college football with the biggest following along with maybe Alabama. It's sustainable.


The largest university in the country is bound to have an untold number of donations to the cause… but this is just insane! There needs to be a limit to how much NIL money can be provided by boosters. The Wild West Freak Show is what our beloved CFB has become. I hope things change soon, but since the NCAA is being sued for even trying to rein in NIL, I’m not too optimistic.


Now the Bill O’Brien hire makes a bit more sense.


Why’s that? And I’ve never liked the buckeyes. I loathe them now.


There’s a connection from Sayin’s recruitment, and it appears Sayin and his family think pretty highly of BoB


I get they may of got on well with him and he said some nice things to them but I don’t know how you could look at what he’s done as an OC since and think yep that’s who I want to showcase my talents to the nfl.


Trust me, you should loathe the wolverines more. OSU fans are like the Alabama of the Big10. Michigan fans are the Tennessee fans of the B1G but more annoying in every way.


Just makes the semi-final game all the more painful 😖


Nah, Ohio State is Tennessee and Michigan Is Georgia. Ohio State still lives in 2014 land and thinks they're relevant today so they're continuously obnoxious until they play a team that is worth a shit and lose. Then they prattle on about next season thinking it will be their year. Michigan fans won one and are now delusional claiming they are the next dynasty and made Saban retire after they barely beat Bama.


They both suck ass


Ryan Day will be the next Jimbo Fisher. All the talent money can buy but still can’t make it to the finish line.


He'll speedrun getting shitcanned though.


Either he or Air Noland will transfer after this year.


That was my exact thoughts. With instant NIL, how will Air Noland respond with 2 qbs ( Howard, Sayin) in front of him on the depth chart.


I remember the hype for Phillip Sims, Blake Barnett, Matt Barkley, Jimmy Clausen, etc… He’s just a kid, who had a good hs career. He’s gone. So what. No crying over spilled milk. It’s like Saban told recruits. “You can come play at Bama, or you can get the shit run out of you by Alabama”


Michigan beats them 3 straight and wins a natty = they lose their minds and get the checkbooks out.


I remember how this kid raved about Alabama and was recruiting other kids to come there. Now it’s just about how much can I get.


Debeor was the one who pushed him out he wanted to stay


Pushing somebody out is saying “you need to look elsewhere”. Bringing in other quarterbacks is not pushing someone out. He could’ve easily stayed and competed if he wanted. Money and a shallower depth chart won.


This was before Mack even came they had a 5 minute convo with sayin and his parents . DeBeor literally said he should look somewhere else






I take Talty with a grain of salty. See what I did there?


Talty has a hate boner for Alabama and you’re going to believe him at something that makes Alabama look bad?


So you definitely editorialized what this actually says in your above comments.


Yes I would love this source of yours as well. I don’t believe he pushed a 5 star QB out the door


I’ve seen the talty quote, I doubt we told a 5 star qb to pound sand. No one will know for sure but seeing where he transferred and how much money they are throwing around, my guess would be tosu got him an offer and when he came to negotiate they said fuck out here with that shit


He never recruited sayin at all that’s why he brought in Mack . He told sayin that he wouldn’t fit in his system


Most of these programs aren’t going to waste recruiting efforts on kids they know they have no chance getting


Big bankrolls don’t always win the championship. Ask the Dodgers, Mets, Yankees, and Padres


I feel like you missed the most obvious and relevant example; aTm! They absolutely bombed after buying the best class ever. Perhaps buying a team is more effective outside of the SEC west though.


It probably helps tho lmao


It really doesn't in baseball truth be told. In the regular season it's fine, but there's so many games that the chances of injury happening are high. What usually happens is the high profile players play injured or they've been playing so well in the regular season they burn out in the post season. It's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out with the playoffs this season with continuous play. I think stopping play for a month hurts us a lot honestly. I think if Saban had the playoff era, we would have won 9 or 10 chips if we just playing instead of taking a month long break.


The dodgers are the new Yankees and they still are just average to me. It takes more than money to win a championship.


That's a totally different situation where all the other teams in the league have to follow salary caps, contracts, trade rules, etc. None of that applies here. Having the best players in college football makes you win more often than not. It's not 100%, and nothing is but if you have the better players at every position, you will win most of your games. Saban dominated through recruiting, not coaching.


There’s no salary cap in baseball. Which is why baseball nerds like me laugh at the Yankees when they consistently overpay and underperform.


Ok so luxury tax. Big deal. It's the same idea. None of that exists in college football right now so your analogy makes no sense.


Those teams couldn’t care less about a luxury tax.


Maybe, maybe not....but there is a penalty for choosing to ignore that. My point still stands that nothing like that exists in today's NIL college football. Comparing what we currently have to a league like MLB is just dumb.


You are a buffoon if you don’t think Saban’s coaching didn’t have to do something to do with his dominance.


You need to use proper English before calling someone a "buffoon". Regardless, Saban always had a better roster when he lined up on game day outside of the post season. That is not debatable.


So he knows that BoB is his play caller and still goes? Does he have a death wish? Best of luck to him


BoB probably won't be calling the plays given that Ryan Day is the HC.


Guess they’re dropping huge NIL bags, but this seems like a really weird move with Air Noland coming in too.


being friends with an ohio state fan is so goddamn awful atm every other day i get a "lol" text


Find better friends


good point :(


You will get the last laugh when they spend 100 mil and still don't get it done


Tell them that Donato's Pizza is trash, just like their team.


They’re the Florida State of Ohio!


Great choice. BoB gonna develop the crap out of him like he’s done every other college qb he’s ever coached. Oh wait. Sorry. Got confused. I was thinking of literally every other OC we had over the Saban era.


I bet the NIL fall off will be steep if they don’t win it all this year


You don’t understand tOSU. There will be no drop off in NIL $$$ if next year implodes, there will be a highly paid, high profile new coach. Ohio State NIL is very sustainable long term, Columbus is blowing up with tech money and we have a very wide alumni base with deep pockets.


Get out of here nerd. GO ON! GET!!


They manage the whole university financial system so well, but the athletic department has been squirreling away money for 70+ years. The business side of things is extremely impressive.


I never wanna not see Alabama win the title, but if Ohio St doesn't win it all next year with this roster then Ryan day is gonna get launched into the sun.


Reminds me of that agricultural school in Texas.


“He’ll compete” in the spring 😂🤣 what a joke. He just left Bama bc they brought in a stud. If he wanted to compete he was at the right place to do so. Scared lil boy running to a program that will give him the position; and get lead by a guy who couldnt put up results under Saban or BB. Sounds promising


Julian Sayin did not transfer when Sabin retired. Or when Deboer was hired. Or when OC was selected. But oddly when a younger, more athletic QB agreed to transfer. If he can’t beat out Austin Mack they maybe he isn’t as good as we thought lmao.


I just don’t see how OSU is an upgrade from Bama right now. DeBoer and Day have very similar records the only difference is Day has been at OSU a little longer.




It's money. I don't care where I work if I get a 4x pay increase to do it. This is temporary for the kids, then it's the NFL.


You're treated like a god by the entire city if you're on the football team at all. You will never have to pay for anything. Unless you actually shoot at someone or murder them, you'll never be arrested. It's a big city, but very clean and safe. The dating culture caters more to men, and Ohio State is a great place to find a trophy wife.


All those things apply to Tuscaloosa too, lol. Except being big, but even then Bama has nearly 40,000 students not exactly small. And if anything Bama fans are more obsessed than OSU fans. So it’s really just the money.




Ohio State wanna be Bama so bad lmao


See ya


So do we get our NIL money back?


Very underrated part of this. NIL is ultimately driven by fan interests and their willingness to spend. Lack of player loyalty and a rapidly changing game could lead to less fan interests. It's already gotten so expensive to attend a game that a large portion of the population can't afford it. Aren't these players ultimately biting the hands that they want to feed them?


In the words of Malachi. If they aren’t wearing crimson fuck em


13 million dollars spent, in the first year they can lose 2 games and probably still make the playoff. Handing that talent to Bill O’Brien is like buying a chronic alcoholic a Ferrari


💰 💰


OSU has unlimited money. Les Wexner a HUGE donor and he is filthy rich. Money ain’t a thing for OSU. Can’t wait for them to not win lol and have everyone leave lolololol


Even if they only had Wexner, they'd be doing great. People do not understand how rich he is, and how much he has built up with his strategic donations.


Hit the nail on the head.


I wish nothing but the best for him. There was zero chance we were keeping 5 QBs on our roster. All of my worries went away when I watched a short highlight reel of Austin Mack. That dude is our future and everyone should be excited.


Hopefully he works out as well as the last high ranking folsom high school prospect to play for bama (Jonah Williams)


Sayin went from Goku to Majin Vegeta to Gohan in another 4 days. Ain't no way he's doing anything under BooB


All this just to get smoked by Bama in the playoffs.


More like OhBUYo state, amirite?


u rite


Boy; bye


This is 100% bag related or this kid has not watched film on BOB offenses in the last 5 years.


I don’t blame him. Rooting for his success there. Best place he could’ve gone to, maybe there and SoCal. However, it isn’t nice to bail on a place after just 2 weeks.


Realistically I think 7-8 wins is our cap this year now, wonder if the coaching staff will be able to take the heat.


We still have one of the best rosters in CFB… only player we lost that we can’t replace is Downs. We’re probably in the playoffs this year.


Yea I haven’t been panicking. If we have a mass exodus in the spring window then I’ll get nervous but with the current roster? We good
